Monday 21 October 2024

4 New Git Improvements in Visual Studio 2022

>> Everyone. Thank you so much for joining us as I share all of the latest updates for the Git tooling in 17.10GA as well as the 17.11 preview releases. Let's just jump into it. I've got some changes that I've made in this file and you can see that by the green indicator here. I'm ready to commit these changes. Now, you might have seen in previous releases we created this AI generated commit message. If I go ahead and give that a clip, what that's going to do is Copilot is going to take a look at all of the diffs that I've generated in the set of changes between my previous commit and my current one. It's going to describe those changes. Now we got a lot of feedback in the previous release that this description was a little tube verbose and maybe added some extra bullet points that we didn't need. We definitely took that feedback cleaned up the front and gave you better responses so that now you have a clear title and a description. Now with those changes, we actually increase the amount of people that were answering those suggestions and finding them helpful, so we're really proud of that change. I'll go ahead and commit that. Then if I go ahead and push it, what you'll see is an info bar showing up at the top coming in right here and that's going to let us know that we've got this option to create a pull request either in Visual Studio or in the browser. Now the create pull request page is not brand new, but we did make tons of updates based off of all of the feedback that we got from the Team. Now that we have the new pull request page, we're going to go ahead and add a title. You might have noticed a new update here is that I was able to get the template from my repo auto populated in here and these are going to be the default templates from either GitHub or Azure DevOps. This allows me to be consistent with my Team, be compliant with my Team's practices. If for example, my team doesn't have a template and I wanted to get a first draft of my pull request description, make sure I did miss any changes that are covered in this pull request. I could go ahead and use this AI generated PR description which works exactly the same as the comment description so it gives me a super easy starting point when I want to add that. Finally, I can also create these pull requests as a draft and these were another set of the highest level feedback that we got from the customers when we created this feature. Additionally, if you're using Azure DevOps, you'll see an additional area in the related item section that allows you to link those items so that you don't have to do that in the web. I won't show that here because this is a GitHub example but keep that in mind that was another highly requested feedback item. Now I'm done creating my pull request, and I'll go ahead and I'll switch branches to show you another new example. This feature is something I'm really excited about. If you're anything like me when you create a pull request item, it can be really annoying to actually address those comments. You have to open up Azure DevOps or GitHub in the browser and then you have to map all of the locations of those comments and changes back to the code. That is just a lot of time taken switching context between the two. But now, you can see this easy info bar that says show comments in files. If I click that, I actually get to see all of my pull request comments directly in the editor. This not only gives me the ability to cut out that context switching, but I get all of the benefits of being in my favorite IDE. For example, I'll share some really quick editor tips that are brand new. I'll show you I can use the new auto surround feature that allows me to just highlight a bit of text and then click on the quotation mark and that surrounds that text with the quotation and adds it on the beginning and the end. Previously, if I were to do that, it would have erased the text that I had highlighted. This is a super quality of life improvement. Then if I finish those off, I'll have addressed this comment by my colleague that mentioned that I didn't use the correct quotations and so it wasn't going to render correctly. Now I have that edit and I'm ready to resolve that comment. Now that I have resolved that comment, I can move on to my next one and it looks like I had the wrong png file here. I'll go ahead and I'll update that to be the correct file. Now, I have quickly resolved and acted on these two comments. I didn't have to map back and forth between the comments in the browser and in my editor. The last thing I wanted to share is an improvement to your Git history flow. For example, if folks didn't use our handy commit sage feature, they might not have included enough context in their commit to actually help you understand what happened in a given block of code. If I go ahead and open an example here, now I'm in the commit details view and code refactoring is helpful to know what happened. But if I don't want to go through all of the different files, I can actually click on this explained button and that's going to take the same algorithm that we use to grab all of the diffs and describe those, and give me a better description including references to the files that change the lines that change so that I can get a better overall view and I don't have to go through and understand exactly what happened by looking through the diffs by themselves. This just gives me a better overview and I get more information than I would have just from the code commit message by itself. Those were all of the features that I wanted to share. Thank you so much for joining us today. I hope you found some cool new Git tooling features that you're going to leverage in your everyday workflows.

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