Monday 21 October 2024

ASP.NET Core 2.2

hi my name is Glenn Condren I'm a program manager on the team and today we're going to talk about some of the cool features coming up in a bit in their core 2.2 we're going to specifically talk about a few of the features we have that build together really nicely in order to help you build api's api is everywhere most of your applications probably have a couple floating around and so in 2.2 we really wanted to focus on making that experience better so we're gonna talk about api's our analyzers and our conventions and we're going to talk about health checks as well and so bringing a little bit of cloud native micro services in here and then at the end we'll have some links to where you can get started where you can find more information and where you can see a demo app that kind of shows off every feature that we talked about plus a lot more that we that we won't have time for today so let's get started with some demos so here we have an core API project what it is is this is its kin this is a startup class and all we do is we add MVC we say that we're using the 2.2 version compatibility switches we add some swagger if you're not using swagger swagger is a way to kind of document your api's and show other people that other people consume your API eyes and knowing the sorts of things that your API does it describes it it tells everybody about the things that you're going to return and the things they can do with your API then we add an ended identity framework here with this section of code and in this case we're also starting to use this net topology suite which is the beginnings of using a new feature in AF core 2.2 their spatial types we don't talk about it much but it is a feature that you can check out if you're interested in and then at the end here we add the necessary services to be able to do health checks in asp net core 2.2 which we'll talk about a lot more later so to begin with here let's open up the browser now I have the browser open to my application running and it is hitting the swagger slash wagga endpoint right if we go back to our startup CS just here we say add us this in this line of code adds this wagon endpoint that I'm hitting that displays swagger UI and what swagger UI lets you do is describes your applique it shows you me the end points that I have in my app but it describes the models that my application can return so in this case I have a solutions at places controller it has a get that returns a list of all the places that I have in my database and has it get by an ID which returns a specific place and then if we look at the swagger UI for that then it has the places I can try it out I can execute this and it returns me a list of places from my database here in the browser so I can test out my API and I can also try it out by passing in a parameter now we're gonna say let's execute one now if you look up here in my dataset I don't actually have my IDs of goods so there's not gonna be a one and that's interesting because the UI says that the only things that this API could respond with is 200 okay but we know that's not true because right here it's returning a 400 and it's returning this type some type here which is not documented in any way in our swagger now the reason for that is that in order for the code that generates the swagger document from my code to know what my API does I need to give it some attributes so in here you need to add more information telling the swagger generator what stuff it does so into 2 we added some stuff to try and make that easier and we did that by having a package but i'm going to uncomment here this is asp net core MVC api analyzers what these do is kind of augment your tooling experience to let you know when you're doing things that aren't documented and so if I build my project now with this new package ref and I come down here and I look at my warnings you'll see I have this action method returns an undeclared status code 404 and if I go into my actual method then what I see is return not found has a squiggly line and it has a squiggly line because I'm not documenting the fact that I'm returning this not found and so if I control dot on this it'll say hey let me add all the attributes that it looks like you're doing here and it's saying okay you're going to return the 200 you go through 10 to 404 and you're going to do this producers default response type so if we just do that we control dot and then save a file then if we head back over here to our swagger endpoint then what we'll see is that we now have this new model this problem details model which is another feature that we added in to two problem details are basically a type that we will return that describes what ask what went wrong when something bad happens or when something that when you don't tell us to return something else will return a problem details when there are problems it's just a structured way of giving information back to people who aren't humans necessarily so you could parse this and you could understand it when you're writing a client that talks to this API so now it now that we've added those attributes the swagger doc you the swagger document now knows that we could return to 404 we could return a 200 we could return default right it's pretty cool you get some good this just gives you hints it gives you help when you start doing stuff but adding all of these attributes to every one of your API is this kind of kind of adds a lot more boilerplate code to your controller and we like to try and avoid that so over here in our program CS we can see us another feature that we added - - - which is the concept of API conventions so with an API Convention what it's saying is what this is saying is add to this whole assembly an API Convention type of default API conventions we ship this type and you can ship your own if you wanted to you could have this code in here with any type that you want that implements this stuff and if we go to the definition of this type we can see it has a lot of Method declarations with a lot of attributes and so if we look at our get 1 because that's what we've been live been looking at then this says name match prefix so this is saying any methods in my application to start with get and have an ID have something with an ID suffix so this could be you know place ID or something like that then apply these attributes to it dosent default attributes because if you've got to get that accepts an ID you probably get a return of 404 when that ID doesn't exist yoram generally going to return a 200 when that does when it is there and we know we're gonna do the default response type stuff because that's what that's what we do now into two so now without any attributes in my controller if I go back to my swagger document and hit the same endpoint then I'll be able to see the same thing that we just saw where I'll be able to go to places go to places ID now I have this 200 I has documented that I've done a for f4 it's documented that I've got a default so if you are following some patterns or guidelines within your organization that either are the same as the ones that we ship or different but a fairly consistent or you want them to be consistent this is a really good way for you to get reminders and hints and help around getting just the right things into your app now one thing that your one thing is that we do not give you warnings and squigglies if you give us give more information than what you return so it's not a warning from the analyzers point of view if you say that you returned a 404 but there's no code that we can tell to actually do it that's us walking the line because sometimes it can be difficult to know exactly what you do and we believe that over specifying information is better is is good it's okay but under specifying is really bad so we want to give you help to under 4 when you're under specifying but we're not really worried when you go when you say more than what you're actually gonna do okay so then the other feature that we saw you know startup CS was health checks so this is a new feature that we added specifically around building using load balances deploying to things like kubernetes using the power of a clouds like you like using ah sure or or one of the other clouds so and the reason for that is you frequently want to be able to ask your application are you okay should I send traffic to you should I restart you and you can do that today you could make a controller you could put an endpoint on it you could make it that controllers job to report the health of your application but that's a fairly common pattern and you writing the code to check all of your dependencies potentially it can be can be some time consuming so we wanted to just remove that from something that you needed to think about so we have a service you could add this health check service this gives you a service that you can consume in your application like any other service that's added to the DI system so you can go manually invoke this to check whether you're healthy within your app if you wanted to and then we also add this dbcontext check so what this is going to do is if I ask the health check system are you healthy if it cannot connect to the database that this context is configured to talk to it will say no I am NOT healthy if it can talk to it then he will say yes I am healthy and what that lets us do is we have this middleware you can add to your application saying app don't use health checks / ready in this case and what that means is if I go to slash ready in my application then it says healthy because I have a docker container running on my machine that's running sequel server and my application is communicating with them if I was to go and stop that container then it would return unhealthy right makes sense so this is interesting and it's valuable for things like if I was going to load balance to this application I was gonna have several instances of it and I was going to put say and as a traffic manager or any load balancer in front of those several instances and then route traffic to them say on geographical location maybe you want to deploy an application to several regions of the world and you want you want to prefer the locations that are closer to any customer that's going to come to you well you need an endpoint that your load balancer can know don't send traffic to this one because it's now down and in order this let you do that you just tell the load balancer the slash Radio endpoint is going to be the one that you hit in order to tell whether or not this app or API is ready and we are going to use that now what this where this also becomes really powerful is if you have a file that looks like this guy this is a kubernetes configuration file then just here we have the concept of a readiness probe now a readiness probe in kubernetes means that if this prove there's two things that it will do very importantly so let's talk about them in order if you're doing a deployment you're deploying a new version of a service that you have running in kubernetes and the readiness probe never says that it's ready that never returns a success or 200 then the deployment doesn't continue it just sits there and waits for somebody to resolve whatever that problem was so for example if you add a new dependency to your API and you forget to deploy that dependency as part of your deployment but you do add it to the health check system for the ready endpoint this will be caught right and we all know and you won't be able to actually finish that deployment the other thing that already readiness probes do in communities is you can't they will not route any traffic to you just like a normal load balancer scenario we talked about if this area ever returns false so super powerful from cuba Nettie's it plays into what is built in here the other concept that kubernetes has is a liveness probe so in here we could do so we could write liveness probe and we could do exactly the same thing that we just did we could do a hasty to beget and we could add anew them another path now generally what we want here is we don't want to do the same exact path we don't really want to say slash ready because the difference here is that when a liveness probe returns unhealthy crimini restarts it so we really want a different set of checks to be available on ready versus liveness versus ready and so you what we were the way that you would do that is in your arc in your startup CS you would add a second use health checks middleware in here and you would name all of your checks and then in your in your options we use health checks middleware then you would only run the ones that made sense so you can interview where you can add a new health check options in here and then you can configure how that works and you can name when adding health checks you can name them and you can add tags to them in a future version which will let you tag health checks and then only execute subsets of them for when you want to do the different tasks but we expect readiness to be like the main line the one that the vast majority of people need in all sorts of scenarios and liveness is interesting as well when you're in other places where somebody is monitoring you and wants to reset you and so the last thing that we should mention is you noticed over here in the CS proj I have this new asp net core hosting model up here and says in process now in process asp net core hosting means that when running in IRS you should see significant performance improvements because of us running within the IRS process instead of it as today we start up a second process and we send all the traffic over so those of you using ia yesterday with core should get some pretty significant perf improvements by by switching to this model and yeah that's all of our demos today ok thanks for watching these demos here's a few links to help you learn more and get started this first link here is how you can download all of the pieces you need to be able to run core 2.2 and dotnet 2.2 we have a link here to a demo to a sample app with all these demos came from so on github you can send pull request log issues talk about it ask about it it's there as a resource for everybody to learn and it is really supposed to be about learning not about like you know shipping it to production so it has lots of stuff but it shows off all of our features really well and then that will these last couple of links are our blogs almost nothing that I talked about today would be a surprise if you had been following along reading the announcements we show code we talk about roadmaps we can be posted we post there fairly regularly so if you want to follow along in the future then check those out and read some more and thank you for watching have a great Kinect

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ASP.NET Core 2.2

hi my name is Glenn Condren I'm a program manager on the team and today we're going to talk about some of the ...