Wednesday 23 October 2024

Async Debugging Part 3

>> We talked about why debugging asynchronous code is hard, we've also talked about asynchronous call stacks, and now we have reached the main event and we're actually going to talk about all the cool tools that you can use in Visual Studio to debug your asynchronous applications on this episode of Visual Studio Toolbox. [MUSIC] >> Hey everyone, welcome to another episode of Visual Studio Toolbox. I'm your host, Leslie Richardson, and we are closing out our mini-series on asynchronous debugging by talking about how to actually debug your async code in Visual Studio. Joining me once again is Isadora Rodopoulos on Visual Studio Debugging Team. Welcome back. >> Hello Leslie, nice to be back. >> Sweet. In part 1, we talked about why asynchronous code is hard to bug, in part 2, we introduced the different kinds of call stacks that you need to consider in regards to workflow with asynchronous code. This time we're actually going to demo some stuff in Visual Studio, which I'm really excited to see. >> Yeah. We finally have some hands-on experience on what it actually looks like debugging our async call with Visual Studio. >> That is great. >> Yeah. Here I have so the famous app, an example that I have been talking about in the previous sessions, I have it here. It's an actual app and it's basically My Song Finder. It's basically able to find a particular song in my Spotify account according to the lyrics. I just want to walk you through that. As you can see here, I have something very similar to the code that we have seen before, which is basically the playlist. It's trying to find the song asynchronously, and then I have effects, and then for each task, I'm getting the lyrics. This is everything we have seen before. I just want you to do some hands-on experience. We can actually see the famous, furloughs specs fast enough. I will try here, I have a playlist which is called Monday Morning. This is just my Monday Morning songs. Then I can just prepare the lyrics for something which is like try again. It's just the song that I love and I want to know which song it is because I forgot the name, I just know how to sing it. >> I never remember the names of the songs. >> Yeah. The first thing I just need to login to my account so I can be sure that I can actually look it up. That just takes some time. Then I'm just going to login to my account sooner than later. It also authenticates with Genius and Spotify. You can see here that I'm now logged in. Then now I am actually able to search for it so I can just click "Search", and then as you've seen before, it's looking up song. It's trying to look up this particular song. Then we have a responsive UI that unfortunately is not working. What could I do? I could do a break call and just try to understand why that is the case. Why exactly I couldn't find any song and I was just stuck there awaiting for something. >> Your screen is ever helpful. >> You have a very classical, not helpful, but the application is in break modes, but we're not exactly sure why or how. All of we have is just this. Then I can try looking for the call stack. I don't have anything very helpful either. Each one has their own workflow, but you can try looking from the trends here. Let's see the main front, maybe that'll help. Then it's not helping. There's a WPF app, so I just have WPF stuff. It's just running. It's just nothing that I'm interested in looking. An option here would be maybe I can try opening the specs window just looking for the effects because I'm using async debugging. I can go here and debug. Then I can go to Windows and then barrel specs and then I can go here for effects. Then basically what I'll see it's just the effects that are currently executing. I don't really care for any of the code. This is nothing that I'm looking at. If I just miss any external code, I can see that any of these code, it's not any of the code that I wrote. >> Yeah, it's not helping. >> Yeah. It's basically not helpful at all as we have seen before, which is basically just the mainframe pooling UI operations. That's it. I don't have anything here that might help. I don't know what I'm doing, what I'm waiting on. I would just be doomed if I didn't know any other async debugging tools. I don't know. >> It could work. >> Ecxept that we know we can go here and then switch to tasks. Then suddenly we have all this information and we have code that is ours and we can actually recognize. Here it's quite small, but one of the things that I really enjoy about this, is just being able to search for stuff. For example, I know that we have playlist. It's the name of the class, so I can just search for that, then it'll look for any of the frames with the playlist. That's one way that if you were just seeing a lot of tasks and you just want to start, you just to do Control F, I do it all the time and I always iterate back and forth with tasks and friends. >> Yeah, that's so useful. The parallel stacks window have so many different task continuation blocks, and it's just like, where do you start with that? That's a lot going on. >> Yeah, especially because this is a simple app. It has a small scope, but if you're dealing with huge dumps, which usually are every day. Oh, my God, it's so much. I do enjoy filtering as much as I can and contracts so great for that. >> [inaudible] >> Here, we have what we call the async logical sense. See what I mentioned before each of these mocks are real frame. For example, if I go here to playlists and try and find song, suddenly I'm on the actual code. I'm here at the try find song async, and I have this nice constant here,. >> You have async in brackets, so for. >> Yeah. >> Calls back. >> What we can see here it's that waiting for a multiple tasks because it went, Oh. This is actually a graph. If you look here, we have one task, which is the one for try find song async, because that's async. Then here we actually have four different tasks because we have four songs in that playlist and for each song we are looking for the lyrics. We have some graph here that they are all continuing inside that same method. Here, this is Async. If you look here for the Fred for example, it's not a real friend, is async call stack. That's a virtual friends. It's not real like it's fake. It's made up. It's all because we are in state machine. Yeah. We can see all the fields here. Let's say that I want to look for some of the songs and tried to figure out because we do know that we are hanging, but we get to the point where you fetch the songs and we are fetching the lyric now. Let's say we are fetching the lyrics here. Then I can basically select which one I want to look at. Let's say I want to the first task. I can go for a here and then suddenly I can even pin this. Then I have the artists. >> Frequently in the [inaudible] >> Yeah I love how this. >> Was anymore companies. >> I love it. >> You have here the artists and the name and if you just look for all their tasks, you can see that they change. Suddenly, I have all of these other songs and they are all just fetching their lyrics, and this is a very nice way to just differentiate them. You can also see here that we have the cost right here. You have the try find song async, so for each of these tasks that's if they are existing on each of their own front. Even though they're actually all state machine so it's technically alive but's marking. >> But just make it more understandable. >> Yes. So we can actually go and actually debug this code because we know we're hanging, so I can just use here the Tasks View and then Fetch Lyrics Async and then this is the top of the stack, so I know this is something that it's been waiting on something, and here it looks like I'm awaiting for this reach your async, so it's basically waiting for the web request operation. Because I did implement my own service for just acquiring the lyrics and caching them that database and blah blah blah with Genius and that has been provided here by the local host. Then I basically have this endpoint here, and what's happening is that for some reason that requests does never seem to be returned. We are all forever waiting for the get response. Since, I already know how this thing works, I can just take a closer look at this particular method and notice that here I should not be parsing the song id, but rather I should be parsing the song path because song also has the path variable. That's one looks like a chart. >> Poor little things. >> Yeah. That's actually what it looks like for the Genius, so I could just stop debugging this and then I can just see if that actually fix this or if I can actually get something. Again, I'm just reviewing and restarting my WPFF >> That's so great because the parallel stacks for tasks tool did exist, it has existed for a while, but it was never that buffed up as much as it is now. >> Yes. Essentially, because we have worked so hard with augmenting into integrating and making sure things work for different scenarios so for as log for WPF. >> So exciting to say this in trial and error. So it means if I find the one little property that you got wrong. >> Yes. It has so many tricky scenarios, so we are always welcoming if a new users have tricky scenarios like, "Oh, I can not figure this out." It's always interesting maybe, it's something that we need to implement to cover it as well. Any feedback is always so very welcome, we do use it and it's very useful for us. >> Sweet. We actually read your feedback. >> Yeah. We do read them all, developer community I'm always there. >> Once every other week I'm on browsing spree. >> Yes. >> Sweet. >> I think you are a back. See if we can built. >> Now I have my fix in place, so I'm very hopeful for my Monday morning, and then just try again, and I'm already logging because I cashed my previous logging. >> Awesome. >> Then if I just search, then we would just be anxious for a couple of seconds and wait if that's going to work or not, and then it's just fetching from within all the songs in my playlist is trying to find the song that I'm looking at. >> Fingers crossed. >> Then we go. It's the Hunter and Hunter opening. >> I was [inaudible] >> Yes. You just try again and that's the song and then it's called Departure and I just know it's Hunter Hunter opening, so now I know there is Departure. >> Most of my playlist on Spotify are just video games, movie soundtracks like animated soundtracks. >> Just one last thing that I want to go over here is that, just something that I like about this feature though, is if I add a breakpoint here, what we're zooming is that next time that we hit this particular path here, it's actually going to be running on a friend. Why? Because it's a breakpoint. We just hit right in the spot and say you're executing. You can see that it also changes the wise likely, because suddenly we have this icon here basically saying that it's currently being executed and we also have some functionality so we can actually go to the front, and then it's just going to switch to the front view as well. >> That's convenient. >> Yes. >> When Visual Studio response is convenient. No worries it happens. Demo shy, but I think having that ability to swap between the task view versus the front view is really helpful. >> Really? >> Yeah. The breakpoint is great, it definitely gives slightly different experience, but it's hard when you don't even know where to put the breakpoint to begin with, so having those easy tools like the parallel stacks tool in place is really nifty. >> Yes. I do love all the helpers such as the Control F or just there's some other things as well where you're actually able to save the parallel task view as an image, so you can actually just look it through and just share it if it's a huge one with your coworkers. So we can actually try to debug it together with someone else. >> That's awesome. Sweet. That was really great, and this was such a cool start to finish to look at how asynchronous debugging works and how async code works in general. I feel more comfortable and confident about being able to diagnose my asynchronous related problems. Hopefully at least you too. But if they want to learn more, where should they go? >> If they want to learn more, I have some resources that I share so they can actually look through them. There's a lot of talks and some talks very lively that they can also check it out and just walk through all of that or just a communication or there is things that they can find out about async and I recommend going through all of them, they are very useful. >> Awesome. Thank you so much Isa for the very thorough breakdown of how asynchronous code works and how to debug it. I think a lot of people will find this to be a lifesaver. >> Oh yeah. [inaudible] we now have a debugger Tweeter account. >> Oh yeah. >> Yeah. You should go there and give us- >> We will post that below because I can't remember the tag right now, but I'm so glad that that got revived. >> No [inaudible]. >> Sweet. Thank you once again, everybody. Thank you Isa, for joining us, this was really informative and I hope everyone has a better experience debugging their asynchronous code from here on out. Until next time, happy coding. [MUSIC]

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