Monday 21 October 2024

.NET today and tomorrow

excited because right over here in the back we have Scott hunter and Mike harsh with Beth masse I want you to grill them all about dotnet let's go to that right now hey guys this is Beth and I am the product marketing manager for dotnet and I'm here with Mike and Scott you guys want to induce yourselves sure Mike are Sean Matt GPM on the windows platform team it's got Hunter the director of p.m. on team all right so we had some amazing net announcements today didn't we indeed okay so I think the number one on hacker news all day has been the open sourcing of WPF win forms and when you eyes ammo library yeah what is that thing okay so yes it's being trending on one spot on hacker news all day which has been awesome that's I think there's like 25 comments already so it's been awesome to see so there's been some comments on Twitter to some folks have talked about what is the story with uwp why is that not being open source so there's a little bit of naming confusion and so I just want to straighten that out a little bit so windows UI sam'l is the official name what we're calling the UI stack that's in uwp so the UI that you know is in built into Windows for the UW PE program model we're calling windows UI sam'l that name is actually reused that is the the name of the new gate control package that we released a build and that is what was the first part of Windows a sam'l it was open source today that will be the project on github that we eventually put all of the windows UI controls and the rest of the windows UI sam'l framework into and so timing wise that will you know kind of happen throughout 2019 okay gotcha so so not everything is open right away but whereas we make more code available in the company much the primary thing ever leave the controls today what's what's available is a set of the controls and the things that are in the windows UI library the good package today those are all open sourced and then we're gonna be rapidly adding more controls to that and then a little more slowly but still hopefully in the next year all of the rest of the framework so the app layout self will actually be there as well yeah and we know the layout engines all of the data binding all of the things that make a UI framework or UI framework not just controls awesome and I know this was like one one really big ask from the commune so it's really nice to see this happened today so really exciting do we already have pull requests and everything actually so there's some really interesting discussion I've been paying a lot of attention to the WinForms repo so I I'm kind of I should admit I I started my first job at Microsoft in 2000 was as a p.m. on the WinForms team so I worked there for about six years so I have a lot of a lot of passion for the wind-borne space and so I've been really staying attention very close to that that repo today and there was a I think two really interesting discussions I mean Oren had the first boy request that Scott did on stage that was really cool to see one kind of spontaneous thing that happened the community today was some of the icons so the wind forms had to work all the way down to Windows 98 and Windows 8 didn't have a built-in hand icon okay and so there was a hard-coded resource and that meant that you always got the hard cut resources and if they changed system you didn't get the new ones and so there was a pull request to say why don't we update this and I use the hard-coded one anymore because you know done that quest really works down to Windows 7 obviously Windows an idea hasn't been supported for a minute and so that that was a pretty cool thing to see and then there's this other thing called a task dialogue which is uh it's a Windows feature it's like a super message box and there was basically a discussion around adding a new class for that to both WinForms and WPF so you can get kind of a super message box so it's already like the community is kicking in good things are happening well okay so let's talk a little bit about done at core three and it's supporting WPF and WinForms it's pretty cool too right yes why what's the big benefits that of that Scott what do we get when dotnet core was created the the it was meant to solve some of the problems we've learned over the years building done in framework the primary one being I'm sorry for my my boy you're sick as a dog um the primary one being how many done your frameworks can you have one mission so you know we technically support two today dotnet core - have you done it framework - and I'm a 4 X 3 5 is actually a variant of - so there's always been only 2 versions on on a Windows machine at a time so what have benefits sheet with core is obviously you can have as many cores side by side by side as you want no longer you have to worry about risking an application breaking because of framework changes I think and you know we don't try to break anybody's applications but the reality is fixing a bug maybe you depend on a bugging you don't know you depend on a bug that happens I mean stuff just happens we want to give customers more control another cool thing you get without in a core is you don't even have to depend on a framework being on the machine you'll be able to actually take your winform WPF application compile it down to a single eggsy that is self contained contains the framework your application all of those things and I think what it really means was as a developer you can decide to be on the latest version of a framework and not worry about IT having to go and update all the boxes so it's like xcopy deploy for WinForms it is awesome and then there's one final other you know big advantage I think and that is core is where we will try new api's and so the latest greatest api's are in core today some of the new c sharp features will only be in core so if you want to if you want to be on the bleeding edge of api is the bleeding edge of language features core is the place to be that said diner frameworks not going away it will never go away i said this my talk today i'm like it's part of Windows you have a lot of applications are Microsoft my laptop called visual framework right so it's yeah but it will be supported as long as Windows is support okay so the idea is that dotnet framework itself is going to be safe and reliable and always support hit on Windows ok and that dotnet core will have more of the bleeding edge features if you want to take something you can you can deploy it with the app so you don't risk breaking other applications and so that's why we can move faster with donut court right and you can be on there's two diamond core trains there's the LTS train which is the long-term supported train which about one of those comes out a year ok and there's the I want the every other month MIT's got it faster track so you can choose which track of core you want one Apple yes are we on like no.21 2.1 2.1 ok and so the next LCS will be 3.1 ok gotcha so we'll ship a 3.0 sometime in the July August timeframe I would hope of of 2019 and that means that the LTS build would show up somewhere in the October November time frame if we hit those dates so what about on the server side I mean we've got have to have some improvements in dotnet four three four developers - right that's the biggest misconception I think that people had we were so heavily focused on talking about desktop at build this year yeah we were so excited about bringing winform the wp uptick or that we didn't talk a lot about the the server the server is just as exciting as to me as the as the client-side one of the coolest features we're gonna have is something that we've been it was called it was codenamed laser and this was letting you actually write c-sharp code in the in the browser and this is not like fake c-sharp code this was actually the Assembly's download and running in a sandbox browsers are using webassembly okay and we've been showing that for the last year so the first flavor of that will ship as part of core 3 as well it'll be part of a Hispanic or 3 your code of luxury runs on the server but the programming model is still the programming model where it appears that your C sure you're writing c-sharp in the browser I see inside of the HTML inside of instead of that so you write is they're called razor components right great great UI it's all in c-sharp and so you have a full stack web development with C sharp after like right JavaScript at all you don't have to rely on angular react view you can don't have to write JavaScript I mean we're not trying to this is not a war against JavaScript I love to use the skills that you have if you're if you have a lot of c-sharp skills and you wanna use those in the browser bang you know you those in the browser it's you know what context switching sometimes do you know I mean I think that's why the appeal of node you know no js' cuz you're just using javascript on both sides right so please c-sharp developers can enjoy that as well I think that's fantastic actually there's a question here that kind of relates to are there any modification and requirements to move MVC core to project 2 core 3 can it be done now so the best way to answer that question would be we just shipped a snake or 2.2 today as well so not only do we have the three Oh announcements right we just had the 2.2 announcement what I would tell the customer is they should move to 2.2 first all we did for three oh the three Oh bill that came out today basically has the exact same espenak or 2.2 bits I see that shipped is part of 2.2 ok so there's no benefit to move to 3 yet won't be till later this not later this year sometime next year actually start having the next innovations beyond the 2.2 stuff they'll start showing up in the 300 bids but today your best bet is to stay on 2.2 but we aren't anticipating any major like changes that you would have to make our goal is to make it as easy as possible to move I mean there'll always be some breaking changes 202 3 oh is there's some breaking changes we assemble the product differently than we did before I mean if you're asking a customer the Astra networks have traditionally came as NuGet packages and so there was a core and then there was a spinet core which is kind of separate ok now we're shipping the whole thing as a monolith again and that's that's to enable a bunch of cool scenarios we have partners like Red Hat that have a version core they ship we went asking a quarter being part of that so I'll ask you can build from source so cool so how will we acquire like this is the wind forms in WPF is that gonna also be like NuGet packages or how is that gonna work it's it's you just you just go download the 300 SDK and I've done it new wind forms and you're you're good to go good right so I'm gonna show a little demo I can do a little demo I'm kinda gonna be intrigued reporting a twin forms out of here I'm gonna take wind forms up on framework and you're gonna report it to core yeah so I've got a first off on it and he'd also preface preview one is pretty rough I mean we knew it was gonna pretty rough we went we primarily focused on the actual runtime so most of the work has been done in the core three runtime the tooling is a little bit behind us okay meaning that file new in vs 2019 doesn't have wind form for core or WPF or core will have more previews it will have more previews we don't have we don't have visual designers okay yet but I'm gonna show you how you can actually build a core project and actually use the designers from the full framework application so if you look at my laptop I've got visual studio 2019 here which is required for core apps core 3 apps and if I run it this is a memory matching game you know you have you keep clicking these things until you find the the ones that match and you click through and and so we thought hey let's pledge support this decor so it's gonna be look crazy what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go here my command prompt and I'll do dinette new WinForms and I'll say outputs we'll do matching game core so that Biscay builds me a skeleton of a wind form application encore so let's go back to our solution and we'll go add that existing project so now we have a core win for map in here and I said it in I start a project it runs in builds hello doesn't it core awesome but really what I want to do is I want to get that that game running over here so I'm gonna cheat a little bit okay so one of the features we've had in core for a long time as our project system is pretty cool that if you look on the screen here I'll get the forums the program CS and whatnot if I look at my project file they're not in the project foot just points to the folder it points at the folder and we glob in all the c-sharp files I can also add a glob in from somewhere else so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cheat a little bit here I'm gonna go take all the all the all the code let's just erase it and then let's go back and open that that CS project again and I've just four let's screw this up on stage let's paste some code over here and what I'm gonna basically do is paste in a item group that tells the system to basically include files from a particular folder so in our case we'll just erase this there you go so as I say that notice that all the files from the full framework app just showed up in the core app oh that's pretty cool so I'm Cheney I'm a liasing into the existing project I see so any coaching's that makes these files happen in both the full framework and the core application it's got good engineer's don't cheat they're efficient so now the next thing is if I build this I'm gonna see a couple errors so let's do a build and first off those I get a duplicate type assembly company attribute attribute and that's because in a dot in framework application we typically have a properties app with an assembly info okay in core we said why have a file that was basically place to put metadata we said in corylus for the metadata in the project file and so what's happening is in this particular case I'm trying to dot a course trying to dynamic the generate generate one from the project file and so there's two of these things inviting so we'll tell it to generate assembly info false better now my matching game uses this game logic and I need a reference that as well so I'll just come over here my reference so you're basically switching project systems and so you're kind of doing some manual changes around the project system it's so good if not the source code exactly so the source codes all the same now that reference is there and now I've got the exact same app running on core cool and it works just the same as it did before okay so that's a little manual because we don't have all the tooling yet but as you can see guys you can take some of your apps that you have today and you can see if they're running on core and then they perform and that kind of thing then they read those have instructions on how to do this come on both one forms in WPF right and also if you hit more than just project system issues you can you can use the API port tool to find out which API is right part the party aren't supported and you know the set of API is it's going to be in 3s and flick baked yet too so if you open an issue with the API we can we can take a look at that I think that back if you look at my my gaming logic DLL or assembly if you look I actually had a pointing problem and because I had a porting problem you can see that I installed the microsoft windows compatibility pack that's a nougat package so donít core by itself as it was designed to be cross-platform which means we can't ever put Windows specific things in a diamond core yeah so we have a new gate package we put out a while ago and then in the two to actually the two one time frame I think and what it does is it basically brings a lot of Windows things back it brings registry back brings directory services backs to management back and so if you try to pour some your code and you find API is missing the first thing to look at is go and grab this NuGet package stick it in in my case the game actually saved your high score in the registry I see so I brought this in the registry got it alright so that's good that's cool so there's another interesting announcement and feature of Valcour 3 that i wanted to ask you about these things called sam'l islands yes yeah sam'l island so so Sam Islands is a Windows feature ok that first shift in the release that's I think he's just starting the wallet now internally we called it redstone 5 I forget what the actual official misfit the marketing team picks forgettable names on purpose such Windows 10 and there will be some some additional improvements on that feature that are coming out and spring release that's not for Windows but basically the idea is you can take a piece of windows UI sample control and you can embed it in a WinForms or wff or anything with really MH wins it's effectively an h1 house okay and then you can start to use new UI features that's what Scott Hanselman showed on stage today with the signature control that's the main canvas in the toolbar from from the windows you guys am a librarian just plop that into an existing app so that's that's what that feature is all about and that works in both on eight core three apps as well as done that frameworks cool so basically you're saying I could take my app and take up you know onesie twosie approach I'm moving it to Windows 10 yes I mean the you know our goal here is to really bring all these platforms together so you know you can use any feature in any app type regardless of where you started from you know you shouldn't think of it them as different platforms it's just one set of API is you can choose from based on what you want to do so I can get a modern browser in my WinForms out there right okay that's very similar to that concept is very similar we do with enas minute years ago we call it one asp net which was hey you might started with a web form application but you want to add NBC or you want to add signal are well now we don't care if you start with the wind for map a WPF application you wanna go dad add a saml UI control boom just to do that right let's choose the UI tech that you're comfortable with that's fantastic yeah and get all the features or have a giant codebase and you don't obviously I want to either start from scratch or you write correct large things if you know what WinForms is like 2002 right I mean it started from the beginning and in WPF is late 2007 8 so these pieces probably apps are probably about that old they've got some yeah but they're probably business critical mm-hmm and you know they have to be modified and they have to be updated there's still a lot of people you know actively doing when foreign ws development there's you know over 1 million monthly active which was developed yeah it's two minutes I think is more than that but so so do we get like performance benefits as well as part of being on the core runtime so you you will get some performance benefits primarily and in the standpoint that we've uh you know obviously a unicorn core has been performance has been a big push with us you've seen us take the web stack and be in the Tekken power benchmarks and as a result of that there's been features added the language span mm-hmm there's been modifications to some of the bcl-2 make some of those results happen you might ask well why did you make those same changes into that in frame work well the reality is like we we change from the file API is to fix bugs that were none in framework but I can never put it in your frame or because it would break stuff I see and so there are API improvements also dynacord open source so anybody can contribute and so maybe something that's too small that we would not look at but somebody who makes up a formas fix from the community and we accept it so you will find that you know core is gonna be a little faster than done different work yes so um kind of a discussion going on on twitch right now what we should kind of address maybe um so how does uwp fit into kind of all of this you kind of started to say like before what the example the sam'l library is um what is how is this whole thing kind of fit together with you WP so you should really think about basically if you have that when forms of your application and you're happy with that and you want to add some you know new Windows 10 features to a desktop app and you haven't existed that's how that you can start adding those features I mean there's many of the 1rt api's you could you could use already with Tim Islands we kind of closed most of the gaps of things that you can't use an existing application if you want to build an application that you know is fully top-to-bottom brand new and modern you can't you can start with UDP application there are there's a lot of investment we're doing in the UI stack there to to kind of address some of the gaps that you know customers have told us about for building line of business applications you know like shore up that some of the data story and form validation that we're actively working on but the real reason that you would pick a UDP to start with especially if you don't if you're building a new application is you can target other Microsoft devices if you want to go to an app on Xbox or service hub that's your that's your route for that got it okay so zamel islands are really desktop related only got it okay that's very cool cool all right so uh I want to talk about a couple more announcements Scott I want to show one more demo real quick I don't know one second Wow two demos from mr. hunter well we showed before we showed making that that game yeah using wind forms oh this is gonna be the browser let me shrink this so it fits in the screen for everybody we also took that same game it just happened to be that that game was written in a great way where all the logic of the app was written inside of that game logic assembly or class library so it was very easy to go take the same UI and build it in the web and so I shared that that same project it's a Dutton standard 2 class library they shared it across a blazer app and here I have the same game running in the browser oh that's so hot that's cool that's so hot so Wow that I thought I would just show that that that is the goal is you know whatever you are you want to build whether it's desktop UI or web UI you know cores gonna be a great place to be for that that's cool and we keep innovating and innovating and bringing in more work load snare like we have ml net as well for machine learning I think she runs on some yeah some done core stuff and so in the blog post on done in cor three today we talked about getting serial port access in IOT for Linux we're gonna do some fun IOT stuff today there's crazy stuff all across done now that's very cool um so actually let's ask here's a question from no content really cute handle I like that well dotnet native also become for WPF and wind forms now since it's on dotnet core so you want to talk a little bit about what net native actually even is so Mike yeah so dot n native is the ahead of time compilation story that you do yeah it's used today and so if you're super familiar with it from developing you there's definitely some quirks around it because it basically looks over all your code and basically ahead of time compiles it to x86 or or arm your there's some some features in net like reflection if you don't have a type there that it's already been generated you basically will you know kind of get a Miss you mouth exception there's some some bad things can happen there on the flip side dude you'll get a bunch of great performance out of it so it is a very interesting story but I believe that Scott can talk about the the äôt story for done at core is going to go in a slightly different direction I believe yeah we haven't really announced that direction but I will I will talk about you said which is a great point as we started building the web assembly work that's the Blazer stuff you need a neo T solution and like do we use dotnet native or do we use something else currently the Blazer work uses mono actually okay because they that that runtime had more support for web assembly type types of things the one thing we want to be very good at we wouldn't be very clear about is when we do a new native implementation we'll do it where dotnet can be done at all the time like Mike said I that native made some sacrifices for security and performance by removing parts of net whatever we do in the future will give you an A ot ahead of time compiled it actually runs all of your damn code so it might mean that we have to use a interpreter along with some of the native code Thanks ah but I want to make sure that whatever dotnet we give you is the full net and then if you want to go dial some of it down if you want to go turn reflection off for security reasons or size of device or whatever you can do that but because you made this decision to do that you understand that you know there's less compatibility there than there was before no surprises oh but I don't think the äôt wave will be after the done in court three waves okay so we'll ship tonic or three with blazer running on the server side and hopefully we'll start previewing some of the hey ot stuff after that cool and I think to close the question a little bit for no content there basically we want to make sure that the AOC story that we develop a core also applies to TP so you have again one can you know what all this is about having a consistent done that story everywhere and we want to make sure that we kind of close that gap we've slowly been trying to get to what we call 1.9 which is you know one set of compilers one set of garbage collectors one set of jitters one set of api's I see you continue to see us shrink and share stuff more and more across them the various runtimes today the runtimes would be mono done at core done in framework and write native gotcha so like and and because open source is really kind of like change to that culture so now we can actually kind of do this now right I mean before it was easier easier but it takes them a ot is hard so it'll take some time you know take some time cool all right by the way skull crusher for life you are awesome did he just build that demo while in the middle of the session nice so that's a shout out to Scott nice job dude one more question here can I now use WPF and/or wind forms from powershell core and or on Linux or Mac so I don't actually know how to answer the PowerShell core question the Linux or Mac is so basically wind forms and WPF still rely on a bunch of windows API is for input/output for drawing and so you know those are still Windows desktop only components so we have nothing more to share there as far as announcements I'd like to add to that though I people asked this question all the time it's like we've been talking about Titanic or three and desktop for a while and Psyche hey you're gonna make WPF cross-platform or you make WinForms cross-platform I don't really think you want a WinForms app looking like a WinForms app on a Mac or a Linux machine so I I think we haven't decided or even the industry's not decided yet what the best cross-platform UI story is and so while it sounds great to say WinForms could run on a Mac a Mac user would go why do I have this weird X I don't have the dots over on the left side I that doesn't feel like they match well why did you make my my Mac look like Legos 95 like a wins not whereas I it would be it makes making a Mac look like Windows 95 so I don't think these are the right technologies for that I don't think Microsoft today has a story on what cross-platform UI is that's something that Mike and I would love to work on in the future but we're not there yet and so I but yeah these are Windows Tech I think for the power show and that PowerShell core unns on Windows Mac and Linux so yeah you could probably call some I mean there's probably you know a bunch of types like if you wanted to go use the system dry dock drying recs you could you know like there's a bunch of types that are don't actually have you know UI backing I'm sure you could use inside but you know if it's good if it's going to you know basically if it's one form it's gonna do anything each one related or you know doing vogue it's not gonna work yeah that's not gonna work cool okay make sense um okay how close is dotnet core to to build self-contained executables it's it's similar to go Ling that's a good question yeah so that's that's kind of a long road maps discussion again so what we'll do in the three Oh time frame is we will give you a will have some some technology we have they will basically take the assemblies that make up your application and compact them into a single eggsy okay it still has all those individual components there does compact package better into a single XE for you okay the go question is more of are we going to provide native eggsy's on those platforms and that comes back to the AFT store we talked about earlier for webassembly and for dotnet native and what um ahead of time compiled a of t is something we are definitely looking at post the three old wave okay great exciting all right so one more question here are you going to enable enable application domains and DLL unloading so app domains is a good one that is that is something that's obviously as we've been working with partners to port their wfe1 farms apps it's come up in it no it's pretty rare that people actually need that this kind of process level isolation like features but there there's some API is an optimum that are useful and so we're working to create an app domain class that has a lot of kind of API functionality that you know more or less but doesn't actually have the kind of code isolation of an optimum but it has some of the additional features that people who found people using from that perspective a lot of customers use abdomens today that load extensions and like even visual studio albums you're using domains when you install some other extension individuals to you it lets them load some third-party dll's into the application and you can unload them we're gonna build a new library on top of core for doing that very cool it won't be up to mains abdomens actually combined a whole bunch of random stuff together and some of you didn't work very well and so we don't want to bring the stuff that didn't work very well for to the core but but like just adjusting things together that we you know and at we could make a nap after main API shell a sort of shim it would use the you know do we do the loading unloading but but you know so would be API compatible with your existing code but then could call the the new better functioning actually if he has other covers but we give you the same functionality that most people want to use at the end which is loading extensions well we're building a new API right now for that Co as a general shout out to any API questions the best thing to do is to use API port on your on your code and you know either send us a report or share that via a github issue so we can we can keep track of these things because now we have a public place if you track it really helps us steer the roadmap yeah we had a blog post about yeah I don't I don't know it off my head the URL we had a blog post nothing in August that alia on the team put up and we actually had a tool you could actually run just pointed at your eggsy and it would basically look at the the api's and all it so you felt safe it would show you the output what it was gonna send and then you would press send it sends us the API is that information helps us a lot to know what what API support okay so that we can take a look and say hey we know a lot of people use API X we're gonna support it and this is not my stupid basically just says these API is many times not necessarily what you use them for any variable minutes or anything like gotcha okay that's awesome that's awesome privacy spell let me throw a question in just yeah myself of it it's a common question would you like to host the next session okay another one that comes up a lot is what is our story for dub CF I thought before I wait heard show up on the screen I thought we just we just talked about talking about WCF a lot of data framework applications are using dub CF or they remoting we're not bringing either of these technologies to core at this point but we are looking at alternatives there is G RPC which is an RPC model which is very similar to a remoting or a WCF model okay and so the asp net core team is working with the g RPC project themselves to make that thing have first-class dotnet support and actually make it like it like it feels very similar to like an asp net or something else would so we're looking at that okay and we're also potentially looking at our the purchaser part service model which is the guts the low-level bits of dub dub CF that we could bring forward without bringing all of dub see how so we're we're looking at at various angles of how do we solve the RPC problem because that is it's a valid concern and we need to have one I'm done yet that's that's a good point do you guys want to talk a little bit about the dinette foundation announcement today before we little bit of time hear of anybody that should talk about a dozen foundation announcement the chairman of the diamond foundation should really talk about this so yeah today so I just hope they're talking about done then let's give let's talk a little bit about the Donette foundation and I think you know who better to talk about it than us because we're on net so one of the announcements was about the governance model changes okay so basically expanding the board from three to seven people and six of them being able to run anybody that has contributed anything to any dotnet foundation project can run or or can vote I think that's going to let the foundation really scale its efforts more right so why does this like really why do I care as a developer well you care about your platform you care about the longevity of your platform and the size and the health of your ecosystem right so that's kind of what the foundation is about in general writes that center of gravity for open source around net and if we have more people that have a stake in that and are volunteering to do something they're passionate about and help that move that forward we're only going to have more growth and more success with a platform so that's how I took it and yes I am the appointed member on the board from Microsoft so I have huge passion in this area so I I think that's gonna be like a fantastic new era for well I think another big point in the dungeon foundation is its historically if you look at the last couple of years the tight-knit foundation feels more like the Microsoft dinette foundation yeah yeah and with the governance model really is about is about making it equal for everybody there's only a a single Microsoft representative that has to be in the foundation the rest of it is community elected so it is not heavily tilted towards Microsoft the foundation historically has also been funded by Microsoft and it's gonna go to a self funds I come more of a independent foundation that's run by the community and not something that you know you could interpret the old the older version of the foundation is more of a Microsoft run thing right and I think there's like even like rules in there like we're only 2 max I think board members can be from the same company so yeah Zack do you get stacker yeah so that makes it even more open more fair and get better the idea is to get more ideas as well from other companies as well and to be more open it to be more or less Microsoft I mean we're you know we're we're writing this open source wave and we want the the net and the dotnet foundation to be as open as possible and I think there's just a lot of things that we can do right when we have that you know extra money we have those extra bodies we can scale more we can have you know different types of examples we can help you know help our community do the things they really want to do do so I think that's pretty cool so I'm excited it's been sitting on the front page of hacker news all day as well so exciting yeah I'm actually pretty excited about that so so we worried about voter fraud for any of the position we only use done yet for that so your phone so there is a question here so there's looks like they're having a discussion of what are the benefits of joining the board so that's actually a really good question and when Scott asked me me I was like first of all why me and then I was thinking about it really though it's it's a it's a volunteer position and you really are about directing the platform directing the ecosystem it's really about making choices that are going to benefit net and when I say dotnet I mean the platform itself as well as the community around the platform so that's that's kind of what you why you would join the board you have some passion around dotnet open source and you want to help the community and that's that's how I see it joining the board I am excited I have some ideas and I can't wait to see who else is going to be on that board so elections will start in January so yeah if you guys want to run we'll have all the information on and dotnet foundation org websites about that so that's very cool cool are you gonna run I guess we have one more stuff and we have one right slight slot from Microsoft you see the competition cool so we got a couple more questions here let's go ahead and say any plans for UI automation for core or uwp so we do have UI testing for for you to BP and for Windows apps with one app driver I'm assuming you're actually talking about the UI automation class though I'm assuming that would be I'm not sure there's there's a bunch of different scenarios that you automation you know it can be used for accessibility tools you can use for testing it can be used for for actually doing some other scripting of scenarios so I think I I don't think there's any plans right now for any of the frameworks to have you automation at least in UDP but it would be really into know what the scenarios they're looking for because that's the thing that we probably have a good answer for based you know cool well is there anything else so you guys want to say to the dotnet community out there on Twitch before we wrap it up big thing is download done in cor 3 try the bits out give us feedback I mean the reality is this is preview 1 I said it was really early really raw but you know we have like 10,000 people that ran that tool showing us what API is they they needed what we need is more people to try it and give us feedback well and and definitely go downloading up core to 2 which is released today so make sure you get on those do bits so thank you so much Mike thanks thanks Scott thank you alright thank you

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ASP.NET Core 2.2

hi my name is Glenn Condren I'm a program manager on the team and today we're going to talk about some of the ...