Wednesday 23 October 2024

Azure DevTest Labs updates

hi my name is Xiao Ying I'm the Senior Program Manager for Azure death has slabs the commercial as a service that helps developers and testers to quickly create environments while minimizing waste in controlling cost in this video I'm going to show you all the key features with ship since the connect conference last November before jump there in case you haven't heard about dev test labs please allow me spend a couple minutes explaining what it is that has labs aims at solving the real problem in dev testing arrow that has investments are usually significant when we talk to most traditional IT organizations we realize that up to 50% of their infrastructure spending is happening on non production environments furthermore neither IT nor developers are very happy about their provisioning experience 65% of developers say that is too complicated and time-consuming it takes weeks to get infrastructure for that test sometimes not even enough for testing and there's a lot of unused resources what is the case the demand for death has infrastructure is a linear it typically looks like this spiky grass when devs are working on Springs you see Peaks when there is off time like night weekends or holidays you see valleys and when there is a release the demand for test environments is high so you see a bit peak if you're provisioning infrastructure in a traditional way here's what you do results in 80% of wastage that's a lot of good money being put to bad use however when you use Azure you can map your infrastructure spending closely to your needs pay for the use only and enjoy cost savings with Azure being the only cloud that does per minute billing for VMs you only pay for what we used more importantly lightning-fast provisioning and automation improves productivity driving top-line business value for to quickly get started with theft has environment here we have solution called dev test labs it's in out-of-the-box solution that won't getting any other cloud it empowers our developers and gives the cost control and governance that your IT ones dentists Labs is a good for multiple scenarios including hosting your developer machines test environments and beyond them testing arrows it's also good for training education scenario and trowel hexam or demos in arrow as well now let's talk a little bit more about these narrows one by one first developer machines because that has elapsed make it super easy for IT teams to enable cost controlled self-service environments for developer teams developers have the flexibility to quickly compose their own development machines on demand by using the reusable templates and artifacts under the policies defined by the IT team the needs are satisfied from both sides the IT team gets the control and developers are happy about agility similarly you can test the latest version of your application by quickly provisioning Windows and Linux environments using reusable templates and artifacts that says labs provides a rich set of API is in permit VSDs tasks that help you to easily integrate with your deployment pipeline to provision only mul environments you can also scale up your load testing by provisioning multiple test agents in the lab once the testing is done you can also create your golden image from test machines and make the image available immediately for all the lab users through a single step as mentioned earlier in addition to dev test environment you can also create pre prevention environments for training and demos in the classroom scenario a set of identical VMs are created in a shared VM pool before the class starts students in the class simply click a button together VMs needed all the VMS can be automatically clean up after the class similarly in the trowel hack phone or demo scenario lab users pick a machine from the VM pool in dev test labs if needed once this event is over the lab can automatically clean up all the VMS for next event so at this point I've talked about what is step have in how they can help you in various narrows before talking about new features let me quickly walk you through the core capabilities in dentists laughs you're destined slab is created from as your marketplace once created you can use and manages through either Azure portal or api's here are logging Azure portal in open one of my favorite dev test lab as a lab user that is granted with dev test labs user role I can cream as VMs or environments with past resources from a set of reusable templates under the policies defined by malleable me once created a VM I can start stop or connect to the VM apply artifacts in film or software or attach my data disks that contains my latest source code or test data as an owner or admin of the lab Delta slabs gives me full control to deform the lab policies including allowed VM sizes maximum numbers of VMs each user or lab can keep at the same time auto shutdown and auto start identified were usable templates for my lab users to create VMS including arm templates added through my git repository my selection of azure marketplace images in the custom images I can also monitor the current spending in the lab check the projection defy my cost target income range and get notification when there is a risk of overspending when I see a red flag a list of cost by resources reviews more details on the usage in each resource ok now let's look at what's new since the connect conferencing last November the first big thing we've shipped recently is to support managed disks in creation of VMs cut images and data disks in desert labs before they support because of if's limits in a single start account for optimized performance ESS labs create VM OS disks in additional start account when they are already many VMs using the same start account in addition because creating VMs from a cousin image VHD in a different storage account can takes a long time usually around 40 or even 60 minutes in order to optimize the VM creation the same custom image VSD is replicated to all the new storage accounts with managed disk support this flow is significantly simplified as its name indicates all manage these resources are automatically managed by a j''r instead of the start account in your subscription you don't need to manage any storage accounts anymore and all the VMS can be created from the same cutting image VHD file another key experience will be enabled dentist Labs is claimable viens with this lab Allah means can prepare VMs and put them in a shared VM pool lab users can then take a vm from the pool to use without spending any time to create it from scratch this is very helpful for a couple of different scenarios in test narrows claimable VMs that are installed with the latest build for testing can be generated automatically from the release pipeline developers and testers can then start using the latest build immediately for further testing or validation trimmable VMs also make it easier for trainers and teachers to get all VMs ready before class because all the VMS for the same class are identical students can ask the lab to print any vm for them at the beginning of the class once claimed the VM will automatically start up for students to use during the class that test labs also supports creation of multiple identical games for the same VM image and artifacts all at once the only additional thing you need to do is to provide the number of the VM instances where you create a VM in order to make VM cleanup easier now can also set time when you create a VM to expire it automatically at the specified expiration time dentist labs automatically deliver VM by using it together with cream above VMs you can fully focus on creating the right VM without taking any actual effort to manage the VM retirement in the case that a lot of public facing VMs needed to be created in the lab temp test labs provides a solution to share the same public IP address with those VMs it can help you reduce costs and avoid exceeding the public IP oh just call de in you're a sure subscription what you need to do is simply choosing an IP configuration option to use a shared public IP address in the lab will do all the remaining work for you now let's get back to my lab and see how these features work in practice at the bottom of the overview page is a lab user I can see a list of claimable VMs for me to choose I can also view all the claim of VMs through the claim above virtual machines page if all the VM started saying such as in the case of classroom scenario the only thing I need to do to get a VM is to click the claim any button on the top of the page if I need a particular VM from the pool it's also very easy I think please select the VM I'm interested in and click the cling machine button the selected VM would then be moved to my virtual machine list and automatically turn on if it's stopped now let's create some claimable VMs it's also very straightforward what I need to do is to go through the same VM creation flow as creating a VM for myself I start with choosing a base from different types of templates supporting the lab including arm templates formulas custom images and azure marketplace images then I fill in my desired values for some properties such as the VM name username and password VM size and artifacts the only difference from creating my own DM is to specify some advanced settings here what I need to do is to switch the claim options toggle I can do more things in advanced settings let's say I want to create 5 km of VMs with the same configuration for a small group of people and those VMs cannot be used after the end of next week to achieve that I give the number of instances as five instead expiration date for all these lives it means that the midnight is next Saturday all these VMs will be automatically deleted regardless whether they've been claimed by buddy or still in the claimable pool here you can see that the default IP address configuration is shared which means that all these five VMs will be created with the same puppy IP address if the share public IP address has already been created in the lab these VMs will use that one otherwise the lab will create a new public IP address for them at this point I'm good to click the Create button and kick off the creation for these five years that share the same puppy IP address it will be expired at midnight of next Saturday once created these claimable VMs will be automatically shut down and wait for lab users to claim it now let's talk a little bit more about the shared public IP address well understand that not all the organizations allow the VMS accessible through the internet there are also cases where shared public IP address is not desired in your scenario at all so left has Labs provides flexible settings for level means to define which IP address configuration is allowed in the lab in the lab version network settings leather means can select the virtual network in the subnet to change the options they allow their lab users to use including whether the subnet can be using this lab for creating VMs whether shared public address is allowed and whether each lab VM is allowed to be created within exclusive public IP address once the VM uses a Sherpa VIP in the lab it will be automatically assigned to a unique port number which will be used together with the sheer public IP address when you connect to that VM you can see which IP address and port number to use from the essential section on the selected lab VMs page or for Windows VM just click the connect button on top of the page to get a RDP file that contains all the required info directory it's a quick recap in this video we've talked about the new features available in that ASAPS and how it can help you in multiple scenarios to enable a secured self-service experience with fast easy and agile dev tests or training environmental adjure hopefully fun and helpful if you want to learn more please visit our service introduction page at Alcott ms / DTL and subscribe our newsfeed to get a latest service update thank you

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