Monday 21 October 2024

(2) Building your first Unity game

hello my name is Ron Lou and I am a program manager on the video studio team in the previous video we talked about how to install the tools for unity development on your machine now it's time to start building unity games today we're going to demo two things first we're going to create a new unity game and then we're going to connect the game with video studio let's get right added now we're going to start creating our first unity project let's launch the unity editor here we have an option to create a new project here you can pick whether you want to create a 3d or 2d game and whether you want to include some asset packages one creation we can pick one that says vehicles this is this one comes with unity 5 so we have some assets to play with when the project is created here we are inside the unity editor with our first unity game credit here in the middle we have our scene designer and down here in the assets we can use some standard assets that comes with the package to start playing with the scene so I'm going to go to aircraft and find a prefab think of prefab like reusable components so here I'm just going to drag and drop this aircraft into my scene now we have an airplane to play with we can click on each part and move things around and I'm going to stop showing off my art skills right here so here's this is how we can create new projects what I want to do is I will open a slightly more finished project we have here for the demo so I'm going to open a scene right here from level one so this is kind of fun zombie game what I want to show you here is how then we can connect this game to video studio to start adding our game logic there are two ways to do that first is you can go to the assets menu down here this menu that says open c-sharp project just click on that this will automatically open video studio for us now it's preparing the video studios solution and in a second your studio comes up and now we have our unity game opened in video studio here's a intro page that talks about how to script for unity game and here we actually have our C sharp scripts open in Visual Studio let me close this real quick because I want to introduce to you the second way of opening the the studio is if you already have a script file in unity see I have all these c-sharp files I can just double click on any of the C shape files which will then open video studio as well see we're back in used to do with the stitch are ready to open and everything is now setup for us to start building our game so this should all work automatically for you if you have unity 5.2 installed the instant installer not only puts all the bits down our machine but also can fix video studios such that it is the default editor for unity well that should happen automatically without you configuring anything in case you want to check if something is not working correctly you can go to the Edit menu preferences go to external tool look at this external script editor option just make sure Visual Studio 2015 is selected as the default option and then everything should just work with video studio connected now we have our first project created and connected in the next video I'm going to walk you through how to make edits to the unity scripts in veal studio to start building our game logics hey if you haven't already make sure to check out the other videos in our series just click on the videos and if you haven't got the tools installed click here to get the tools installed to start feeding your games videos and toes

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ASP.NET Core 2.2

hi my name is Glenn Condren I'm a program manager on the team and today we're going to talk about some of the ...