Monday 21 October 2024

(2) Building Node.js apps to connect to Office 365 Calendar Sync

hello I'm Jason Johnston a senior content developer with the outlook ecosystems team in this video I'm going to show you how to connect your node J s app to office 365 and do a basic calendar sync so to start with I've got this basic nodejs app that we developed in the first video in this session to do the authentication piece we're gonna build on that work and add calendar sync so let's go ahead and get started in order to do all of our API calls back to the outlook calendar API we'll use the node outlook library which is a lightweight wrapper around the REST API so the first thing that we want to do there is install that library using NPM and once that's installed we need to require it in a pious okay so if we go back to the app that we implemented earlier what hey right we were left with this sync button that we haven't implemented yet it's pointing to a slash sync route in our app so let's start by implementing that okay so there's a lot here so let's go through it bit by bit so we use the outlook base namespace for this functionality and the reason that we do that is that no doubt look is as I said earlier very lightweight it implements a few basic functions but it also implements the ability to use any API call even if we haven't implemented a wrapper around it that's what the base namespace is really for so the first thing that I do here is use the set API endpoint function to point all of our API calls at the version 2.0 outlook endpoint we're going to make some use of some of the new features in version 2.0 during this so I'll use that endpoint the next thing I do is set the anchor mailbox to the user's email this is why we went through the trouble of extracting the user's email from the ID token in the first session and then I set a preferred time zone this is a new feature in the version 2.0 endpoint the ability to specify a preferred time zone and have all calendar times returned in that time zone so that you don't have to do all the calculations yourself okay so to start with we're going to manually configure our API request since we don't have a wrapper around it the first thing we do is set up the request URL when you're doing calendar sync that all works off of the calendar view endpoint in the API which is a view on a window of time we're going to do this for a week starting from today in seven days out so we set this to the me calendar view next we're gonna set up that time window as I said the start date will be today at midnight and the end date will be seven days from that time then we're going to set some prefer headers which will enable the sink functionality that we're after there's a couple of prefer header entries that we need to add one we need to set Oh dat ax dot track changes that tells office365 that we want to be able to synchronize data as changes come in the next thing that we set is our max page size here we're saying 5 which will limit the return results for each call to 5 results now we package up all of those things that we built before and to this API options object which gets passed to the make API call function so now that we have that there let's go ahead and run the app and see what happens okay so as you can see we have basically a raw dump of the json response for our synchronization requests we get back an event entity for each item on the calendar up to the maximum of five that we specified so great we see that that works but what happens if we have more than five items or changes come in after we do that initial sync how do we how do we continue to get changes well if we take a look in the response here at the end we have this item called OData delta link this is how we continue on with our sync so the way that calendar sync works is that the requests that we just made is considered the initial sync request from that we always get a delta link included in the response so the next thing that we should do is issue a second call to that delta link if there's more changes we'll receive them if there are no more will receive an empty response the response will include a delta link if there are no more changes and at that point we can save that delta link and periodically make calls to it to get any changes that come in if there are more changes more than the maximum that we have set in the prefer header we'll get a next link instead so after the initial sync we can look if there is a next link there are more changes if it's a delta link there are no more changes and we can wait however long we want to wait until we do the next sync so with that in mind let's modify our code a little bit to save the delta link and use that on the next call to sync so here I'm checking our sessions see if we have saved a sink URL and we'll use that instead of the basic me calendar view if it's not there then we'll just use the base URL but in order for it to be in the session we need to save it so let's go come back down here to where we process our response and save our Delta now we're taking a simplistic approach here for this demo if there's a next link we save that as our next sink URL otherwise if there's a delta link we save that we'll use whichever one we get back so now that we have that let's rerun the app and see what happens okay so we'll do our first initial sync and we get back five items now if we click sync again we get one more item that used the Delton link to get further information now if we click sync again with our new Delta link we get back no changes so we received all the changes that are there let's take a look at the code in pages yes that actually renders those changes that come in so we basically take the changes they come in and loop through each one of them we check if there is a reason property on each change that's set to deleted if we have that then that we know that it's a deleted item rather than an added or updated item deleted items are a little different in that you don't get all of the properties on the item since it no longer exists you do get back the item identifier so if you're saving this into a back end somehow keeping them in sync it's a good idea to be able to find the item in your back end based on the item identifier so that you can remove it if it's not a deleted item then we just set the entry in the table to use the subject of the appointment and add it into our table now let's take a quick look have what happens if we add an item after we've completed our sink so we'll go to the users calendar and we'll just add an item here now if we switch back to the app and do another sync we should see the new item that we just created and we'll see the flipside of that will delete the item and do another sink and this time we get back a delete change with the ID of the item and that's it we've done basic synchronization functionality join us in the next session where we'll take a look at doing it a little bit more with the calendar viewing items updating items and the leading items all from our app be sure to check out develop calm and dev for more information and getting started materials for node and other platforms thanks for watching

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