Monday 21 October 2024

(2) Get started with your first Universal Windows app

[Music] hi my name is Dante G and welcome back to the connect learn series on universal windows platform application development now if you were with us for the first video you have Visual Studio installed on your machine and you've got the Universal Windows application tools installed on your box in this video we're going to go ahead and create our first new project and want to go over some of the details on how to set that up and then I'm going to give you a tour of both visual studio and blend to give you an idea of the environment we're going to be working with I'm going to go ahead and click on new project here and right off the bat I can choose which type of project I want to work with the blank app is the one you're going to want to work with if you're working with universal windows applications now you can see on the left I have visual C selected is that's the language I'm most comfortable with but if you want to work with other languages you can drop down the other languages box say you're a Visual Basic person I can click on that one select windows and blank app is available there now as I said I'm a little more comfortable with C so I'm going to go ahead and click on Windows the blank app name my application and press okay at this point Visual Studio is creating all the files necessary for creating a universal windows application it just takes a moment and everything will get it set up all right Visual Studio has created my first app for me it took a moment or two but now it's open and I've got my design surface let's take a look at visual studio and look at the various pieces so you understand the environment we're going to be working with now right in the center you have your design surface this is the piece that gives you an idea of what your application is going to look like down below you've got your zaml and you know it's easy enough to go ahead and switch whichever one I want to work with so I'll give myself a little bit more room over on the top right is your solution Explorer this is where you can go to see all the files that are involved in your project now as you probably have already guessed the universal windows platform has more than just the zaml document in order to create your project so you have your zaml document which I can expand here and find the code behind all of the pieces that you need are already available Visual Studio will also create an assets folder for you so this will have some placeholders for things like what your lock screen is going to look like what your splash screen and so on to begin with all of these files are just simple rectangles kind of placeholders so you want to replace these before you're ready to deploy to the store and get your application out there for people to start using but the files are there and this is where you're going to want to put them I'm going to switch over here and move from Visual Studio over to blend now I could launch blend normally and I could go ahead and open my project but it's actually just a little bit easier to rightclick my xaml document and choose design and blend as soon as I do this Visual Studio will launch blend for me it'll go ahead and open my document and the whole process is taken care of seamlessly and and here we are in blend some of the same windows are available you'll notice the solution Explorer is still here but it's over on the left but this one also has the objects and timeline up by default where I can see all of the elements that are in my document now the zaml view is still available here I just need to click the tab over and everything is here so right now you may be asking yourself what's the difference between the two tools I'll be showing you in the next video some of the areas where the design surface is a little bit more comfortable over in blend but again it's all up to you which side you think is more comfortable now we've got visual studio and blend running and we've got our first project created in the next video we're going to start actually creating our zaml and we're going to start doing just a little bit of application development we'll see you then [Music]

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