Monday 21 October 2024

(3) Building Node.js apps to connect to Office 365 Exploring the Calendar API

hello I'm Jason Johnston a senior content developer with the outlook ecosystems team today I'm going to show you how to connect your no GS app to office 365 and get update and delete calendar data on your calendar so let's get started to start with I've got this basic node J s app that we've developed over the previous two sessions right now we can log in and we can do basic calendar or sync now we'll take that those calendar items that we're syncing and be able to take some actions on those in case you missed the previous two set sessions the code that I'm starting with right now is available in the session to branch and the github repo which is included in the comments below ok so this app uses the node outlook library to do all of the API calls back to the Outlook api's we've already got it installed from our previous session so let's start by taking a look at the app as it stands right now if I log in and sync my calendar I get these items in a table with a view item link or right now the view item link doesn't work so let's fix that we switch over to our code and in the app j/s we'll add a view item route this view item route gets the item ID from the query parameters and then we set up a call to the get event method in the calendar namespace and no dot out node the node outlook library unlike with our sync calls we don't have to use the raw make API call here no doubt look already implements this functionality for us so all we need to do is set this get event parameters object with our access token and the item ID at the event that we want to retrieve and then call get event we pass the event that gets returned to us in our callback to the item detail page template so let's see that in action now if we click view item we actually get some details about the item and below we see the raw JSON dump of all the details that come back now this is nice but if you look at our form we're only displaying a few of the fields here the subject location how many minutes beforehand the reminder will fire and the start and end time but if we look at the JSON we're getting back a lot more data and then we're actually using this may not be that big of a deal but it is a little wasteful so we can trim that down and only get back the fields that we care about to do that we'll modify our view item we're out here to add a select this is a standard OData query parameter which allows you to specify the fields that you want back on a particular entity we just separate them with commas and I've included all the ones that we care about and display in the form and now we just need to add those parameters to our get event parameters so that they're passed to the API call and that should do it so if we restart the app now we should see a smaller results that returned again we see all the fields that we care about being displayed in our form but this time the JSON that comes back is much smaller and only includes the fields that we asked for since we're looking at the JSON here take a second to point out some of the new features from the v2 endpoint one is the time zone by setting our preferred time zone in the node outlook library we pass a prefer header which specifies that time zone so as you can see our start and end times are returned to us in Eastern Standard Time which is the time zone that I specified if we don't set that time zone these times would come back in UTC time or zoo the time the other new feature that I point out quickly is the reminders we have two new properties now in the v2 endpoint on events is reminder on and reminder minutes before start the is reminder on is a boolean that just tells us if there is a reminder set on the event and if it is set reminder minutes before start tells us how many minutes before the start of the appointment the reminders should fire pretty straightforward okay so let's get back to the code as you can see we have a couple of new buttons here on the form update item into lead item so let's start by implementing the update item okay so this should look fairly similar to some of the other routes that we've already added we get the item ID from the query parameters and the access token from our session we also get the new subject and new location from our query parameters which are passed in the form when we submit it then we construct an update payload now notice here that we're only setting subject and location we're not creating an entire new event entity whenever you do an update you only have to include the fields that you want to change we packages all up again into a parameters object with the token the item ID and our update payload and we pass that to the update event and the calendar namespace if it succeeds we redirect back to the view item view so that we can see our new changes so let's give it a try we'll change the subject and the location field and go ahead and update the item okay so as we see here we're getting an error access denied message well that's because the permissions that we requested in our app only gave us the ability to read the user's calendar we never requested the ability to write to the user's calendar so we can change that now we don't need to modify our application registration we just need to modify our code to request that scope as part of the login process so if we go to off helper j/s we'll swap out the calendars not read scope for the calendars dot read/write scope and that's all that we need to do now if we restart the app and sign in we're presented with a consent screen again that's because we've changed the permissions from the last time that the user granted consent as you can see we now have the read and write your calendars permission instead of just read your calendar now we should have the proper permissions to update the item and now we have the new values in our results if we look here we have the new subject in the new location and quickly we can verify that it has been updated ok great so now let's look at updating delete item again no doubt look has a built-in function for us here so we don't have to implement it ourselves and we get the item ID from the query parameters on the incoming request and we set up an event parameters delete event parameters object here with the token and the item ID and we call the lead event now here on success we redirect back to the sync page and that's because since we deleted the item we can't do it anymore if we try to view an item with that item ID we would get nothing back okay so let's give that a shot and see how that works okay so now that we have delete in place we'll go ahead and give that a try let's see what happens let's delete our doctor's appointment because we just don't feel like going to the doctor today that processes and then come kicks us back to the sink calendar page and that's it we've added get update and delete functionality for the calendar to our app be sure to check out dev dot lucam and dev office comm for more information and getting started materials for node and other platforms with office 365 if you'd like to get the completed source of the app that we developed over these sessions you can get that a github the link will be below in the description the master branch should reflect the finished app thanks for watching you

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