Wednesday 23 October 2024

Azure DevOps for NET Fall into the Pit of Success

all right we are here with Jeffrey Palermo hey Jeffrey how are you I'm great how are you I'm excellent and you're gonna talk to us about Azure DevOps for dotnet absolutely it's a really exciting topic and let me share my screen all right should be on now so today we're talking about a DevOps for dotnet and falling into the pit of success and I'm so glad that you're here you're tuning in to this session then that means that you want to get more done you want to move faster you want to produce higher quality so that you can deliver for your team your company your customers and that's what this session is about falling into the pit of success there's so many choices the complexity is endless but I'm going to narrow it down to the seven key elements that you need to put into your as your DevOps pipeline to move fast and and building a smarter Manor and run your systems with confidence so I know from experience that if you map out your software delivery process and then automate it you will deliver more you'll absolutely love programming again but we do have an enormous problem serious problem problem we're gonna have to deal with and solve most teams automate work for their own customers by producing software but then saddle themselves with new administrative work to build deploy and monitor software that you know it relieves their customers of their administrative work there's no reason that the Cobblers kids shouldn't have shoes and I work with teams all the time we're one of the most senior most capable developers is trapped by the task of deploying the software because he's the one who understands the software the best so they take their best talent with the most experience in the software and reduce them to weeks full of administrative tasks a deployment is a set of administrative tasks copying files changing a config file configuring a credential starting a service and then doing it again and again over and over and we all got into software because we saw the tremendous power available to us we can write code and make the computer do something that makes ours and our lives better so then why shouldn't wash should we settle for a process that takes people with technical creativity you and turn them into an automaton and so for you managers listening in I want to share with you what goes on in the brain of your people who have to do these manual processes over and over we as humans are always on a pursuit of happiness whether we get fulfillment and serving others or making something new your people aren't finding happiness in the process of manual builds environment configuration and deployment they want to get it done as fast as possible so that they can get back to why they get into software in the first place to create things to solve interesting problems to make others lives easier through software and as a result the manual tasks are error-prone and just mind-numbing and the more your staff in doors tasks that don't bring happiness and satisfaction the more they become open to perhaps considering other employers that might be able to provide more work that does bring satisfaction so whether you're an individual developer a lead a lead of a team or a manager and technology this talk is for you so today's session we're going to talk about the the pipeline structure we have already discussed the challenge that we're faced with in software and how DevOps solves that next we'll go through the key seven stages of the DevOps pipeline and then I'll show you how to get started so I want to give you something of value and help you get automated I don't want you to continue to be frustrated and sometimes trapped by the software that that you work on and I understand lost weekends and surprise overtime due to software builds and deployments over my career I've helped tons and tons of people to do this and I want to just give you a copy of my latest book for free not selling anything I want to give this to you for free we want this to be in your hands we gave the preview Edition out of the build conference dotnet DevOps for a sure and it exposes the secret about how any team can have a fully automated DevOps pipeline using Azure DevOps services by following a concrete seven stage design and so here's what you need to do read the book and and I'm giving you a free e-book copy just send me an email for being here today on or even stumbling on the recording then second you need to understand the seven stages of your DevOps pipeline which I'm giving you now in this talk and then three on turd launcher dotnet DevOps pipeline and and use the free public project as a template it's a community projects help you get started with Azure DevOps services and you'll find that in the book and if you do this you'll have a fully automated DevOps pipeline using Azure that will enable you to move fast and and with higher quality and also you can tune into the azure DevOps podcast and and get more information there so let's dive right in the seven key elements of a DevOps environment are the pre-code design process how you set up your your version control which sets the stage for the rest of the automation your build and then your levels of validation which include full system testing user experience testing production release and then telemetry observation we have to make sure that we are watching how the system is running in production and so to look at how that would lay out in as your boards for example we have the top level that is your pre code design process there's four types of design decisions that have to be made before you put your hands on the keyboard is the conceptual definition what the heck are we building that's the good old fashioned requirements user experience design wireframes what's it gonna look like how's the user gonna use it then technical design libraries patterns architectural changes and then acceptance criteria and test design that is what does it mean to be done and how are we going to test this once it's put together armed with that we're ready to code and then move on to the next pieces this is what it would look like in Azure boards you're going to configure the columns for you you're going to nobody has no nobody's full process has fewer than nine columns because ahead of development ahead of the column that represents hands on keyboard coding you need to represent these four different types of pre code design because even if you don't have them on the board these decisions are going to be made and if they're not made explicitly by the right person or people then a developer's gonna have hands on the keyboard and just have to make assumptions and make it up as they go and so these are the four types of pre code design decisions you need to have these representative in your process or you're just kind of kicking the can down the road you need to structure your version control system you need to factor out your git repositories properly and one of the big things the mistakes that people make is putting more than one application in a single git repository or maybe taking a subversion or a TFS repository and just dumping it into a git repository and it has a huge tree of software and then they try to figure out how to do a DevOps pipeline it just doesn't work I'm here to tell you the rules that are gonna cause you to fall into the pit of success and putting one application into a single git repository is the beginning of the automation chain that causes you to fall into the pit of success because we're going to have one build that builds one get repository one application altogether and produces a set of release candidates that all have the same version number so you can have a large software system but it's I mean it's segmented into multiple applications anyway you just need to make sure that each application has its own git repository so that you have the source of what is versioning okay then we need to build and there are various stage you need your private build along with your continuous integration build if you haven't read the addison-wesley book on continuous integration back from 2006 you need to read that book and because your private build is going to be leveraged by your continuous integration build and so building whether it's test-driven development or build process any test uses the natural pattern of a range act assert or setup get ready do something and then check to see how things went and so these are the basic build steps there some people put static code analysis in the assert column it's not not required but notice that I have two levels of automated test unit tests these are in unit or X unit tests that do not call out of process as a result they are super fast because they don't call out of process then there's component level integration tests these are the integration tests that you can run in the build process so if you're calling out through entity framework to sequel server database you can test that boom that's an integration test and notice that my great database is here and lost that over your applications generally use the database so for your build process you need to stand up a shell of your database so that you can run tests against your code to make sure that your application talks to the database and uses it a continuous integration build that doesn't create the database that the application owns and depends on is woefully incomplete so pit of success make sure that your data stores are in your build okay static code analysis is a proven quality control method and so whether it's Roslyn or any other static analysis tools every language has static analyzers make sure that that is in your build process don't leave that out okay and then we're going to publish test results we're going to package it up into various new get packages and publish it to Azure artifacts so let's dive into an example and this example we're using is core web application and a sequel database and with with any application it's important for all of the components to be built and deployed together if they reside in the same git repository they have the same version number and they are built and deployed together if you don't know why you would be an exception to this rule then you're not an exception this is the pit of success we build the solution we run automated test and package up our deployable components and here we are full platform as a service application as your app services as your sequel and so in this case we end up with four new Kias that are published to artifact because you see we have three components that are going to be running processes in our environment we have the web application we have an offline job of some sort and we have a statement server database and so we have the app service the web app will push our job into an azure function and will push our database into an azure sequel and also we have some acceptance tests some full system acceptance tests now remember back in our pre code design process we listed out our acceptance tests these are simple bullet points but then going into coding we create a full system test suite if it's a web application we're gonna use a lot of selenium to actually pull open a browser and click around and and test test our screens and so we want to package up the test suite that is the version number of this application so that we we tie that all together and then we are going to push those into Azure artifacts don't use the old build artifacts store if you're building new pipelines as your artifacts is where all of you or release candidate packages should go and and use that okay so build steps I want to show you what your continuous integration build generally gonna look like and this is coming from from one of the preview on preview Edition so we had to install on the hosted agents the SDK for three oh but that's released now this is using all platform as-a-service there is no virtual machine in the mix now for speed a lot of teams use a private agent so that they have a VM that they control for the builds and I like that approach and that's a good approach this approach uses a hundred percent hosted and so there is no server that you have to spin up therefore when you grab this template and when you do it this way you're gonna get up and running really really quickly so first thing we're gonna do we're going to use as your resource manager and tie it to our Azure subscription and actually create a sequel database just for the build process that they work on a throw away after this build is finished then we're going to then we're gonna run our build script which is a PowerShell build script the private build that runs locally is just simple PowerShell and just look in the book I give you a template for that build script it's not complicated but after that build runs which includes the MS build exe or build those kinds of commands it's doing all the compilation it's running the in unit test suites or X unit and then we publish our test results and then we're gonna do a and it also packages up and we're going to do our new get push and then we call into Azure and say hey throw away my build database so that we clean up okay this is what our whole pipeline is going to look like in in Azure DevOps services so we're gonna have our continuous integration build tied to the git repository that automatically kicks off and then we automatically kick off the various stages and the the template will soon be converted to Hamel that just came out at the build conference those those things are being enhanced and that's getting better and better every day so gamma will be the future but most people are who've adopted this already are using the steps and so I'm showing you the steps which easily convert to gamble just for clarity and so we have TDD UAT and productions there are three types of environments three unique types of environments in your DevOps pipeline and you need at least one of each remember this is the pit of success this is the rule of thumb okay everybody knows production you can have one knee at least one and sometimes we have a different production environment for each customer so you can have multiple then we need a manual test environment we call this uit for user acceptance testing you can have multiple of those we find common manual test environments all over the place dev test queue a staging those are all manual environment you could have as many as you need and then there's the TDD environment it is the automation environment there's no humans allowed on this environment it is it is for full system test automation it is for running test suites that require a fully deployed environment in order to run and so functional selenium tests that are the execution of your acceptance test perfect for running in there so you see in our pipeline we have a hundred percent of our tests did pass after the TDD deployment let me show you what that looks like for when you configure it these are the things you need to put in it so the first thing that we do is we give the signal and send a message over to application insights that we are performing a release to this environment that is super important because I'll talk about Salemi tree after a while we tell application insights hey we're starting to deploy then one at a time we grab a deployable component that is a new gate package in Azure artifacts and we deploy it so we grab our database and then we then we use Azure resource manager to to create our database in a TDD environment again we're using infrastructure as code here the TDD environment does not exist we're creating it on demand we're using it and then we're throwing away so it's super cheap to do this and for feature branches you can have as many feature branches as you go and you can have a full deployment with a full system test run even before you do a pull request really powerful and then we're going to going down the list create the database schema and our database is ready to go then we're gonna grab them just truncating in here we're gonna grab our web application package create the azure app service do the deployment start the website then we execute the self health check that is important every time you do a deployment it could be as simple as a PowerShell invoke web request and you call out to some endpoint so that the application can say hey I'm here I'm started up all of my dependencies are reachable that that proves your configuration and I am ready to rock now now here comes the full system testing we download the package of our full system test then we push in the connection string to the database and the URL for where the web application is and then we use the visual studio test step to run our full system tests which is actually going to open up a browser on that VM that that is the hosted agent and is going to run all of our acceptance tests and then after this is all said and done like we have an azure resource group deployment that actually deletes the resource group and throws away this environment because we don't need it anymore all right let's dive into the what the full system testing looks like after it runs because this is really sweet this is really empowering I think a lot of you understand unit tests and a lot of you using integration tests but we find that UI tests or full system tests that are driven through the UI are not as often used and they are absolutely empowering and the perfect implementation of the acceptance test criteria which is a common part of scrum because a lot of teams I know are using scrum for project management and so this is the view of the this application has six of these full system tests that run and a powerful thing is that we can actually do a screen capture of every single screen as the tests move through the application we can capture them and as your devops services happily just grabs all those attachments and makes them available on absolutely every deployment every stage every test run and so if we zoom in on what that screen looks like we can see that what we're showing here is the inside of the browser and it doesn't grab the title bar or the chrome of the browser but it just grabs that essentially the document the body of the screen that you're looking at and so it's typing in those text boxes it's it's clicking buttons and it's actually driving and recording what that screen looked like okay really powerful and really easy to do and the the free azure devops services project template that we have available online has literally this examples of this you can get up and running really quickly so let's look at how the different environments are arranged here's a principle never do anything in production for the first time everything that you do while deploying to production should have been done at least once and preferably multiple times in environments prior so that we can see all the things that we do in our in our TDD environment which no humans can use that because they try to get on and it's just gonna be the environments gonna be ripped out from under you so no humans allowed it's just to deploy and run some test Suites and then you eighty or whatever you choose to call your manual environment manual test environment that comes next but we're going to load test data on demand in TDD we're going to recreate the environment recreate the database running acceptance test we're going to that completely unattended all the time we're gonna destroy the environment now for our manual test manual test environments we don't do as much and you can see that on the chart now let's talk about telemetry every one of these runtime components needs to be monitored now as your monitor wraps up some services that really make this easy and so every one of these can be attached to application insights and if your application has things that run on VMs log analytics is your answer to get absolutely everything that doesn't have native application insights integration but let me give you the principles for falling into the pit of success with telemetry everybody in those logs log Fernet just flat file log files trace but there's two others that you need to make sure your application is emitting metrics and events you probably have applications that create a data warehouse or a star schema or some type of queryable denormalized data store that analytical reports can be can be run off of for your for your users well emitting metrics and events gives you that same type of capability where events are akin to dimensions in a star schema and metrics are akin to facts in a star schema and that way you can you can select by events group by events and then do average and some and min max over your metrics and you are creating a data warehouse of what your application is doing and that's absolutely empowering and then you need to take all of this information and make sure it's available in a centralized store now application insights gives that for us and this is on the screen just a really quick snippet of some of the free things that application insights gives you just by grabbing the nougat packages now if you go to the azure portal you can also see our deployment markers when we said hey as your application insights I'm deploying that little arrow is the deployment marker and if something goes haywire right after that we can click on that and in application insights in the azure portal we can see all the information about that deployment and link right back to it and where it came from and so that's to tie it all together now this is the seven key elements of a DevOps environment pre-code design process the version control structure the build full system testing user experience testing the production release and then telemetry observation you need all seven don't stay frustrated by a slow and manual process take pride in delivering to customers faster automate your DevOps pipeline so that you can ship software quickly and also preserved your weekends okay now remember send me an email so I can send you a free copy of my book that walks you through in detail everything you need to set up and of course it refers to documentation because the azure devops services has great documentation and I didn't want to regurgitate documentation here on this 30-minute talk I wanted to give you the guidance to fall into the pit of success and if you if you haven't if you're struggling to get started yes just do it that way and as you read the book use the included as your devops services project template that's linked here bitly on the top right bitly slash dotnet devops project and literally get up and running within a day feel free to copy literally copy that completely working project along with the infrastructure is code and azure air and templates just attach it to your Azure subscription you'll be up and running fast and I do a lot of DevOps education webinars and and the next one I'm doing is how to educate how to organize your git repository to make DevOps automation easier and and also another resource is the Azure DevOps podcast but if you email jeffrey at clear - measure com I'll send you that free book and I'll also post the slides and tweet those out at jeffrey palermo and i'll be happy to take any questions that there are all right thanks Jeffy that was fantastic we don't I don't know that we really have many questions so just take a couple of minutes and what's what do you best what are you recommendations for how people get started doing this I think you know people have seen a lot of DevOps they definitely want to do this I'm gonna dive in you know I've got an hour here an hour there how do i how do I get started and get up to speed well if the adjective op services is completely new then you need to get the skeleton working first because you're gonna have applications and everybody has tons of applications and if you try to try to start automating one of your applications first you're just going to really struggle with the complexity of your application and the new tool so I recommend going online creating the new org and then there's downloading or creating a skeleton a shell of an application that doesn't actually do anything that way you can get the automation down without being distracted by the features and so but there's a lot of concepts there and so if the the shell of the application that the community the community template ought to talk about that's the jump start and but either way get a shell of an application create the private build the continuous integration build throw in your unit test suite integration test suite and a full system test suite that uses selenium make sure you can have one function and it calls a nothing query to a database and then three deployments a test automation environment a manual test environment and then your production environment and so if you can get just the skeleton of your pipeline with a you know file new at file new project type shell of an application and visual studio solution then you can get all the pieces accounted for you can see how all fits together see how it flows and then you can start adapting one of your applications to the pipeline and you know sidestep a lot of confusion a lot of complexity because you will have a working pipeline for an application that doesn't do anything but you'll you'll have that full working pipelining you can adapt it to seam coins that have a hundred a hundred plus applications with no automation and it's a mountain of effort but that's a way to get started perfect cool that's a nice well thank you so much Jeffrey for taking the time to share your talent with us we're gonna get going here we're gonna get J power talking about static content thank you so much Jeff awesome

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