Wednesday 23 October 2024

Azure DevOps Azure Pipelines, Azure Boards + GitHub

hi my name is Abel and I'm a senior cloud developer advocate specializing in DevOps I am so excited to show you what's new and Azure DevOps we've always said Azure devops is everything you need to take an idea and turn that idea into a working piece of software in the hands of your end-users for any language targeting any platform and now we've made it even better in the name of the game has been all about integrating with github so let's go check it out alright so here you can see as your boards where you can track any unit of work in your software project now wouldn't it be cool if we could link Azure boards up with our github repos Oh guess what now you can and it's as easy as this if you want to set up that linkage let's first go into our project settings and from here we're going to do some integration integrations with our boards now the first thing that's going to ask you is which github repo do you want to integrate with now I'm gonna go ahead and use my personal access token to connect up to my github repo and let's see if I can remember my token I think it's that and let's go ahead and authorize that and now it's going to ask me which we po do you want to connect to so let's go ahead and connect up to my able tailwind front end so we'll select that we'll save it and that is all we need to do to connect up as your boards with my github repo so let's jump back to our boards and you can see my Kanban boards alright so notice I have this super duper important bug that needs to be fixed immediately right so it sure would be cool if the changes that I did inside my github repo would automatically link to this work item so I could track all of my work and you totally can now because we linked up our Asscher boards with github so let me show you what I mean let's jump into github and make a change so here's a demo comment and we'll go ahead and save this and when we save this we'll go ahead and create a branch to start a pull request so we'll go ahead and create a new branch and we do need to leave a good comment so let's leave a comment that say this fix is as your bug number and what number was that I think it was 64 and now let's go ahead and create that branch for myself to fix so what am i doing I have now created a branch with my code fixes now it's ready to start my pull request now if I jump back into my add your boards check this out if we look at the details don't--don't done BAM there's a change that I just did inside of github and if I click on this this is a deep link that will take me directly inside of github to see what branch it's in as well as what my changes are so now let's go ahead and jump back into github because what we want to do is we want to create a pull request so let's go ahead and create a pull request so now my teammates can review my code changes to make sure everything that I'm doing looks good now let's jump back into Azure boards again because if we look at the development details check this out here is where we initiate the pull requests so everything that we do inside of github is now tracked inside of Azure boards pretty cool huh the only thing left that we need to do is go ahead and finish this particular poll request so we'll come in here let's merge the poll requests in the master so now we've finished up that particular pull request and bam did you see that just happen automatically the bug because we resolved it inside of github it automatically resolved on our work item board as well this right here is so incredibly cool github issues they work great but if your project gets a little bit more complex having the power and the flexibility of Azure boards it's awesome and now with the github repo and Azure board's linkage you can use both so great tracking all this work is awesome but we still need the ability to add si ICD for our repos even for our git repos and how we can do that super easily and let me show you what I mean let's jump back into our github repo and what we're going to do is create a CI CD pipeline into Azure pipelines directly from github so what we need to do is we need to go to the marketplace and from here we need to search for the Azure pipeline's marketplace extension so both go ahead and jump in here we'll do a search so this is currently already installed so I won't go through the whole install process but I will show you how easy it is to configure it we'll go ahead and say let's go ahead and configure a short pipe lines and it's gonna ask for my password let me go ahead and enter that in and now it's gonna come in here and we're gonna say you know what let's go ahead and add a CI CD pipeline for my specific repository we'll go ahead and save that and now it's gonna route me back into Azure DevOps and it's gonna ask me to log in so let me log in with my credentials and now it's going to ask me which organization do you want to use now I have a million organizations and I'm in hopefully you guys don't have nearly as many as I do so it'll be easier to find but let me find my demo account so it's going to be called as your DevOps demo a and the project is going to be my connect 2018 project and we'll go ahead and continue and now it's gonna walk me through a wizard to create for me my build pipeline so we'll go ahead and choose my github repo and notice it analyzed my repo and it figured out what technologies is being used inside of that repo this repo is holding a node.js app so it's going to provide for me a no J's template that I can just start using and immediately it creates me a build pipeline written in Yammer this is pipeline as code so as a DevOps person this makes me super excited because I can check this file in and now any changes I make to it to the build pipeline it will be version right alongside my code if you need more information about it we have a handy link that will take you directly to the docs pages as well so here you can find everything that you need all right so let's go ahead and jump back into our build pipeline we'll go ahead and save and we'll run this so we'll save it and we'll run it and so what is it doing right now it's taking this yamo file and it's taking this particular yamo file and saving it in my github repo now after it saved it to my github repo it's gonna kick off the build and the very first thing that's gonna do is it's gonna go to github and download all of my source code including this camel file it will then load this build up and start executing all the build steps described in the yamo file this right here like I said before as a dev ops person this makes me ridiculously happy pipeline as code so this build system right here this is no different than the visual editor that we used to use before and in fact it's still around and you can still use it it's the exact same build engine underneath doing the exact same thing it's just a task runner doing one task after another but with the Gamo build it describes it using a yamo file instead of using the visual editor let me show you what that visual editor actually looks like so here's my build and I created a build a custom build that uses this particular editor the visual editor and you'll notice it does one task after another after another after another so customizing a build is super simple with Visual Studio with Azure DevOps because this right here is a task runner just does one task after another so if you want to customize this all you would need to do is add or remove tasks now out of the box there are hundreds of tasks that you can just download and start using but if you want to do something that doesn't exist out-of-the-box go to the marketplace in the marketplace our partners have created over 500 build and release tasks that you can just download and start using pretty cool and if what you want to do doesn't exist out-of-the-box and doesn't exist in the marketplace you can write your own custom tasks as well custom tasks nothing more than PowerShell or no js' so what that means is anything that you can do from the command line you can easily get this build and release system to do as well all right so now if we go ahead and look at our build it should be finished and that's great right it's a pretty rudimentary build it doesn't do a whole lot it just kind of packages everything up but what I really want to do is I want to customize that build Yambol file right I want to make it do exactly what this visual build is doing I want it to install NPM I need to set up my eat my database connections I then want to build my app this is a no js' app that we compile into static web pages and then I want to take all this up bundle it up as a zip file so that's ready to be deployed and check this out if you have a visual editor you can just save you as yamo and it'll take this visual build and create all the gamal steps for you where you can copy and just make those changes so let's jump into the build Yama file to make those changes so let me jump in here let's pull our changes down from our repo and now check this out here's our ashore pipelines demo file and here's what's in the repo right now if we want to make changes guess what we can just go ahead and start making changes all right so let's customize this and let's add a new task and notice we're getting autocomplete and we're getting syntax highlighting and if we do a control space we'll actually even get intellisense so this right here makes editing the gamma file so much easier we have in Azure pipelines vs Cote extension that gives us intellisense syntax highlighting and autocomplete so we're going to add a new task let's do something like I don't know maybe we'll add a new get task and we can do the inputs and we can see what the input can be right and notice it even gives us red highlights or red squiggles so this is fantastic intellisense syntax highlighting and autocomplete makes editing these yamo files so much easier alright so what I wanted to do is I really wanted to customize this with all of my steps above so here is all we need to do let me paste that in here and we'll go ahead and save this and we'll upload that code and we'll commit it and what did we do we customized or build and let's push those changes back in to get help now as soon as my code hits github it should kick off my build so let's go ahead and jump back in to Azure pipelines to see if the build has been kicked off and there we go we customized the build and it's kicking off the build so what is this doing right now this build its gonna go ahead and download the latest source code from github including the build ml file now it's going to load that Gama follow-up and it's going to execute the build steps described in that build a mo file oh this is awesome so there's going to go ahead it's gonna get my sources it's going to install NPM it's going to setup my database connections it's gonna go ahead and build my app turn my node.js app into a static set of files and it's going to archive all of that so now it'll be ready to be deployed all the way out into production all right looks like the build is finished if we jump into a summary we get a nice summary page that shows everything that's happened during the build but notice we haven't created a release pipeline yet all right so let's go ahead and create our release I'll click on the release button and what this will do is it will take us to our visual editor now the very first thing it's going to ask us is do we want to apply a template which makes our job so much easier now for this demo I'm gonna go ahead and deploy my code into Azure app service so I'll just use the app service template now the way you set up these releases is first you describe what your stage is going to be so my first stage is going to be for my staging environment so we'll name it staging and after we define what the environment is going to be we can go ahead and go into that particular staging environment and now we'll describe all the steps that we need to take to deploy our application into this particular stage now since I'm just deploying an azure app service it becomes super simple it's one task so the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pick my subscription here's my Azure subscription and after I pick my subscription let's go ahead and deploy this into the correct app service so let me bring up the list of app services and from here we'll go ahead and deploy this into my staging environment which is right here and that's literally all we need to do we can jump back into our pipeline because we've just described one environment you describe your environment you want to deploy to you describe what tasks that you want to use to deploy your application and now you get to define who are the approvers so before and after each environment you can add a set of manual approvers so I'll go ahead and add myself as an approver and you can add a list of people where every single person in the list has to approve before it can flow through the gate or you can add a group of people where if one person approves then it will flow through the gate or you can use a combination of lists and groups as well so I have a staging environment I do need to have my production environment so let me just go ahead and clone that and let's describe this correctly so we'll call this my environment and we have to go in and update the tasks that we're going to use to deploy my application into my environment so instead of deploying this into staging let's deploy this into my production environment so of course some of you are probably asking what do I need to do if I need to customize my deployment and do special tasks well guess what this right here is just a task runner exactly like the build so what that means is to customize it you would just add or remove tasks that you need and just like the build out of the box you get hundreds of tasks if what you want to do doesn't exist out-of-the-box jump into the marketplace and if what you want to do doesn't exist in the marketplace write your own tasks tasks nothing more than nodejs or PowerShell so anything you can do from the command line you can easily get this build and release system to do as well so we've just completed this let's go ahead and save this and let's go ahead and kick off our release to see what that will look like so we'll come into our pipeline let's go ahead and create a release and so now what is it gonna do it's gonna grab the latest build that we have and take those bits and start releasing it through our dev environment and it will go ahead and execute the steps that we pimped so here it is queued everything up and now it's going to go ahead and deploy my application into my staging environment and grave that looks like we just deployed into our staging environment let's jump into our staging environment we fresh that to make sure we deployed and voila here's our code deployed into staging fantastic so we can go ahead and approve this looks good and staging and after approving it now it's going to go ahead and flow into our production environment and there you go there's our app deployed all the way into the production environment so as you can see creating a full CI CD pipeline that will take your code from github and deploy it all the way out into production super simple to do so there you go as your DevOps we are the only cloud vendor that makes it so simple to go from nothing to a full CI CD pipeline for any language targeting any platform and yes this is for your code sitting in your repository of choice deploying to wherever you need it to be deployed of course it can be a sure and man we've made it so simple to deploy to Azure but it can also just it easily be behind your firewall in front of your firewall remember any language targeting any platform and not only that if you have an open source project guess what you get all of this for free you get 10 parallel pipelines out-of-the-box and if you need more just ping us and we'll give you more so what's that Donavan Allah says go rub some DevOps on it no man all you devs out there go to dev Asher comm and let's drop a bucket load of dev ops over all of this using at your dev ops thank you

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Building Bots Part 1

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