Monday 21 October 2024

ABP Open source web application framework for ASP NET Core 3 0

right I shared my screen yes you do have a chair give me one second okay all right everybody we are live now we got Holly on here talking about the ABP f-- framework open source so let's let's take it away hey leo oh there you go okay hi everybody today I will introduce an open-source project the ABP framework probably some of you have already heard about it or using it in your applications in any way I believe that this talk will be usable to understand the need for such a project and what ABP is offering with its next version I am a Libra whom Kalkan a Software Architect and co-founder of palo soft i am the lead developer behind the ABP framework ABP is an open source web application framework for the latest Corie 3.0 ABP provides a complete architecture and the strong infrastructure to create modern web applications it follows best practices and conventions to provide a solid development experience first we should understand why we need to such a project and why we have created it if you are building your applications on top of the plain core you mostly find you on repeating yourself to build a similar infrastructure again and again you need to decide on an architecture say a layered architecture based on domain driven design or clean architecture principles you will write some action filters or interceptors to automate cross-cutting concerns like authorization validation exception handling database transaction management audit logging caching and so on you definitely don't want to repeat these logics in every source method you need to create base classes abstractions integrations extension methods how purrs library workers to simplify your application code you will deal with all this infrastructure and much more stuff again and again for every project for that reason big enterprises are building their internal application frameworks on top of core but it's hard to build maintain and document it this is why most of such works finally failed or no one knows how it works because of the missing documentation beside the big enterprises most of the software development companies don't have such development resources to build the infrastructure themselves we have created the ABP framework to address this problem and provide a full stick application model and infrastructure for everyone it's hard and time-consuming to select the right tools and we'll the clean architecture while starting a new application as a Software Architect you need to close the followed software trends tools principles and patterns you have to believe the fundamental solution structure and train your team to align them to follow the same principles and coding styles to create a consistent source code when you use a VP fundamentals of the architecture will be already decided and implemented for you a VP solution model is based on the domain driven design principles and patterns DDD offers four fundamental layers domain application presentation and infrastructure a VP startup templates implement this layering by providing a multi project solution structure a b.p framework provides infrastructure for your application to implement TDD easier and finally a VP documentation supports you to truly implement TDD in your source code a beefy framework is designed to create fully modular applications it provides infrastructure to distribute your entity's services api's UI components and page into isolated modules in the development time and bring them together to act as a single application on runtime we already created tribute modules like account management Identity Management and talent management those are ready ready to use in your application documentation and guides help you in building your own modules micro-service is another training approach to create scalable systems both in development time and on run time NIV ABP has been designed at micro services in mind it provides infrastructure to implement common micro service communication patterns easily it's integrated to the island server for for authentication pre-built application modules are designed so that they can be deployed to separate servers or containers with date they're dedicated databases as independent micro services we have also created a complete micro service solution sample and documented it to be a reference model you can check it on the website multi-tenancy is a fundamental architecture to create software as a service solutions ABP framework and modules provide a complete multi-tenant infrastructure tenon determination automatic data is relation dynamic database selection channel pays the setting system and much more are already implemented by the framework it not only supports to develop multi-tenant applications but also makes your codebase mostly unaware of to multi-tenancy pre-built tenant management module provides the application logic and basic UI to manage and create your tenants ABP framework is not a new project actually it's the successor of the boilerplate framework boilerplate has been around for six years it has been more than 7,000 stars on github 1.5 million downloads on new yet it has been actively used by tens of thousands of developers around the world we have been working on the next generation of the boilerplate framework for a few years and it's finally here the first stable version will be released in a few weeks based on the core 3 it's a complete rewrite so we don't use the log name anymore it's the ABP framework and the new website is ABP dot io it's now more modular and micro-service compatible supports relational and on relational databases provides more options to create composable and distributed systems in addition to simple monolithic web applications we are very excited to introduce it in the same event Microsoft launches Court 3 now I want to show you how to create a new project based on the ABP framework and make it running in a few seconds first I'm entering the ABP our website in the getting started page we have two options to create a new project via a BP command-line interface CLI or we can directly download from the website once we enter a project name then we can select application template or module template to create a reusable module I select the application template we have two options as the UI framework for now MVC and angular and we have now two database providers and two framework or supports most of the relational databases at MongoDB and now we can create a new project but in this demo I will create the project via CLI ABP new project name its grace the complete solution in a few seconds yeah the solution has been created I am opening in the visual studio I have a preview one it has a mom it is a multi project solution consists of the source code and related unit tests it's layered based on domain living patterns and principles and layers it's also well documented on the website so you can easily understand how solution structure is design it when I run the application the solution template has is include some of the pre-built modules like tenant management and identity management when I run the solution yeah I see the account module I can enter the user name and password at the startup time place uses two modules as I said before identity management is used to create and manage roles then we can set permissions for each role that means we can allow to do something in the system for the human role also in the user side we can set rules for the for a user we can create a new user it also supports multi-tenancy out-of-the-box we can create tunnels and use multi-tenancy as well it's localized to a few language okay that's all the solution is stuff actually doesn't contain any user interface component or any functionality I have shown it uses nougat package for all the functionality related identity management talent management account login and register page okay let's continue now I want to highlight some features of the ABP framework as a brief the main goal of the AVP framework is to make you focus on your own bussiness code by handling repeating tasks by conventions it handles cross-cutting concerns and provide services you need let's see a typical application service class to understand how ABP can help you in this very simple code block AVP provides base classes for ddd elements in this example class inherits from the application service application service base class provides properties and methods commonly used in the application layer AVP automatically registered this class to dependency injection container as a transient service you can use the generic repositories to work with the database declaration authorizing tribute can be used to check permissions which are auto policies actually it is completely integrated into course authorization system and extends it unit org system automatically creates and managed database connection and transaction for you it rollbacks if your metal drops and exception otherwise it saves all changes to the database as a single transaction it works out of the box by convention it automatically validates the input and throws exception if it is invalid so you can safely work with the palette in put inside your method it automatically creates and saves audit logs for each method call so you can then get add attack tailored report to know which user called which method audit log system is very detailed detailed and configurable it can also save entity and property changes as well you never handle exceptions manually ABP handles all exceptions and send an appropriate result to the client ABP extant calls localization systems to make it more dynamic and extensible object mapper is used to make objects it has Auto mapper integration out-of-the-box and can be replaced by another mapper AVP also provides some other services usable in the application source in this way you only write the code related to your business without repeating yourself if your application service basically performs quadruped operations then you can also inherit from the root of service to get it fully implemented for you you can then override and customize any method you need once you create an application service you type collie want to expose it as an HTTP API by writing an API controller AVP can automatically create API controllers by convention based on your method names input and output types so most of the times you don't need to manually create API controllers arrange routes and HTTP methods okay you have created your HTTP API and or let the ABI a VP framework dynamically create it for you what about when you want to use the API from a client application AVP can dynamically create JavaScript and C sharp proxies you can use the client proxies to use the remote HTTP API just like calling a regular method in the client side you don't deal with authentication exception handling JSON serialization deserialization and point configuration and so on notice that it doesn't generate any code it all handles in the run time you don't have a large machine generated code that you don't understand what it does here to example code that uses the dynamic client proxies JavaScript code calls the method just like calling a JavaScript function c-sharp client injects the application service interface which is shared with the server the injected service is a dynamic proxy object which internally performs HTTP calls to the remote server then you can use any service method just like calling a local local method and you get the result if provided ABP provides a distributed event pots out-of-the-box publishing and even is pretty easy just injected I distributed even post service and use the publish method subscribing and consuming an event is also easy just implement our distributed even hunter interface and fill in the handle even method the rest of the communication and retry mechanisms are handled by the ABP framework it's integrated to RabbitMQ as a first implementation we will add more options in the feature a BP is framework UI framework agnostic you can use different UI frameworks like MVC angular react whooshes or blazer it currently has a missing and angular startup templates more will become by time in the section I will show some of the ABP features for a missile age razor face UI option in a modular application you typically want to em and make your UI components like wheels or javascript file CSS files and image into the LS or may get packets you may want to create application independent reusable modules with their own entities services API and UI elements ABP provides a virtual file system that acts as a single file system but internally can read contacts from various resources like physical files embedded files or even from dynamic files created created on runtime this is an essential feature when you want to work with files distributed into modules we have created tackle programmers for most of the bootstrap for components like buttons models cards tops and so on in the sample you see a button and the model the dialogue code writing using a BB tag helpers it produces native bootstrap code on runtime in this way you write less code to create bootstrap components in your views it makes possible to get the power of the intellisense when you want to directly work with the bootstrap code you are free to write native with dropped HTML which is cooperates nicely with the AVP toc helpers in addition to wrappers to bootstrap talk helpers we taught that creating a regular form requires a lot of boilerplate code to reduce the code we type we have created a VP input tag helper which generates most repeated localized and validated input controls it understands the input type and can work with the existing attributes to customize the HTML output time we thought why we should define an a VP input tag for each form element when we want to create a simple form what if we create a single tag helper that gets the model and generates the complete form for us ABP dynamic form tag helper does exactly this creates a complete form for you with a single line of code it gets all the information from your view model class handles validation and localization to the last feature I want to highlight in this top is the bundling and minification system provided by the ABP framework you may think that why we need to create another bonding and unification system while we have a speed-up net course bundle and minifiers or gulp or grunt GS the main reason is that none of them are modular none of them can read CSS files inside the dll none of them can this arc the bundle content on the fly and actually none of them are easy use which bundling and minification system can be simpler than this code it's just a tack helper directly used in your page or view it adds given files individually to the page in development time bundles and minifides on runtime it works with the virtual file system out of the box so you can add an embedded or dynamic resource into your bundle it can automatically include dependencies to the bundle that means if you included the library to the bundle that depends on jQuery it automatically includes jQuery to the bundle if jQuery was not already added to the current page before that means it rearranged bundles on-the-fly can't determine the bundle content conditionally it allows you to create named bundles and reuse it in an application or even across multiple applications it has many more features that are needed to create modular web applications check you can check its documentation so I highlighted some AVP features that are easy to explain in such a short talk then there are me many built-in features and extensibility points waiting for you to disk or visit a BPO and follow tutorials to learn it deeply as the last word ABP doesn't try to reinvent the well instead it tries to fill the gap between the plain core and real-world enterprise application the not scenarios it helps you to code in best practices to build maintainable software solutions okay that's all for my talk if you have any questions I'm glad to answer them yeah somebody was that's a great great story the Helena somebody was asking Ritesh um Tamara carcasses are they any real use of a BP at the moment yes actually a BP is the next generation of the boilerplate framework so it's widely used by thousands of developers for the ABP IO the next generation it's in the preview know we have just upgraded to code 3 yesterday immediately upgrade nicest core so we are using it in production but we don't call it 1.0 for now because it has some locking documentation and we we want to test more so some of the custom some of the developers are using the NIV a BPO in their production and one but we don't such as for a few weeks more a few weeks more Dom we will release the first stable version for the BPO awesome awesome yeah people been saying great presentation there's a comment here from Oz Bob Western Australia I've been reading a VP documentation all did a support slash buckle integration and open API and swagger UI Wow definitely gonna give it a go so yeah your you did a great job for sending all the features of your framework that's awesome so I want to thank you for taking the time talking about it and showcasing it I know everybody were excited so we're gonna hang up here folks and we're gonna get Martin who's gonna talk about indexing nougat with a sure functions so again Ellie oh thank you so much thank you very much and thank you to everybody listening me okay oh so much have a good one I will be back in a bit folks

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