Monday 21 October 2024

Achieving No Downtime Through Versioned Service Updates

so I'm gonna switch topics now and talk about upgrade so kind of going back to for my overall theme of us evolving over time from TFS into and on into a cloud service upgrade was a big deal you know back in the case with TFS still case with TFS you got to take it down early on with the STS it was the same thing take service off line go upgrade it which it's complete non-starter for a global team if somebody somewhere is critically in it has a critical dependency on V STS they're trying to ship something they're trying to patch their service it doesn't matter they've got stuff going on there's never a good time for everybody so we got to be able to do this this online now if you're gonna do an upgrade not everything can change simultaneously it just not possible so if we're not going to be able to change the application tiers the job ages the virtual machines as a unit if we can't change the virtual machines in the database together at the same time who's gonna have to handle the fact that they're different where are we gonna absorb that complexity and we've chosen to absorb it in the application tiers and the job agents and a lot of this comes back to you know I mentioned before we got a ton of sequel the thing with sequel is sequel with if-statements is completely awesome right we all enjoy writing sequel with lots of branches in it it's crazy right so we said instead of complicating further complicating our sequel we're going to handle this complexity in net and now you could do this in Java or any number of different languages obviously for us its net so we created a set of factory classes that understand the sequel versioning so every sprint you create a new interface with that version and you kind of march along in time and that way there's always a set of binders that match whatever version of the database is this also by the way allows for easy rollback miners because the first thing we do is to ploy the binaries after we deploy the binaries then we kick off the database upgrade so if we deploy the new binaries something goes horribly wrong we can we can roll back the binaries that's easy enough and this is much easier to test because now we're testing you know standard net code we can write unit tests for it it's it's much easier to deal with step through debug etc than dealing with this as a crazy set of if statements and branch in sequel so how does this actually work so we need to be able to do these schema upgrades online and like I said the first phase is we go deploy binaries the binaries in a given sprint deployment let's say so we're currently in currently deploying sprint 123 the binaries understand sprint 123 database schema and they understand sprint 181 22 schema so in and n minus 1 and the binaries will query a sequel and find out what scheme I'm not talking to you oh it's that one I'll load that binder again going back to the factory class of loading what matches the database and it is you decide hey I need to upgrade my data I've added some new feature let's say I've added a new feature to work out them tracking great I'll go add let's say a set of nullable columns I'll start populating that with data I may even put in place the sequel trigger to keep it all in sync but before any of the actual upgrade happens per se I've got to create the data because as you'll see when we want to do an online upgrade if we're not going to take you down it's got to be invisible to you so if I'm gonna do data transformations and if this is done at any scale it's got to be done before I lock the database schema before I block anything that you're doing because when I take that lock it's got to be fast so the first thing we're gonna do is you're gonna go manipulate our data whatever that means for the feature that you're working on and for something truly large this could take multiple sprints like when we changed work atom tracking from a wide schema to a long schema that was multiple sprints and every sprint made some changes to the schema some of them like that are very complex most of course are much simpler so once we've gone past the phase of creating this extra data in nullable columns it could also be in brand new tables with different names that will later swap in we go into what's called deployment mode for the application tiers and the job agents and this is where they when they make a call to the database they grab a reader lock on the schema and front from from a standpoint of of using the sequel if you will the the job agents and the ATS are effectively readers of the schema it's kind of a little bit of an odd terminology but that's what they are and meanwhile the upgrade itself is the schema writer and is trying to grab a writer lock and so there's this this dance that goes on in the code where every time a call comes from a tea or a job agent into the end of the sequel database it grabs the reader lock on the on the schema meanwhile the the upgrades sitting there trying to find a moment in time to grab that writing lock try to grab it nope can't do it try it can't do it oh wait there are no readers grab grab the writer lock make the final set of changes which is I'm gonna update the metadata I'm gonna swap in the new procedures I'm gonna swap in the new types I may even swap the names of you know let's say this new set a new table that I built on the side that's actually gonna take the place of the original I do that swap very very fast small number of relatively speaking of operations and then I'm going to release the lock and what you as a user should see is you should never notice if you happen to be using the your account at the moment this happens let's say you're you're gonna go save a work item it may take five or ten seconds to save that work item that particular time you go huh that was kind of slow and but everything else goes back to normal like the most you should see is that something slows down for a few seconds and then it all goes back to normal you don't lose any data you're in the midst of updating a work item that all happens for you none of that data gets lost it's completely invisible to you and by the way as part of this you know I don't really dive into it but we've also have to have the web UI handle online upgrade as well so when we upgrade the JavaScript files and the the style sheets and the icons and kind of all this stuff if I go make a let's say I do a major facelift to some particular area of the product if I have changed that UI and then you hit save and suddenly the end the call goes to the new stuff and the new stuff wasn't it was expecting something different than your data in the format that the browser sent it it's all gonna fail so even the web UI is versioned so we've got versions of the the type script that icons the style sheets everything it all loads from a bird and folder and that way until until there's a full page refresh that happens you're still using quote the old UI you do something along the lines along the way that triggers a full page refresh you switch hubs or something you get the new web UI but again everything set up so that you don't notice the upgrade happens you just get new functionality yes how are you deploying the the sequel using scripts using tack pack files good question so ed glass is going to talk more about how we do the actual deployment but a lot of it is driven through scripts so all of our sequel is checked in to birth control we've got lots of dot sequel files and the the way servicing is done and everything there's a set of things to get auto-generated to make some of the surfacing steps happen and so forth it's all done through through the sequels in text file so it's essentially a script and then we have something we call light rail that's a set of PowerShell scripts that actually drive the upgrade we built all this stuff a long time ago over time I expect to move to something newer but right now it's working well for us and kind of not a need to go crack it open but ed glass will talk more about how that actually gets deployed question No ah so a good question are the deployments manual thankful the answer is no we would go insane if we had to do 192 scale units manually so they're they're highly automated what actually happens and I think he'll show you some screenshots we actually use release management so the STS deploys V STS and that does mean we do have a way to deploy vs TSM vs TSS down right so but V STS release management workin straights the overall deployment there's a set of scripts that run the actual steps and everything so it's somebody goes to the UI and says hey I'm ready to deploy sprint 123 and they kick that off and it progresses through the Rings and he'll show you two it automatically goes from ring to rain it's not a manual thing that somebody says oh I've done ring 0 let me go queue a deployment for ring 1 now let me cue a deployment bring 2 doesn't work that way it will pause and you there are cases where we say hey we want it to pause we'll wait a day to do the next step somebody has to go say yes it's ok because if something goes wrong want to be able to react to it and not have it propagate out to the rest of the accounts of course but he'll go through it in detail but it's all fully automated and that always that wasn't always the case by the way question for all the different assets that you version whether it's store procedures or files JavaScript whatever how do you is your something do you have a complete copy for every version of the product internally or do are you doing some other kind of scheme like some form of copier and rage or something like that so it's a good question so the version it's actually got a full copy of every version so for example in Azure storage there's a full copy of every version of the the JavaScript files CSS etc the deployment itself carries you know full copy of the sequel so now as part of the servicing it generates deltas so it knows what to change so when we do the upgrade it's not you know changing one sprach into another one they're actually identical we detect all that at Build time and actually generate the Delta so we know what things need to be actually need to be upgraded but we've got full versions of all this stuff so that they're fully independent question what do you call this a Bluegreen deployment what I call it a Bluegreen deployment actually no because the way we do deployments today is since we're using pass we actually use something that's called a VIP swap with the azure load balancer so we actually spin up and I think ed will cover this too we actually spend up a new set of virtual machines in a staging slot and then we do a VIP swap and we swap all of them out all at once and the what's currently in production goes into the staging slot staging slot becomes production and it's it's it's not atomic but it's close enough to being atomic so that would be kind of a Bluegreen deployment right that you have a separate set of servers which are live and then a separate service set of servers that would go live later yes and and I guess when I think about it there there's no like rolling deployment for example right it's it's always the entire set of binary the entire set of virtual machines is always one sprint or another there's never a mix in there thank you question sue seems like you guys maintain two versions each time I deploy right yes so when do you do that cleanup because at some point you have to so like the next deploy you're gonna have to probably clean up the previous version right and keep like you know the to soap rate basically the current version and next so do you guys actually do the disk cleanup or this is something that you guys use in like an in the background that's making this easier was just like always like manual so so interesting set of questions there so on the binary or the the virtual machines once once we do the swap and they go into the staging slot it's not long half an hour later or something they disappear we delete those in the database you know of course there's only one copy of the data there's never two copies of the data that'd be incredibly expensive the the schema and all as the servicing runs and replaces the the sprach there's only ever one copy of sprach sort of active at one time and there's not a full second copy of this proxy in the database because again the servicing has generated the deltas and it knows exactly what what to go change the closest thing that has sort of two things at once is the is the binary since it's capable of talking to the old DB and the new DB and what happens is as you might imagine the code if you went looked at the code you're going to see okay milestone 100 1920 800 2100 2200 2324 what happens this teams as they go add those eventually they go you rip the others out the other sort of interesting challenge and I'm not going to talk about this at all but really gets into on on-prem upgrade in the cloud we go every three weeks we upgrade on Prem you could be coming from TFS 2010 so that's all whole separate conversation so there's there's another conversation around how on-prem upgrade works but it leverages the same functionality because we couldn't literally have two separate upgrades we could nut [Music]

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