Monday 21 October 2024

Address Sanitizer continue_on_error Pure Virtual C++ 2023

so please everyone give a welcome to Jim Radigan who is going to talk about dress sanitizer continue on error hey Jim how are you doing hi good morning everybody thanks Psy this morning I was just gonna talk a little bit about a new runtime uh mode that we have for the address sanitizer it's called continue on error and what happens is that this essentially gives you a check build for C plus plus and the check builds are defined as finding memory safety errors without any false positives so I'm going to go through a little story to begin with I did two presentations separated by two years about memory safety and um I started out the 2019 talk with the 2018 data and on the left in the graph you can see that the number of cves had continuously increased and cves are common vulnerabilities and exposures that are basically bugs that have been kept in an international database after some analysis out of all the cves 70 are due to memory safety errors and on the next slide I'll start to get into what is a memory safety issue now this was 2018 data so skip ahead to 2021 when I I in 2022 I did a talk and went back and looked at the previous year's data and here's the top 25 uh bugs for memory so not for memory safety but just for uh common weakness enumeration and they each get a score now I was able to clip or snip the top 17 and out of the top 17 six are memory safety errors now remember this is two years later so the yellow ones are memory safety errors and out of bounds right and out of bounds read a use after free an editor overflow and an effective address calculation for a memory reference that uses that no pointerview reference and the last one is when people annotate their code or write their own range checks so that's 2021 and then I did a talk in 2022 and then things haven't stopped so if we go to the next piece of data for 2022 this is um an award and I'll show you this the hackers have uh an award show every year for the top hacks in all different categories and the best remote code execution bug in 2022 was awarded to Microsoft and that was due to a heat buffer overflow so you can see that we continue to find uh really scary memory safety errors so what am I going to talk about I'm going to show why memory safety is critically important and hopefully that gets people to use the tools and um try to improve this problem which is uh systemic and then I'm going to talk about the new tool that we've got here with a demo and it's basically going to arm you with something that will allow you to expose all the C plus plus memory safety errors in your code and memory many are hidden so that last award for example that was code that was a heat buffer overflow that had been in the code for 20 years so to make this more Sim simple um I'm gonna tell this as a story between the bad guys and the good guys so the bad guys are the ones that make memory safety critically important and I'll show why in a second and then I'll talk about how the good guys are going to get a well-defined checked build for C plus plus it'll be a turnkey ship or do not ship so in other words when you use the new tool if your tests pass but we still log memory safety errors you shouldn't ship and you shouldn't integrate your code full stop so let's go talk about the bad guys for a second and hopefully this will motivate you into using the tools that we Supply and the new one especially so the bad guys have invented new programming paradigms and people may have heard about return oriented programming that's the first one that's been around for a long time that's ROP and data oriented programming or dop block oriented programming which is related and DDM which is direct data manipulation these are all started by the bad guys exploiting a memory safety error in your code and I'm going to show ROP how that works next and I'll show you that it's Turing complete so in other words you can write a program that can match any program functionality but using a stack pointer and the return instruction only [Music] okay so here I'm going to just start out with a traditional constant store and what we're going to do at the top is we're going to store valve one into array indexed at Bell too and the stack is in yellow and that's the stack pointer at the bottom it stays fixed and then the green box at the bottom are three different registers and then on the left is the machine code that the compiler would generate so it's just three machine instructions and these instructions are going to execute in the fall through fashion and it's going to update at the very very bottom in the green box the instruction pointer so that's 32-bit Intel so in this example we'll start out at address one so the instruction pointer is loaded with A1 and we execute that instruction which means load from the stack pointer into eax so the stack pointer is pointing at vowel one so this is how we get valve one into the machine we fall through we're at A2 now what we're going to do is we're going to load ESP Plus 8 which means we're going to get Val 2 into the machine you fall through to A3 and when we do that instruction with those register contents we're going to implement that store okay so that's traditional programming if you're using a fixed stack pointer and for manipulating the instruction pointer in the EIP register so with return oriented programming I'm going to show you what they call a gadget so what I can do is that exact same array store but I'm only going to use pops and Reps and what's going to happen is on the right hand side I'm going to get the stack to have exactly those values because I'm going to exploit a stack buffer overflow and I'm going to do that before I get to address one and that's going to set me up to actually do the following ROP Gadget so as we walk through this we're going to pop eax first which puts Val 1 into eax then we're going to do the return instruction at A2 sorry there's the increment for the stock pointer from the pop now we're at A2 and we're going to do the red and when we do the rat we're going to return to whatever the stack pointer points to which is A3 so that's how we get a fall through so we're going to pop ebx which puts Val 2 into the machine at A3 now at A4 because we did another fall through we're going to do a return and we're going to return to A5 and at address 5 we actually do the store so right there what I've done is smash the stack with the right values like an S print out for something into a local variable and then I knew about particular code in your existing program that would allow me to carry out this instruction so we went from traditional programming to something that is only done with moving the stack pointer executing returns doing a few things moving the stack pointer executing return that's return range Pro return oriented programming so now you can stitch these gadgets together and that's how you can get something that's touring complete so you can imagine that this is incredibly powerful and it's done just using memory safety errors in the existing code in your machine it all starts with one memory safety error wait what's memory safe that you ask well on msdn if you go to msdn address sanitizer uh I put those I think it's 15 or 17 categories of memory safety air bugs out there and each one of these URLs this is what I cut and paste from msdn has a link to a specific set of examples so there's a double free for example and then we give a source code example which is compilable and then we've integrated this into the IDE so if you open up that screen dump in a tab on a separate tab you'll actually be able to see how we've integrated the uh um the error into the IDE which is uh also in parallel with the command line dumps sorry well I'm gonna move on so you get a specifically well-defined notion of memory safety and this is a great way to understand what um is glossed over a lot in um in the literature we've very concisely Define this so you know in all uh what does Microsoft do for security in other words where does this all fit uh the address sanitizer uh relative to the Technologies we Supply so I've broken it down into a Venn diagram and there really are four buckets and if you go top down you can modify the source and then if you go a level down you can actually do static analysis on that or dynamic analysis and then as a fail safe for the last I would say God at least 20 years we've provided secure code generation which isn't something people talk about a lot but basically these two areas are run time and these are not as familiar as Source modifications and static analysis and so those are the forms of static analysis everybody is familiar with and those are the existing forms of source modification that you can look up on msdn but what I want to bring your attention to today is the secure code generation called guard and that's something that we spent many years introducing to thwart the ROP attacks that I just showed you your protection is only as good as what's used and so what I'm going to show you now is the result of a study that was performed finding out how much of the code on a Microsoft installation for Windows 10 used guard so they downloaded 10 applications from one of the top websites and only 21 files used guard that's two percent and then for Windows itself only 90 percent of the program files in the windows system folder used guard frustrating so that it to add to that you you can emit the use of guard which I just showed you obviously but then there are a lot of other things that you can just turn off you can turn off the canaries that we put on the stack for overriding locals you can turn off safe structured exception handling you can turn off aslr which is the address space linear randomization where we put things in different spaces randomly and then you can turn off depth which is basically the ability to protect code pages this should highlight the importance of a tool like Asam with continue on error so the war continues today after seven years of basically control control flow Integrity protection CFI is what they call it in the literature that is the Microsoft uh to on Microsoft that maps to guard which I just showed you so it's been really seven years in the industry of control flow integrity versus ROP attacks and the bad guys have not uh rested on their Laurels I found a really great paper here Roper which is a blazing fast multi-threaded ROP Gadget finder that's 2018. and that's in use pretty heavily today so the bad guys have also got moved on from ROP attacks which is trying to exploit control flow to data oriented attacks sorry so here we have what data oriented attacks do they manipulate non-control data like they'll just variable they'll change variables and pointers which don't contain Target addresses they'll change benign Behavior and without violating control flow so a simple DDM data direct data manipulation example would be to flip a bit in a variable that's used in an fnls so if I at the right time flip the bit in if x is true and invert it to what it what was expected I can change the behavior of your program dramatically just by flipping that one bit through a memory safety error so these are how they're oriented they're related I didn't have enough time usually I go into them but um data oriented programming and block oriented programming are um sophisticated attacks that take chunks of your existing code to carry out actions that you can actually program in a separate language and DDM is what I just direct data manipulation I just talked about by flipping a bit and so dop and Bop are actually used by a compiler called sploit so this is actually the sploit language you can program something to create your own shell here and it'll do it by going out and looking at a binary whatever binary you feed into it and it'll get blocks of code to actually carry out exactly this program so real world examples here's the Windows Movie Maker this is a famous famous exploit that happened before CB size is 44.70 we allocate a buffer that's 44.70 bytes that accidentally changes it to 44.96 and then down here we have a heat buffer overflow and you're gone the SQL Slammer this hit the internet a while ago though so this is an instance of a read name from a socket and then down here we have a stack overflow stack buffer overflow because of this s printf and what happens here is that the return address is corrupted and so they've got the bad guys starting an ROP attack with an open name socket so how bad is it really so um Ness the National Institute of Standards and Technology from the U.S Department of Commerce has put out guidelines on minimal standards and when the government gets involved it's very scary you've heard that you've heard the phrase we're from the government we're here to help well they're here to help now so the bad guys are using those four forms of abstract programming against us so what about the good guys that's us so delivering C plus plus requires both static analysis and dynamic analysis end of story you've got to do both so when I talked about static analysis and dynamic analysis I'm going to relate it back to our Venn diagram and you everyone's familiar with Slash analyze and I think people are beginning to get more familiar with the address sanitizer so what I want to do is show a little demo that shows the difference between static and dynamic analysis to make this tangible in the program on the right what you can see down at the bottom in Maine the first line what we're going to do is we're going to allocate a derived object which is larger than the base object but we're going to point to it through a typed pointer which is the base that's polymorphism 101. but then what happens is we're going to delete B and when we delete B where the red arrow is we're going to delete the base in other words we're going to delete something that's smaller than the space that we allocated and you're going to have a leak so if we use static analysis that's in the IDE then what happens is you get three four errors or four warnings the default Constructor should not throw work with delete can be declared no except down here we should not use an explicit smart pointer reassignment and then the real core error here it says do not delete a raw pointer that is not the owner now if I go to the address sanitizer and just run this this is what you'll get on the command line it'll tell you that there's a new and delete type mismatch the allocation was 12 bytes the delete was of a one byte object it'll give you the call stack for where things were allocated and it'll give you the call stack oh wait this is where it was deleted that's where the error was detected and then here it'll tell you where the new occurred for that error and then if you'll notice down here what it does is it aborts so in the old model it's one and done upon hitting the first error it'll kill your process which a lot of people thought was pretty draconian foreign [Music] okay so that showed the difference between static and dynamic analysis so what you can see with static analysis that takes place at compile time the language itself limits what you can do so there's an there's a a circle or a cycle abstract cycle that where type propagation will thwart Alias analysis and Alias analysis can thwart type propagation so if I don't know the type of the pointer p when I get to the call of Foo I can't do the Alias analysis and I can't really even type propagate across that so for example star Q if their p and Q are Global pointers I have no idea in this program what they're pointing to and I have to assume worst case so Dynamic analysis takes place at runtime it breaks that cycle that I just showed you and basically you just need good code coverage and the other win too is that a dynamic analysis like the address sanitizer all of your third-party libraries are in there affecting the behavior as well so you see exactly what's going to be going on as long as you've got good code coverage yeah but I run over 3 million tests daily why do I need this well here's an example of a program that we call secure by coincidence there's the red arrow should be or the the red Loop exit condition for that for Loop uh is off by one it shouldn't be less than or equal to it should be less than and so what happens then is you get a buffer overflow in the abstract but in reality this program will run almost all the time system allocates the storage into local but Malik has what we call slop in it we're going to actually allocate a chunk of memory that's cash word aligned so it might actually allocate something that's zero Mod 32 padded and so invariably local is going to always have one extra cash line in it and that's what we call the slop so this program is secure by coincidence and the memory safety error or the buffer overflow is uh hidden you'll never see it so Dynamic analysis is a simple recompile the address sanitizer will compile in all the necessary runtime checks it'll link to asan.lib and it'll diagnose all your errors at runtime so the problem with the as I showed you before is the existing X sanitizer is a one and done it'll do a great job diagnosing the first error it hits but then it will abort your process so one and done is a problem so a top five isv they build 36 hours they have 200 000 plus tests and 100 distributed test machines and the first day you try to deploy uh the address sanitizer you basically blow up a super large test lab and it is a giant un undefinable triage effort so it's not practical to do the one and done for large code bases and there's a lot of wins to do something different other than aborting this negative so what I'm going to do is show you uh another demo and here we go and we are in Padre so power is a ray Tracer and the first thing it does is it hits a new delete type mismatch and it aborts it's a popper is a really large program by the way so normally you would see the one error and you think oh I'm almost done you go home no problem but foreign options equals continue on [Music] equals one can I run the same program what's going to happen is we're not going to stop on the first error so in this particular case what you can see is that we have found 14 unique memory safety errors and there we Define a unique based on call Stacks so in other words call Stacks are paths so there are 14 different ways that this program will leak 14 different paths [Music] well the new address sanitizer with continue on error provides a checked build you can actually compile this way and just run all of your normal testing because it's not going to die on the first error and it won't interfere with the output of whatever's being produced by your program and you'll get well-defined errors they'll all be Memory safety errors and the compiler will insert all the necessary assertions so this is well defined it's not like you have to manually annotate your code in any way shape or form so in essence it's a turnkey system you know you just compile your programs with the address sanitizer and then you uh set an environment variable and you go the interface is really not that complex we give you two choices you go to the command line through stood out or stood error or if you really don't want to interfere with any output whatsoever all of the memory safety error information can go to your log file of choice that's it hopefully everybody understands that and the importance of it and I look forward to answering any questions if we're still there yeah thanks very much for the the great talk Jim um if folks have any questions please drop them in the chat if you're watching somewhere which is not the visual studio YouTube then you can head over there and uh you should be able to see the chat right underneath the window it has a question of my own is what would you urge people to do right now for making their bills safer well the the easiest thing to do is use 17 6 and start um trying to compile it this way it's just that simple and it becomes a pass failgate all you got to do is run it this way and if it fails by passing your tests that you normally do day to day but actually suddenly logs memory safety errors you shouldn't ship and you shouldn't integrate into the next branch yeah that makes sense okay we've got a question from um John who says can you tell us the difference between continue on error equals one versus two yeah sure that what that um what that means is that that's this slide the uh continue on error one is stood out this stood outstream standard output and uh two is standard error we map one and two of those just like on Unix and then another question is would you recommend enabling asan for debug configurations as well as release should there be a difference there will be a difference and um the I would enable them for the debug releases because what happens is there are so when you run debugged the optimizer is not on although we to be sure we went through great pains to make this work with all the Myriad Optimizer supplies but the interesting thing is when you optimize you eliminate memory references and so what can happen then is it'll hide or mask what our memory safety errors because things only live in registers or you do things like dead code elimination so I'd start with the debug builds or you know O2 check builds which is that's a term that we use I'm sorry at Microsoft quite a bit which check builds are we turn on some optimizations and we have assertions in there and uh it's like two-thirds of the way towards production code but it finds a lot of errors and this is a way of giving you a check build on steroids yeah any other questions for Jim we are five minutes until the next session is scheduled so we still got a little bit of time if anyone has any questions [Music] and Jim could you drop a a link to to me or in the the chat for the best place for folks to go um if they want to find out more about this sir the blog is going live today perfect can you see me and the slides that are on the screen uh we can see you we can get that yeah this slides are there now okay uh John's also asking is the continue on error support in production today yeah it's in 1706 I'm in the middle of when I get out of here we are building all of office with this right now and uh I'm also working with a team in France a big isv and we're trying to get um their entire code base uh covered with this and office takes we're building on just to give you an idea the size when we build office the machine I'm using right now is a 32 core threadripper it's got 256 gigabytes of memory and it has 10 terabytes of SSD I think it runs for 30 30 hours wow so the we're really trying to scale this up for production use and that's why um in 178 we're going to move this to uh move it out of experimental into full production full guarantees so we're really looking for feedback on this and we plan to add the leak sanitizer to this as well in the C in in an internal demo I add the leak sanitizer by adding one more flag here and then uh of course we're going to optimize so that um when you compile this way you won't take the performance hit from all the assertions yeah I think we got um last question here from fppt1 says is asan built in to be easy to use graphically within Visual Studio oh yeah so um in my failed attempt to pop the screen if you go here to the website where I drilled into um the double free for example and you open this in a new window you'll see on the left hand side is the command line output and then over here for the double free we've integrated the address sanitizer error reporting directly into the IDE so if you start out with Dev EMD slash debug XE and you just run this thing it'll actually pop that up with the source code for you okay and then Ken's asking is Asun new functionality for which yes we can say that it's been around a while but the Windows support is the last few years and this is brand new stuff that we're talking about today yeah the address sanitizer has been around in the end Google's responsible for starting it and that's I think Circa 2012 really was when they first did the use next conference what's been difficult in bringing this up on the Windows platform though is uh we have a tremendous amount of legacy and um the interop for all the different languages and then one other thing to note is that continue on error is first being brought up on the Windows platform it didn't it doesn't exist anywhere else we're going to open source it and move it Upstream but there was a there was a lot of comp complexity so what what's neat about this is that um if you hit a memory safety error we're going to continue executing so that bad mutating right will actually do its thing and we found that that was actually modifying metadata in the asan runtime and the asan runtime would blow up so we had to move the metadata around make sure it was safe and it was a pretty involved thing and so it's going to be slow going to get this up upstreamed and accepted by the community right well thank you so much for your time there's um one more question in chat but I can get that answered over text for you because we are on time for the next session now so thanks very much Jim

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