Monday 21 October 2024

AI Coding Assistance in Visual Studio 2022

a big step forward for the AI engine here in Visual Studio 22. here's a just a very console app and I want to show you some cool things and improvements we've done to the AI based coding assistant so I'm going to type a new line here and notice how Visual Studio automatically will suggest that I put in a last name which is exactly what I want in this case I want the last name property to be inserted for me right here I also want the full name so let's hit enter again and this time it suggests age which is it could be the accurate one but I want full name so I'm just gonna pretend it's not showing me anything and just start typing public string full name and notice here I can just hit Tab and I get my full name and it understands that full name is a product of first name and last name so the AI engine here in Visual Studio understands the context I'm in absolutely fantastic here let's scroll down and you can see here I have a method here called remove data and all it does it removes some data from the list that I have defined above it what's missing here is is a method for adding data so again I'm going to hit enter and visual studio already knows what I'm going to do here I'm going to create an add data method so notice that based on the name remove data it understands what remove means and so it suggests that I created a method called add but what was crazy was that it knew what that would do inside the method so it knew that it it should not take the list and remove something it should add to that list this is just absolutely fantastic here I'm just coding by tapping enter and hit hitting the Tab Key here and we can take it a step further let's say that I want to create a new method or I want some code but I'm not entirely sure how I should write it what I can do is that I can express it in a code comment like this one so here I have a comment it says take the two arguments and add them together so the arcs refers to the arcs that come into the to the main method up here so I'm just writing here in plain English what it is that I would like to have happen I can hit enter and visual studio will automatically suggest what that code might look like it understands what I'm saying in English in the code comment and can translate that into something that might be what I want this is the AI engine that is built upon huge data set and using machine learning it's able to take the context that the AI engine is aware of and pair that up with the big machine learning model when we pair those up together Visual Studio can do amazing things like this

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Building Bots Part 1

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