Monday 21 October 2024

ASP NET Razor Into the Razor'verse

alright everybody we are back when and talking about racer take it away are you guys doing good Oh take it away sir ready to go yeah all right so I'm gonna talk about razor today and there are a lot of razor things to cover so I'm ready to go ahead and switch to my my screen here when you guys are we're all set sir all right so hello net Kampf hopefully everybody's enjoying the show so far my name is ed Charbonneau I'm a developer advocate for progress and let me get a justed here there we go I'm a developer advocate for progress software a Microsoft MVP and today we're going to talk about razor into the razor vers razor is an ecosystem that has expanded over the last few years and includes many different razor technologies so we have razor the engine itself the syntax razor views HTML helpers razor pages raise your tag helpers blazer and it's razor components so we're gonna start at the top level but we are gonna deep dive into each one of these things we only have a short period of time so let's get going the first thing that I want to cover is the syntax itself so razor the syntax is a template markup syntax based on the sea shark programming language the nice thing about razor is that we don't have opening and closing tags with razor we use the @ symbol to open up our template and it intelligently finds the end for us so if we look at the old way of doing this in web forms you can see it's a lot more verbose than using razor if we look at something a little more modern like angular we still have this very specific angular language that we're using to define our templates in our markup where razor is just using c-sharp and markup so there's some benefits to razor here and there's even more with the ability to do complex expressions so we open up an @ symbol we can do all sorts of things in this example we're doing some math and just writing out an out into our HTML we also have control structures like for each if then statements try catches all of those things are valid within our c-sharp syntax or a razor syntax here's an example of an if statement and we can branch out and write out different portions of HTML to our page using razor this way so let's talk about razor execution really quick it's actually a complex thing happening behind the scenes so razor generates c-sharp code from the template if then compiles that code into a dotnet assembly it loads it into memory and then execute that compiled code so that's the razor syntax that's a quick overview let's jump into razor views in HTML helpers next so razor views our streamlined way of writing code focused templates in dotnet there return from a controller action as a view result and the content is generally made up of HTML and components that are HTML helpers now other component models are valid here like tag helpers and razor components but typically with views you'll find HTML helpers being used this project template comes from file new project if we click on web application and specifically that Model View controller application we're talking about the view portion here so razor views in that template so that's razor views in a nutshell we're gonna talk about HTML helpers next so HTML helpers are the component model for razor views they're invoked as methods within HTML razor views they encapsulate code and HTML so we're building components using this this structure at the end of the day these things turn into an HTML string and that's really important to remember here and we're gonna get into the reason why it's important later but the main takeaway here is these things turn into HTML strings so keep that in mind so this is what an HTML helper looks like and how we use it in a razor view we call at HTML and that identifies that we're info being a helper and then we call the method on that extension method on the HTML class now we pass in our parameters and output the type of helper that we were looking for in this case we're doing an action link so we get a nice anchor tag with the path that we're specifying in our HTML helper creating these is actually fairly simple we just need to extend my HTML helper as an extension method and we've returned I HTML content so let's take a look at what that looks like if we look at the function signature signature it's very simple we take in IH tml helper we output IH tml content and we have an example here of a hello helper we're gonna write out a span with a message inside we're actually going to break away here and do a quick demo and we'll view that HTML helper in visual studio so let's do that let's break over to visual studio and in this solution I have three projects and we're gonna start with the razor view project and this is identified specifically by saying that there is a controller model and view folder so this is an MVC application and we have razor views so I'm gonna open up the index page here the index view will zoom back out and we can see that we have our razor mark up and we've got a couple lines of HTML a mark up here and two things I want to point out specifically we have that HTML helper that is at HTML hello and we're passing in the value world and I also have a tag or a piece of razor markup that is at this get type base type so I'm gonna discover what the actual type is that's resolved for this view so that's gonna be interesting first let's open up our HTML helper and take a look at how that was built so first of all we're returning an eye HTML content and the method name is going to be hello and we're passing in a HTML helper as an extension method so that's what this keyword is for we're extending the eye HTML helper interface with method called hello and passing in the message job parameter we're gonna write that out into a span an HTML span and that gets turned into an HTML string so this is the basis of an HTML helper which act as components in a razor view so let's give this a run I'm going to ctrl f5 we don't need a debug I just want to see what this looks like on the page so we're gonna load this up in the browser and our application loads and we have hello world this is our HTML helper being executed and we also have that segment where I said at this so tell me what this thing is and what is the base type so this is actually the razor view is a razor page of T so a razor page takes some sort of type in this case it's an object that object is actually your model being passed into the razor view so interesting stuff there let's break out again to a folder view so what I'm gonna do next is a little crazy I'm gonna dig into the bin folder for this project and inside of the bin folder we're gonna find a project views dll file I'm going to use a free tool called telluric just decompile to open up this razor view and let's go ahead and see what was actually compiled from a razor code here so I'm gonna dive in if you see me dismissing a window here this is actually trying to decompile any dependencies that are on that object don't need all the dependencies decompiled I just want to look at the specific razor view so inside of this razor view this is what was compiled from that code that we wrote and we have our our class of view home index that inherits from razor page so that's where the razor page came from of tee object also interesting inside of this is that we automatically generate some properties here so we have an HTML property so remember in our code when we wrote at HTML that's actually where that property is being extended with our extension method but what's really important is at the very bottom here so we have a task at the bottom called execute async and what this does is actually renders the string based on all of the markup that we wrote in our razor library so we have write literal and write and in here you can see our actual HTML helper being executed all of this stuff gets turned into a literal string an HTML string that we can view in the browser so that's very important to know because later on we're going to talk about rays or components and things are going to be much different so let's go back into our presentation and we will talk about the razor views and sorry razor pages in tag helpers next so razor pages was introduced with asp net core it's a page focused approach versus model-view-controller like the previous template so pages incorporate their own controllers actions and routings inside it's in a it's able to be integrated with MVC so these things aren't mutually exclusive you'll find that's a common trend with all the things I'm talking about today the content is actually made up of HTML and typically tag helpers so tag helpers are new to asp net core we're going to talk about those next but we can still use HTML helpers and even razor components in a razor page will show that last if we do file new project and choose web application we will get a razor pages application this is different from the model-view-controller application as we'll see in a minute if we look at them side-by-side the asp net MVC application has controllers models and views or a razor pages application has just a pages folder and inside of that pages folder each page has their own code-behind file so that's how they're primarily different the razor page versus of view is also written differently so we have an at page directive this identifies that this is a page in a razor pages application we also have an at all directive that ties into the code-behind so this is where the code vine comes from this is where the page model is represented so we can set properties and things as you see in the example here we have a message that is used within our markup on the left-hand side now also unique to raise your pages is we have an on get method these methods actually correspond to HTML or HTTP methods so get post put in delete so you'll have on get on put on post on delete and those things are used in place of controller actions so the the page concept is more of a vertical slice and we're able to do everything in the code behind so the component model for razor pages is actually tag helpers and tag helpers our asynchronously server-side processed pieces of HTML these you these use tags and attributes much like HTML does which helps eliminate context switching between HTML and C sharp they're also designed for a unit testing in mind I don't have time to show that today but it is something that is a benefit of tag helpers over HTML helpers so HTML helpers versus tag helpers when you're writing them there are some fundamental differences between the two now one of the things I like to point out when talking about these two types of component models is HTML helpers are nice they have nice fluent syntax but when you go to add things like HTML attributes such as a class you have to do some special things so when we want to add a class which is a normal thing normal operation to do in HTML we have to do something like this we have to new up in add-on of this object then we have to escape the word class because that's a reserved word in c-sharp so things start getting a little messy when we have to do this HTML helpers have this problem tag helpers alleviate this problem by using tags and attributes directly so this same example below we're producing the same output but with very minimal effort the tag helper portion of this is actually the a sp4 attribute so that identifies this as a tag helper and Razer knows how to handle this and they output the same thing and what's nice in the second instance here is our class when we define it we actually get intellisense within visual studio and we don't have to escape it and create those anonymous objects and those types of things if we look at a more complex example like a teller at grid we have a nice fluent syntax with the HTML helper but if you look at the tag helper it looks a lot like HTML and inside of a big page this doesn't really stick out and there's no context to switch between if we want to control the scope of tag helpers within our raiser pages we have special directives to bring those things into scope or remove them so we can use the add add tag helper directive and there's built-in tag helpers in asp net core all the things that you need to build a form are there and if you look at something like the telluric UI for asp net core there are both asp net HTML tag helpers and tag helpers for both sorry for both razer tag helpers and razer HTML helpers this is a mouthful guys there's about 60 UI components there that support either type of type of model so an example of that would be a big picker and you can see these are very easy to read and understand so let's jump into a raiser pages demo and we'll decompile that one at the end as well so I'm gonna pull my Visual Studio project back up here and want to switch projects over to raise your pages and we're gonna dive into the raiser pages project and right away you'll notice I only have a pages folder now the code for our index page is actually represented in the code behind and we'll look at the mark-up as well so this is the raiser page for our index page the mark-up is in this CS HTML dots yes file behind it and you can see I have an on get method that's not being used so we're not actually doing a whole lot of work here but it is nice to know that it's there most of this page is written in HTML and I also have a tag helper on my page here this is a some tag helper so we're gonna talk about custom tag helpers for a moment so let's jump over to custom tag helpers and we'll take a look there and then we'll go back into our demo oh sorry that that actually got removed for time concerns we're actually going to dive into the code instead of some slides here so in our tag helper it's a little bit different than writing an HTML helper so instead of writing at HTML we're gonna target a specific tag and we do that through HTML target element this is a directive that we can use to target something inside of our markup so I have a tag helper called dotnet - comp that I'm going to be targeting with this tag helper and when we build a tag helper we need to override or inherit the tag helper base class and override the process method when we do that we're able to take in content and write it back out as HTML so we're gonna take in some parameters we have a property called name we're gonna take that in as a parameter and then we're gonna write that out to a string and that string is going to say property the the name property loves dotnet comp we're gonna ignore some errors here visual studio is not playing along for dotnet cough but anyhow once we're done we're gonna say we're going to set that HTML content and then we're going to render that out to the browser so we're consuming this custom tag helper here you could see it's highlighted it says dot net comp I'm passing in my name and we're gonna render it that out to the browser so we'll ctrl f5 and again this is the component model for a razor page and we're going to write out ed Charbonneau love's net comp that's our custom HTML helper let's take a look with inspect and you can see we're writing out a span in that text that was produced by our tag helper gets emitted there so let's take one more look here we're gonna go back into the folder view and we're gonna find our dll file again so we're gonna go bin I'm in debug and we have our project dot razor or project views dll we're gonna decompile that I'm gonna ignore any dependencies once again I don't need to decompile the entire universe I just want to see the one page that I've written some custom code in let's see what we get here this is the compiled version of that razor page and in that page we have a static class or a public class of pages underscore index but notice here it's inheriting from page so a razor views actually inheriting a razor page razor page is just a page there's some similar properties in here you'll find hTML is here so we can still do HTML helpers and down at the very bottom once again we have this asynchronous task called execute async which turns everything inside of that razor page into a literal string so again keep that in mind that's very important that is the main takeaway that I want you guys to have today so we're gonna go back and we're going to close just decompile and next we're gonna start talking about blazer so blazer brings with it razor components so razor components is the component system for the blazer framework now can still be used in asp net projects which we will see in a moment but for the most part keep in mind that the Razr component model came from the blazer framework now blazer and razor components use the razor syntax they are a component architecture versus HTML generation tools they create what is called a render tree which is a dom abstraction i'm going to show you a little bit of that in just a moment there file extension is dot razor vs. dot CS HTML and one of the reasons that we have this distinction is because how different they are in execution so razor files are used to generation and these special dotnet classes that implement a render tree so what is a render tree well in a typical JavaScript or jQuery application we're responsible for writing directly to the Dom Blaser does that work for us and it does it through a difficult job a script application we use a selector using jQuery in this example we might find some elements in the Dom remove them and replace them so this is an expensive task for our browser to do so for removing things from the DOM and then scrapping all of that and writing it back there may be some things that were actually unchanged in this process but we've gone and removed it and re added it to the bra the browser anyway so this is a very efficient model of operation pleaser does something different so Blaser creates a Dom abstraction or a shadow Dom so it has a copy and object graph as you if you will and it can operate on this object graph much like it would directly in the browser so if we will remove elements using Blaser it will do it to the render tree first and then when it adds things back and notices that some elements may not have changed it only goes to the browser with those changes so there's a difference and says only update the things that have changed in the browser so this is a system that is very efficient and we don't want to circumvent that so Blaser has all of these wonderful features the component model and the render tree are some of the key features that I want to talk about today so we're gonna go into a blazer application and first I just want to mention that with these components we also have all of these available with telluric UI for Blazer so let's jump into a blazer application and see the difference between the views razor views and razor pages and now how razor components act within the razor environment so I've got in my project here a razer components project in my solution and again you'll notice that we have this pages idea so we don't have model views and controllers so this kind of is a the next step in raiser pages but then it does a little more so we have all of our pages and components inside of this folder here because pages and components in razor or a blazer are the same so I'm going to open the index dot razor file and we'll also open the cup the counter razor files so these are components with page routes so these can act like pages we can call them from route in our browser but they also still maintain the ability to be components so they are both so if I go back to my index page I can reuse my counter component so I can call a counter here and now I have that counter component which also has a page route on my index page as well as it being its own counter component and page so I have that reusability there and the counter component is made up of HTML rays or markup in c-sharp there is no JavaScript here so we don't have to write JavaScript to build a component architecture for blazer and razor components so let's run this application we'll see what it looks like and then we'll do a deep dive again and see what the differences are between what we saw with razor pages and razor views earlier so we've got this nice component architecture I can use my counter on my index page I can also navigate to it as a route so it's acting as both page and component let's go back into our application and one thing I want to point out before I do the deep dive is that our razor application here if we go under pages we have a host CS HTML file so this is a razor page that is using and I'm gonna focus on this line here it's using an HTML helper in a razor page to render a razor component so we've got all three technologies here just mashed up together and we were awaiting at HTML render component async and then we are rendering the the app component which is the container for our blazer application so we're using razor pages and an HTML helper to bootstrap a blazer application how interesting is that let's go to our source code now I'm going to go open a folder view and we're going to go D compile our application again so I'm going to go under the bin folder and inside of the bin folder instead of opening the views folder I'm going to open the actual application folder because the Razr components are not views so they actually get compiled into the main application DLL so we're going to open this up with just decompile we're going to look at the guts of that counter component I'm gonna ignore all the dependencies once again I'm gonna dive into razor components DLL and under pages I have counter we'll open this up and this is completely different from razor views and razor pages so what the main takeaway here is we're actually inheriting from a component based architecture and this counter component becomes a class that uses a method called the build render tree method and this build render tree method actually is responsible for building that Dom abstraction that I talked about earlier so it's not writing directly to a string it's not writing this as HTML anywhere so when you're writing components for the Blaser framework you don't want to go in and do manual Dom manipulation a lot of people when they start using Blaser they ask how do I write raw HTML in Blaser you can but you shouldn't so this is why you shouldn't because you're going to skip past this build render tree method and you're not going to have that efficiency of the system doing updates for you so the build render tree actually adds the content to the this object graph through these methods so we can see add markup open element add content all of those things and it uses us to keep track of that object graph so we don't really need to know how all this works in great detail just remember it's there so you're not writing things in your application to go in and manually manipulate that Dom let's zoom back out here and I am free to take questions and hopefully you guys found that interesting so we got the top level of what all those technologies is and then we dove into the source code and saw what was actually compiled front of all those racers views that's probably something you don't do every day so I I hope that you guys found it interesting all right thanks so much yet I think we have time for one question one question Oh quickly so a question was asked how do you avoid the bad patterns of web forms with razor pages how do you avoid the bad patterns of web that's a kind of a broad question I'm not sure what bad patterns were talking about but I would assume things like viewstate which a viewstate doesn't exist in Blaser the way it does in web forms so there's no viewstate for us to manage what is held in State in the render tree is managed by Blaser so we don't have any control over that so that's not something that we need to worry about web forms has the idea of an abstraction around state that doesn't exist in Blaser we handle state in Blaser through dependency injection and plane class objects just like we would in any other type of net application so that that concern really isn't there's no parallel for it to kind of make a comparison ok so then a quick question if you are familiar with web forms and you want to dive straight into razor pages and Blaser quickly what would your Learning Path be so the learning curve for Blaser in my opinion is pretty small because if you're already developer it's using all DET dotnet technologies so i'd say go to blazer net and click on get started and just follow the first few examples there on building your first blazer application there's a nice to-do list app in there that you can build and the component architecture architecture in blazer is so dead simple that I think people will gravitate to this very quickly alright awesome thank you so much thanks so much thank you guys and enjoy the rest of net comp thank you so much yep now we're gonna get Geoffrey Palermo up talk about Azure DevOps so we'll be moving things around and really quick we were talking about legacy stuff check out this Visual Basic for that's you can get a workout just lifting this this is nothing but books see it's a box we still say in the box in the out of box experience that's right all right shows in the box we will all see you guys shortly

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hi my name is Glenn Condren I'm a program manager on the team and today we're going to talk about some of the ...