Wednesday 23 October 2024

Automated Testing of Shader Code

so without further Ado I will introduce the first Speaker Keith Stockdale who's going to be telling us about automated testing of Shader code welcome Keith Hello nice to be here hello all right take it away all right then okay so this is automated testing of Sher code at rare my name is Kei doil and I'm a senior software engineer at rare and I've given a this a talk on this topic um just at this year's GDC but this is going to have a bit more of a C++ spin on it so a little bit about me first um this is me in case my audio my uh video quality is a bit poor and if you're wondering the accents from Northern Ireland that's where I'm originally from and I've been working at rare uh for the last six and a half years on the engine and rendering teams I quite Bas I basically my whole job is just writing things on the GPU that probably shouldn't be r on the GPU and at my time at rare I have worked on CAF thieves seaf thieves is a game that we launched initially in 2018 it is our first onreal engine game and it is based on a very heavily modified onreal engine 4.10 so quite old and I said we initially launched in 2018 because we have been consistently putting out updates um throughout the years just last week we released a major update and today in fact fact we released for the first time on PS5 which we're all very happy about um so still Lots going on with CF th still very much in development and alongside the development of CF thieves we also have ever wild and ever wild is our upand cominging game at rare and it's a little bit different with CF thieves in that we are trying to stay up to date with the latest and greatest Unreal Engine So currently we're on Unreal Engine 5.2 and we're in the process of of upgrading to 5.3 okay with all that out of the way the problem and the problem that we have at rare is that we are writing more GPU code and this GP code is not your typical GP code that I put pixels it's more general purpose simulation code so just in C of Thieves we have two very prominent GPU part um simulations so the first is our fft water simulation so you can't really have a game called CF THS while having having a very good looking C so that has all been simulated on the GPU and then we also have our GPU particle simulation so anything to do with fire or Sparks fireworks smoke bubbles water spray all of that type of stuff that's all being simulated on the GPU and with all of this general purpose code being executed on the GPU we like to test it and the reason for that is because we as a studio love adoma testing and we love it so much that we have given a number of talks on it this one included um one particular talk was automated testing of gameplay features and see of Thieves by Rob Mella way back in 2019 at GDC this these are some links if you want to go to it if a QR code's easier there's a QR code otherwise some words um but this is the mean slid that I felt was the most prominent thing on his presentation where he's talking about all the benefits that we have reaped from autom testing so we've got things like um redu time to verify bills so we get our content out to players much quicker um lower bug count with comparison to previous rare titles and observably reduced crunch as well so these are all the reasons why we like to do it but Rob here was talking about testing of gameplay features but I'm here to talk about testing of Sher code and if you don't know how to get started with testing Sher code this is a fantastic article by Bart ronsky um it's called how not to test Graphics algorithm and in it he lays out two main ways of testing Graphics algorithms the first is screenshot testing which is what's we've been doing at rare since before I started back in 2015 um and then the second approach is what I'm going to be talking about today which is sheer unit testing so our unit testing framework for sheaters we just called it rare sheeter test and it is a testing framework for hlsl codes and if you don't know what hlsl is it stands for high level shoting Lang language and it is the shading language that all directex applications use as their shading language so if it's a directex app on the PC or if it's an Xbox game chances are the Shader code will be written in hlsl our unit tests are written in hsl 2015 so quite an old version and the main reason for that is because our testing framework is being used for both CF thieves and ever while so 2015 has a common feature set there so we stick to that and it runs on top of an unreal testing framework so this is not a standalone testing framework by all means it is just adding on top of what unreal already gives us um so that we can use all the nice tooling that unreal provides as well as letting us test our Sher code an example of the testing framework that we are building upon is CQ test which stands for code quality test um and because I know in the audience there are probably at most one or two people who actually know what this is um it's an Unreal Engine testing framework like I said and it's available from Unreal Engine 5.3 and on so it's fairly recent um it's quite comparable to Microsoft's unit testing framework and if you haven't seen it before um this is what's a testing Suite might look like with CQ test so you have your test class macro at the top and that defines the actual name of the test suite and then you have any number of test methods within it which are your actual test that run and within your test method method you'll have various assertions basically just making sure all of your code works as you expect it to and then in addition to test methods you also have setup methods called before each so these methods will be called before each test method as well as after each so that'll be called after each test method to do some cleanup now um before I go any further I want to just like make it clear what our coding environment is um Onre engine 5.2 currently so we are upgrading soon but very much still on 5.2 and that means we're in C++ 17 land so unfortunately we don't get the nice C++ 20 just yet um that will be coming with 5.3 so another reason why I'm very excited about 53 and we are using HL C 2015 as I said um now throughout the course of this talk I'll be showing C++ code as well as hlsl code so if you see the C++ symbol at the top right it be C++ code on the screen and if you see the hlsl doggo you will be seeing hlsl code okay then on with actually showing how to write a sh unit test in our testing framework so HL C Dogo at the top right this is hlsl so it starts off with some includes so at the minute it kind of looks like C++ um with it with the includes the first include is the header that all unreal shaders must um include so there's nothing interesting there then we have the actual testing framework I'll be talking a little bit more about that header later on and then we have our system under test header which is in this case the water particle framework and then we have the first clue that this is not in fact C++ this is a Shader so this is an attribute that you tag on to the entry function of a compute Shader to tell it how many threads to run per thread group so this is a very simple it is running a single thread so not very good use of your GPU but we don't really need it to be very fast we just need it to be correct and then we have the entry function and we name the entry function the same name is the test this just makes it easier to connect up the hlsl side to the C++ side and at rare we like to use the given when then naming scheme um for writing tests so in this case we have got giving moving water exists so we construct some water with our known velocity when the particle spawn on the surface so in this case we're passing in water into this spawn function and it returns us a water particle then the velocity is inherited so we assert that the spawn particles velocity is in fact the velocity that we expect it to be and that's quite that's basically it so you've got your standard given when then um that you might see in any other testing framework with any other um language now this is a Sher so we need some C++ code to dispatch the code itself self and we try to make sure this is as minimal boiler plate as possible so we start off with the header of the testing Suite which looks like CQ test test class macro except it has an extra argument and that argument is the path to the actual Sher test themselves and then we have any number of um test methods so again it's just giving the method and giving the name of it so you can search that name and you'll find the C++ code as well as the HL cell code in your code base now our the Shader I just showed is extremely extremely simple it has no external parameters to bind or anything like that there it'll just run with no nothing to provide in the C++ side so all we need to do is call run compute Shater test with the dispatch configuration so if you're familiar with direct xit all this will be equivalent to calling dispatch 111 right so it's um dispatching a single thread group on your GPU so it's a single thread group and that single thread group will be running a single thread so not very fast not very not making use of your GPU in any way your perform but that's fine because we are the main thing we're consider we're concerned about here is testing our code on the actual Hardware that it would be running on during your game now at this point I want to talk about the goals of the framework and initially I was going to talk about all of them but um just for the sake of time I'm only going to talk about two the first is we want our test to be fully automated avilable so I mentioned that we have screenshot testing for CF thieves and we've had that for ages um but the problem with it is it's not fully on amable we do require our test team to verify um screenshots from time to time to make sure everything is still right however that's not ideal we'd rather them just get a green tick for happiness and red tick for sadness um so to demonstrate that this is actually something we can do now um we have this feature in CF thieves which is our calm water system and what it will do is as you get closer to an island it will smooth out the fft water simulation um so in the distance there you can see it's all very choppy then as as you get closer it Smooths out quite considerably and we have a full test Suite just for this feature and the nice thing about building on top of our testing framework in unreal is that we get all the nice unreal um test running capabilities as well and Reporting so we can just open this up in our session front end like anything else um hit run on all of them so there's 29 tests and they run lightning quick so there are 29 tests here and they're running at in about 0.3 seconds so about 10 milliseconds a test and that is lightning quick especially if you consider how slow screenshot test can take um so yep fully automatable we're happy with this and then right to goal number five error driven development and what I mean by this is if you get an error as a developer in the while rating the test in the framework that error should tell you how to proceed so it tells you what you did wrong and how to fix it now to explain to give a demonstration of that um we have a slightly more complex sheeter test here um so instead of just passing in the dispatch configuration we are passing in a setup function and that within that setup function you can set some parameters on the actual Shader itself I I'll go into more detail on this later on the talk but suffice to say developer writes this it looks right um but you'll get a compilation there and it's not a massive big Litany of template errors it's actually a single line which says expected a single parameter of f sheer test context reference so it is very very common very easy to just miss out an ampersound right how often have we seen like performance regressions because we accidentally um forgot theant in a sorting functor right um so we we do as much static reflection at API boundaries of functions that are templated as much static reflection as the language currently allows us we're not quite at the land of static reflection proper yet but I'm very hopeful for C++ 26 to get us there um so yeah as much as we can and then we static a search and give nice error messages now you'll notice here that I'm not able to actually format the message I'm not able to say what they did wrong I can just tell them what they need to change something to or to make sure that the parameter is a reference rather than just passing by value and that's because we don't really have user generated static assert mesages right it's currently not possible these have to be string literals you can't do stood format or anything like that with them um at least it's not possible for us um depending on what your development environment is it might be possible for you right now um because it got accepted into C++ 26 very happy about that we'll get there soon maybe possibly um and it's mented in K 17 at a minute and I think it'll be making its way to gcc1 14 um still no word on msvc yet which is the compiler that we use um but some people might be able to use it and I'm very excited for them um these are the links to the discussion art basically seeing the progression of it and also a link to the paper um it's all of the points that quarantine brought up in his paper are basically all the things that I want so yeah rational solid there um definitely worth a read now binding extra sheeter resources in the previous example I talked about binding extra parameters um and we do a lot of static reflection whenever we're binding extra sheeter resources um and to give more of an example of what that actually means is if we have this test Shater here called test with extra parameters very imaginative name and we have these parameters themselves so we've got a biess buffer and we've got an inst float so if you've got a non-static global variable in HL cell code that is a sheeter binding so that is an object that you can bind to on the C++ side to pass in information to be used within your Shater and here we're just asserting on them essentially so to be able to do this you need to a littleit of extra work on the C++ side and the nice thing about unreal is it provides some nice macros for us to do that so if you've written any rendering code in onreal engine you'll have seen this macro here so begin Sher parameter struct we give it a name and then we just pass in all of the parameters that we are going to be using so in this case it's our bodess buffer our uent and our float and we end it off with an end Shader parameter struct however this is wrong and we'll get a nice compilation error here out of this it will first say the test Shater that this test uses has a parameter struct which does not contain the Bas Shater parameters it might shock it might not Shock you to believe that um the test framework itself requires extra parameters be bind because whenever we are running a Sears what that's doing is logging some information to a buffer behind the scenes and then we read back that on the GPU on the CPU um so it needs its own parameters and whenever we just use this begin shter parameter struct for ours we're not including the ones that are required for the test so how do we get around that well thankfully the error message continues says to fix this please use begin CQ test sheeter parameter struct so it's telling you that the thing you need to change so change begin sh parameter struct to begin CQ test sh parameter struct and that will fix things for you and then it continues and says the line below this one is the test that uses this inal theator so we're telling the developer that it is the sh it is the um test that is signified in the next line of the error message that is the problem so we're telling people where the issue is what they did wrong and how to fix it so this is what I strive for in this framework just to make it as easy as possible for people to write tests without having to go diving into the documentation of somewhere else um so all of this is predicated all the static reflection is predicated on being able to detect invalid expressions and in C++ 20 this is quite trivial um you just use Concepts so you have a concept here I've just called it C has sheeter test parameter strict and we have our requires Clause here and within our requires Clause we will Define some constraints and essentially if you pass in a t uh to this concept and these constraints hold so they are valid constraints with this type T then the concept will evalue to true and everybody is happy so you could just static aert on this because the evaluation of a concept is a Boolean expression and if everything is fine turns true everything's good if it returns false then the whole concept framework gives compiler writers the opportunity to provide good helpful um compilation errors however I did say that we don't have the luxury of C++ 20 just yet um so what people typically do in this situation is lean back on void T um but there's another way that I want to talk about today which is what I would call emulating C++ Concepts so it's trying its best to make it look like it if you squint hard enough so we start off with a non-templated struct called C Shader test parameter struct so it's the same name and then we have a templated requires function declaration and in this we're just passing in a type T just like with our concept so if you start squinting it's starting to look almost there and the return type of this requires Clause is a decal type and the deal type will evaluate to this expression so it's our constraints so yeah if you squint hard enough you will see that this is somewhat concept e like um one of the difference here is that we're using the comma operator rather than having semicolons and the reason we're using the Comm operator here is because we're sort of abusing it a bit um the result of the Comm operator is the left um upper hand and the right upper hand and then it Returns the right upper hand but if any one of these Expressions is ill formed then the whole expression is ill formed therefore the type that's returned by The Deco type expression is ill formed so the whole requires function is thrown out it is ill formed it does not exist SP kicks in and then to make use of this in a static assert you don't obviously get the automatic um conversion to an operate to the operator bull like you do with Concepts we instead pass this concept in to t- models which is the driver of this feature and you can see here this is our lovely error message whenever you get this um now I'm going to go through the actual implementation of this because I haven't actually seen it anywhere else although then again I haven't really dived into too many um temp meta programming libraries but I thought it was pretty neat so I'll talk about it so it starts off like any other uh templated meta function it's a a template struct called t- models and it has a function here which will return a reference to a character array of of two elements so two characters if the concepts requires function is well formed with the arguments passed into it so if everything's well formed everything passes then this function will exist if it doesn't resolve if it's if it's if the requires Clause is ill formed then this function will be created instead and the difference here is that it returns a a reference to an array of one character so there's a size difference here and you can probably see where I'm going with this the output of this expression is then um B asserting that if you get if the result of resolve is of size two if it's of size two everything's well formed everything is good and it goes even further you can do a little bit of I'm not going to call subsumption because subsumption is very complicated and it's um it's got It's got well- defined rules so I'll say inheriting so you can inherit concept using the refines Clause um and that's about it really and I just want to talk a little bit about a future goal I have with this framework before I end um and that is hlsl 2021 I mentioned the start that we are stuck on 2015 for now but I really want us to get to 2021 and the main reason for that is we get templates and I love me some templates but the main reason why templates is a great thing is because it allows us to program to an interface rather than to types and if you've written any amount of aom um testing in the in the past you'll know that dependency injection is your best friend right um and with templates we get static polymorphism which is nice way of getting dependency injection somewhat into the language and it allows us to write much more expressive code and um it is easier to write and share hlsl libraries and but the problem is it's a breaking change to go from 2018 to 2021 so um I'm going to fight that battle but I'm not I'm not sure how I'm not um that sure how far I'll get with that one um but if you do want to see what a testing framework in hsl 2021 looks like look no further than mine so I have uh an open an open source project on GitHub any go and see it um and it's running Sher tests on GitHub actions and all of that fun stuff so it's got a full CI and everything going running Shater code tests um and the nice thing about it is it is well the the main goal of it is just to experiment and see what a testing framework can look like in this language and I'm heavily basing everything off catch 2 and by that means by and by that I mean I just I'm just taking every feature that I can for me catch to I really like the the framework and I want to see how how far you can get to it in shoters um but yeah that's basically it um so I just want to leave you with an a nice thing I like to say Shater code is code please test it and that's about it so if there is any questions or if there's even time for questions I can answer them hey yeah thanks very much it was really interesting uh we have a few questions and a few minutes for them uh the first question is from V OA says asks um Can this code be used with GSL glsl yes glsl theyan I see no reason not to it's just I haven't used glsl since University days I'm I'm sorry I've been a rare too long another question from Leslie Li is how does how do assertions work on the GPU um so assertions so I I go a lot more in depth into this into in my GDC talk but effectively at the bottom of an assertion if an assertion fails it'll write some data to a buffer um with some sort of information on it so um the type of data that failed the data itself and what kind of assert that fails and then we read that back on the CPU and then assert on that data um using the underlying testing framework that we're building upon um so yeah it's just it's all it's all big lie around a readback buffer essentially cool um question from bsdb is screenshot testing still a thing why not just grab the state of the rendering pipeline just before all the pixels are colored uh that would be huge screenshot testing is still very much a thing and it's something that we rely on quite a lot at rare especially on CF thieves it has been extremely beneficial throughout the development of CF thieves um for us like it has shown up so much stuff um for us and has caught a lot of things before getting to release so may I can speak for us at least it is very much a thing for us I don't know about other Studios cool and one from D candy um can this be extended to glsl which you also already answered but also spear V open GL or Vulcan yeah that is something I want to I sort of want to try it because yeah you can't you can compile uh HL C down to spear V and then run it in Vulcan and that' be something really cool I have a I have a pipe dream of getting that to run on my Raspberry Pi 5 like I think that'd be really cool to get that to run just like on a like on my own Rosary Pi server um something I want to try that sounds cool and uh a talk sorry a question from Peter nmo for me is uh speaking of catch 2 in the future will there be more support for testing Frameworks in Visual Studio yes we're still very much working on uh other test T in Frameworks um for the test Explorer in in visual studio and uh crossplatform testing uh remote unit testing all that kind of stuff so yeah keep your eyes out for more in that space uh and then I think we've got time for one last question from Michael voling who asks have you all had issues with developers forgetting to register tests that's my biggest fear with manually registered tests uh these are not manually registered as soon as so as soon as you write that uh macro test class it's that's it in it's a it's a static registration on yeah so that that can't happen you can you can opt out so like you can say this test should not run on server for example and if it's a client only thing um but it's Auto registered yeah great all right well thank you so much for joining us Keith and uh hopefully see you around see you

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