Monday 21 October 2024

Angular and .NET Core

hi welcome to visual studio tool box I'm your host Robert Greene and joining me today is ed Charbonneau thanks for having me thanks for coming on Ed's going to show us a couple ways that you can using core from inside Visual Studio of course take advantage of angular so the marrying of angular and core right so when you think of JavaScript frameworks the first thing that might not come to mind is Visual Studio right we're not used to developing JavaScript applications in Visual Studio we're used to C sharp and F sharp and sam'l applications but the JavaScript frameworks that are out today like angular are very popular and they work really well with a dotnet back-end cool so we're gonna look at three scenarios first we're going to look at how to create an angular application in Visual Studio using the new templates that the visual store team is releasing with core 200 and then we're going to look at how you would create an angular application using a Web API back-end with an angular front-end without that templating okay and then we'll look at how to use the template with an open source framework called native script so we'll use the template to build an angular web application and then we'll use angular to build a native iOS and Android application cool using JavaScript code that we're sharing between the native application and the web application so three interesting scenarios and they're they're all just a little bit different right they fit different development types or different team types you know depending on how friendly your your team is with front-end development you may want to choose one scenario over the other all right cool so let's look at the first way to do this I've already generated the project but I want to walk through the steps of how it's done I won't do it live here because it takes quite a while to pull in all those dependencies but what we do is go to file new project and when we do file new project in the latest bits of Visual Studio now the lay-by latest do you mean I am on Visual Studio preview for core 2 oh okay so a lot of time people watch this it will have released you'll be using this is Studio 2017 15.3 and car 2.0 right yes okay and this this tooling should be available and when you go to core web application and click OK normally we see Web API and web application this would get our MVC application going now we have these JavaScript applications in here so we have angular react in this case we choose angular ok and this is gonna spin up a brand new project for us that is an all-in-one application so we're essentially removing the view from MVC and replacing that view with angular ok so we still have we still have models and still have controller we still have models we still have controllers and you'll see just a little bit of you in there and that's just a bootstrap up the application we're not gonna be writing any razor so if you're a big fan of razor like I said depends on what your team is like if you're big fan of razor it's probably isn't the approach that you want to go ok angular is probably not the approach you want to go so with that said well we'd go ahead and click OK this would pull all of our dependencies and we don't want to do that for a live audience here but what we'll do is show a project that I already have created so we'll go ahead and open this project up and you can see here let me collapse this down we'll start from the beginning we open this up and you'll see controllers and views in here we don't have any models yet because we haven't gone to any databases or anything in this template but you would normally see models in here if you're connecting to a data on a back-end so we have our controllers and our views if we go into our views I'm just going to go into the shared layout here and we'll notice there's just a little bit of code in here and stuff that we're used to like render body and if we go into the index this is just the bootstrapper for angular so we're not going to write any views into this folder at all with this approach we could potentially use some views if we had things that weren't going to apply angular but for the sake of the conversation we're talking about angular development so let's close this up and look where the actual client side of the application revs since we're point you've brought down a whole bunch of angular code mm-hmm javascript code and it's got to be sitting somewhere right right absolutely so if we go into our client app here's where you'll find all of the typescript for the application now it's important that I said typescript because angular is actually built on type script right and we have to compile that typescript down to JavaScript and then use it that way so I'll get to that more in a moment but let's look at some of the files that we have in here the the main one I want to dig into here is the app folder and into components when we spin up this application this is the views that you're gonna see in the application so mainly we'll look at fetch data here in this counter component so let's give this guy a run and then we'll kind of go back and forth between the running application and look at the code okay so visual studio now is you know booting up the server and loading the application in and there's a lot of magic going in behind the scenes so we'll talk about that in a second but when this application loads up we'll have a counter view where we can press a button in increment a counter okay and then we'll have a fetch data component where we can fetch some weather okay so here's the application all right this is out of the box what you get with the template I haven't modified it in any way first we have this incremental counter we can click on a button and just increments a counter for us very simple but what just is exciting the hundredth time first what we're demonstrating here though is the the model binding in angular yep and the ability to click on a button have a full page refresh just to increment a piece of user interface and then we have our weather forecast this is actually going back to a Web API endpoint Wow polling I don't live there 76 24 37 784 holy holy cow 76 is sweltering seven is chilly but I'm gonna be from like the Arctic or something so we're generating some random data in a Web API controller and passing JSON back to angular and then angular populates the view for us okay so this is again all being done as a single page style application so let's go look at the code that's running this view first let's look at the counter component so again this is typescript it's written in angular so you'll see a lot of angular syntax around this component and it's just as simple as this so typescript written in angular typescript and we're writing angular specific syntax okay so you'll see like the component directive the component directive is its wiring up the tag that is going to be output from this component the HTML tag and then it's specifying the the view or the HTML template you also see things in here like CSS and you'll see dependency injection and things like that being introduced here as well so a lot of angular workflows you'll see in here but for the most part this is typescript right and all we're doing is incrementing this value and this value updates this field and then the field is bound to the HTML so if we look at this current count right here this binds to our backing field that is right here okay being exposed so it's very very simple stuff but let's actually take a look at something that's going on here so if we increment this counter you see it goes up and our application is running it's already the type scripts already been compiled and the application is being served if we go back here and we change this to decrement instead of increment and I save that and we'll give this a second because what it's actually going to do is it's going to compile that behind the scenes and then re update this view with the new code and you'll see the counters actually reset that's because our counter component initializes at zero okay so when it sent the JavaScript back to the webpage and it updated the codebase it reset that counter to zero but now when I hit increment it's gone down I didn't have to recompile I didn't have to refresh the page yep so what's happening and what is that a function of is that a ASB core thing is that an angular thing is that a Visual Studio 27 thing so Steve Sanderson part of team he's built what is called JavaScript services which a subset of that is something called node services with node services we can actually run from within visual studio colors within c-sharp code a JavaScript library because running a node so we can call out to no js' and call a function in JavaScript and we get the return values from JavaScript in in our c-sharp code okay and then we can utilize that so we can do things like kick off web pack which is a bundling minification compiler like javascript tool so that's exactly what it's doing when I save that file there's a watch in the background that picks up the save it recompiles that JavaScript and nodejs is actually running in the background and it's recreating that view using the angular server-side can during and everything sending that back to the view okay so is that a visual studio feature or it is feature as far as if we were doing this in Visual Studio code do we get the same behavior yes okay so this is a feature of the code that's running on the server okay so this is a a piece of middleware that's running as a service and it's called node services and that's the ability to talk to no js' from within our code okay we have the best of what we were doing hanging over waiting we owed so angular uses node.js okay to create server-side rendering so we're used to doing server-side rendering at dotnet through razor and the htmls built up on the server and sent down to the client with angular the the same thing is happening with JavaScript and HTML and angular components but when it's happening on the server it's happening in node.js cool got it so with that piece of middleware we able to we're able to talk to a node j/s instance without having to serve directly to the client through node.js so we can still serve through our application all right so that's the magic that's happening under the hood there I can actually demo that in a minute but let's walk through the rest of this template first so we have the counter component in and you saw how I can update that code in real time and if we go back and look at our application here with the typescript for the fecha data component this is going out to our API and it's calling API sample data weather forecast so this endpoint actually exists in the same project in our controller so if we go to controller and look at sample data this is where that fun and weather data that you're having some fun with this is where that's generated so if we look at our API we're out here we have our API slash controller so it grabs the controller name which is sample data controller whacks the controller name off the end so we get sample data and then our action is weather forecasts so that's where you see that API on the fetch data component ok so this is actually going out to a c-sharp back-end Web API call Jason is is returned from it and then angular parses that and repopulate the webpage with the appropriate HTML and data that's being bound ok ok so this JavaScript services component that I was talking about this is this is really cool stuff that's been built and I'll just demo this really quick because it's such a neat of software this project that I've just pulled up here this is just a bare-bones web app there's nothing going on here except we're spinning it up so you'll see we have a simple service layer being spun up and then I'm making a call to to get this node services package here so I've got our service being registered as add node services that's at service I talked about that goes out to no js' and runs modules and can get back to the code and you'll see I am invoking a JavaScript method here with node services dot invoke and then it's going to return a string and it's good return other things like an integer and so on and then the name of the script is just going to be greeter and I don't have to tack on the j/s it knows that it's understood that that's what it's going to be and if you look in the root of the application I have a greeter dot J s file so let's open this guy up so this is just using module syntax and it's saying we have a function and it's going to take a parameter of a callback and a parameter of a name and we're going to just concatenate something onto hello from node okay okay and then our callback will will be received in our c-sharp code here and we can use that and we're just going to write that out to the to the web application so when I run this you can see I'm calling invoke async greeter with Visual Studio toolbox as the parameter when the application spins up we should get hello from node Visual Studio toolbox so we actually ran node.js code from within our c-sharp application this is very cool stuff yeah and that's how that template works is it's got that built in behind the scenes very nice very nice so this is actually a really good starting point for our strategic web and c-sharp seems to be very interesting it does it kind of lead into the web assembly conversation when elated webassembly is kind of different okay webassembly we're talking about running the app compiling the code onto something that the browser can understand write directly on the browser this is kind of more magic we're running nodejs in the background node already understands javascript and we're just calling out to that and getting the results back from it okay so it's a little bit different and it's actually running that that instance is running on the server not on a browser anymore okay so we're actually running server-side JavaScript code through c-sharp okay so this template that that I showed you to be in with it's very good starting point for most people you don't have to know all of the bits and pieces that are working behind the scenes you can learn those gradually as you need to add more functionality to the application so where I work I'm a developer advocate for progress we make the telluric UI components we are keeping very close eye on this because it lets our customers get up to speed on using our UI tools much more quickly we have we have a brand new package called kendo UI for angular so we have charts and graphs and grids and all those rich UI controls that are built for angular applications so in dotnet too Oh dotnet core - oh there's a new templating system so we can easily generate templates based on existing projects so what we're doing is we're going to piggyback off of the the template that already exists here and we have a similar startup experience so this is something that we're working on it's it's not quite released yet and we hoped off of this pretty soon waiting for those final bits of dotnet to be released there's still some things with the templating system that are being worked out before the release so we're watching that very closely but the startup experience here will be almost identical except the components that are generated in the application will be our UI components okay and we have rich charting UIs that are our friendly at any resolutions you can pull them up on a mobile phone and you can have that responsive behavior on your devices without any additional coding and stuff like that so this is the project template that we are working on and you see very familiar we have the counter component we have our themed button in here we have our fetch data component and this is using our kendo UI grid and then we've added additional components in here like a chart and we're still loading some things here in the background so there we go nice beautiful chart there we can hover over the different data points and then we even have additional drop-down components where we can create you know tag like interfaces and things like that so that's what we're taking it the the new templating system in dotnet core is really cool essentially you can just target a piece of code package it up with nougat and then you can go to the command line and run dotnet new in our case would be like angular - ng you get a whole new angular application with our stuff built in nice so that was scenario one okay so we've got an all-in-one package one server that's doing everything serving the views from both angular client-side rendering and Visual Studio sorry and it's doing that little bootstrapping piece of razor markup that gives us the introduction into angular on the client side next we're going to look at the scenario of what if we don't use the template okay so there's a lot of people that like using the angular command-line tools so we can actually use the angular command-line tools to generate the front side of the application and then that changes how our back side of the application works and we're actually going to need to server instances to deliver all of the content to the client one one piece of it will deliver the UI and then the UI will talk to a web api server on the backend okay so again to keep this brief we'll just kind of walk through the steps of spinning this up let me stop this previous demo from rolling and we'll get into the file new project again so we'll do a file new project Web API mm-hmm and then once we've created that application will do a angular command line ng an init and start up a new application in the command line and then we just pull those projects together okay and our debugging process is misbehaving so it's giving us a little struggle shutting down here but we'll we'll spin this guy up here shortly okay here we go so we can do file new project core web application and then instead of choosing angular this time we would choose Web API okay so that gives us our back-end once we hit OK we generate that back-end and we'd go into our application and we would Bill we would go into the command line we would do an a new angular project and then we'd add that project and I've pulled up the wrong one here let's go back to this guy and do our back-end for angular project loading all the dependencies in on these is pretty pretty lengthy over Wi-Fi even so it's easier just to show you projects that I've set up already so the file new web API would be this project here this is our Web API controller we have controllers and I've recreated that sample data controller so this is our fun weather service again and then to add the client app the angular client app into Visual Studio here we would just right click and to add existing website so because you created it in the command line first yes you create that in the command line using the ng and it or in jeez I think his ng in it if I remember correctly to generate that template for an angular application once we do that we can do add existing website okay and because it's all web code Visual Studio understands that perfectly right so there's no additional steps to configure anything once it's in Visual Studio and again I've rebuilt the same type of application now when I say rebuilt I've modified this because the initial angular application is very bare-bones you get almost nothing so remember that that first experience you get at least some template code to you know click a button and see how things bind together and call a web service with this approach you get nothing you're starting from scratch now some people like that that's fine it gives you the opportunity to make choices and build what you need to build and not have to take anything out that's been added previously for you so there's there's pros and cons to each approach if we run this application the experience of running it's going to be slightly different so we don't have that all-in-one approach when we run the application from visual studio we're running a Web API application so notice we get just data dump to the screen right so this is just JSON data now to run the angular portion the client side of the application we need to call on the command line I'm not going to step out of the command line I like to be in visual studio it's preference of mine you could use this in tandem with the command line if that's how you choose to operate it instead of installed a plug-in for visual studio called NPM task runner mm-hmm now in the latest versions of Visual Studio we have a task runner Explorer and task corner Explorer basically takes anything that is in this project JSON file in a node application or package dot JSON file any of these scripts that you see here in the package JSON file you'll notice are in the tasks runner Explorer window mm-hmm so to start my web client experience I can just double click right here so normally I'd go out to the command line and you can see it actually running it in here ng serve and then it I'll explain this proxy configure in just a second so something I've had to modify to make it work with the Web API back-end so let's go into the browser and it's on localhost 4200 now let me hit this 5,000 here real quick again so when we spun up our our Web API we had API backslash let's see here let me actually restart this it'll pull it back up then we can we can come into it from this way so when we started up our Web API project we're hitting that raw endpoint there it is localhost 5,000 and then our API endpoint it's important to note that because our client app is running on a different port so when we spun up the client app in the console here it says go to the browser on localhost 4200 okay so if I go to localhost 4200 I've got hello world and I can click on fetch data notice not beautiful like the last app again I had to start from scratch so I just did the bare minimum to get this going okay now like I said localhost 4200 the code is going to be looking for an API on localhost 4200 look our API is actually on 5,000 so what we have to do in this situation is we have to create a file called proxy config so this is port forwarding for angular so it's telling the angular application our API is actually on a different port so when you see this slash API path come through we're going to afford that request over to localhost 5000 that ties the two together for our development experience okay okay so it's a little more ceremony here to get started but there's teams that work separately building the API infrastructure and then you have your front-end developers that are building angular they might use Visual Studio code they might use you know vim some other thing but this lets you have that that scenario where you can work with both okay okay so just different approaches for different teams with different skill sets so far the next thing I want to show is an application that's actually sharing some code with a native application so we're still using angular right but we're building a native application there's no web views there's no magic we're taking an angular application with with typescript and it's compiling down to JavaScript that's being translated to native API calls on the devices and we're using an open-source framework called native script for that so let's take a look at how that operates and again I'm going to use all Visual Studio Tools and native script native script is is by progress the company that I work ok so again we're in Visual Studio and to get this project up and running I would do a file new project and then click on the angular template that we originally looked at okay okay so that gives us our all-in-one angular application with our counter and our fetch data component I've modified it slightly you'll also notice another solution in here called native application now they're all web technologies that are being used to create these native Android and iOS applications since they're all web-based pieces of code we can come in and do file add existing website even though it's a native application so the native application was written in is done in what it's angular JavaScript CSS and XML okay that's the native application yes okay so they're all web-based pieces of technology okay so we can do file add existing website and it works just fine in Visual Studio yeah okay so in this scenario I've got again this application I'll run it and we have our counter component and our fetch data component and all of that code is very similar to what we saw initially except for one thing the ability to run angular on a native application means I can share some code between the two applications they're both using angular the bolts using typescript so I can come in to my application and open up this client app and I still have my same folders as before I have components fetch data and counter mm-hmm if I open up my counter there's actually not a lot of code in here so if I look at this I have exports class counter component extends counter component base so what I'm doing here is I'm using inheritance so I'm inheriting from counter component base and that's coming from my shared library counter component base so in this project I have a counter component base class and that has my ability to increment this this counter variable and if I look in my native application under app shared libraries you'll notice I have the counter component base in there as well and it's the exact same code as the angular web application okay now for this simple demo I'm just using a copy script so it's an ex copy it just goes out to my web application copies the shared library over to my native application so I can use it there in a more advanced scenario I could use NPM packages or you know advanced CI CD pipe or whatever to share code that way but just to keep things simple I just have a script that I run and again I'm using then the NPM task runner for that so if you look down here I have this shared libs script if I double click on that it just pulls that new code from my web application to my native app so this application should be running you can see that I'm I'm pulling it up on this IP address here there's a reason I'm pulling up on an IP address and not localhost so the backend or the native part of the application needs to talk to the backend if I'm on an emulator or another device doesn't know what localhost is ok so I need to have an IP address and some firewall ports need to be open ok now I can go into my counter component you can see I can count like it could before and then also fetch data works the same way however the fetch data code has been abstracted a little bit so if I look at my fetch data component instead of just going directly out to the web and hitting that endpoint I'm using a surface and I can share that service between both the native and the web application so in my shared code if I go into shared you'll see I have a weather forecast interface that's shared between both apps and I have my weather service that's shared between both apps so this is the same code both apps on LAN to write at once cool so now another handy visual studio tool is I can come in to tools and I can add this Visual Studio emulator for Android this is something that you have to add on it's a free component to Visual Studio and it works very well with this so I have my devices here and I've already spun up an emulator the next thing I want to do is run my new native app that I built so again use my npm task runner and i'm going to click on live sync live sync is going to call TNS run android that's the command line operator to kick of the build process for my native application and it's gonna load it on to the emulator and then it's going to create what's called a live sync connection with the device you remember that experience I had on the web or I can update the increment counter and decrement instead I can do the same thing with a native application I can update that code it'll recompile from native script and it will send that new compiled code up to the device and swap that out for me so I don't have to recompile manually and go through that process and there's my native application mm-hm and I have my counter component and it had my fetch data component cool now the parts that I can't share between two the two pieces native script runs XML not HTML okay so the actual view code the view markup can't be shared there's some similarities we're using angular directives so if you're writing angular some of the things like creating templates and looping over objects is the same in the view code but it is xml markup it is nothing like HTML right and then the if you need some code that is custom to ios and android that's possible as well so if i wanted to have a view for iOS i could name that view whatever the view is dot iOS HTR xml and it would compile only for iOS okay so I can target specifically if I want to otherwise it's shared between the two operating systems and those are native views as well so when we write an XML component let's pull one up there they're actually the extension I'm using is is HTML because it's more friendly with visual studio and visual studio code otherwise you get a lot of red squiggly underlines if you just try XML it looks for namespaces and things and it gets kind of crazy but you'll see I have a label it's not like an HTML label but it's a label when I right label in this XML format it maps to the native label control that's on iOS and the native label control on Android so it's pulling up native view code on those devices so there's no webview being run in the brow and like in a browser module or anything like that it's not Apache Cordova and this is actual native development got it so that's another scenario where you can reuse web skills if you have a strong web team they have limited native experience this is a way to get started building a native application using angular individual studio with a c-sharp Web API back-end very nice cool cool stuff thank you all right it's a lot to take in but it's a couple pointers as to where people can go to learn more about this we'll put some stuff in the show notes but if they're new to angular or new to native new to matching to mixing and matching native with web so if you want to learn more about native script go to native script org ok if you want to learn more about the template that I showed you and how to integrate that with our UI controls go to blogs at Telekom and search for cooking with angular that's an easy one to remember just you know put that in Google or or Bing and do cooking for angular you should find an article that I wrote all about the template and how to add components to it it should get you familiar with the processes that are involved there all right cool thanks for coming on absolutely thanks for having me all right hope you enjoyed that and we will see you next time on visual studio toolbox [Music]

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ASP.NET Core 2.2

hi my name is Glenn Condren I'm a program manager on the team and today we're going to talk about some of the ...