Monday 21 October 2024

AngleSharp NET Headless Browsing

hi there we go there's our camera and can you share your screen sure let's see so good is he an angle sharp yeah yeah so Florian we've we've talked over over the years here you're when angle sharp joins on that foundation big fan thanks Shirley I'm quite happy to share now what angle shop is about I mean for me it's anyway like Christmas two best events of the year coming together dotnet Kampf happening globally and the Oktoberfest is just around the corner here the stage is yours Thanks so without further ado I will just jump into topic and hopefully and make it in time the topic is angle sharp which aims to be a dotnet headless browser let's see where we are and before I jump into it fully in the water a few words about myself Microsoft MVP for developer technologies I'm also a contributor to open source projects mostly Anka top of course and I'm very enthusiastic about writing some articles of technical nature and speaking at events if the time allows it always be happy to be invited and appreciate that professionally I'm a solution architect at a small start-up called SMAP yacht and they are specialized in distributed web applications and the web is also the topic of this session one word of remark since this is an online session I cannot see all your faces so excuse me for being either too fast or too slow I hope that the recording will then at least a little bit well give you a payback on this one otherwise you can always reach me on github or on Twitter if you have a specific question now yeah yeah thanks thanks alright now what is on our plate today we will first start by a quick introduction what is Engel shop why could it be helpful for you since angle shop is an HTML app browser we will also need to have a small excursion html5 we will do that by example I selected three examples that should be Lestrade why HTML parsing is not so simple as just putting out a regular expression then we will go into topic of extensions this is one of the things that makes English up special and we try to to always improve our reach and what we can do with it and finally a small outlook what the future of bangle shop will bring so what is angle shop has already told you it's a library for parsing HTML but it's in fact a little bit more than that what we try to do in order to pass HTML 5 correctly I mean there's the core specification but there are all kinds of specifications actually and if you want to really get across on what's on the web you should not consider just one specification but all the side specifications also play a very important role like for instance this one little thing called JavaScript right I mean many websites are unfortunately these days only accessible if you also have a JavaScript engine running or part of the information may only be displayed in conjunction with special CSS rules or may make only sense which diseases Luis so there are all these different technologies that come together and form what we call the web today and if we really want to get access to that information we need also a browser engine that's capable of doing that of course your stand-up browser can do it but can you do it in god net without any let's say RPC calls or whatever and that's the mission of English shop now what we can do is we have a full stream processing unit like a standard web browser does which means we do not stop when whites arrive we always evaluate them we don't wait until all the content was received we do it on the fly we have a collection of web utilities for that most notably in the encoding space but also for instance we have our own URL parser that's just because the URI type that's Internet unfortunately it's not capable of well parsing all the available URLs that are out there this URL parsing that we included follows the specification by the heart and therefore can handle all the cases what else we can do besides HTML CSS already remarked that Java Script plays an important role yes we have a solution for that unfortunately at the moment it can only deal with simple JavaScript and the vision is of course to improve the reach here and this is where customizations and extensions come in because at the end of the day we don't want to create as one giant monolithic library we want actually to foster a whole ecosystem of plugins where everyone can say oh this is one of the things angle shop cannot do or does not do well at the moment but I can just customize this and come up with my own plug-in now looking at the history of the project it always started I think round in 2012 it was actually after an MVP summit I was on the plane and I saw yeah that's that's right an html5 pause I mean what else could be could be done on a plane honestly it was a different angle so to speak back in the day on the project but I realized an html5 parser is one of the things that's missing in ecosystem you have another HTML parsers right but none of them have been following the html5 specification by the heart at this point in time in 2013 I put it out of github and initial reaction was quite good I was really surprised so there seem to be some kind of a demand and so I kept on going and in 2015 grid and important milestone with integrated extensibility we demonstrated that scripting engine can be brought in which was quite cool because suddenly you had not only just a static document object model a static representation of the page you're the linguist but actually it could be made alive what JavaScript brings for instance to the table and then from that point on just a lot of bug fixes a lot of improvements and a major refactoring of the API to the end user also happen and the milestone here is the version 0 10 so right now we are at 0 13 and we want to hit the 1 0 milestone all the major breaking changes that happen since 0 10 all quite minor but still breaking in one or the other area now from 0 9 - 2 0 10 that was a huge change so there we really made a drastic direction change but I think it was for the better and the ecosystem also lives now on top of the 0 10 version and of course the successes now one short claims that what how parsing HTML looks like it's like any kind of parsing so if we could draw pretty much the same picture for let's say even programming languages like C sharp they of course may have what this thing called a back end with optimizations etc and coding machine happening that's not the case here but nevertheless the parsing stages alone the front end is pretty much the same so we start with a stream a stream of just bytes and they are interpreted in a special way by a preprocessor that also does some sanitization in the end the goal of this pre-processors actually to get us characters that we can work with then a tokenizer comes into play no the tokenizer takes a bunch of characters as oh now that's a valid token for instance an opening tag or a closing tag or an attribute or text or a comment all these kinds of different building blocks that we have now until this point we are still in the linear phase where we say okay we started with a linear stream of bytes we have done a linear stream of characters and now we have a linear stream of tokens now where does the tree the document object model come from well that's done by the tree constructor so that is fed on the tokens coming from the tokenizer and now here is the semantic information it says okay I've seen that opening tag I can now close it that's valid or here there is no content allowed I will just place it on the sibling element so all these things happening in the tree constructor and then we have a dynamic object model which is called the Dom so at the end of the day this is all what what's included in English after then need to do anything you just for instance present the stream to English art and English afters all the rest at the end you get an eye doc you meant for instance instance and with this instance you can actually play around you can serialize it back that's what we will see you can append new elements or get further information out of it so let's just look at some examples learning a little bit what makes html5 so so complicated first very simple piece of HTML code what do you should recognize here is I left out some of the let's say standard elements like we don't see an HTML tag here we don't see head we also don't see body well that's not an error that's actually a valid html5 document and there are big sides for instance the Google arrow page out there which use exactly these rules to save a few bytes here and there so what invalid HTML 5 part should do it should insert these things for us so it should automatically insert for us an HTML opening tag it should insert for us and head opening tech it should also close the head and it should also when the magenta coat is reached create a body element for us all these things should just happen automatically that's by the specification anguish of does that we will see that in a second now a second example where it gets a little bit tricky is there are some special kind of stopping rules in HTML for instance there could be in a unsorted list and entered a space of a list item now if we are in a list item we can just write another list item with the first one or the formal one being implicitly closed so that's all by the specification simple possum may not like this because here the pre constructor needs to have all the additional logic as an example if we look at raiser for writing fuse in core MVC we will recognize that we need to close the list item now that may have been a good design choice for performance reasons but on the other hand of course it limits the output that can be generated because you can never output an HTML like this using razor unfortunately now the same rule that applies to list item can also apply for instance a paragraph there are multiple of these cases again this these are not arrows these are not even warnings this is just well it HTML and the automatic closing just happens for you a third example I want to give is in a table space well tables are one of the most complicated parts of the html5 specification because there's so much that could go wrong and every edge cases essentially handled there's another space which has to do with formatting elements but since formatting elements are more or less a legacy thing especially with the edge cases described in there I will just focus on table with the simple example now what a protein here is there have been some elements inserted magenta ones so we've break row here and we have an iframe there just inside the table note also there is no tea body element for instance which is also something that needs to be inserted automatically by the html5 parser in addition to these let's say misplaced elements we also have an invalid closing tag so it's not even an invalid Tec I mean web components or angular or any any kind of spar framework these days uses custom tag so that's that's that's no problem and then we have also in green the table row which is just that's saying often here it needs to be placed in the table itself and it isn't so what should we do is death so let's have a look and all these three cases in the demonstrate demonstration of angle shop all the demos you'll see today available on github the URL is on the screen right so for the first demo we'll just briefly explain what the angle Sharpe are does what we do here is we create a new so-called browsing context browsing context you can think of as a like a tap in your standard browser so that's one instance where now a page can live what makes a browsing context special is that you can configure it you can tell it what it can do and what it cannot do like when you say in your browser to your current app well you are not allowed to run JavaScript you can do that here too so we can do browsing context we don't specify any configuration which means it's the default one and then we open a new page as the stream may be well evaluated asynchronously we need to do that in an async method but luckily c-sharp a discovered here what we use for simplicity is not now some remote remote source we use actually the small snippet that's on top of here so we just apply the content via what is called in English up a virtual response so we say oh so you don't have an address where your page lives you don't even have anything like that so you can just construct how the response to our request would look like and we say yeah our response has the following content it's this source and it also comes from a certain address so the address is completely optional I just included it here because we will see it in the document object model appearing as the base URI and base URIs are very important because they give relative URLs well the base that's required for resolving them all right mmm so when we do that we end up with this i document instance and what we can now do is to illustrate that angle shop did everything right we sterilize it back to an HTML string again using the to HTML method so if I use this and run the code you see the output it's pretty much the same document that I inserted except will suddenly get the HTML we get the head we also close the head we open the body and at the end of our whole HTML document we also close everything that was still open but that's all done by angle shop now the second example we had we use the same code just a different HTML snippet we should see that the list items will be closed before we open a new one or before we close obviously the unsorted list and the same applies here with the paragraph we also need to close them properly so let's just run it and we see same action else on example one except now of course in addition we see all the stopping correctly evaluating so far so good let's also have a look at the third one and here let's also debug what actually the document looks like so before we write it to the console let's just see what's in there could be a little bit too small so I will just make it a little bit larger I hope Skype plays with me here so what we do is we have all these capabilities that if you are familiar with the document object model API from JavaScript will look very familiar right so for instance we have an old property and that will contain all the elements in here we can also iterate over them there could be a cookie for instance or we see of course our base URI that was successfully applied so all these things are there and it's it's a full document object model just done in c-sharp without any remote procedure calls to to chrome or any other evergreen browser happening now regarding the output that's what we expected so the the table Road it was outside of the table that was completely omitted otherwise we see the standard construction happening the break row and the iframe have been put in front of the table and we see the insertion of the tea body happening so all done for us by English shop it would have been done of course by Chrome or Firefox or any other evergreen browser out there too so this is a specification dictates okay now let's talk about extensions for a moment so what you saw is what the core of any shop can can do for you in a nutshell so it really makes sure that whatever the HTML looks like on the page is interpreted 100% as a real browser would do right and that's of course important because you don't want to end up with something that's well not what you would expect from just for instance packing it in in Chrome now the English up core doesn't deal with JavaScript English of course doesn't deal with with CSS but they are luckily these plugins and how the ecosystem looks like is we have this base layer of English up core providing the common utilities and then we place on top of it useful libraries like for instance English up CSS which deals with the CSS object model and we try also here to be fully w3c conform which means whenever they came up with suspect how an API should look like we follow that spec so it's not only about behavior it's also about what the API looks like and that should give you some kind of a learning improvement because if you know it already from JavaScript you can apply it directly in in angle shop if you know it from English shop and someone asked related to do it in JavaScript well you can also apply the knowledge there and this too in one say in my opinion as always it's great to have we also have English a file which will demo in a second this brings additional io capabilities like requesters or cookie providers and then we have libraries that are either an experimental stage like English up jeaious is one of these or which are just planned like English a media could be one of these things that would also support certain kind of streaming capabilities and could also be quite cool if you say oh I got this site and there is a video stream on it I can log in and then suddenly I can bring this video stream to I don't know WPF that would be quite quite awesome but we are not there yet but that's part of the vision all right so let's have a look at persistent cookies using anger shop io so a little bit of background to this demo I got a web server running locally a really simple one the page which needs a locking mechanism to display a secret now all the locking mechanisms in the web pretty much work these days video is of course some api's but then we are anywhere in the safe side if you have a che WT or anything like that or we have a cookie based authentication that's for most of the sites that are relevant for angle shop the case so when we have this cookie problem we potentially need a cookie solution right out of the box angle shop already brings a cookie provider but that's based on the cookie container of thought net that has several disadvantages most notably it doesn't work with all the cookies out there on the web it may crash it may complain you know this stateful model do not recognize so what we did in one of the extension library is called angle shop IO we created a cookie provider following the official specification and we even went further what we have in there are two ways of using it one way is in memory where you say okay when the application closes cookies are lost it's good and the other way say oh you can persist it or however you want to by default on the local file system and that's what it should show so we use a custom configuration now that's done like this you have the configuration class and we just say we will start with the default one and then we add additional capabilities so what we do is we add the persistent cookie capability and we say oh yeah you need to store it somewhere the sync file path is in My Documents to file demo cookie we also add additional requesters like an HTTP request that's based on the HTTP client that's just more modern and the one that comes with anguish up out of the box and then we say yeah English are you allowed to actually make requests to the network so is a with default loader now when we run this thing what will happen is we just switch to authentication we will have different kinds of stages oh sorry I'm still need to remove this little file so let's run it again sorry for that if different kinds of stages so we start not being locked in so the page looks like this you need to login for obtaining the secret luckily we have to log in link here so we navigate there then this page contains a form we fill out the form with the user and the password press login it's all done and then we automatically redirect it and here we see the secret so obviously proves Wayne is Batman what but yeah so that's just how the word works and this was the the angle shop order the code that we used in C shop using angle shop say okay we can use a query selector if it's there we navigate to it then we submit the form and then we're locked in now if I run it again this cookie file is created has been graded and so we are already locked in so we see it the secret directly I'm Batman parade and the reason how it works is because sorry it's because yeah we have this file that follows the old Netscape cookie file specification and that actually includes all these different cookies that have been used now for the localhost domain and we just transported over alright so going into the final stages I also want to show you JavaScript before wrapping up now JavaScript all said is also just a library in an experimental stage we only need to use with chess and then we can apply some simple JavaScript let's just make the demo before we run out of time [Music] pretty much the same thing now what we will change is the document title because that's right now sample and it will be changed to simple manipulation what we will also do Israel right out this special kind of a spawn element so let's just run it and what we can see is the title changed now in the serialization it's now simple manipulation and we got this spawn break so this simple JavaScript pose applied correctly evaluated correctly again angle job chase is experimental and you will not be able to run let's say large-scale single page applications with it at the moment okay so next steps obviously is shipping one zero is very important improving huge is super important and then refining things of the ecosystem like angle shop CSS or bringing up new additional libraries like one is for instance saying especially with Swiss blaze around the block that could be really interesting English of media is said but also things like English of renderer could be quite interesting especially if you want to say everything is just managed code I don't need a web browser for displaying HTML which could open a lot of interesting use cases in my opinion we are always looking for contributors would be much appreciate if you have a look any kind of contribution maybe finding a bug fixing something on the documentation or also discussing how the API improved would be superb I appreciate all your time you'll find more information about the project at English architect at i/o and you can always give me a tweet or reach us via via for instance I'll get that chat thanks a lot alright Florian that was a great much yeah that was great I've I tried parsing HTML with some regular expressions back and it's a badness it's just math it's it works for the simple ones though but once you don't know what you are receiving you're just out of luck I guess it's got so many quirks as you showed and and we're thankful that you're doing the hard work so we don't have to appreciate it appreciate it all right well thanks so much Florent you have a good day and enjoy Oktoberfest enjoy to a base take care they can't buy

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