Wednesday 23 October 2024

Azure Services Every .NET Developer Needs to Know

up next app services every dotnet developer needs to know with Tim Heuer and Angelo's petropolis that I say right perfect off we go awesome thanks everybody good morning good evening good afternoon wherever you're watching from I'm Tim this is my esteemed colleague Angelo so we're here to talked with you about Azure services that every dotnet developer should know and get excited about using your apps so first I want to set the stage Angelo sands just make sure everybody we're gonna we're gonna throw out some terms about Azure you know we should probably make sure everyone knows what those terms are in Azure there's a lot of different things that we'll talk about but just a level set so we're gonna say things like accounts and subscriptions and accounts is something that represents you and me our actual identities that's how we authenticate with the service a subscription is something that we can share together right that's kind of a billable unit you'll also hear us talk throughout this session about resources and resource groups a resource represents an individual unit of any service that's created in Azure and so like I have an app service is actually which is one of the things we'll talk about today is an actual resource a resource group is things that we can group together perform some more security on establish some you know more boundaries of what can be in those services and configuration around there so we'll talk about those two things quite a bit most explicitly today we're going to talk about two things right Angelo's we're going to talk about hosting and services right and the way that we think about these things is hosting is you're gonna provide the code and Azure is gonna run it for you and the services that we're going to talk about is more you're gonna provide the data and Azure is gonna these Azure services are going to take some action on the data supposed to so specifically during this session we're going to focus on those two aspects of hosting and service and to do that Angelo's has built a very simple application to allow us to walk through that so we have a we're gonna we're gonna show an image gallery right and so was it worth me yeah we you you we were gonna IPO at the end of this want to get in at the bottom here so I think we should just like dive right in and get started and let's so throughout this we're gonna cover roughly five services that are really kind of table stakes that dotnet developers done at core developers should want to know everybody should be aware yeah so tell us about this this site and show us the first demo here let's jump straight in because we have a lot to cover so I have the simple core MVC application working here already running locally localhost it's called core image gallery I can register a new user and log in so I'm gonna go ahead and log in with my demo account this is as you're logging in yeah so what what are you using for this authentication here now this is powered by a speed on that core identity so go set for that if you want to know more about it but the whole register with different accounts social and all of that comes kind of for free and you basically configure it and it just works and it's all taken care of for you you know when you do the initial configuration right that's right so now I've logged in I'm gonna click upload image I can pick one for my local machine to upload it to our gallery it's gonna take a little while to upload it it's telling me it did some file processing and the file will be available shortly in the gallery and I can just click return to gallery and here's the picture I uploaded and I'll open it up to show you that the processing we're talking about it's just a little what am i copy mark copy right so that we protect our millions oh yeah this is this nobody cool still this no yeah all right so very simple application let me stop it from working let's go back to the code and check out what I just showed you simple solution a couple of projects I'll start with image gallery dot model nothing but a class library nothing interesting here really just a class with some properties that's what we use in the page that shows you the confirmation after the upload so just showing there's no tricks so nothing will interesting there the main project a speed net core MVC also you start up the CS go quickly classic stuff like we said we're using core identity we're using MVC but they think I want to draw your attention to is we have a service an interface called I storage service and in implementation of it with file storage service so let's start with the interface let's check that out it's pretty simple just a couple of operations on it Gate get images async that's so we can populate the gallery and add image async it's just when you do another upload so nothing too crazy here close it down actually I want to show you the I want to show you the implementation yeah but the one we're currently using yeah yeah so let's go and take a look at the class that implements I store at service and this is giving away the secrets immediately you'll see here there's going to be a folder called user images we're going to put it under double W root and that's where all the pictures we upload go into it's the local store for the server nothing really interesting in the constructor add image async I have a little helper method here to get some properties out of the image so I can show the confirmation page later we just get the path here for the destination we create a stream we use a little watermark in class to add the watermark I'll just show you that real quick just I'm not curious I don't really know what it's doing but it works all right and then finally we just record the upload and you get to see the screen that says go back to the gallery so it's a standard asp net core web application uses NBC yep nothing nothing special there's any cloud specific or binding us to any decisions at this point so let's now we've only been running it local yeah this is all local and I forgot to mention that core identity uses local DB so we have a dependency on sequel server right now but yeah it's a local instance of it that's right so let's take this application which is a typical application it's deployed to Azure and then slowly we'll try to modernize it and make it a bit more cloud native let's do it all right so I'm gonna right click on the project and I'm gonna click publish now the one thing that we've already done is we've already created that account in subscription that we talked about it yeah because we don't want to waste too much time now in the demo that's pretty easy to look up and you can do via the CLI through the portal it's all pretty easy so here when I right click published I'm picking other up service and because you're nice and you ready provision the resources for me I'm just gonna select existing and go find them I try to add value by yeah provisioning resource creates all this fantastic yeah so here it's gonna access my subscription and then it's going to go look for the resource groups under that subscription and then I will be able to find up service instances running in those resource groups so like you said a resource group is just a folder it's basically a nice way to organize your stuff so you can go find it easily and you can have more than one subscription and in fact that's we took it a little bit long because you do have a lot of subscribers sorry yeah alright so here's my demo resource group and I'm picking my existing instance of app service I'm clicking ok and now visual studio will talk to that instance capture some information and all I have to do now is hit publish before I do that I have to make sure my core identity data and schema makes it up to the new instance of sickle cell you've created for me right because we were using the local DB right and now we want to use an azure sequel provider in fact a direct sequel itself but you did all the provisioning so I'm not really sure what you did there but thankfully Visual Studio will let me do everything through its options so if I just edit the publish profile so I can access settings you will see here at the bottom of the dialog we're discovering data contexts what that means is Visual Studio is now hitting the app service instance I've selected and it's asking it if it has any sequel server connection strings cuz if you already done the work I might as well benefit from it yeah so now that the spinner is done in its real time this is real time yeah this is the communicating with our subscription and I've already done the provisioning and Azure sequel for you and provided a connection string force so why should I bother with that again right now all that is there I can just pick it checker box that will apply entity framework data migrations as soon as I publish so all I have to do is save hit publish now what's going to happen is visual studio of course will build a project will talk to the app service instance upload all of the content then it's going to go and check xico server run it the framework migrations and we try to give you you know visual clues what's going on you can always go to the output window and get more verbose information about what's happening here so why are we using app service and not a VM right so VMs are great in fact if you go and create a VM through the other portal we even have a very nice template where it will set up IRS and ms deploy and then you can just come into Visual Studio like I did now right click publish to the VM it's all great but this is a talk about you know services of also that you should know about an app service should really be your go-to hosting option in Azure at the very least you're getting a fully managed instance so you don't have to worry about parties and security fixes and frameworks all that kind of stuff it can very easily scale out and scale back based on just setting some metrics and some options up it can make sure that you can keep your site running even when you're deploying into the same instance by taking advantage of a feature called deployment slots like aging in production there's many many good reasons it's it's your go-to and don't be all these features if you don't necessarily need them don't think that it's superfluous there is different queues and tiers so there is different pricing and features for dev test than productions yeah maybe you don't need everything I think one thing that I like about app service is what you mentioned is you know VMs are great but there still is some configuration you have to do to kind of boots drop them whereas apps per app service as we just saw you know deploying even directly from an IDE or from dev ops you know it's it's taking care of a lot of that configuration for us we know we're just telling it hey we have a dotnet core framework and here's my bits yeah great okay so we deployed look the URL doesn't say localhost anymore right so this is lives that's running it now so right now awesome fantastic yeah so let's say let's go back to the slides real quick and just kind of review those first two things so we said we're going to cover hopefully cover five services here the first two things we we just were able to show is talking about two services app service which kind of is that hosting platform here app service is really great for web apps and api's as angelos mentioned it's a fully managed environment so you get the OS patching high availability and high scale by default with you able to kind of provide the throttling mechanisms within that and it's it's first-class tooling across visual studio family of products as well as you saw here we're using Visual Studio for Windows but we also have similar experiences in vs for Mac and code then the second thing because we were using ASP Nets identity integration we were using the local DB sequel server instance and so we were able to use any framework migration scripts to put that into Azure sequel so now our app that you know was running on Prem basically Prem bugging your box here is now hosted in Azure and our identity is also in Azure but we've got a couple more bits there right so we were uploading images were those images in sequel no okay let's take care of that yeah probably bad so yeah the app is running in either but we can do a bit better because if we want to take advantage of our service and its ability to scale out for example you will notice or you'll remember that the images are being stored on the WWE Road yeah the file storage provider that you had right so a new instance is provisioned then the folder will be empty if traffic goes to that server the gallery would look empty ah yeah relax we don't like red X images no all right let's solve that so we can go back to the demo all right so what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna introduce the third as a service called Auto storage basically we want to be able to store files it's a common thing apps have to do also has a service for it so what I'm gonna go do here is show you a new implementation of I storage service the same interface we saw before some simple strings and variables here we'll talk about those it's nothing to worry about but let's go back to the add image async and compare it to the previous one so here we have getting as properties like before we have an upload container and we just get a reference to it this is basically a stream we can write into we then create a memory stream before we were creating a file stream because we're writing locally here when I do the watermarking so I'm gonna do it in memory and then image blob which is a reference to other storage which is going to copy the stream into it and now the picture is uploaded now those two api's that you're calling they're the get blocked blob reference and the upload from stream those aren't things that you wrote no no that's that's that's a sure that's a library that I get for free and so because we're making the decision we're using Azure storage and blob storage in this case we have an SDK available to us that allows us as dotnet developers and she sharpened developers in this case to work in the language we love get all the productivity in visual studio that we like and have kind of as this strongly typed interface with the service not have to worry about rest and all that exact type of thing perfect so now what I have here is the Apple work just as before but now it's gonna take the pictures and upload them into storage so even if new instances are fired up then they will just talk to the same instance of storage so I'm good but we can do even better when you're in the cloud and in your migrating applications it's a great opportunity to optimize and get efficiencies and modernize an application yeah and when you're on Prem they statically tasks like things firing off on timers and scheduled events and triggers that to get workflows and multiple operations and typically those things are achieved with let's say your window service running somewhere or Linnaean or crime-lab or something like but how do you do that in app service you can't really do whatever you want on that box so azor offers you a service called other functions which I'm gonna use now to take the watermarking process out of the main app and just do the watermarking after the picture has been put into storage with some sort of background task great so we're identified an area where it's not mission critical to us exactly has someone's uploading and we're kind of almost like a sync workflow in nature to offload this little micro service that you're gonna create yeah I mean it doesn't really matter if the image takes a second or two together name is one dollar an hour well I think okay nine it's good good what we lose will make up for in saving right on Azure they tell me all right so back on the project so I have a new project here in my solution called image gallery dot AZ functions how did I get this in here I did right click add new project and I picked other functions because I had picked it before or can search for other functions appear and I create a project now in I did I have my water market classroom before I just moved it over here it's the same color I still don't know I still don't know what it does yeah image uploaded so that's my first Amazon function I'm gonna right click and I'm gonna show you how I did that I click add new as a function you get to name it whatever you like I click Add and here's where I talked before about you know you probably want to have some sort of trigger or timer so here we have the list of possible ways you can execute your other function very commonly you have a TTP triggers maybe you do something with the website and the website calls the founders as I get and post and exactly actions yeah and but I also have or what I want here to use in this case which is The Blob trigger so as soon as the picture gets uploaded to blob storage I'm gonna get told that this happened yeah so I just give it a connection that's how I got it in there so let's take a look at the code there's not a lot to it I have my watermark up here I have an attribute telling me that this is actually going to be a natural function and the name can be you know whatever I wanted it can be different than the name of the method and I'm gonna look at my first parameter called input blob that's basically whenever the picture gets uploaded because the annotation I said it's a block to give exactly the name of the container is going to be called images and then whatever the file name is it's going to go into this variable called name so I have a string name here and I can reference it conveniently through here and then I have a second variable parameter which is basically my output so after I do my watermarking I'm gonna put the contents in here and it's gonna get written we're into a new folder container called images - watermark and that's also an azure storage blob container yeah in the blob container you can create as many of these groups as you like acharya so all this will do is be notified do the watermark and then move the picture but since i'm creating this two groups and i'm moving pictures from one to the other what i want to do is also clean up after myself so when i go and delete the original image that was uploaded so i'm gonna do is go to delete original image that's just another as a function again with a blob trigger so keep in mind you can have more than one per project sometimes it's often easy to miss I'm on more than one function per project and here what I'm doing is I'm showing you that you can even access configuration values in the definition ah so before where we had candy you had the hard-coded yeah blob name now you're pulling it from asp net config exactly so just showing you that both are possible the other one was just easier to read right so here what we're going to do is we're going to be told when the image lands inside the watermark container so that's after the first function has worked and what I'm going to do is I'm going to know to go into lit the original one now all right so I have this working and I think it's gonna work but I want to make sure it works locally before I put it into Azure and even though I'm using Azure functions something that is native to Asher I can still run my project locally including other storage what I have to do is fire off the azure storage emulator there's a good point so this is a another set of tools that are allowing you to do cloud developments right but have a faster inner loop development you know f5 debug kind of lifecycle and the emulator you have to start it on your own because it's kind of really hard for visual studio to know exactly when you're gonna access it and by then it might be too late okay but for other functions all I have to do is right-click set it as the startup project and what I put a breakpoint see what happens so that we've started the storage emulator and now you're starting the Azure function this is gonna run on the cloud now or this is also another emulator this is now the emulator being fired up by Visual Studio because it's clever enough to know that's exactly what you need and so there's a local instance of the azure functions runtime that's running ours that's right and you'll notice this is the 64 bit which we added support for recently nice so vs has detected the runtime is up he deployed my function and acquired a lock to it and now the function should be working now two ways second other functions there it's ready to listen it's yeah it's ready ready for the trigger all right exactly okay and since we're on the topic of working locally I also wanted to show you the other storage Explorer that's a kind of cross-platform app that you can download separately similar functionality exists in vs if you go to cloud that so look that up but I'll just towards Explorer lets me interact with other storage whether the instance is in the cloud or locally so here I can actually go and look at my storage account locally I can look at my emulator running I can look at my blog containers and I can actually see that the containers I had before images and images were marked so if I really want it to execute my user function locally I can literally just drug drop a file using this tool and it's gonna kick it off but let's do the full thing I'm gonna come back to visual studio and I'm gonna fire up the website and now we're gonna run there the app itself I'm gonna run that locally and just exercise the full end-to-end now what we have here as this is spinning up we're running our local process that's that's using the storage SDK instant using serverless functions but running both of those basically in a local inner loop that's exactly right we haven't published anything to our everything is local right now localhost so I'm gonna do the same thing now upload an image pick a different one this time so file is being processed blah blah blah it will be available to oh that's our breakpoint okay alright so that if I go here but a breakpoint on my delete 1 so go back to upload I'll just let it go come back to my website Oh didn't have enough chance a second trigger has fired off everything is happening in sequence Lee alright it's all good I'm gonna continue this now when I'm gonna hit return to gallery the image will already be there and it's already what I marked that's awesome so now we can go ahead and republish these republish our app to a sure at that point exactly so what I want you to see here is if I want to take this as a function and publish it to the cloud right click publish exactly the same experience as before I already had the profile there create the existing same configuration the same others difference I'm not gonna bore you with the same stuff awesome so now we've got we're using app service to host as your sequel in the cloud storage for our files and serverless for some lightweight functions at kind of asynchronous in nature we've got like four services we're running on top of the app itself so how are you gonna feel good about the health of the app here okay so feedback we get from customers a lot is running things in the cloud feels like maybe they're far away from the Diagnostics a little bit yeah that's not true that's not true let me show you how all right so let's go back close all this down I don't need anything local running I'm gonna go to my production cluster and I'm gonna go to my production research group so this is my website running in production right now and I have a report that if you try to upload an image without logging in first something happens to the app so let's go check it out I will go and upload the image pick one Scotland that one alright so we've got in we've got a crash here effective this is the dreaded you know something went wrong but you're not in the development mode and you can really get the call stack and now you're probably gonna be worried about well how do I get access to logs and this is annoying it was so much nicer when I was local okay let me just show you something called our zoo monitor I'm gonna what we're going is we're logging into the portal I'm gonna go back to the portal and you know how we said that we just groups are a nice way to organize your resources what I'm gonna go do here is we're going to go to my research groups scroll down until I find my production bridges group and here I get a list of all the services this users group has provisioned and you were kind enough when you provisioned our up service instance to actually attach it to our monitor what you get by just attaching it to our monitor is Diagnostics so all I'm doing is navigating to the instance and oh look there is a chart there for failed requests well that's exactly what I needed so I'm gonna click that see where it takes me okay I'm screwed okay so there's an action post upload yep that sounds like what I just did and it lets me drill into because I'm gonna keep clicking until I get to a call stuck here yeah so we're able to go to the portal now and is almost real-time diagnostics as well I just didn't and get basically to our core exception here and then so this has an end to end transaction it has automatically recorded for me without me doing anything special if I keep going I will eventually get to the call stack this is what we all wanted to see and we can figure out the exception there at this all right so this says Korematsu gallery extensions okay so I wrote me authorization yeah I mean it's kind of obvious I shouldn't let you upload the picture without sending in first but the point was getting to the cost right so now I can go back to my code and see that Gideon was proper this is assuming I'm authenticated base that's awesome so let's go back to the slides and review that what we've seen here so what Angeles was able to show is we had a typical core application for the simple one at this point that was doing a couple different things and we basically moved it all to the cloud not having to worry about managing our own box and infrastructure we got hosting out of app service we've got data storage in two ways actually using Azure sequel which you know if we needed relational database needs on top of our identity we could still use that as well we're using blob storage as kind of our durable storage for objects and things like that a serverless function that is just kind of asynchronous and actually by the way we only pay for that one we call it that's right so it's not this long-running process and then we have really rich insights and monitoring into our app so there's there's a ton more and after that we could do as well we didn't even talk about containers and things but that's kind of like the next level that I think you know an enterprise level application might look at is you know how do we do container orchestration and Azure has given any services that we can do there as well as other services that you know there's data services with cosmos DP active directory another service bus and sequel managed instance and everything like that so I think it's a really quick overview of kind of some key services that dotnet developers should should know here's some resources for you we want you to kind of go get the tools and SDKs done at core 3 release getting Visual Studio and both the core SDK and then as well that second link if you want to learn more about Azure and actually walk through some of the same tutorials of the services and get those SDKs that make it easier for developer that's the place to go and if you haven't tried out you're yet you can get a free subscription that gives you free services some forever and some for a 12-month period I think the good thing about the you know we didn't there's a lot more richness in the monitoring and diagnostics and I think a good thing is the session right after this as Robin is gonna go over some more of what we've done more and dotnet core 3 and for those type of things so thanks Angelo said it was good good primer and encourage everyone to take a look at this Mika alright I thank you Tim and Angelo's as you don't know Tim is actually my boss how are you doing - I'm doing well you have a fantastic job thank you so yeah we have a few questions that we can go over right now let's see this one's for Tim good to see Tim representing brings back bittersweet memories of Silverlight you have anything to say about that probably not allowed to say anything let's see the next one can app services run laser app service yes and if you're into blazer and do app service also check out the azure signal our service if you need more info let me know yeah Dan Roth gave two presentations earlier today but also yesterday kind of how that kind of all works together as well with blazer here's another one this one's from John will vs generate the EF scripts if you just saved the published profile instead of clicking publish clicking publish actually deploys the app and then executes the migration scripts I had already set up before so I just didn't type you know create migration but you have to do that first and then publish will execute it for you so creating the profile doesn't create a migration script for it does it doesn't the server get yeah but but locally it doesn't you yeah locally yeah yeah

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it's about time we did a toolbox episode on BOTS hi welcome to visual studio toolbox I'm your host Robert green and jo...