Wednesday 23 October 2024

Basics of Debugging

[Music] hey everyone welcome to another episode of Visual Studio toolbox I'm your host Leslie Richardson and today I'm excited because we're talking about one of my favorite topics good old debugging you know the the topic that everyone dreads but we're all having to do as developers but uh yeah we're going to start from square one today talking to all about how to get started debugging for the first time in visual studio and joining me to do that today is Nick hey Nick hi Leslie nice to see you nice to see you too so before we uh jump into debugging do you want to tell us a little bit about yourself yeah sure so um my name is Nick I'm a software developer from the UK uh near Manchester uh I'm currently working as a director of software engineering for a uh robotic process automation company we use a lot of net in our stack um and yeah just excited to talk about uh debu B okay awesome I'm excited too I used to work on the visual studio debugger so yeah debugging is near and dear to my heart yeah definitely yeah so for those who don't know what that is or maybe are getting started in their coding Journey what is debugging and why are we stuck doing it yeah yeah so unfortunately like it will be like a really common practice for you you know so many times people say what you working on I'm just debugging this I'm bugging that um and it's it's kind of quite a negative connotation to it but it's actually it's essential and um it the the simplest way I could describe it is you're tracking down that pesky buug you know you're trying to find the root cause of a behavior that's um happening that's unexpected uh and so using visual studio we can um rather than let the code just run through in its normal State we can actually pause the code and inspect it to see what the current state is and how that might be contributing to the issue that you see awesome yeah I think that's a great definition so yeah should we hop into visual studio and see how to get started yeah let's go for [Music] it so I've just created uh a typical console application so whenever I do a demo I find it really easy to just build a a normal C console application with a main method uh and then to to jump right into it and so the first thing that I want to talk about is um the compilation modes that you can see in visual studio uh so you've probably seen already that you've got this debug drop down and you get the debug or release options in there and now for the purposes of what we're doing we obviously want to be in debug but it's not obvious what the reason for that is um so there's different modes of compilation for uh for C in particular um in visual studio and the difference being that when you're in debug mode which will be your um default mode there's a there's a little bit of a difference in terms of the way things are compiled we have things called symbols uh that allow the application will allow Visual Studio to know where you are in the code uh and it's less optimized it's quite I mean as you know Leslie it's quite a complicated subject I won't go too deep on that but just so you're aware of its existence the default mode will be debug uh and then on the flip side of that release mode is it's kind of the opposite of that there's less optimiz there's sorry more optimization uh you don't have those symbols uh that are telling you where you are in the code simply because you aren't expected to be debugging in release mode uh so so that's the difference between the two um and the reason I talk about this is because one of the uh debugging aspects that you can take advantage of in Visual Studio is something called uh pre-processor directives uh so these are the lines you see here where we've got this little hashtag symbol um and this is where you're adding a condition into the way the application is being compiled so it's not the same as like a conventional if statement uh it's something that sort of sits outside of the code it's more for visual studios's benefit uh so for here for example we're simply saying that if the current mode is debug then we want to execute some spefic specific code uh otherwise it's going to be in release mode and we can execute this code so I can demonstrate that and it will also demonstrate a break point so we're kind of killing two birds with one stone there hopefully great so I'm currently in debug so I would expect to uh put a breakpoint in here um a breakpoint is what we were saying before about pausing your code it say um it's a point in the code where you can say I don't want you to run further than this point I want you to stop at that point so I can take a look around and see what's happening in the application now obviously if your breakpoint is inside an if statement and that if statement uh doesn't evaluate to true you won't hit your breakpoint so we're kind of testing the if debug scenario by saying we're expecting this to hit that break point because we're in debug Y and so in Visual Studio to kick the program off uh and start debugging we can go to the top here and click the play button and let the application fire up and then as you can see we've hit our break point and as we said the reason we've hit that is because we're saying only go to that break point sorry only write out this line to the console if we're in debug and we are and we've also put a break point there so we're now paused great pretty simple also I gotta say shout out to the debugger team for uh make for adding the ability to see that you can actually add a breakpoint in the first place by hovering over the gutter where you just added that break point that used to not exist and I can imagine if you're like brand new because a lot of schools and a lot of uh classes that you take don't always teach debugging so if you're just trying to figure this out on your own it's like not very intuitive maybe to to know that oh a breakpoint is here so yeah yeah absolutely Echo that and you know you guys uh if you're picking up visual studio for the first time you know you got kind of spoiled to be honest the featur feature sets amazing I was writing uh VB6 in the old Visual Basic and it was a fantastic tool but it's come so far the debugging experience has since then so oh yeah yeah it's super powerful uh and obviously if um we want to test our theory around um whether the release uh breakpoint would hit we can add another break point here uh and then change the mode over to release so now this pre-process cessor uh for if debug it should evaluate to false so we shouldn't see it hit that break point so I'll just click play there and there we go we've hit the other break point instead because we're now in release mode so you can see the way that break points can be affected by the position you you put them in if they're inside some logic which wouldn't normally be hit in the code you can guarantee the break point won't be hit either Okay so we've talked a lot about break point um so along this part of Visual Studio you can tap those in and they'll uh appear and disappear um you can also um this quite a handy function that you can use in the debug um part of the ribbon where you can say I just want to turn off my break points I don't want to delete them uh but I just want to disable them and I find that quite useful if I've been uh debugging something um for a specific change because there's a common um misconcep ception around debugging in my opinion that it's always to do with bugs it's actually sometimes around testing as well you've got a a feature that you're adding you want to make sure that the codes running the way you want it to um and I find that using break points for that is a fantastic way to to verify what I'm doing and so when I've made that change I want to see that it carries on through without um me stopping it all the time so being able to disable things in one place and then reenable them is really really useful so I want to talk about uh steps so there's lots of different ways uh you can perform these steps and steps for me um essentially are ways that you can move around uh the code once you've break pointed so once you paused the execution of your overall application you've got lots of different options you can either step into something you can step over something and you can step out of something when I say step into something it has to be something that you're capable of stepping into so if it's a variable if it's just a uh a variable like this where we're specifying or defining an integer um you're not going to be able to step into that because there's nothing inside to uh step into as far as debugging goes but for a method or a function you've got code inside that so you can choose to either step over it and Skip uh going through every single bit of code inside that method or you can step into it but don't forget that the code inside it if you go over it it will still run it will it's not saying we're not going to run this code we're just not going to follow it through for the purposes of debugging so I've got a method here called step into method and if I go to the definition of that everything I'm doing here is really super simple I'm just writing things out to the console uh but if I'm debugging I can choose whether I want to see uh the code go into this method or if I want to just step over it so I'm going to set a breakpoint here and then I'm going to run the application and let it just breakpoint onto that method and then up on the top left here are your step actions uh and as you get really good at debugging um and it becomes second nature I'm sure Leslie this is you you're just tapping the key combination F10 F10 F10 f11 step in it just becomes like muscle memory right it's just it's amazing how quickly that can just become uh done without thinking oh yeah and plus I mean again you're probably gonna be de debugging a lot in your coding career coding Journey so yeah you're probably gonna learn those keyboard shortcuts very quickly as somebody who does not usually remember keyboard shortcuts f 10 F 11 yeah yeah because I was thinking about the um disable all break points and delete all break points all that sort of stuff and I was like what is the keyboard but yeah stepping in stepping around is that is like just one tap it's and it's sometimes you can go a little bit too fast as well I can just step through things and go oh I've gone past it and yeah luckily there are additional Advanced debugging Tools in VSS that can help you backtrack if you do that but we won't get into it that's thinking of everything [Laughter] great so for this one um I want to step into it so I want to actually go in and see the code that's going to execute so um I'm going to hit this step into button or I can press f11 and you can see we've actually gone into that method and then we can do the same thing for the lines of code that are inside the method so you may have a method within a method and so you step into the first method and then you decide actually I want to look inside that method as well or you might think no I I know that one's good I've tested that one I'm going to step over it in which case you can just do the step over here so you can see these arrows handy little arrows that just explain uh what kind of Step we're doing and there you go we've come out of that now because it was the last line of code for that method and we're on to our next one so I I'm sure you can guess what I'm going to do next for step over method uh I'm going to decide that I don't want to look inside this so I'm just going to click step over and the last one is one that I I think a lot of developers in my opinion I don't know what what you think Leslie but they potentially use the least yeah yeah it scared me a little bit when I first uh when I first got into into code because I was I wasn't sure where it was going to go even though now it's more obvious to me with experience but um I don't know I think there's a tendency to rather than stepping out once you've decided that your code is good um that I you just keep going through is that the same for you yeah I kind of feel the same way I I Rely you step out and Par because I get worried I'm like I mean I think I'm pretty sure I know where it's gonna go but let's just go through the rest of this method anyway exactly it's just safer to keep going yeah that 2% un uncertainty is like yeah but that's really interesting because it it shows that there's people have their own debugging habits there's different debugging Styles and um you will get that person who will be stepp to everything and that's fine you know that's absolutely fine uh because if that's going to give you the the information you need that's that's the way but just to explain step out essentially it's whichever um method or function you stepped into uh by pressing step out you can essentially go back up into the um the next uh level up basically so like with um if I look at at step into so another handy thing you can do just press the method and then press F12 and you can go to its definition we stepped into this but say this had a a long um block of code and we got halfway down um and thought you know I'm I'm okay I don't need to look at this anymore you can press step out and it would go back up to the point you were in the next level up uh obviously not me and Leslie because we want to play it safe yeah but it's cool something I do want to point out is that um breakpoints and the stepping tools those are pretty commonplace in the IDE world so yeah if for whatever reason you're deciding to use something other than visual cudio whether that's vs code or uh another IDE or Advanced editor experience like BS code those tools will at the very least be there in some Capac capacity so you'll always have break points you'll always have ways to step through to see what you want to see yeah and in the in the browser as well that's a that's one that a lot of um I find that a lot of developers that I I bring in who are fairly new um they're less exposed to the browser debugging experience but the concept is the same essentially a lot of the same tools too cool right this is one of my favorite features because it helps is so good it helps you to debug very very specific uh edge cases you might be trying to figure out what would be causing a bug but you know that it's only in a very specific situation and this is the conditional breakpoints um and this is a breakpoint where it starts off as a normal breakpoint um but then once you've created it you can then specify that it is conditional so I'm just going to get rid of this one here and I'm going to put a a conditional break point inside this for Loop uh so this is a loop where we're going to be iterating until we've reached uh our top index and inside the body of this loop we're going to be multiplying a variable by two um but what I want to do is say I don't want to be hitting this breake point for every single iteration I only want to hit the breake point if a certain condition is true uh and that condition for me could be uh that the variable condition demo value is greater than five because for some reason I've got a theory that something breaks when it gets to that that value essentially so the way we can do this is once you've already set your uh break point you can hover over it and you'll see there's a settings button uh and if you click that settings button you get some uh really cool features that you can uh take advantage of so in here we want to first look at conditions so I can check this conditions box and it will give you lots of different options for the condition but I think the most common one is going to be conditional expression so this is a condition Builder that you can use to say if this condition is true that's the only time I expect you to hit the break point you can also do it based on how many times it it's already hit that line of code so that's a similar sort of sort of deal you could say if this line of code gets hit x times then stop the flow of the application I want to debug it um filter this is one I I don't think I've ever used it Leslie do you want to share some insights into this one oh goodness oh filter I because I barely demo that one either so um I'm blinking out I feel like it's a slightly it's it's kind of like hit count and that it's a slightly different variation of a conditional expression last time I I checked except okay it it looks like it's like um a com just hit my mic sorry it looks like it's a combination of conditional Expressions yeah based on because the debugging team put a handy example in there so there you go pretty great and uh I do want to point out you can add multiple conditions if you want so like there is the add condition uh yeah the add condition button right below it where you can add more than one condition for whatever reason that is an option as well I think I need to I think I need to put one in before I can do that don't I so if I did I think so yeah so if I said so it's kind of like a Boolean expression isn't it so it would be condition demo value is greater than five and then press enter and then I should be able to add another one and the hit count is two um which it would be or at least one yeah math is is failing on me today it's nearly nearly night time in the UK but but yeah for this one we're essentially saying the condition is I only want you to hit that break point if my variable condition demo value is greater than five um so for that uh we can test that out you can see oh I've just deleted it that's always good put that in again okay Enter and then close there we go and you can see when you've got a conditional break point because you'll have a little cross in the middle of it uh so from that you'll always be able to see uh that it's slightly different and also hovering over it gives you uh the conditions that you set up as well uh so I'm going to let this continue to run so because we're already breakpoint um the play button says that we want to gives you the option to continue um and then you might be thinking how do we know that it's actually a above five at this point sure could it not just be highlighting it uh on its first iteration and this brings us to inspecting variables so what we can do to verify that it is actually hitting that condition is we can hover over a variable while we're break pointed uh and you can see here that it shows a little tool tip telling you what the current value of that variable is so we have indeed met that condition that variable is 10 so it's greater than five and it hasn't breakpoint did before that so our conditional breakpoint was successful okay so I'm going to stop the application otherwise we're going to be constantly shifting down also before you uh go on as we pivot away from break points those aren't the only break points fun fact so the lesson here is to definitely take a minute to explore the visual studio debugger because there's tons of additional break points yeah we got like Trace points uh which is what Nick just highlighted there's dependent break points there's uh function breakpoints data breakpoints so many to explore that can help you be a lot more productive in your debugging Journey that are worth checking out absolutely absolutely it's um it's so important isn't it you know it's all very well and good being good at of solving problems through your design of code but if you don't know how to use the debugging features you're going to be a a little bit of a disadvantage um but um the the sort of the very there's so many Advanced features like you said yeah like I can't speak for every IDE but Visual Studio I mean the debugger is a lot of what makes Visual Studio really cool if you take the the time to check out some of its more advanced features it's awesome yeah it it blows my mind because it it's the team has has built something that's working on a running application that's like next level for me um how how do you interrupt the flow of the comp of the application I I wouldn't even know where to start uh so another really cool feature um is uh the watch feature and a watch is essentially where you've got uh a variable of some sort um and you want to know while the application is running uh what its value is so it's the it's similar to where we hovered over that variable and said you know what's the value U but we were only doing it for that specific point that break point we were on um but if you're break pointing something else or you're debugging something else in the application and you want to keep one eye on another value to see if something's changing it and a watch is often a good shout um so for example if if I wanted to just keep an eye on this variable and make sure that it's definitely just 10 uh while things are running I can rightclick it and then I can go over to I may need to be debugging to actually see this so I'll just put a break point on it um there's several ways of doing it as is always the case with visual studio um but if I get to I'm in release now that's probably why there we go so I can actually see it in this watch window here but I'll just demonstrate here if you right click while you're break pointed you can see there's an add watch uh option if you just click that it will take you to the watch screen I already had it in there by the looks of it so I think I can rightclick it and delete Watch there we go um but essentially that's a screen that gives you all your watches so it's everything you've flagged as I want to keep an eye on that basically uh so we've got the the the variable name the current value and its type um now obviously we've set that to 10 and we're break pointed on it and this is really uh interesting the value here is zero which is not the same as what the value is in the code uh and the reason for this is that because when we hit a break point we're on that line of code but the code hasn't actually executed yet so we have a watch demo value but because uh we haven't executed we haven't initialized it with a value it's got its default value which is zero for the integer so if I then step over this and go to the next line that code has then executed the variable has been initialized to its value and we can see here the value in the watches screen has also changed so you can see how this would be really useful if you had other code which could potentially affect that variable uh I find this really useful when I'm iterating through uh lots of different data structures um I think recently I had uh a big array of Json objects and I was going through it U and there was an external variable that got set based on a very particular uh field inside these Json objects uh and I wanted to see the point at which that variable changed uh and so I could just put a watch against that variable run through the iteration and then I could see ah okay it changed at that point that's the bit that's setting it [Music] basically okay so immediates um so these are probably after the sort of usual break pointing aspects this is probably one of the things I use the most uh I don't know whether it's because uh I'm more of a backend engineer um but uh I don't know whether that that affects it or not but essentially immediates are kind of like um for the web developers they're kind of like the console in the browser it's kind of like where you can interact with the uh the code base while it's paused uh so by that I mean if I was to type um a variable which is in the code that has gone past the execution point so say watch demo value we're past that point now say I type that into here I get intell sense for that as well because the compiler knows that it's part of the uh the code base and I can say watch demo value press enter if I want to and it will give me the value of that um but I can so that is essentially me interacting with the code base um while it's in a paused State uh and this is uh valuable for lots of different different reasons it allows you to test different theories uh while the the code is paused so for example uh if you haven't got a watch on uh the watch demo value and you think oh I need to make sure that that is equal to 10 and um maybe it's not in view so you can't just hover over it and see it from there I'm just trying to find an example of why you would use this um in such a small application what you could do is say watch demo value and then similar to that conditional expression we used in the uh conditional break points you can use a Boolean expression so you can say watch demo value demo value is equal to 10 and that will return a true or false so we can see here that's returned true so it's really useful I use this all the time when I'm looking to just check in on something that's still uh available to me as part of the code it's still in scope to some point uh but I'm probably halfway down the screen it's out of view I don't want to scroll back up to it I just want to quickly use the immediates to have more of a console experience you should also be able to set the value of things so you can start to um mess around with the state uh of the application while you're debugging it so if I did watch demo value equals 4 it will just return the value that I've set but then if I hover over it you can see we've just set that to four so we've intervened in the state of the application while it's paused it's so powerful uh and and that allows you to test lots of different scenarios uh so very often you could say uh you might have an application which is um running only if an invoice value is over say $10,000 but the data you've got is all just below that and you want to try and test that other scenario well you could quite easily take a variable like invoice total and then change it inside the immediates window to test that um flow of code you can also do that from the variable itself uh in most cases so you can say change it from here and then if I go back and type this in again and you can press up as well just like you can in the command line to get what you've recently typed in I can see it's six because I've just set it from elsewhere in the code base so it's again this is where debugging gets a little bit um it's not just looking for bugs you might also be using it to influence uh State mhm yeah the immediate window is pretty powerful in its own right there there are lots of people who really kind of do all of their debugging in the immediate window a lot of the time I I'm personally one of those who doesn't really use it that much but yeah again whatever floats your boat there's lots of options in Visual Studio yeah yeah I mean if you if you were looking at say again I'll use the example of Json or or XML it might be just too much to look at in the debugger but there's nothing stopping you from doing a file. write all text in the immediate window and just then dumping all that information into a text file or or XML or Json file so that you can then look at it all the same time the application is still paused just giving yourself a bit more of a an opportunity to view it in something like Visual Studio code for example so it's just for me it's just super flexible that's I've got options all the time when I'm debugging in visual studio uh so inspecting variables we' we've pretty much covered uh that is where you can just hover over them you can see as we said this is still zero until uh we actually execute it and then we get on to something that has thrown me before honestly um because they I feel like they're quite similar I don't know where you are on this Lesly gosh I still struggle with it too sometimes um honestly I I think in most cases it's okay to lump autos and locals window together but if the watch window is like your inspection window for being a but you have to manually select which variables do you want to have persist and take a look at as you're going through your code the locals and Autos Windows automatically give you the variables that are currently in the scope of where you're at so if you swapped over to the locals or AOS window right now then you'd be getting a lot of the variables that are both within a scope or in proximity and I think the Autos window is really just more proximity focused more so than so it takes the nearby variables not necessarily all the the variables that are currently relevant so yeah I sorry Leslie you go no go ahead I was just gonna say I thought that was a really good explanation um I I think I looked for a definition before the show because I like to be prepared um but you know Autos it was It was kind of defined as um a a reference to any code which is relevant to the current line but that's a really vague definition isn't it it's really hard to to make that accessible I I agree so that is my best interpretation of it anyway just through observation but I think at the end of the day a lot of the time the autos and locals are windows are pretty much one and the same I I prefer the locals window because again you usually get more uh info that you'll probably need but yeah both are giving you the most relevant variables in some capacity in addition to other default Expressions that might come about which I talk about in uh other demos that I've done that are really cool stuff like return value uh which can tell you the the value of u a return statement in your method without having to necessarily set an arbitrary variable like the locals window and the Autos window can tell you that automatically the moment you step over that line which is really nice super cool it's really nice one thing I do really love as well that you guys have put in is this idea that um you can't get away with changing something and not being found out so here if you remember I've changed these values while the application was um paused uh and visual studio is flagging those in red to say hey these were changed uh which again is it's super important I think this this idea of traceability in debugging um it's it's got to be forensic hasn't it you've got to know absolutely every single thing that's happened and has changed so just that simple feature of coloring those in red I I love that feature I think it's really Co I agree so I think we've agreed most of the time we're going to use locals but again totally your choice but you know it's just about having as much visibility as possible and um I know that when I go to I'm always going to see things that are in scope which is most of the time what I'm concerned with so this brings me on to my my last example which is um one that definitely tripped me up when I was a junior developer I hated looking at it not because it was a visual studio thing but it was just a programming thing it just a wall of text but um it becomes less scary over time but and that's the call stack uh and actually Visual Studio does a really good job of visualizing it whereas the traditional call stack is just like a big line of text um block of text sorry but the the idea on the call stack is simply um the everything that's happened up until this current point and a representation of that so you'll often see these in exceptions so when you do a try catch uh and you hit that that catch there's going to be some kind of exception object and that exception object will have a call stack in it uh and that will say that the exception threw at uh a certain point in the code but before that lots of other things happened and those things could be other threads they could be parent functions but the the common denominator there is that it's before the current Point yeah I think timeline of yeah events that are going on in your code in a lot of ways a much nicer way of referring to a timeline um so what I've done here is uh just created uh a means of viewing the call stack so we've got a method here called call stack demo and I'm going to step into it so I want to go into the actual method I pressed f11 for that uh and then I'm going to let these uh pieces of code run so I'm going to press F10 to step over I'm going to step over again to get to this method so we've got method inside a method and then I'm going to step into that and we're going to run that method and then I'm going to pause it there for a second if I wanted to see the timeline as Leslie said uh which is the the call stack uh I can go again into debug and we've got a really uh useful Windows section here which gives us loads of different features some things that are more advanced uh than than this in the scope of this uh video I think uh but uh the one we're interested in is call stack and you can see here you can select it and it will open up the call stack window uh so I'm just going to move this I'm going to try and dock it up here there we go and just bring that across and so this gives us our timeline this is the stack of events that have happened to bring us to this point and at the top you'll have the method that you currently in or the break point that you're currently on so you can see here we're in call stack sub method at line 73 but before that to get there we'd hit line 67 and if I double click it will take me to that line and again we can see at the bottom of the call stack that is going to be the first point of entry our entry point uh because it's the first thing we went into uh and that's main as it would be for our uh console application uh I think it just hasn't there we go oh sorry it's uh I am in main yes of course so it's highlighting call stack demo but that is in the scope of main so you can use this to trace back what's happened to that point uh so I often find it's a useful refreshing Tool uh if I'm doing a very long debugging session so and if I'm doing a long debugging session it's probably a pretty complicated bug um but what I mean by that is if you've spent a lot of time going through lots of different break points it's quite easy to sometimes forget what's happened up until that point and that might be really important because uh you might not be seeing any exceptions throwing but the data that you've passed through up to that point might be critical to understanding why something isn't running uh the way it should be so if you're in that really annoying situation where you know there's a bug but everything looks good uh the call Stack's really useful because you can say okay I'm going to retrace my steps uh and I guess that that's the main use case for me uh I don't know Leslie any other sort of go-to use cases for the call stack that from from your side yeah a kind of Niche one that I use it for is in the event you've got a variable that's being changed in a spot that you did not expect it to change but you act but you also don't really know where that change could be coming from there one of the breakpoints I hinted at earlier there's one called the data breakpoint that lets you break your uh at your or it lets you pause your application when a specified variable changes at any time so it's really nice because it'll take you to that exact place where that break where that variable was changed but there um there's a speci specific instance where in the event that variable is actually like a property in a class or something it's usually going to take you to like the setter that you probably set up for it but that's when you can use the call stack to figure out who you can really blame figure out what method just incremented that uh variable without your permission and navigate to it that way which is very helpful so in some ways the call stack is like the git blame equivalent of um debugging where it's like okay what what happened through my code and could there be a spot where I I didn't want that to happen or method to be called in a place that I did not expect it to be called so there you go so this no there's no escaping in Visual Studio forensic data everywhere you go everything's traceable yeah and you did mention also threads and stuff I I think the call stack is really useful for if you're dealing with multi-threaded or asynchronous applications there's lots of instances where you just want to be able to break down what is happening on a specific thread or across multiple threads uh having a call stack window for that is extremely important I think absolutely and and debugging multiple or parallel execution or concurrency is that's probably a video in itself isn't it that that's a oh yeah it's pretty Advanced but it's uh and it still hurts my brain but um you know there's a million different tools that I disposal here so it always makes it just that bit easier uh so I mean that's that's my My overall set of examples for um an introduction to debugging um but um I think key takeaways there are that uh the emphasis is as I said on being as forensic as possible and making um the state of any application available to you uh at that point in time and and I would my advice to any new developers or any uh people using uh visual studio for the first time would be to just start with breakpoints and and work your way up through these examples we've we've locked up um I'd say you know m around with the immediates figure out how you can influence the state of the application uh and break it essentially uh and maybe create some weird edge cases and I think once you've had that hands-on experience you become so much better at debugging in general um and uh and it's often a a process of elimination as well uh so you know you test your theories you you think I've got a bug I think it might be this let's try and disprove that uh and hopefully you're right and you don't have to disprove it so you can just put the fix in yeah I think something that helps me with debugging is just the whole expectations versus reality so like you're thinking about the meme like that's kind of the thought process with a lot of debugging it's like okay what did you expect to happen but what did you actually end up getting and that gives you a good starting where okay how do we get to that cake looking like what it was supposed to look like instead of my mess kind of looks like a tennis court but really it just looks like a blob that's yes definitely when I'm baking cakes for sure oh yeah yeah awesome well Nick that I thought that was a great introduction to debugging I think that's something that everyone needs like whether you're being formally taught it or not like I I was never formally taught how to use the debugger and then like I joined a debugger team fresh out of college and I was freaking out because I was like um yeah I just statements when I was debugging in school so like I don't know um yeah but I I think these are really useful tools that really you can take anywhere um whether you're in BS or in another IDE but you should totally use vs because the debugger is amazing um but yeah that's awesome so where can people go to learn even more about debugging Nick um well of course you can go over to to Microsoft learn um you've got lots of different videos there and documentation um and um I mean I think I've got a few videos on on debugging you want to head over to Nick proud programmer Shameless plug um but uh yeah the documentation for visual studio in general is is fantastic um you know I'm using Microsoft learn a lot myself uh spe specifically for the AO stuff as well um and you can you know there's nothing worse than poor documentation and I've just never had that issue uh with visual studio uh so um and obviously the help function in Visual Studio itself you can get through to all the documentation you need from the application uh in a lot of cases as well uh I've noticed in recently there's been um links to GitHub repos for specific uh items as well which is just so cool you know if you if you want to get some information on a specific element of net for example which is largely open source you can get straight through to the repo from visual studio so um you can't really go wrong with with the with the official docs and then um obviously resources on YouTube and uh places like that are probably an expert yeah awesome and then also more Shameless plugs on my end I know uh it's been a minute but this show the visual studio toolbox show actually we did do a couple episodes way back when about debugging so if you uh if you're on YouTube right now and you do vs toolbox debugging then there should be several videos that pop up including one that I did on more of those Advanced tips and tricks that we talked about most of them I I haven't done that talk on the show since BS 2019 but a lot of those tools are still very relevant uh for VSS 2022 and also if you're on Twitter go to uh make sure you subscribe to vsor debugger that is a great Twitter channel that um that's run by the debugger team on visual studio and they drop just cool tips and tricks at random or sometimes not at random sometimes they're talking about new features because we're always working on new stuff too that are worth checking out so make sure you subscribe to that and yeah I think that's all of our resources for now hopefully that gets people started so yeah Nick thank you yeah but Nick thank you so much for coming on the show super informative very important stuff absolute pleasure thank you so much awesome and thanks to everyone who's been watching this and is ready to Kickstart their debugger journey and until next time happy coding [Music] y'all

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