Wednesday 23 October 2024

Bind Controls to Other Controls (11 of 18) Building Apps with XAML and .NET MAUI

[Music] hi welcome to visual studio toolbox I'm your host Robert Green and I'm your presenter Paul Sheriff hey Paul We are continuing our series on building apps with zaml andet Maui and today we're going to start talking about data binding but before we do that we have a short followup to the previous episode in between uh Paul was one wondering why he couldn't get the wrapping that he wanted to occur and then he figured it out so what happened well so if we go back here if you remember what I had is I had the entry within the horizontal stack layout problem is that the flex layout is whatever that child is that's the thing it's going to be laying out right so you needed to add another horizontal stack layout and when you do that now it pushes hey there we so all right you know it's one of those things you're doing a demo you're doing live and you're like wait a minute I know that works what am I doing wrong and then you figure it out as soon as we stop recording right of course of course but happily since we're recording these back to back to back we're able to address it right away absolutely absolutely cool okay all right we're gonna learn how to bind controls to other controls yeah why are we learning such a thing why why well I got a great sample to show you actually so let's go ahead and we're going to bring up our product detail view now and we've got this cost and then we've got an entry for the cost I'm going to replace that entry with a horizontal stack layout and the way that this works now is I've still got the entry but I'm adding a stepper in so let's run this so you can see what it looks like and then we'll come back and we'll talk about this code that I've written inside of the zaml [Music] here all right let's get this over here so we can see it side by side here we own the products here all right so you can see the cost right here and you notice it's been defaulted to a value of one and then right next to it I've got this little what's called a stepper control and I can click on the plus I can click on the minus and if I click on the minus here and I keep going down I'm clicking I'm clicking I'm clicking nothing is happening because if we look back over here at the code you'll see that I set a minimum on this stepper to be one and I have a maximum of 99,999 and I've specified that I want it to increment by one each time I click on the Plus or the minus sign okay yeah now if you'll notice I have given this stepper a name one of the things we've always talked about if you wish to interact with a control that's on your page here right you need to give it a name and that interaction either happens in the code behind in CP but it can also happen here in this data bind we take a look at the entry control you can see I've set what's called The Binding context so what we're saying is hey and ENT I want you to bind yourself to another control and we're going to reference that control by the name called cost stepper so you see those two values match in fact if we you know use the intellisense it tells us which ones it is allowed to bind to so it looks for any names that's easy enough and then the text portion of the entry which is where you're typing in right this value here is the text property MH so we're saying you want to bind to the value property of this stepper so if I come in here and I set the value equal to 80 for instance look what happened on the screen over automatically changed didn't it and now since they're bound together when I hit the minus sign it's going to go to 79 78 or if I hit the plus sign it's going to go up and if you enter 80 as the or something different as the Val into the entry that updates the stepper so it's a two-way binding you got it so now when we go there excellent yeah so this is called Data binding and this this data binding happens between one control and another we're also going to be able to use our C classes to do this kind of binding as well all right so one thing you could do in the I assume there's an event behind the stepper on click so you could set the value of the entry and code correct but this is this is a little cleaner uh I would right code um so I guess it kind of depends on I mean if it's a obviously a simple binding like this You' put it in the zaml if there's more complicated stuff going on then you'd want to and have to write code but it's possible you could have to write some code absolutely you know we're trying to I I try to avoid as much code behind and as much C code as I can if I can express something in zaml I'd rather do that because then I see it all right here I don't have to okay what was the name on here in the zaml then go try to find that in code behind in the C to me that's it's a lot cleaner yeah definitely so let's go down and we've got the next one which is the price so let's do the same thing for the price here okay so what I've done here now is I replace that that entry okay I've got this binding context here all right MH and so you'll notice though that nothing's happening right we got that little squiggly again all right so that means that I've got to restart it so it's just one of those things that does happen sometimes that examl hot reload especially when you're working with bindings it does it does typically need to restart a fent so yeah and there we go now you can see that it's starting with one because that's the minimum so it's set value to minimum even though I didn't put it in there so this one is called price stepper so on the entry I did the same thing I set the binding to the value property of whatever is in this binding context which in this case is the price stepper cool now one thing I want you to notice here right is okay I've got a cost let's say I've got a cost of 10 well right now I can still set a price lower than the cost yes that's probably not good is it much for long it isn't yeah that probably wouldn't be good our our bosses would not like that very much so what we can do now is we can actually bind the two steppers together so let's change this price stepper here or actually let's start out with the cost stepper okay so I'm going to go up to the cost stepper here and I'm going to change all of these guys right here I'm going to set the value to 10 the minimum is still going to be one but now the maximum I'm binding to the value and look at the binding context for this The Binding context is the price stepper okay and then on the price stepper I'll change these guys so that I have a value of 20 I'm going to start so that the price is always greater than the cost and then I'm going to set the minimum right to the in of the value now back to the cost stepper so by doing this right um I think it actually should probably work now so if I bring that cost up look at that I am hitting I'm trying to click on that plus it's not working I'm trying to click on the minus on price it is not working cool so once again instead of writing C code I'm I'm able to express all of this in zaml which is really cool now what if you wanted the price to always be 20% higher than the cost can you okay can you do something a little more complicated there we could there you you'd actually have two different options here all right so first off as you mentioned earlier you could write in the event right code that says hey always make sure it's you know 20% higher than the cost for instance okay so you could write that in csharp the other option would be what's called a value converter and we're going to talk about those in actually just a minute okay so you'd have two different ways that you could accomplish that got it all right so that's one thing you can bind values from one to another but that's not all you can buy okay let's actually go back to our users now our user details we'll bring this guy up let's bring our solution Explorer here and we'll go back to the user detail view so on this one I've got a check box down here uh where is it Flex time all right I'm going to give it a name I'm going to set the name to flex time and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to go down to where that time picker is so we added the time picker last time and I'm going to bind now the is enabled property of this time picker I'm going to bind it to context of the flex time if you look over here you'll notice it already disabled the start time because the flex time is not checked if I go up here and I check the flex time this very cool yeah so it's not just values it can be almost just about any property not all of them but just about any property can actually be data bound that includes visibility um you know the time could be bound and we're going to do that later all right and the date on the uh you know the date could be bound so all of these things this is a great example of you know taking advantage of this control to control bind so you could come in and have the the page in View mode where everything is disabled and then have an edit button or checkbox and then that enables all of the controls or absolutely that cool absolutely if that's something you wanted to do make everything read only and you have a button that click edit and then they all become enabled sure that's in fact a lot of people do that and they do that like bound to maybe some security right because if someone only has read only access to a screen the security would actually just hide that edit button right and then right they could never click on it so nothing could ever become enabled yep so great all right well now guess what we're going to write some code woohoo finally I know everybody's like man had a lot of zamling all right let's go ahead I'm going to add a new folder here called converters and I recommend you do this because you probably will create a few converters and I'm going to create a new class and this one's going to be called inverted boou converter oh that sounds a little strange doesn't it all right a converter is very simple it actually implements this interface called I value converter and it has two methods this this interface is really simple two methods it has a convert and a convert back 99% of the time you're only going to write code in the convert not to convert back convert back a lot of people actually just throw an exception or they return null or something like so sometimes very rarely I I think I can remember one time I had to use the convert back but the way this works is we're going to pass in a value one of those bound values from one of our controls and we're going to do something to that value in this case I'm going to bind this to like an is enabled or is visible property on one of the controls but I'm going to change it so if it comes in as true I'm going to change it to false if it comes in as false I'm going to change it to true that's why it's called inverted Bo converter now this is a very simple example of a value converter but nine times out of 10 the code is going to be very simple in here on what you're going to do um I have a complete WPF Library I wrote years ago and I probably only have 10 converters it's not like something that you write a ton of so all right so how do we use this thing right let's go back to our user detail View and here's the thing I want to actually show you if we look back here this is in this name space now adventureworks ma. converters so that means I need to add a new XML name space right I'll call it converters and I'm going to reference oops sorry equals the adventure works. m.on converters yep so then what I can do is inside of here I can create a Content page. resource es and I can reference converters and there's my class I just simply need to give it a uh a key here I'll call it inverted Boolean like so so this is now a resource that I can use and if you remember we had resources before right okay so resources were things like that string or those doubles that I created earlier right now I've got another resource that happens to be a class okay all right let's scroll down now to find a radio button and the radio button here is my fulltime radio button and I'm going to set a name on this and I'm going to call it full time okay so now I'm going to go to the time picker so now I want to instead of referencing and binding to that is check to the flex time what if I wanted to do fulltime and bind to that so I Chang The Binding context here fulltime time all right and now I'm going to set the is binding to the is checked of full time right so that's remember the fulltime is the fulltime and the part-time so if I do this so let's run this first so we can take a look at how this works just like this we haven't even used the converter yet and it's thinking about it and here it comes all right so if we come in here and you notice that the full time is currently checked and so I can actually choose a start time but that's not really what I want if you're full-time you know you're in on salary we don't really worry about start times but if you're part-time you really want to be able to choose a start time don't you okay so this is one of those examples where well I want to bind to the is checked okay but I want to change it so that it's the inverse of that so we add what's called a converter here and and we use one of our static resources and it's called inverted Boolean okay this is a little bit of a contrived example because obviously I would probably just go to the part-time and bind it to that but it's a good way to show the difference and how sometimes you don't have you know like maybe CH changing something visible or invisible you might need to use something where it's the opposite very common thing you'll do trust me you will use this all the time so let's go here take a look and now we can see that now it's working correct got it cool and then you can put anything you want into that converter you could have complex calculations check up information in a database anything you want right absolutely I mean there can be there be a lot of code in there typically it's not a lot of code it's generally changing something very slightly from one thing to another okay um for example remember how we change those handlers to change the onoff to like yes no yeah that could be something you would even do in a converter where when somebody chooses a particular check box maybe you want to have a label next to it that gives more of a full description that could be something you could do in a converter okay so typically they're going to be more simple things if you need to write a lot of code you're going to wind up putting that in the view model which we're going to talk about you got in just another three three more episodes yep okay cool but at least we have now got a good introduction to binding controls together and using these value converters and again the beauty is that you you're not writing a lot of code for this you're doing all this binding and interactivity in the zaml so it's all in one place it's nice clean yep yeah you might need to go look up you the little value converter see what it's doing but if you give things a good name then it usually it's pretty self-explanatory I mean inverted Boolean that's pretty clear what's happening now can you do a peak on that can you go to definition can you see the code from inside the is that yeah if I do a peak definition on this okay all it's going to do is get me to this guy here okay so it gives me to the zaml because that's what this definition is right okay so but if I come here then and then I go ahead and do the peak definition there's the code Okay cool so it depends on what you know where you're located at right so in this case I it was the key that I was down there but if I come up here to the resources it's very easy to do that PE cool y there we go excellent all right so that's binding controls to other controls in the next episode we're going to look at what we're actually going to take a look at now creating C objects and binding to those very cool all right so stick around and we will see you next time on Visual Studio [Music] toolbox

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Building Bots Part 1

it's about time we did a toolbox episode on BOTS hi welcome to visual studio toolbox I'm your host Robert green and jo...