Wednesday 23 October 2024

Bringing Big Data Analytics through Apache Spark to .NET

hello everyone welcome to bringing big data analytics through pachi spark to dotnet I'm Bridgette Murtagh and I'm a program manager here at Microsoft on the dotnet team so let's start off with what is apache spark so big data means that there's an increase in volume velocity and variety of data so let's take for instance a factory there can be thousands of internet-of-things sensors in a factory each producing petabytes of data now while it's great to have that much data so you can understand how our factory is performing and ways to improve the equipment how can we actually process it all when we have that much and more than just that how can we process it all quickly and efficiently well welcome to the world of Apache spark so what is Apache spark Apache spark is a general-purpose distributed processing engine for analytics over large data sets typically terabytes or petabytes of data put a little bit more simply Apache spark is your great tool we can use to analyze a large amount of data and a quick and easy to understand way so we don't have to be data science experts to understand or use it there's quite a few different things that we can do with the Apache spark that are all super interesting and exciting but just to touch on a few of them one of them is spark sequel which means analyzing data that's structured in some way so maybe data from a CSV or from a database there's also spark streaming which means analyzing data in real time as it's being produced so in our factory example it means analyzing data live as it's coming from those IOT sensors so we can go and detect maybe if there's a malfunction on our data and we can go and address it right away there's also machine learning capabilities with Apache spark so you can combine the powers of big data and ml to scale and have faster more efficient training and prediction of machine learning algorithms so to understand how Apache spark works there's only three main components that we really need to take a look at the first one is the driver the driver consists of the user's program so for instance if you wrote a c-sharp console up that would be part of the driver the driver also consists of a spark now what the spark session does is it takes that users program so for instance it takes that c-sharp console up and it divides it into smaller pieces known as tasks now those tasks are divided amongst our second component which are the executors or the worker nodes and the executors are the workers are on something known as a cluster so each of those executors takes one small task so one small piece of our users program and finishes executing it and the third component of our architecture is the cluster manager which helps with dividing up the tasks and allocating resources amongst our driver and our executors so how can I use the pachi spark it sounds super great super useful so how can I get started with it so it's quite a different there's different api's that we can use that are popular with spark and they're written in languages like Scala Python Java and AR but up until this point there weren't any dotnet api's for spark sort of I wanted to use Apache spark combined with my pre-existing dotnet knowledge or extensive code base and business logic well we now have an awesome tool that we can all use and it's known as dotnet for Apache spark so dotnet for Apache spark is a free open source and cross-platform big data analytics framework it allows us to reuse the knowledge skills and code we already have as dotnet developers so anywhere that you maybe have an extensive C sharp F sharp codebase now you can go ahead and introduce big data analytics within it dotnet for Apache spark is also designed for high-performance the overall goal for dotnet fair patchy spark is to provide dotnet developers a first-class experience when working with Apache spark so we have had several customers expressed a lot of interest and actually see success those net faire Apache spark and one of them is the Microsoft search assistance and intelligence team who's working towards modernizing workspaces in office 365 their job is to work with different ml models on top of substrate data to infuse intelligence into office 365 products their data resides in a deal and interns gets fed into their models why they were looking towards dotnet spark was because a lot of their business logics such as the different features or tokenizer z' were all written in c-sharp meaning it would be ideal to be able to use big data analytics still within the dotnet ecosystem and so far their experience has been extremely promising stable and they've really loved the vibrant open source big data analytics ecosystem within the dotnet community the scale of their jobs has been about 50 terabytes so quite a bit of data and they really started seeing success with it so now that we've seen a little bit about what dotnet for Apache spark is and why it's such an exciting new solution for us let's take a look at a few different scenarios that we can complete in some really exciting applications we can build using dotnet for Apache spark so one of the most fundamental Big Data apps is batch processing so what is batch processing or what is batch data batch data means that we're working with data that's already been stored so for instance we could be doing something called log processing which means looking at and gaining insights from logs from maybe a website or a server or a network of some sort so we can understand what actions our users are taking or what pages of our website are the most popular we can also do data warehousing which means taking in data maybe from a variety of different sources and then performing a large-scale analysis on it maybe that data is all stored in Azure storage and then gaining different meaningful insights from it so in the example that we're going to be looking at today we're going to take a look at some github projects data so you can see here in the snippet of that data that our projects data includes the URL of our projects the author a description what language it is things like that and we want to know on average how many Forks does each language have and the number of times each project has been fork is represented by that column each there so let's go ahead and take a look at our first coding example with dotnet fair Apache spark so I'm going to open up visual studio 2018 here and we can see here that I'm just dealing with a c-sharp console application that I've already created and I've already installed the Microsoft spark nougat package oh there it is cool and we can see that it's also installed because I have these great jar files over here in the solution Explorer and at the top I'm using Microsoft spark sequel and Microsoft's piped sequel functions because as I had mentioned spark sequel helps us work with structure data so if I'm reading in github products data that data does have some sort of pattern or structure to it so I want to use spec sequel so to start off with in my main method here the way that we start off any dotnet fair pachi spark app is by creating a spark session that's what's dividing our program into the smaller tasks to be distributed amongst the executors so we can see I've created a spark session called spark I went ahead and built the session and I just called my app github and spark batch pretty appropriate name now after doing that the next step we typically want to do in our apps is to actually read in our data so I have our data is stored in a CSV and we want to read that CSV into an object called a data frame so a data frame is going to be the basic object that we store our data in when we're working with structured data in spark so if I open up this region here we can see that I'm working with a data frame here and I just called it projects DF to stand for my projects data frame I go ahead and called the read method and then I also called schema which means that I'm working with whatever pattern my data has so for instance I know that my data has an ID column a URL an owner ID I also know the type of data that's stored in there whether it's an inter string or something like that and it's a rather long schema because I do have quite a few columns and then I can call dot CSV since I know that my data is stored in a Commons comma separated values file and then another popular method that's good to use is dot Show which allows us to actually print that data frame to the screen so I continue on another popular step that we'll want to do when working with batch data is to do some data prep or data preparation and that means that we're kind of cleaning up our data so maybe if there's some Knoll or missing values or if there's some extra values maybe like a few extra columns we don't need we can go ahead and remove those so that our data is easier to read and easier to work with so one of my first steps of data prep was working with the data frame na functions and with that I chose to drop any values that are null so any role any rows that have missing or null values I chose to removes that when I go and perform calculations later I'm not accidentally trying to perform calculations on a missing value also with my data prep I chose to drop a couple of columns that I don't think will be important for my final calculations so I dropped the idea the URL and the owner ID columns so after doing some data prep we can actually go ahead and perform the functionality that we wanted to which was finding on average which languages have been forked from the most often so the first thing I wanted to do was group my projects by language so what I've done here is I've created a new data frame that'll represent now my group two data and I called the group by method which allows me to choose which column of my data I want to organize by or to group by so I chose the language column and then whenever I do a group by I also need to call aggregate or this dot AGG method and with aggregate it allows me to perform some sort of functionality across every row or every entry of my data so in my case I performed the average of the forked from column on each row of data so essentially I'm grouping by language and then finding on average how many times each language has been forked and then finally I don't want to just display my data as is I want to do one final step to make it a little easier to understand and read so I've chosen here to order my data frame in descending order so that way I have the top forked languages at the top of my data frames so I can see those first and then a final good step to do is to go ahead and stop our SPARC contexts so I went and went ahead and called sparked off stop just to clean up resources and make sure everything finishes executing correctly okay so now I have a few steps here that I'll need to be able to build and run my program so one of the steps and working with for patchy spark app is to make sure that we have one of our environment variables set correctly so there is a dotnet assembly search paths variable and we'd want to make sure to set it to specifically my apt so in this case batch and then the bin debug folder and then whatever version of net core app that you're using and then also one other thing you can check is the level of logging that you have in your output so I go ahead and open this up so there's a file called log4j dot properties and here I've set the logging level or whatever is going to be output to my console to be the error level so rather than displaying maybe some extraneous warnings or info or debug messages I'm only going to display messages that are actually an error which will help make sure that my output isn't too confusing or crowded in my console okay so now it can actually be time to go ahead and build and run our program so fortunately I've already done that with for us here to save some time so I'm going to open up the terminal not that one that one will be later okay so here I moved into my batch directory using CD batch and then I just went ahead and built my project using dotnet build we can see that build succeeded so now let's go ahead and see how we actually run a dotnet for patchy spark app we use something called spark submit or the spark submit command and it every time we use spark submit there's a few different components to it so we you say spark - submit and then we're also going to reference the dotnet runner we're going to specifically reference one of those jar files in our case for using apache spark version 2.4 and dotnet for apache spark version zero point 4.0 and then also we want to have a path to our apps dll so it can actually build and run correctly so after running sparks submit let's see how our program did so first we're expecting just to see the data frame with our csv data in it so just the raw github prod so let's take a look alright so we can see it here we see that it has all the columns we expected but we can also see that the data is kind of overlapping with itself there's a few too many columns like updated at is all the way over here instead of continuing to the right and then there's also a lot of null and missing values so it seems like it was definitely a good idea to go ahead and do that data prep we did if I scroll down now we can go ahead and look at our data prep result and so now this data frame is a lot easier to read and understand we can see the data doesn't overlap with itself and all the data actually exists there's no longer all of those null values so it's a lot easier to work with so next we can go ahead and see the output of when we were trying to calculate the average number of times each language has been forked so let's take a look and so we can see we have a column here for language and a column here for the average number of times it's been forked and it all looks correct and we can see that it did sort in descending order because language is at the top havin forked on average more often than the languages down here and then it's also worth noting that for all of those data frames it's only showing the top 20 rows and so this is really useful because in case we're working with terabytes and petabytes of data we want we don't want to be stuck trying to show those data frames and then having it take forever or getting confused and too crowded on the console okay so we have successful yet run our first dotnet for a patchy SPARC app so let's go ahead and go back to our presentation already so we have already done that demo so let's move on to our next scenario which is combining machine learning with Big Data so when we combine machine learning with Big Data it means that we want to scale the training and prediction of machine learning algorithms one great framework we can use for the machine learning when we're combining ml with Big Data is ml net which is a free cross-platform open-source machine learning framework in our example that we'll be looking at we're going to be performing sentiment and Alice which means that if we're given a piece of text we want to determine if it represents something positive or something negative so in our case we're going to analyze a set of online reviews and we want to know which are positive and which are negative if we were given reviews such as I love dotnet for Apache spark that would be considered positive and we could maybe see either a true or a one depending if we're using a boolean to represent positive or negative sentiment if we saw a statement like I hate running inefficient big data queries that would be considered a negative sentiment so let's go ahead and take a look at our sentiment analysis demo where we combine Mission ml donut and dotnet for Apache spark okay so I've opened up Visual Studio 2019 once again and in this case when I look at the nougat packages I've installed I haven't only installed Microsoft spark I've also installed Microsoft ml which is the nougat package we need to use ml dotnet and then we can see at the top here I'm using statements both related to ml net and net fare pachi spark so you can see Microsoft ml ml data we can also see Microsoft spark sequel if I scroll down here we can see that just like we had done in the batch example we start off by creating a spark session for our program and I've just gone ahead and given my app a different name compared to the batch app next it's also going to be similar to our batch example since we are still technically working with batch data we're just taking it a step further by also performing machine learning so in our case we want to read a review data into a data frame so I have some Yelp reviews so I have it in a Yelp csv file and i've also set a few options for my data frame here so for instance I know my data has a header and so the two different columns in my data which include the text and if it's a positive or negative review those columns are labeled that's a header and I don't want spark to treat that header is part of the data because I could throw off my results and then I just went ahead called show so I could see my raw review data as is before we go ahead and actually predict using ML dotnet so now it's time for the fun part where we can actually start combining machine learning with big data so how would we actually start calling the ML dotnet code so how we can do that is using something called a UDF or a user-defined function and so UDF's are a popular solution so that we can perform some sort of function on let's say each row in our data frame so if I open this up here we can see that we create a new UDF by calling the UDF method and then register and within the angled brackets I have string to represent the input that I'm working with which is text or reviews and then boolean to represent what my output is going to be which is a true or false for negative or positive sentiment I've decided to call my UDF ml UDF and what I'm doing within this function is passing the text into a method called sentiment so we may be asking so what is the sentiment method where do we where do we create it what do we do within it so within sentiment if I scroll down here we can see that sentiment actually contains our machine learning codes the code that was generated from ml dotnet and I got this code and I actually also trained my sentiment analysis ml net model by using something called model builder the model builder is a really useful UI tool that we can use within Visual Studio that helps us train and work with machine learning and a much easier and understand way so just to see what model builder looks like if I right click on my project and say add machine learning I can see that within here I can choose a scenario so I can choose things like issue classification sentiment analysis price prediction so my case I would have chosen sentiment analysis and then I can just go ahead and choose my input file so I could choose my input review dataset to do some training on and then m/l net does all of the training for me and generate some really awesome code for me so if I go back here this was actually code generated from that melt from model builder using ml and what it's doing is essentially creating a way to start predicting so it calls the ml model that was trained and created and then it creates a prediction based on whatever strings I pass to it and then down here I've created classes to represent my review data since I do need to pass that or work with that when I'm using ml dotnet okay so now that I've gone ahead and created a function where I can call that ml dotnet code I want to actually call that function so what I've done here is there's this really neat functionality in dotnet fair Apache spark where we can actually execute sequel queries so if you're familiar with sequel syntax at all we can have those sequel queries within our code so in my case I've gone ahead and selected column 1 which represents my input review text and then past column 1 so past each review to my ml net method and what I can do here is then just go ahead and print that out essentially and then I called Show so that I can see the output of my operations and then similarly just like we had done using the batch app you'll want to make sure you set your environment variable correctly so that bin-debug net core app folder and then we can go ahead and go into our apps directory and build and run it so let's take a look at how that came out ok so you can see here I had built my project and built succeeded and then I ran sparks submit using pretty much the same types of parameters just in this case it had to be to my current apps to yellow if I scroll down what we see here for the first data frame is that was just the raw review data so this is these are all the reviews that were in my Yelp dataset and this is the true answer if it's a negative or a positive sentiment so we can see when someone loved something that represented with a 1 that means it was a positive sentiment and if someone said something was not good that was a zero so negative sentiment so now the next data frame that we're going to see is going to represent the prediction from our ml net code so let's scroll down and see you and we can see here we're dealing with the same reviews but now this is the predicted sentiment so you can see here that it looks like it was pretty accurate we can see when someone loved something if his predicted true so positive and then again when something was not good it was false so negative sentiment so you can see here that we were successfully able to combine dotnet fair pachi spark and ml dotnet let's go back here it's now that we've done that demo we have one final quick scenario to go through and this is with structured streaming or real time data analysis so in structured streaming or real time analysis we're working with live data so data that's maybe coming in from a sensor so like an IOT factory sensor or a phone or a network and structured streaming uses the principle of micro batch processing so essentially it takes our continuous stream of data and divides it into smaller little chunks so maybe every five seconds represents a new batch and then it can perform functionality on each of those smaller batches and then appended the result essentially to a table that already exists so then if let's say another five seconds passes well have another batch perform functionality on it and append it another batch should perform some functionality on it append it and so on and so forth as our stream still exists so in the quick demo that I'll show you here we can actually do live or real-time sentiment analysis so still using don''t for pachi spoke with ml dotnet now we can see that if I type a string into a console let's say we can determine in real time if it represents a positive or a negative sentiment so let's go ahead and take a quick look at that demo okay so I still have the Microsoft ml at Microsoft spark new get packages installed I start off creating a spark session but instead of reading into a data frame from a CSV or stored data now I'm doing something where I'm reading a stream and I have to set up the host and port information my stream is coming from and then I still use ml net with a UDF and I can still call the ml dotnet code in a very similar way and then finally as on like working with the data and displaying it I used something called a streaming query and I can go ahead and call write stream and determine that I want to write my stream to the console and instead of saying spark stop we can do query dot await termination so I go over here I can see here that I've set up a quick netcat terminal so just an easy way to read to or write from a network connection and for instance I could write something like I love spark and then in my other tab over here I've already built and run my dotnet for Apache spark app if I scroll down you can see that I've been working with my different batches here so every time I hit enter is considered a new batch and it determines in real time if my line was a positive or negative sentiment so you can see when I said I love spark it was considered true a positive sentiment so that's awesome we have real-time streaming working ok so a couple quick steps for how you can get started with dotnet for a Pachi spark we have if you go to the dotnet website so do T net slash spark you can go ahead and read even more about dotnet fair patchy spark you can go through a really neat getting started tutorial we have for you can get up and running with dotnet spark on your local machine in 10 minutes or less and you can also visit our Docs and see some other learning resources we have you can also visit our github so slash dotnet slash spark so you can go ahead and view some of the documentation you can see how things are implemented you can participate in the open source community it with spark so thank you so much and now I guess we'll turn to questions fantastic so that was an amazing presentation Brigid now help me out because I am a little dense spark isn't like a database is it is it where the data is stored or is it a medium for transferring data over help me outs to set the context from these questions sure yeah so spark isn't a database so it's not where the data is stored so you'll already have your data stored in something like somewhere in Azure so maybe and Azure data leak storage or in a blob or something like that so spark is actually kind of like the framework or the tools that we can use to start analyzing that data so it allows us to read it in and to process it more quickly and to make different calls to it so that we can gain meaningful insights rather amazing so it's like that it's like the pipe then that takes data from any scenario and then moves it over is that right yeah that's a good way to think of it that's good so you mentioned a lot of stuff with we didn't have dotnet isms for spark when did this start and if you were to point because you pointed out a tons of cool things but if you were to tell people one thing look at this first and see why it's powerful what would you suggest to them okay so we started this project we first started a towards the beginning of this year so I would say about in April even though we did have a predecessor to this project a few years ago but yeah I would say as of this year's when we actually started having like these awesome dotnet bindings to Apache spark and for something really awesome I would say if you check out that landing page though d-o-t net slash spark you can see really that you can really start processing terabytes and petabytes of data at a manageable scale so you don't have to spend like days and weeks and months and years processing all this data you can actually start gaining insights from it in like a matter of hours that's pretty cool does dotnet for Apache spark support support using f-sharp instead of c-sharp yes I believe it does so dotnet ecosystem in general fantastic well this is amazing and thank you so much Bridgette now here's a couple of things though before we go I want to remind everybody about I'm not finding it but the the actual tech challenges that are available let me get my might handing notes out here because they're they're pretty good and if you have more questions for Bridgette make sure you get them in make sure you participate in the technical treasure hunt it's happening all day tons of technical problems that you can solve maybe even do a little bit of code if you solve all of them you will get a ton of wonderful prizes it's pretty cool to go to dotnet comp front slash party that's what we're gonna if you go to Dinah comp front slash party sorry they're talking in my ear you'll be able to see all the cool things and there's a ton of things happening today make sure you go to the Apache spark coolness for net which i think is pretty cool we're gonna go to a commercial break here in a second but and after that we're gonna have more servers less with a Jeff Holland is going to talk about durable functions 2.0 server less actors orchestrations and a stateful functions

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