Wednesday 23 October 2024

Build 2023 - Advance developer tips and tricks in Visual Studio

[Music] hello everybody and uh welcome to this last session of the day the last session before the big celebration is happening somewhere behind us here in a big room and um I'm very very happy that you have chosen to share this time here with us today because we're going to talk about some cool tips and tricks for visual studio right productive developers are happy developers and this is very important stuff so we want to make sure you have a good time I know you kind of want to get to that celebration get some food get a drink maybe so let's have a good time let's have some fun and if you have any questions please post them to the usual place online we got the Jim and Vera sitting over here and Matt and Andy sitting remotely helping to answer the questions as we go along and if we have time at the end we can take some of the uh the bigger questions at the end of the session here so um let's just get to it all right so here I have a project oh look at this hang on oh you know what it is look at all my tool Windows it all looks like a mess here what happened was that before I plugged in up here I had my laptop plugged into like a large monitor that's really wide so I had all this room for Tool windows but now it looks kind of all crammed in so let me just uh fix that real quick there we go or as I like this here fresh car smell this is my favorite uh way to start Visual Studio in the day Windows minimized oh very very nice and I can just go between all these layouts here all right here's my wider screen layout here's my web layout and here's my fresh car smell so this is not a new feature I'm showing you here I'm doing this with a single keyboard shortcut to move between all these it's called saved Windows layouts the reason I want to show you this is because I know we got data on this that you don't use it so what you do is that you create all your tool Windows you drag them around you put them in the location you want maybe multiple monitors you have solution Explorer on one side and test Explorer on the other whatever it might be and then you go to window and just hit save window layout when you do that that gives you a bunch of all your saved layouts you can give them any name you want and very easily you can change between them so that's what I did with all the keyboard shortcuts here Ctrl alt and then you know one two three four five however many you've got so a little tip to get started all right so this project I Got Loaded here it's a web API project and it has swagger so it renders this UI when I run it in the browser that's what it looks like so I can see all my endpoints but Visual Studio has never really had that ability for me to really quickly get a glance of what are the different endpoints that I have in my app so if I do my saved window layout for my web workload see I don't just have a window layout for each monitor configuration I have one for the different types of apps I'm building so when I'm in web mode here I want to show the new um endpoint explore shows up here so this looks pretty much what we saw on the Swagger UI I get to see all my endpoints here can take this let me just drag it up here there we go so that's kind of nice and I can even open all these different um these are basically routes right my endpoints I can see what file they belong to the methods I can navigate through them by clicking on them and so on but what if I want to make an HTTP request to any of these so let's go down and look at the contact endpoint here I'm going to right click and I can also generate requests click that and it's going to create an HTTP file dot http This Is A New Concept in Visual Studio it's not the new a new concepts of the world an extension for vs code and a few other editors support this format but what it does it allows me in plain text to send requests let me just zoom in here a little bit so check this out it creates a variable at the top to point to my local host and I can just hit the play button and it will now send an HTTP request and return it right here so because this is an HTTP file it's just a text file on disk I can check this into my source control so my team members can see how to use my API or our API but also I can use it as documentation let's say I have an open source project or something like that this file can now act as documentation on how to use the API and um oh let me get my explore I think back here let's do another get request here I'll just right click another one of the end points here this is one that returns for certain ID let's do ID number two and hit the execute here and now we can see we get just that one request or sorry that one record back um but I can also make a post I can make anything here and you see these green pound signs or hashes those are the delimiters between the different requests I'm sending but I can go in here and see now I want to do a post request so I'm going to say well oh content type application Json all right and then I just need to give it some Jason I got something right here copy that in oh I just want to make sure you can see it here we go so I'm going to make a post request to this particular endpoint and I'm going to pass it in a HTTP header and a request body and executing that super simply gives me this just a confirmation pack and if I now get all my records again we can see that I now have oh did I not send it correctly maybe not ah is that right all right it's here there we go thank you everybody so now as I'm building up my HTTP file here I'm documenting my API and I'm making something that my whole team can use to test new things you know to test the API that we're building so really really handy and what's really cool is if some of you are using vs code some of you are using visual studio and whatnot this file works on all the different editors they all understand this format all right but speaking of testing what if I want to test something that or I have a mobile app talking to my API and it might be a colleague of mine that builds that mobile app and that colleague wants to test something that I'm doing on my laptop here on the API how do we take a mobile app from one person's desktop and connect it over to my API on my localhost well typically that's not really been that easy there are some products out there that can help with that you have to pay for them but now you probably have heard this we have Dev tunnels and so I can go up here on my play button and go to Dev tunnels and I can create a new tunnel let's give it a name how about build we can then say should this be temporary or persistent like how long should we keep this Dev tunnel alive let's just do a temporary and what about the security of this should be just private organizational or public let's do public so now I've created a tunnel and I'm gonna here's a confirmation you've created a tunnel yes thank you so now if I run the app again Ctrl F5 it's going to spin up that same swaggering as before but this time it's going to show me a confirmation you are about to connect to a developer tunnel and then some sort of URL and we can see I get the exact same UI here but it's no longer a local host it's this other thing and just to prove that I'm not cheating here if you want to you can point your camera that you're at that QR code right there and see if you can hit this because remember we did a public endpoint uh so you should see the exact same thing on your mobile device okay I'm gonna just grab this URL and I can go back to my HTTP file and paste it in right here okay so now I changed my URL and if I hit the button here I'm now creating a request toward the public API and it works just fine right because I have a death tunnel that basically connects the public internet with my Local Host right here so if I build web hooks or viable apis for mobile apps or if I have any other scenario where I need someone else or some other system to connect to my machine do I want to test maybe I want to test whatever website I'm working on on my phone to see if it renders correctly on a mobile device I can now do that super easily and not only is it easy it's free so that's very very nice [Applause] all right so so that was the endpoints the the web server endpoints but what about the code that generated them so here they are this is what it looks like um web API this is what web API looks like nowadays and you know I don't necessarily know how this works I remember back in you framework with MVC and so this looks a little bit different to me than I'm used to and you probably know this when you're working with apis that you're not you don't know if you're using a new nougat package that you haven't used before you don't know how to use that API that it provides or if you're new to a team you don't know how that team writes their code right so if we look at this code here there's something called group dot map post right here I don't I'm not sure what that means so check this out if I just hover over this API okay I got to be faster look at the bottom I'm sorry I can't scroll this but at the bottom it says GitHub examples and documentation I'm holding the mouse over the method called map post okay this is an API method so I'm not going to click this and it opens up a new window right here assuming just check the scroll bar this is a long list of examples of other apps using this API in all sorts of different kinds of ways there's really a lot here I can learn a lot by doing this like what did I have to do before I had to go read documentation right well if there was documentation but now I get to see how people are actually using it right here and it's so clever that it even knows about the different overloads for this particular method and it can give me all these examples what's really helpful to me here what I really think is really cool about this direction is first of all in order to provide relevant examples the AI engine in Visual Studio understands the context that my code is in so when I hover over something it understands what that code is there for and can therefore give me relevant examples but last year a survey came out I think this is even more interesting a survey came out that found that the average developer codes for 52 minutes per day the rest of the time goes with reading code reading documentation code reviews you know email meetings and so on so all the time we spent reading documentation wouldn't that be nice if we can kind of get that back and we can code some more so instead of 52 minutes we can get 50. eight or even more and that's what this helps me with this has saved me several times already I've used this for a couple of months now in our internal bills and it's now all available here to everybody so I'm very excited for that one all right let's um let's add a new folder to this project so you know how you add a folder you right click oh go down to add new folder right that's how we do it so recently we added a new thing that instead of doing that I can do add new item but you know add new item let's do the keyboard shortcut what's the shortcut for add new item shift F2 okay there's someone here that knows what I'm about to show it's Ctrl shift a add new item and we get this little thing up now this doesn't look like that add new item thing the add new item thing looks like this that's what I'm looking for normally right but it now has this compact View and so if I want to do a folder let's call it folder I'm just going to end it with a slash and hit enter and immediately that was created there okay so some oh all right I'll take it thank you so what's this Ctrl shift a does it always gets you back to the view used before did you use the compact view or the full View but if you're like me I always want the compact view first regardless of whether or not I use the full view earlier and so what someone was saying shift F2 always gets you to the compact view regardless and from here oh I can do some other cool things I can create a what if I create two files foo.cs followed by I bar.cs now I got two phones super easy well what if I want to create a subfolder or a file inside a subfolder that doesn't exist I can do SUB folder slash .cs and now I have that file so I can comma separate I can create subfolders I can create folders super easily here I'm very excited for this feature um this was one of the highest voted for extensions that existed that you voted for us to put in the box so it's finally here and um I love it but how smart is this thing so this was the bass class here's the foo class it's a class how does it know it's a class I just gave it a file name well because it maps to the templates that was in that big view the old add new item dialogue you know we have all those templates it is clever enough to map file extensions to what is probably the most likely template that you want in this case a class but what about that I bar file that we did it's an interface yes exactly because naming convention right all right bar makes sense so this thing is pretty clever and um and that's cool I want to show you something else that's really clever this is another thing that um I think it was until we added this no more than I think two weeks ago the second highest voted feature that we add and it goes like this what is the difference between enthusiasts and I bars yes or in another way how do I find out what the difference is well now I can right click one and I can compare with any file on disk or I can select this for compare so now I take I bar right click that and can say compare with food.cs because that was the one I just selected and doing that gives me the diff View [Applause] yeah finally sorry for the wait it's now here and this is just the first um the first feature we have of this uh we're going to look at much more comparison between files and clipboards and all sorts of things that have to do with file comparison and different going forward this is the first one that landed uh and it's in the the latest preview release all right I'm going to shift over here to a different project different instance of Visual Studio here I have a bigger project loader I think it's two projects actually in this solution and I got a bunch of stuff open here you know I'm gonna I don't even know how many files I got open so I'm just going to start by clicking up here next to the tabs and say show tabs in multiple rows oh yeah thank you so now I can actually see all the tabs that are open [Applause] um but I just opened this project or this solution rather and you know if I'm working on something if I'm working on a solution I'm working on a task and I'm not finished with the task but I have to go home you know in the afternoon I'm not closing Visual Studio I'm going to I leave it in the that stated it's in so that when I come in the next morning I can continue where I left off but for all the times when I don't need to continue where I left off let's say I'm done with the task of the day I probably closed Visual Studio and then when I start Visual Studio again in the morning and I open my solution I don't want this I don't want it to open to the state I was in yesterday so this might not be true for you this is me okay I don't want this because I want the fresh car smell this is not fresh car smell it has everything open and notice solution Explorer everything is expanded okay so what happens is when I open this solution in Visual Studio then says oh let me hydrate the state that this solution was in the last time it was worked on from disk into memory and then on the UI thread expand all the notes in solution explorer that means nothing else can happen we can't paint anything else on the screen at that point while that runs and then we're going to open some C sharp files which means we have to load all of Roslyn we have to load the language Services the colorizers all those things who says I'm even going to open a C sharp file that might not be what I'm going to do right now so I'm going to go to tools options and under project and solutions there are two check boxes that are there unless we remove them one of them is called reopened documents on solution load and the next one is restore solution Explorer project hierarchy State on solution load that's a mouthful going to remove that too and click ok so let me close the solution and I'm going to open it again okay one two three click and there it is so very very fast solution load here because no state was hydrated by reading a file on disk into memory onto the UI thread okay and fresh car this is wonderful foreign I got two quick ones to go notice the top it has like this orange Banner if I go back to the other solution it had a green Banner what's this about well I'm using an extension here and I want to mention this not because this extension is particularly awesome which it happens to be particularly awesome but because there's so many cool extensions out there and I want to make sure that you know about that we have extensions I think you needed to be reminded sometimes that there's thousands literally thousands of extensions that can help us be more productive and this one is called solution colors and it allows me to give any color to any solution including if I'm working on the same solution in two different instances of Visual Studio but different branches they can have different colors because I can sometimes have a hard time differentiating between the different open instances of Visual Studio again and check this out it even puts that color down here in the windows jump list or taskbar so I can very easily navigate between the two all right so the last thing I want to show you I gotta have to be fast here is um code cleanup and code cleanup profiles so again it is not the newest of features but I know that you're not using it okay so I want to draw your attention to this this is cool this little thing down here that looks like a Duster or broom or something it's called code cleanup and I can configure code cleanup into two profiles by default it just has a few fixes included but I can take all the available ones and we got a lot now I'm going to hold down shift so that I can select multiple here move that up click ok so now what I'm doing is that I'm applying all my coding standards that I have configured either in my settings under Tools options or if I'm a team I probably have an editor config file so whatever wherever I get my coding standards and Coach styles from I can have Visual Studio apply this super easily so let's take this file as an example I can now hit Ctrl ke and my entire team's coding standards are now applied really really quickly so about 20 of code reviews go to talking about code standards and coding Styles and so now we can get that time back because I can do that very easily here I can even set it up so it happens automatically on Save okay I don't even have to invoke this manually and speaking of of getting ready for code review we have some brand new features in Visual Studio 2022 for working with git and to demo some of that I want to invite my friend Jesse on stage to show some of the really really cool and new things that we have available Jesse all right awesome hi everyone my name is Jesse and I'm the product manager for the Version Control team in Visual Studio we know that you care a lot about productivity and we want to boost that productivity while you're using git so my goal is to show you how we've made Version Control easy and efficient by allowing you to do more in the IDE and minimize distractions that take you out so to set the stage for the demo we've made some changes and I've already opened the get changes window here so let me make that a little bit bigger I've got some changes in my resize file and my enumclass and I'm going to start preparing my commit so there are two GitHub issues that I care about in this scenario the first one is actually tracking the work that I'm doing on this project and the second one I was tagged in by a colleague because they thought it was relevant to my work so as I start typing my commit I'm going to use the closest keyword when I complete this pull request it's going to go ahead and close that issue for me so I don't have to worry about it that's nothing new but then I want to reference my GitHub issue and what you would need to do is go out into the browser copy paste that issue ID or look up and find exactly what you're looking for but if you had a good idea of the title or the name of that one you can use our issue search so if I type the hash button I get that list of all of my recent issues that I've been tagged on I can use keyword search to narrow down my results and I can find exactly what I'm looking for without leaving Visual Studio yeah it's pretty awesome the other issue that I wanted to reference let me do that quickly and I'll use the button here which does the same exact thing let me narrow that down grab that and you can see that both of these items were added to my related item section and if I wanted more context I can right click and open these directly in the browser so I'm realizing this is my last commit that I want to make before completing my pull request so just to avoid any surprises happening in the pipeline I'm going I'm going to go ahead and rebuild my solution now we've all been there where a build starts and it might take a while to run we might be tempted to leave Visual Studio go check teams or catch up on email and we heard that it's a blocker to not be able to do your git operations so we've enabled staging and then committing all while the build is running so I can continue doing my git flow while the build is still going on and you can see that happening below all right let's look at my git repository window I've got some updates in there that I want to share so I've clicked on the view all commits button that's my preferred way easiest way to get there and I want to draw your attention the graph here is nothing new but we did add some UI enhancements to Aid and readability and what I want to show is the multi-branch graph that we've created so I mentioned that I'm creating a pull request and I'm going to do that against the develop branch so let me just click on this eye icon and visualize that and now I can see exactly how my commits stack up between my branches whereas before I'd have to wait till I made my pull request and get that view in the web so now I'm all prepared to create my PR right away awesome another great thing about the multi-branch graph is that it makes me really confident when I'm performing complex git operations now if I was asked to cherry pick a bug fix for a branch that I worked on a while ago I'd be fumbling between stack Overflow trying to find the right command and then the right commit ID so that I didn't make a mistake and mess up my reap up so with the multi-branch graph I can just visualize that bug fix Branch let me scroll to it really quick and then I can right click here and then if I want to make doubly sure that this is the right change I can double check that in my commit details and now that I'm confident I'll go ahead and just click cherry pick I've got the banner to let me know that was successful then I can scroll back to the top of my feature branch and just ensure that that's exactly the right bug fix I wanted to apply that was so much easier than having to go track down the right command to do that cool so you figured out all of the commits that you wanted to add to this PR the build ran successfully and now you're ready for that last step which is creating your pull request so I'm pushing my changes and I'm greeted with that Banner that lets me know that it was successful and then you might be familiar with this link today if you tried it out and clicked on that link it would take you out into or Azure devops or wherever you were creating that floor quest in the web but we heard from you all that it's pretty silly to be able to complete 90 of your workflow in visual studio and then have to leave to do the last 10 percent so I'm excited to share the new pull request view in Visual Studio which allows me to finish creating that right in the IDE so it's got everything that you might want I'll go ahead and quickly create my pull request it's not going to be terribly descriptive or interesting but you guys are going to do much better than I am and then I've got that same issue search available here and I can go ahead and create that pull request and see it by refresh available on GitHub right there so these are all the features that I wanted to share in the time I had today but they're only a fraction of the updates that we've made make sure that you're downloading the latest preview of visual studio and engage with us on developer Community these were all different requests that came from you all and it's what allows us to make such awesome features so I'll give it back to meds but enjoy the rest of your build thanks yeah that's some good stuff um and uh everything you saw here so far has is currently available except for the last PR the pull request thing it's coming very soon so during the summer here or winter if you're on the southern hemisphere I guess but soon let's say um other things we talked so we talked a lot about like things that you're requesting us to put into Visual Studio new features all this stuff and the thing that comes up all you know all the time of course is performance and um it's hard to demonstrate performance in a setting like this so I just want to make sure I had a slide to let you know that it's something we actively work on we have a lot of Engineers that work on this it's their full-time job and we have made some great strides 17.5 came in um it's the version of Visual Studio 2022 that we shipped in February it had a bunch of improvements if developer um check out the new build acceleration if you haven't already you're going to cut your build times uh by 80 it's like a huge win there's a whole lot of other things solution load is eight times faster if you have those some of those big solutions that really need that extra boost um solution closed which is interestingly enough is actually a thing who thought that that would matter but it does and it's now faster and so is the profiler I want to I want to call out the profiler uh for two reasons one is you're not using it and it's fantastic it lets you find performance issues hot paths reliability issues very very easily in directly in Visual Studio it instruments your running app and it can give you all those answers and we've been making so many updates to it that it's better than ever and it's really can answer those hard questions about performance and reliability and it now generates the results three and a half times faster for me that has actually meant I can make it part of my inner loop so when I write Visual Studio extensions for instance I can run the profiler just that I would like run my debugger because it's now so fast it's not something I have to think of doing later on it's just something that's part of my inner loop and it makes my code stronger um all right so all this stuff is um of course we continue work on performance so uh 17 6 we've released a week ago 17 7 preview one has even more stuff um so go check out the latest and greatest uh 17.6 if you're on the release Channel if you're on the preview Channel get 17.7 and the extension I showed you was called solution colors if that has any interest all right so three weeks ago I think Dante something like that we had a blog post coming out about a topic that turned out to be really interesting to all of you and so we thought we can't do build without showing you and talking about this particular subject and for that I want to invite my friend Dante on stage to do exactly that Dante thanks France so my name is Dante gagne I'm one of the product managers of visual studio and I'm in charge of the UI refresh so as mads mentioned we published a blog post about the UI refresh that we've been working on and yeah I want to come up here and show a little bit about what we're doing so I'll go ahead and show you what we're looking at and basically if you've been looking at visual studio and saying to yourself you know this looks like a UI that was designed uh like a decade ago and the reason is is because for the most part it has been it's been a while since we've had a new refresh and we decided it's time to do a new one and this isn't something that we take on light light mostly because the UI in Visual Studio this is something that affects every single one of us it's something that we're going to be looking at every second of every hour that we work on visual studio and that's more than the 52 minutes we spend coding it's really all your time is going to be spent time so we want to make sure we get it right we want to spend the time and make sure it's going to be the UI that it's going to be more comfortable and it's going to be something that we're going to enjoy working in and our guidance is we want to make it the most accessible and approachable UI that we've ever had now I'm not gonna go through all the design principles I'm going to encourage you go up to AKA dot Ms slash vs fluent that's the blog post that we put up there and it's got all of the principles and everything but what we're doing this time we really want to work with our community we want to work with you to make sure that this is the UI that we're ready to work with some folks who have been working with visual studio for a while might remember some of the UI that wasn't necessarily accepted quite so well and we want to make sure that this time it is what we want and let me show you what I'm talking about here what I'm showing on the screen now the top toolbar is the toolbar that you've got right now in visual studio if you've got 17 6 or any of the more recent ones that's what you've gotten below that is one of the toolbars that we showed in that blog post this conforms with some of the web content accessibility guidelines of larger controls that make it easier say for people with a motor disability to be able to click on those controls and make sure that they're not misclicking larger controls reduce cognitive load make it a little bit easier for people to use it a lot of things like that that adhere to the fluent UI design guidelines a whole bunch of other things like that but the feedback we immediately got from our developer Community is it's a little bit too big so we went back and said you know based on the guidelines that we're working with and based on the community guidelines or the community feedback that we're getting can we take all of that into account and below that I'm showing the next Generation mock-ups that we're working with so we're iterating on that feedback and we're iterating on our design principles and we're moving towards a UI design that we feel is going to be more in line with what we're trying to reach that accessible and approachability and at the same time taking into account what our our community what our developers folks like yourself what's more important to you and that's how we're approaching this UI refresh we want to make something that is going to be what we are going to be spending a lot of our time doing in the days and years to come here's another example the document tabs these ones again the top one is the document tabs that you're used to and the one below that is the one that we showed in the blog post and immediately we heard people say don't take any room from the coding window please don't take any room from the coding window okay how what can we do with that one how can we change the things and the bottom one was showing one that took quite a bit less room from the coding window and in fact one of my designers is showing me a new mock-up that she was just working on that actually gave one or two more pixels to the coding window but still adhere to those design principles that we're working with and all of these things that we're doing are coming from feedback from the community now I've already had a couple people asking me when are we going to get a chance to look at this and the answer is I don't know right now because we don't we're not ready to make this available in the previews until we're making sure that we're listening to the feedback from the community and we're taking that all into account we've got time we're not in a rush to put this out because we want to be very deliberate for this refresh before we're rolling it out so we don't have a timeline on it we want to take our time and we want to get this right and the way we get that right is with engagement with y'all and getting you all into the conversation so I do want to encourage folks once again AKA dot Ms slash vsfluent that's the blog post and we're going to continue to engage at vs fluent we're going to continue to be working with developer Community I know mads and uh Jesse both mentioned that as well that we're working with the community and we're really serious about that with UI refresh here please join in the conversation and we're going to continue to iterate on that with everybody there so um with that I look forward to talking with folks more about it and I'll hand it back to men's thank you thanks Dante all right so we are at the end of uh this session and I want to just take a moment and say thank you so much for coming here I know it's just before the celebration and you're probably thinking when does he shut up so I can go stand in line I understand but before I let you go uh I just want to say it's been a privilege to be here on stage with these two fine people representing the visual studio team and show you things some some Visual Studio things and as you know there's a bunch of different sessions here at build about Azure and all sorts of different uh topics and if you want more visual studio and net it is super important that you tell us and the way you tell us is to fill in one of these session surveys like give us a good rating here in the comments let us know you want more visual studio and Dot net for future conferences whether it's build ignite or whatever it might be the powers that be listen to that stuff so please help us out and uh cast your vote so to say thank you so much and see you in Celebration foreign

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Building Bots Part 1

it's about time we did a toolbox episode on BOTS hi welcome to visual studio toolbox I'm your host Robert green and jo...