Monday 21 October 2024

.NET Community Roundup

it's the dotnet community round up with Scott Hanselman in John Galloway hello guys hello hey wow I'm afraid to push any buttons now I know I bored it's all good well fortunately we have just one laptop between us yes we all know the budget for one laptop we've been using most of our budget on things like apparently the folks during the dotnet coffe party getting drunk on peeps if you're not from America you can learn about peeps candy they're just a trash candy they're not good for you but you can't stop eating a 21 then you're like maybe another one would make it better it's an addictive chemical it's not good cool so we've got a couple of different things to share with you we've got a lot so a community roundup it's kind of like a roundup of a bunch of stuff one thing is we've got these amazing we've got it's so cool watching these things that we had some added like today and yesterday so 217 worldwide it's great looking around the world it's fun like we're noticing like a lot through Africa I mean like all around the world is cool watching them pop getting a lot more dotnet user groups a lot more dotnet Kampf local viewing parties yeah and we point out South America Africa all over Asia we're getting a lot more folks getting involved we want to make it as easy as possible for you to put together a user group yep so there's a couple things going on here of course these are dotnet coffee local viewing parties local get-togethers but you can put together a user group we've set up the dotnet Foundation paperwork here for you to make your own user group right yeah yes so this um we've got these dotnet meetups and then meetup has this thing with a whole meetup pro and what's cool with that is it's an organization where you can join that will pay your fees and then also we can send messages out to all the meetups and we can say hey we got this thing coming up we've got dotnet conf local you want in you know fill out this little form and we'll send you swag so we sent all these hundreds of events worldwide we sent them stuff around the world which is pretty neat so this is I mean this is we're up to 62 countries now almost a quarter of a million members so if there is not a meet-up near you mmm-hmm why not make one write a meet-up doesn't have to be 300 people that meets every week right it could be a couple of dozen people who came you know and some cool ones are ones like in a company so you know it's just you work in a dev shop and maybe there's you know 50 devs or whatever start a meet-up there you know so yeah there's a link over here on the side where it says add dotnet meetup or you can just ping me or paint and ping dotnet foundation on Twitter and look at you at it and there's a lot of value in this you hear people saying well maybe this is a good opportunity for you to become a technical speaker in fact I think it's actually a really good opportunity to learn because when you can speak about a topic you actually learn more about it because you prepare for the talk so to your point about giving presentations to your local and/or your internal company and having a brown bag and just presenting on what you're doing is a great opportunity to kind of flex that muscle inside of you about how to explain a topic clearly how to build a story arc yeah it makes you a better engineer absolutely I mean that's that's how I got started with technology and presentations was gone to my local user group watching some and then signing up for a little 10-minute lightning talk and and my machine crashed and I got through it and then I just kept practicing you know and I mean it's really fun to it and and then you know just to be able to once we've got these local events to be able to do cool stuff like this yeah so definitely reach out there's anything that any of us can do at the tought net cough hashtag at the foundation at Microsoft to get you started with a user group whether it be an internal or an external one you let us know yeah we'll do the best we can to support you and one thing that we do as part of that is we have this presentations in a box thing so you'll see today we've been as the speakers leave after they finish their presentation because you know presentation the the they're updating their there's stuff right up to the last minute right so we've been dropping them all in here their new conf 2019 these are all the the ones from there we also have some workshops and you can see like the SP net core for beginners was updated today all of these the Blazer and the SP net core app workshop have updates for dotnet core 3 on different branches so those are those are actively updated by the product teams and when we say presentations in a box we're literally saying here it is ready to go you could go and present a full week on and structure that week you wanted to do it you could do this at an afternoon it just depends on how you want to stress that out if you are a university professor or if you're teaching you can certainly go in and put this into your curriculum and for as far as dotnet cough is concerned if you wanted to present some of the content that we've just done in your local language do that grab the slides we'll try to give you all the slides we'll give you all the code and all the support and then you could go and present that to maybe two people who didn't get a chance to see da dead car yeah and if people do that in their own like their own language like let us know and we can help like get the word out for you all right now a little trick that I do is all these kinds of things if like for instance Netcom you've seen blazer talks presented by like Dan Roth or you know you've seen the keynote presented by Scott hunter you can grab these slides you can watch the video in practice and that I do that like I'll say hey I'm giving a blazer talk let me see you know what I mean it's great structure it's a great place to start with and then make it your own you can feel free to take any of these fork them change them update them and then if you have a workshop if you created something share it with us because they also put in ebooks and third-party workshops yep and we have some community some workshops like this a cadet workshop this one Dodie is built 250 plus I think it's almost 300 now is peanut core samples and he just shares those out and and regularly lets us know as he updates um this one here this this ebook here Ahead's built this out and this was built out of weekly blog posts and he wrote an entire book and he's just given it away as PDF and we had him on the asp net community stand up to talk about it and it's just really cool to see you know how so so we try and share out what the community is doing and the these different you know links they make of it and one thing i want to point out as well is it just because you're maybe not an expert a you're just learning I'm still learning you're still learning even though we're making the product we're still learning don't feel like you can't blog or write any book or get involved because you don't necessarily know the topic fully you know your experience you know how you have found it so blog about your feelings about it and talked about how it you know this is how we implemented in our company this is how our migration to dotnet core went down here's what worked here's what didn't because your story your unique experience is worth blogging about and if you turn it into something like an e-book we will definitely try to get the word out about it and some of the best learning I've done is when I blogged here's something I think I've learned and someone says that's pretty good but did you know about this and then it's like oh wow I could you know what I mean and it's a great way to reveal ways where you can improve absolutely so one thing speaking of learning this is amazing yeah so this is something we've been working on very very hard and we're very proud of this you can actually get to this from a short URL which is dot dot net so do t dot net slash videos that's our short URL and it'll redirect redirect you here you can also go to dot dot net and click on learning it's under videos and what this is is a series of videos exclusively for beginners so you have to ask yourself what does that mean how beginner is beginner are we talking about 10 year olds are we talking about people with some understanding we try to go right down the middle because we feel that there are people who are learning software in college and there are people who are learning software in boot camps and sometimes they don't necessarily get the big picture they'll get the full picture so what we tried to do is put together a kind of a mr. mrs. Rogers neighborhood style slow-moving friendly on-ramp into net a lot of times we find ourselves speeding through file new project right click deploy look at work ok ready go go go this is one on one content I think a lot of our previous 101 content was really too old one contest yeah if you're not familiar with that nomenclature in universities in the u.s. of course you have first year of universities second year of university this is very much first year so I want you to check it out c-sharp 101 really just talks about the language like literally down to the key word not even thinking about dotnet I really liked watching these the the way that you built them up in a friendly way and you it takes a conscious effort to do that right because it's very easy to focus on here's what I know I want to show off the scent this new thing but stepping back to the level of explaining a concept and doing now is the right time let's talk about what is this using thing here or what is that so I really feel like the approach you did here was they're fun to watch I appreciate that and what was great was that we every we partnered everybody up here we pardoned everyone up to get a different perspective on what was going on so if I use an acronym that maybe someone doesn't know that my partner goes and says whoa hang on what does that mean there were a couple of times in the dotnet one where Kendra said well wait what's this mean or I said hang on let's do a whole video on just hello world and we had a lot of fun and these are I think there's about 80 or 90 videos that we did they're very short they're you know how they say that that you could make one nine hour or you could make 90 10 minute videos these are the ones that you can binge on they're actually up on YouTube they are also on channel 9 so if YouTube is not available at your work or in your country I want to make sure that we're gonna we we do recognize that we will have alternative downloads for everybody as well as being able to download them all offline yeah so check those out those are our 101 videos dot dot net slash videos so speaking of things that are new we also added dotnet stand up so this is the asp net and dotnet community stand up we used to have it was live dot s p net and we didn't have a good kind of central place for doing for seeing all the different stand ups what we do because we've added in like xamarin we've had it in desktop all these all these things because part of the advantage of dotnet is you can build all kinds of stuff with it right and some of these are really really important because you get to talk to people that you don't always see you get to talk to the actual designer so here we've got Kathleen dollar sitting with emo and they're talking about you know the language and the runtime and the low-level stuff so whatever topic you're into whether it be building a web framework and the stand up yeah or doing xamarin and making a mobile application or some of the internal details about actually designing the next version of c-sharp yep we've got to stand up for you these are the real people that are actually doing the work which is really really cool part of this too is we added support in here for these community links so we're using the URL list which which Burke and sessile built and and so this is a way where we can go in and share out because we want to show off things that communities building and as part of that we list all these links here so that you can go and get them so we don't want to just the links to fly by in the video and you say that's neat we actually want you to go and subscribe to the blogs or what you know learn more try out if you're doing something cool send me a tweet send John it yep send anyone on the team of tweet will collect those and if we feel that it's interesting and of general interest we'll share it on the stand up and we'll continue to promote your your content or your project or whatever it is that you're working on and you're excited about small little shout-out to you this is actually for people that were watching James Monta Meghna and I were building this live streamed on twitch over the past several months and so we built this prototype out and it actually ended up this we were able to transfer this over to the tea that's fine cool so yep cool all right well so just along with dotnet foundation stuff we've talked about it we mentioned some some we had some announcements today we talked about AWS joining as a corporate sponsor we also talked about this this maturity model and it's kind of involved there's some blog posts and some some Doc's and stuff so you can go read through it but the best thing is if you want to get more involved in how the dotnet Foundation works in you know new policies programs and stuff we're building out you can go and check out on the dotnet Foundation website and click on memberships and is it hard to be a member do I need to pay lots out no and this is something where I think I haven't communicated as well credit card okay first of all as you join you have an opportunity to pay dues and the like default amount is $100 are you paying Microsoft to do no no okay so Microsoft does not touch this money it goes directly dotnet foundation is separate nonprofit so it's a nonprofit there's not money that Microsoft announced for stuff not at all so it goes to things like sponsoring projects we have we have some set aside we're looking at doing things like sponsoring local events and stuff in the future so so this is money that's actually available to the board of directors which is community elected one of those out of seven is Microsoft the rest are community elected okay yeah so um I'll just and pay dues you said but you don't if you don't have to the student you don't have to student you don't have to if you are just somebody and you're applying you're like I'm not sure about this I don't know if I want to apply because I don't want to pay any money or I'm a little tight this week or whatever it is don't pay any or pay five dollars like it's a sliding it's it's and nobody will look at it so you go through and no one will see it nobody will see it so basically if you go and you say ten dollars is what I'm able to pay then it checks off the thing in the neg screen that says hey did you look at the dues that goes away forever nice or if you say opt-out it sounds great you've seen it we're done so and what do you get from membership what is being and that's a great question so some of the main things are you can vote in the elections we have annual elections so that is I mean the Board of Directors runs the dotnet foundation that is they are in charge they say exactly what happens what projects join what we're going to focus on what we do also so you can both vote in and run the elections another thing is we have these action groups and this is a way that you can become involved in things so say you're interested in outreach and you would like to see more you know more diversity and dotnet ecosystem we have an outreach group led by Sara Chipps and and they're actively like working on things what do we want to focus on how can we get more people involved so and then there's other ones there's this technical this technical steering group yeah there's outreach ones there could be something around education if they have one that doesn't exist that you want to potentially we call it a run we could create one absolutely yeah so there we go I was I need to make sure at the end of this we talked about the virtual attendee parties but did you want to so yeah there's a bunch of stuff going on i wanted to point a couple of things that may i take yeah yeah take your laptop over here and just don't brush the protective layer of dust off it is just a filthy filthy laptop um one of the things that i mentioned a little bit i just want to talk about which was that was super fun because i casually mentioned it during one of the Q&A was I took this application it was a PlayStation emulator someone had basically asked the question I don't know if dot Nets you know fast enough or whatever enough to do it to emulate another computer and this very nice student went and created a emulator in c-sharp and it's up at github and you can go and check it out it's called project PSX and what I thought was interesting about it was not just a ton it could go and emulate something like this was very very fast but I opened it up individual studio community and it's important to remember that Visual Studio community is free yep that's free for open source free for students free for small businesses or a certain size check out the license and I wanted to convert this from dotnet four point seven point two it's a Windows Pacific dotnet over to dotnet core using WinForms right because don''t core you can now swap done at net out from underneath win form and put done at corner Neath and see if I could get more perf yeah well because you've got a different runtime you know done it course it's almost like a brain transplant it's it's like yeah it's on the outside it's the same thing but the brain is all sudden like super smart and it brought up a lot of really interesting questions so first because dotnet core 3 now supports WinForms you might think yourself means it's gonna be a lot larger a WinForms is a nougat package so it's optional right it's not necessarily gonna come along for the ride unless you want it to be so all I did was make a new project dragged all of these over into the new project then fixed up the references and immediately got the thing running it took about 20 minutes now everyone's different but it shows that this particular individuals code was extremely clean they were just using file streams and binary readers to open up the different things that they wanted to open up again this is all just an educational thing you know certainly if you're gonna be doing anything with an emulator make sure that you own licenses to all the things you want to use but it's really really interesting that folks are going and doing this work when I put it on dotnet core it was about 30% faster 30% more for like basically 20 minutes or yeah basically 20 minutes for you know that's just one fun example but there's a bunch of examples you know there's so much stuff that doesn't even get talked about but with dotnet core all this all the work that goes into optimizing the low-level internals like string performance and and hardware intrinsics and they're kind of span of T all those things and so it's like you can just by moving to the newer versions all of a sudden your code runs way faster yes like for friend that brings up a really important point that there's lots of different things but what does it mean to be fast right is it to start up fast well there's things that you can do you know to make sure that your code starts fast is it steady state speed do you want your code to be really really small we try to make it so dotnet core is as flexible as possible to fit these scenarios that you want whether it be on a Raspberry Pi or with some of our community projects like wilderness labs on a microcontroller or whether it be on an Android device or an iPhone you know it's everywhere you want to be speaking of which I think if there is an update on the schedule and you're gonna be showing off wilderness labs tomorrow morning yeah so tomorrow at 7:30 towards the end of the evening on twitch I've got a brand new beta of wilderness labs wilderness labs meadow they got their beta 3 and this is a really really interesting connected things platform again not associated with us but just from the community but it's not net it is running net so what it does if you're familiar with there you go it's the full dotnet standard on a microcontroller not on a micro processor that I got a full computer you kind of like a single tasked device it's real IOT so instead of a Raspberry Pi which runs a full version of raspbian or a full version of Windows 10 this is just gonna run your library integrates with your cloud however you want it to integrate with and they gave me one of these here it looks in like that and I'm gonna try to get some some holo in its very early days I got beta 3 ok but it's got a lovely deployment experience you just plug it in over USB you hit f5 it deploys and you're basically flashing the firmware of the device and it basically boots into dotnet what's doing that compilation up front using mono so you can do something like this say a temperature sensor go and look at a threshold for that and then look a nice dotnet event temperature change with a anonymous lamda there and you go and say alright when the temperature changes update the LCD and tell me the temperature so what's exciting about that is that for everyone who's watching this right now and you say oh I'm a c-sharp developer and I do wind forms or I'm a c-sharp developer and I do you know MVC you just became an embedded systems developer yeah or if you watch Shane boy a boy years thing he just became a kubernetes developer right that's what I a male developer that's what I think so exciting about dotnet right now is that we're all being able to take our existing knowledge and our existing experience so if you learn c-sharp today you learned that today you learned some of these great languages and great libraries you can go and apply that anywhere from 64 K to 64 I don't know terabytes you know what other thing we mentioned talking about was the tri-dot net and that kind of learning experience huh did you want to show some of that yeah so try not net is interesting and I just you know when I Google with Bing for stuff I just put Hanselman all the time it just makes it easier to find what you want so try not net global tool is this thing that powers the documentation as you go around to Docs Microsoft comm and you can go and get this global tool and check it out it's really really cool in fact you can just go and say dotnet tool install and it's install try dotnet and then you can say in fact dotnet try demo which is pretty cool that allows you to run basically interactive documentation it'll say local Howe mmm-hmm and you'll have your own docks locally writing down it in the browser that's a key thing I think a lot of people have seen tried out net in the browser in the docks and they're like okay that's need you know Microsoft runs it or whatever but it's are not aware that you can actually run it like locally on your own machine it can work with with gist or whatever and exactly and what's exciting about it is that once you've got that unknown in your machine you've done your restores and you've got all the new get packages that you need you can go to airplane mode you can take it home where you might have slow internet or no internet and potentially run your workshop on your you know a USB key the other thing that's really cool about it if you just go to dotnet and you hit getting started you can see of course we've got our video series on the side there and you say alright let's go try dotnet in your browser see what it says code editor is loading on the right-hand side there that is tried out net that's going to show up look and now I can go and say hello John hit run code and it shows up down here and it is tried out net that is allowing it to happen that my daughter is taking a computer class right now and she was struggling with you know reading definitions in a book and it wasn't really clicking and I just went directly to this code or some of this stuff and I'm like look here this is a constant this is it you know what I was like oh it's like interactive you can totally see it now some of you might be saying well is that running blazer is that running it really depends on the scenario right and that's the great thing about both blazer and things like try dotnet is it in some instances you can go and compile it and run that entirely with web assembly and in other instances if you were going to do something that required more power you can go and do that on the server yeah and remote the result I love that about blazer right you've got both those options you've definitely got a lot of choices so I want to make sure that people all do that and also if we go over to Docs Microsoft comm which we really can't say enough nice things about Docs has just really come into its own in the last few years just completely joke about how the docs were accurate but not helpful you know it's like this is the first place to go if they go over there and they go and click on learn c-sharp they can go and see this introduction to c-sharp and will actually walk them through hello world numbers branches and loops all of that will be done in the browser now here's the fun part and here's where we get into the inception part of things right if I go in here and I say learn about numbers and floating-point and things like that this tutorial is in fact the same tutorial that we run through so so go to c-sharp 101 go to dotnet core 101 and we'll walk through them with you interactively and learn along with you that's the best I love it I love that because it's like hey I can do this and then if I want to read more it's in the dogs yep and it's not just 101 for c-sharp Anette I want to point out we've got dotted core versus the dotnet framework what do you want to choose what about xamarin 101 this isn't one video these are video series there's a hundred videos there 85 videos some huge number of videos a member keeps going I'm gonna just raise the number every time I see here's intro to visual studio there's five videos intro to containers and darker was Shane and Lisa machine learning lots of those what we got here like eight videos on machine learning I'm going to just raise the numbers there's cam on any framework there's Bridget on a Pat done it for a patchy spark and we're gonna have even more videos coming soon as well so all of this free please check it out there's stuff indeed so as we wrap up I think it's this party what are we doing this yeah so there was a part there is a code party so so you can follow the first I got to find I've got a tab here for it so I've got a tab for everything their virtual attendee parties today on tomorrow so you follow on Twitter the the dotnet Kampf hash tag you can watch live on Twitch the cool thing is there's there's a cool puzzles there's trivia and you can win big stuff including like X boxes and stuff you're also interacting live there's I think there's some product team people on there like taking out questions and stuff and they are doing a like a prizes and then I want to point out again we talked about this a little bit today the technical treasure hunt all of this at dotnet COFF net slash party this technical treasure hunt it's a scavenger hunt all over the Internet yep and some of it will require you to actually run some code this was fun we've been planning this stuff for months for dotnet cough and it was so fun like talking to the to the folks as they're like coming up with these and everybody who completes all the challenges gets a certificate to the dotnet foundation store and folks who who can potentially win I think there's a couple of X boxes we talked to and lots of different swag and cool stuff check out the clues at the bottom there's links to all of the different friends and sponsors that are involved in the treasure hunt Twilio teller would preemptive mobilized led to Liz nauseous DocuSign da curly DevExpress contra security all of our friends and partners trying to make things fun during this virtual attendee party where they're again they're back in the back yeah and they're eating a lot of candy and drinking soda pop that's true so I'm talking about the party folks like I'm talking about my kids they're up there soda pop what are they doing they shouldn't be doing but before we do that why don't we actually take our friend Brian here - we're gonna head out and see some of the other folks because it's not just two people in front of them either the camera here right it's a cast of thousands that are involved so why don't you join us my friend and we'll go and see our folks out here and hope that they're ready for us because we're coming out the door yeah this is our friends here in building 25 of channel 9 I'm glad Seth opened the door for me because I would have pushed on it you knew that look at all these people and the big panting wine shop everyone's just checking email look look happier what are you doing hey there's snacks there's no diabetes stuff that's not inclusive oh there's Tim Tams Oh about those cupcakes I realize that there were Tim Tams I need here with Tim Tim we have frost I'm gonna get a Tim Tam cuz you got to do the Tim Tam slam so we're gonna head over to the party we're going to show you this party done best tell us where to go come on this way common and to the studio see are you drunk on peeps we've got more the treasure map 40 it was good I'm gonna I'm gonna wrap it up and give it to you Jeff it's all you baby

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ASP.NET Core 2.2

hi my name is Glenn Condren I'm a program manager on the team and today we're going to talk about some of the ...