Monday 21 October 2024

.NET Conf Focus on Blazor Teaser

>> Today's Visual Studio toolbox, Dan Roth joins us to get us excited about Tuesday's .NET Conf: Focus on Blazor. [MUSIC] >> Hi, welcome to the first Visual Studio Toolbox of 2020. I'm your host, Robert Green. Joining me is Dan Roth. Hey, Dan. >> Hello. >> Thanks for coming on the show. >> Thanks, good to be here. >> We are all very excited here about Tuesday, this coming Tuesday. >> January 14th. >> Which is the .NET Conf: Focus on Blazor. >> Yes. >> A day long deep dive into all things Blazor. Probably not all things because it's a day but lots of cool things Blazor. >> We'll have people from the product team, we'll have people from the community giving all sorts of pretty awesome and cool talks about things related to Blazor, things that we're working on, things that we've already shipped. It should be pretty fun. >> So this is an extension of the.NET Conf, the typical thing that happens on an annual basis, and it's usually two or three days. But now, it's been expanded to these individual focus days. Tell us a little bit about that. >> Well usually,.NET Conf is a yearly event. We typically do that sometime at near the end of the year. We have like you said, multiple days of content cover all things.NET. But it was just too long to wait in between each of those events, so we thought, "Well, maybe we could do a few more .NET Confs in between to cover specific topics in a more deep way." We decided to do the first focus to .NET Conf on Blazor. >> Cool. So, today's episode is a bit of a teaser for that. So we want you guys to show up on Tuesday for it live. It's >> That's right, this is the website. You can take a look, we've got a whole bunch of great speakers that are queued up including myself and people from the ecosystem, people from Microsoft. We'll be showing things that- >> Our good friend Ed, friend of the show. He's been on the show multiple times talking about Blazor. >> Yeah. A bunch of people have partnered companies that been working on Blazor component libraries and people who have just been active in the ecosystem building great open-source projects, like Egil has been working on a great testing library. Some stuff that we're working on in the future, looking at how can we take Blazor beyond the web not just doing web applications but also doing maybe native mobile desktop applications, those types of things. We'll be talking about all that stuff at Blazor Conf. You can check out the full agenda. Like you said, at There's the full list of talks. >> So let's just take a short amount of time and give us an overview of Blazor. We've had it on the show a number of times. A lot of people are fairly familiar with it but some people might be new to it. So give us the high-level overview, and that'll get people even more excited about Tuesday. >> Sure. Yeah, I'd be happy to. I have a little diagram here to help out. So if you're a .NET Dev, been building web applications, then you're probably familiar with our various server rendered web frameworks that we've shipped over the years under the ASP.NET brand, ASP.NET web forums, ASP.NET web-pages. We see, we have a whole buffet of server-rendered web frameworks that you can use, and they all share one characteristic in common which is you write your code, and you run it on the server, and that code then generates some HTML or some JSON that thing gets sent down to the browser and rendered. But if you ever wanted to do something that actually ran on the client machine like in the browser itself, well, that meant you had to use one of these guys. You had to use some sort of JavaScript framework like Angular, or React, Vue, or whatever your favorite JavaScript framework of the day is which is fine. But having to bridge those two different developer ecosystems, there's a cost to that. I don't know about you but my strengths tend to be more in in.NET and writing C#. I can write some JavaScript but it's not my forte. I think of this as being very similar to like humans spoken languages. My first language is English, and I know English pretty well. I can speak a little bit of Portuguese but don't get too far beyond like, "Hello, my name is," and "Where's the bathroom," those types of things. I think developers skill sets are similar. There's tools and languages that you are really familiar with and strong with, and there's others that maybe you would prefer to avoid if you could. >> An ideal world is where you can leverage what you already know and move to different places instead of going to these different places and having to start from scratch. >> Exactly. So that's what Blazor is really all about. Is enabling Full Stack Web Development with .NET where you can use C#, .NET, Visual Studio, both sides of the wire. We think this probably has a lot to appeal to even people who are new to .NET as well. You get to leverage the tooling great tooling that's in Visual Studio. You have a very stable set of build tools, libraries, languages that you get to leverage when you're building on top of the .NET ecosystem. >> Right, and because it's .NET, and you can use C#, it works the same. >> Exactly. Yeah. You can share code at this point where you have .NET on both sides of the wire. Have a full stack solution. If you have some model types or some validation logic. Instead of having to rewrite that code twice, say once in.NET and then once in JavaScript, you can just reuse the same assemblies even on both sides of the wire. >> Cool. >> So we've been working on this for a while to enable full-stack development for the web with C# and JavaScript on top of a core capability of being able to leverage the browser with DotNet code. We built a reusable component UI framework on top, so you can build your UI as a set of components. The components can call other components. You can grab components off of NuGet or from various component vendors and use them in your applications, so you can build your app really, really fast. You get the benefits of.NET on both sides of the wire. If you do need to dive down into JavaScript, we still give you the capability of doing that. I think it was like a P/Invoke in.NET world. If you need to call down into native code, that's still possible. It's not the most common thing in the world. But with Blazor, that's possible as well where you can call down into JavaScript libraries if you have existing libraries that you still want to leverage and reuse. To get started with Blazor, you just go to You'll need.NET Core 3.1, which we just shifted very recently..NET Core 3.1 is a long-term support release, and it includes Blazor specifically includes support for what we call Blazor server. Blazor Server is a mode for Blazor where your code still is running on the server, but we manage all the client-side UI over our real-time web socket connection. Using SignalR under the covers. If you're familiar with ASP.NET Core SignalR. That's in the box with.NET Core 3.1, has the full support life-cycle. You can use it in production today. We've also been working on a second mode for Blazor that we call Blazor Web Assembly. Blazor Web Assembly runs in the browser on a WebAssembly-based.NET runtime. So you can download your assemblies into the browser and execute them directly. That's still in preview, but you can try that out as well by installing our Blazor Web Assembly template. >> So what's the primary use case for server mode versus client mode, do you mix and match? >> Well, servers what's available today. If you were trying to write out an app that's going to go into production right now, you're going to want to use Blazor server. Blazor server's really great for a number of reasons, the app. It stays on the server, so it has a very thin client, which means you don't need to download very much to get it up and running. So the app starts really fast. It doesn't require much from the client device to actually execute. Because most of the guts are going to run server-side in a Blazor Server application, but you still get all the benefits of that component model, of having what is effectively a single page app, a SPA, but written in C#. So that's the nice thing about Blazor Server. Blazor Web Assembly allows you to actually leverage the client device. Your code will move to the client, and you can leverage the hardware and compute the memory that the client machine has. Blazor Web Assembly apps can run offline, because you ship the code over into the client, and you're running it there. You don't, actually, technically need a server piece in order for the app to function. Whereas with a Blazor Server app, you do. Then if you need any really tight low-latency UI interactions, if we're trying to do a drawing app, Blazor Web Assembly, you're right there on the user's machine. With a Blazor Server app, those don't work quite as well because you're going over the network for your UI gestures. >> Okay. >> Yeah, and you can get any version of Visual Studio you want. The latest version of VS on Windows, VS on Mac 8.4, has Blazor tooling support that should be shipping any day now, if it hasn't already shipped already. Then we also have tooling available in Visual Studio Code. I thought I would show you a quick Blazor application. >> Yeah, let's see. >> Let me hop over to, just show you the page. This is where you go ahead and get started. Click on "Get Started" at, and this has all those steps that I just went through for getting the machine set up. To create your first application, you're just going to File, New Project. I select Blazor App, that'll show up in the template list. BlazorApp1 sounds like a lovely name. Then I'm going to pick the Blazor Server version. This is the one that runs over that live WebSocket connection. Well, let that whole go ahead and create the project for me. So here's my app. I'm just going to go ahead and run this, so we can see what it does. Whoops, I ran a little too fast. >> Uh-oh. >> That's just because the NuGet restore hadn't completed yet. >> [inaudible] till it come down. >> So what this app is going to give me is, it's going to look like a simple, single page application. It's going to have a set of tabs and some components that we can play with. It seems like it's up and running. There it goes. All right. So on the left-hand side here, we've got a few tabs. We can click around. If we go back and forth with the browser Nav tools, all of the browser Nav tools just worked. That's client-side routing in play. We're actually intercepting all those navigations, client-side in the browser, and just loading the correct component accordingly. We're not actually having to go back to the server and do a full page refresh. That's client-side routing. This counter page, we have a button that we can click, and the count goes up, and there is no page refresh happening here either. Yeah, normally, that would require you to write some JavaScript, didn't have to write any JavaScript to make that happen. That's all done just with with C#. We can take a quick look at that counter page just so you can see what it looks like. Here's Counter.razor. We'll zoom in just a little bit so we can see. We've got a page directive at the top that just makes this component routable using that client-side routing system. Got some static content, where we're rendering the current count. Here we're using Razor syntax to render the value of a C# field. Then we got a button, where every time we click the button, it increments the count. You can see this increment count method is what's being wired up. Increments the field, the field gets updated and then the page re-renders. So it's all C# code. No JavaScript require. >> Cool. >> I've been working on another slightly more involved app, but not too bad, for the conference next week. This is a simple recipe application, where it just shows a list of recipes. This is again all written with with C# and Blazor. We can do some simple searches here where we search for a recipe, like I want to search for some soup. Soup. I didn't have to go back to the server to do a full page refresh. >> That was supposed to go and get that data, right? >> The data actually was retrieved at the initial load of the application. Then we're just filtering and searching over that data with every keystroke in the search text box. I can actually show you the search text box really fast. This is a little bit more code that's involved here, but it's just an input. >> That font. >> Oh, yes. Sorry. >> There we go. Oops. >> So we have an input and then we're binding this search query string on inputs, so every text stroke, where we're going to go and trigger an event, so that this component can do something with the data. This is a search text box. So we don't want to do a search. Every single time I type a keystroke, we'd like to have a little delay. Maybe wait 300 milliseconds, or something like that, after I'm done typing and then do the actual search. So we're using just a normal.Net timer, that we're kicking off every time. That the search query property gets set using that bind, we start that timer. Well, we stop if it's already running and then started again. Once the timer or completes, if we got through the full 300 milliseconds before and other keystroke was hit, then it just triggers this SearchQueryChanged event, so that my parent component can then filter the set of recipes. We can see that on the homepage. So if we go over to Index.razor, here's the homepage of the app. So at the top, we've got that search box and we're wiring up to that SearchQueryChanged event. Then we just listing all the recipe cards. Again, another component that I wrote to display to the images and the recipes. Then down below, whenever that SearchQueryChanged event fires, it calls this the search method, which then gives me the search query and then I run it on my data storage. >> Just C# code. >> Yep. I didn't have to write a line of JavaScript to get that working. >> The client in the browser. That's very cool. >> So that is Blazor, and if you want to learn all about it, like all about routing and JavaScript interop and data handling, all of those topics are going to be covered at this conference. In addition to some fun new things that we're going to be sharing, you should join us on January 14th live on Channel 9. >> If you miss that, I assume it'll be available on demand. >> All of the videos will be available on YouTube. Another cool thing, if you are though live, instead of watching a later, the benefit is that you can join us on Twitter and ask questions of the speakers live by using the hashtag dotNETConf. Cool. >>, and that's Tuesday. We'll see you there. Thanks so much for coming on. >> No problem. My pleasure. >> We'll see you next time on Visual Studio Toolbox. [MUSIC]

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hi my name is Glenn Condren I'm a program manager on the team and today we're going to talk about some of the ...