Monday 21 October 2024

.NET Hot Reload for desktop & mobile with Visual Studio 2022

[MUSIC] >> Hello folks. Welcome to my video. My name is Dmitri Lyland and I'm a Program Manager in the Visual Studio and .NET team. Today I'm going to show you the Hot Reload user experience in Visual Studio 2022. This is a brand new experience we've added to Visual Studio, our goal is to save you time restarting your app in order to apply code changes. It's quite simple. We think, in fact, we know many times when you're running your application, you're going to run into some change you want to make. The app is already running, and traditionally having to shut that app down, apply the code change, and spend all that time rebuilding restarting can be very expensive for many applications. With highly reload experience, we're making this better, at least we hope so, for .NET and C++ developers. Today, I'm going focus on .NET desktop applications and show you how our hardware is going to make working with those applications just a little bit easier when it's set to make that code change. Let's go ahead and jump into the demo. Here we have our first demo application. These demo applications are available in the public. These are public samples of a desktop application, part of WPF sample applications. You can go ahead and find that over at GitHub. In this application that I'm already running, it's a little particle displayer. It's an app that's very visual and it makes it really easy for me to show you how to reload, so let's jump right into it. How do we load work exactly? Here we have an app that was started without the debugger. If you look at the top, you can see there's no debugger attached, and that's okay because this is a .NET 6 app. If you combine Visual Studio 2022 with .NET 6, you can use Hot Reload without the debugger. For everybody else, working with .NET Framework or older versions of .NET, you can use the debugger and Hot Reload will also be available. In this demo, my app is running and the Hot Reload button up here is available. This Hot Reload, it does all the magic when you press it. After you have a code change, the code change gets applied to your running app. Not only that, but we've made it available on File Save as well. If you prefer not to click the button, you can opt in. It's not on by default, but you can opt into this new setting called Hot Reload and Save. Let's go ahead and use the feature by changing some code and pressing "Save" and hopefully seeing the magic. Here I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to just do something fun. I'm going to add another variable here called P5, I'm going to add P5 into our collection. The moment I did that, the app went crazy. Now, traditionally, just to make even that simple code changes to experiment with my application, I would have to have shut it down and we get started. As you can see here, I made a code change and right away it's taking effect, doing some crazy things. The Hot Reload is really easy to undo the mess you started. Great. We're back to a much nicer particle. I'm going to continue editing this app live without stopping. I'm going to go in here and make some changes. First of all, we've got this value here. I'm going go ahead and add one to it. By adding one, as you can see, my app is changing quite drastically three, four, able to change it again without ever having to stop. Now, you don't even see me pressing the Hot Reload button up here because I'm using this unsave features. All I'm doing is on the keyboard hitting the "Save" button and the app is changing quite dramatically. It's pretty cool demo. Now, this is fun and all, me just tweaking values in this application to make the particles change. But let's do something a lot more dramatic. Let's switch to a different application. This one is called the calculator demo. I'm going go ahead and set that start-up. This time, just for a difference, we're going to start with the debugger. Again, all of this is available with other debuggers since these are all targeting .NET 6, but we're going to use the debugger in this case, and we're going to start this second application. This is a little calculator. Because we're using the debugger, we're not only just getting the calculator, we're getting this really cool related feature called XAML live preview because this is a XAML app. That's not my demo today, but if you want to learn more about it, we have other videos, they'll tell you all the details. I'll close this down just to get out of our way, and let's take a look at our application source code. Here, it's a very simple demo, I would not recommend making a calculator using same logic, but we have this really large method here, let's go find it, called process operation. For better or worse, this calculator demo is using a very large method to process your edit. If let's say press 5 plus 5 and you press equals to, it does the math over here, as you can see, gives me the output. Now, all of that is handled through this giant processing method. What I'm going to go and do, it just proves the how powerful Hot Reload is, I'm going go and I'm going to remove this whole method. I'm going to take out all the logic out of it. I'm going to press the button just to show you I'm really doing it. I'm Hot Reloading, changes were applied successfully down here. We know the changes made it to the running app, and I'm going to start pressing all buttons in this application. You're not going do anything to actually execute. The logic numbers might be going up here, but none of these buttons are functional because we're hitting process operations and exempting. Now let's believe I retyped all that code. I did cheat in pressing "Control+Z" to put the code back, but that's okay. I could have retyped that, there really is no difference. Now that all this code is back, I'm going to once again press the "Hot Reload" button, go back to my calculator, and now I'm going to clear it. Now I'm going press 5 plus 10 and it's going to tell me 15. At all levels possible with Hot Reload. Hot Reload can truly make a lot of changes while you're app is running. It's not that there's no limitations, there should be limitations and you will get an error message if you try to make an edit that we don't support. But we're hopeful that with some of these edits being supported and more over time, that adds a lot of value to you. Hope you enjoyed those demos, this is just a fraction of what Hot Reload can do for you and I really hope you try it in Visual Studio 2022. Definitely give it a try, give us feedback. We're hoping this feature is really useful to you. Again, I want to emphasize it's really broadly available. Even if you're working in a really old .NET application, a really new .NET application or an unoptimized C++ app, Hot Reload user experience is in Visual Studio and hopefully save you a lot of time. Thanks for watching and let us know what you think of our feature.

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