Monday 21 October 2024

(1) Building Node.js apps to connect to Office 365 Authenticating

[Music] [Music] hi I'm Jason Johnston a senior content developer with the Outlook ecosystems team today I'm going to show you how to authenticate your node.js web app to call the calendar API to access your calendar in Office 365 so let's get started to start start with I've got this very basic node.js website that uses the Express framework it doesn't really do a whole lot yet but we're going to change that in this session the code that I'm starting with is available on GitHub the link will be available in the comments below um we have a clean slate branch on this repo that will uh correspond to what I'm starting with here today so let's switch over to the code and get started um in order to implement ooth we're going to use a an open source Library called Simple ooth 2 so the first thing that we need to do is install that using mpm okay now that we have that installed we can go ahead head and make use of it so we're going to add a file to our project here to hold all of our author authentication methods called athh helper. Js okay so what I've done here is implemented all the functions that we need for authentication through the magic of code Snippets um we'll go over each one as we get to them uh the first thing that you might me you might notice is that we have these values here at the top that are currently empty we need to get values for those um and the way that we do that is we register our application in the Microsoft app portal this is the application registration portal I've already signed in using my Office 365 uh user account and I can go ahead and create an app registration here so I click the add app and I'll give it a name once this is done we will have an application ID which we'll use for the client ID value in our [Music] code so I'll just copy the application ID here and put it in for my client ID the next thing that we need to do is get a client secret uh we can do this here by generating a new password now pay close attention to this dialogue this is the only time that you'll be able to see this password so you do need to copy it now if you come back you can only see the first three characters so be sure to copy it when you generate it the last thing is our redirect URI this is where the Azure authentication process will redirect back into our web app after the authentication is completed um so we're going to go ahead and set this to the authorized route in our app now we do need to also specify that in our application registration the authentication process will only redirect to URLs that we have preconfigured in our registration so to do that we will come to the platform section in the registration and click add platform we're a web app so we're going to click web and here we can enter our redirect URI we'll go ahead and click save to finalize that registration we'll SW switch back to the code while that's saving the next thing you might uh notice is the Scopes array this this is where we specify what permissions our application needs in order to function um I've only included three here uh open ID will allow the authentication process to tell us a little bit of information about the user such as their display name and their email address we will use that later so we include that here offine access is important if you want to be able to have continuous access to the user's data after that initial log on process that's that's accomplished by getting a refresh token as part of the authentication process which you can then silently acquire new access access tokens as they uh expire then finally we have this calendars. read scope which will allow us to read the user's calendar and we'll see that in action now the first export that we have in this off helper module is the get off URL all this does is use the simple oo2 library to generate the sign on URL back to our Azure authentication endpoint this is the first function that we're going to make use of so we'll switch back over to our uh app.js and find our homepage currently we are just setting a hash URL for the log on button so we'll replace that by using that get off URL function first we do need to require our new module okay so now our button should have a valid link when we rerun the app but before we do that let's go ahead and and Implement some of the rest of it um we set our redirect URI to go to an authorized route in our app which we currently don't have implemented so let's go ahead and add that okay so if we take a a quick look at this um we check the query parameters of the incoming request for a code parameter this is how the um Azure off process gives us back the authorization code that we need to exchange for a token so we take that code and we are passing it to the get token from code function also in our othh helper we'll take a quick look at that one all this is doing here is using the simple o off to library again to get the token it passes in the authorization code and again our redirect URI which matches what we uh used in the o o request and we include all of our Scopes this is going to call back into a call back function which we specified in app.js token received again we haven't implemented that yet so let's go ahead and do that so we can get this up and running in the token call back we are going to just get the access token and refresh token from the um result that is returned to us and save it in our session and finally we will redirect to a login complete page let's go ahead and add that and then we should be able to actually see this in action so on the login complete we read the access token and refresh token back out of the session and we simply dump it to the screen that should be enough for us to see this working and and verify that everything's working so let's go ahead and run the app and see it in action okay now if we uh rerun the app we will see that uh clicking the signin button actually takes us to the login page I'm going to log in with my Office 365 user and once the authentication process is complete and we're redirected back into the app I can see that I have my access token so great everything's working so now that we're logged in we can do some things some interesting things with the data the first thing that we want to do is actually get some information about the user themselves um and the way that we're going to do that is by using the ID token we already have a function in othh helper. JS that can extract the user's email address from the ID token the ID token is returned to us along with the access token and refresh token as part of the authentication process so let's add a function in our token received to call this get email function and save it in our session and then in login complete we'll get get that email address back out of the session and instead of just dumping into the screen we'll pass that email address to our login completed page template now if we restart the app sign in again this time we actually get something a little nicer so you can see we have the user's email address that we got from the ID token and we have a few buttons here sync Calendar refresh tokens and log out so the sync calendar will cover in the next session but uh refreshing tokens and logging out is still part of the authentication process so let's go ahead and take a look at those so refreshing tokens is something that your app will need to do every once in a while when you get an access token it's good for an hour after that hour is up you've got to get a new one um using a refresh token is the way to do that without any user interaction so let's implement the refresh tokens I'm going to start by adding a refresh token route to our app so as you can see we get the refresh token out of the session and then we pass that to get token from refresh token in our off helper we also reuse our token received call back here um because it does exactly what we need it to do let's take an off take a look at the get token from refresh token function in athh helper very quickly again simple oo 2 makes this super easy for us we just need to create a token object from the refresh token and then call Refresh on it it's important to note that when you use the refresh token to get a new access token you also get a new refresh token so it's a best practice to always always update your refresh token with the new one refresh tokens are pretty long lived but they can expire so it's always best to get the freshest one possible okay so before we rerun the app and see refresh token at work let's go ahead and Implement log out log out for us will be very easy since we're storing the tokens in our session all we'll do is destroy the session and go back back to the homepage easy enough so now let's restart the app one last time and see it all at work okay and if we sign in now we can refresh the token now didn't really do anything that we could see but if we take a look at our console output we can verify that we got a new token and then finally if we log out we're right back to where we started and that's it that's all we need to do to implement the authentication piece which is really the hard part of connecting your node app to Office 365 in the next session we'll go ahead and take a look at implementing calendar sync um if you want to compare your source with what we did in this session if you go back to the GitHub repo and look at the session one branch that should match what we've done in this session and that's it we've implemented authentication and connected our app to Office 365 we've gotten past the hard part so in the next session we'll go ahead and take a look at implementing basic calendar sync that's pretty much all that I wanted to show you in this session if you'd like to learn more be sure to check out dev. or for more getting started materials and information on node and other platforms thanks for watching [Music]

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