Monday 21 October 2024

10 Time-Saving Tips in Visual Studio 2022 (with Tim Corey)

hey everyone my name is Celia I'm a product manager on the visual studio team and I'm really excited to be joined here today by the amazing Tim Curry Tim is an amazing educator that has helped millions of students through his YouTube channel and training courses learn all about Visual Studio C sharp and so many other Technologies hi Tim I'm really excited to have you here thanks for having me so in this video we're hoping that we'll walk you through some of our favorite features that been introduced in the latest versions of Visual Studio 2022 if you update to 17.7 you'll have access to all the features we'll be talking about in this video Tim go ahead and take it away okay so here we have Visual Studio we have the release notes up for 17.7 what's going on there's a lot of great stuff in here if you ever lose this by the way um I have updated before I've seen this and I've closed it out and then went wait what was in there um under the help menu you can say uh what's new it will bring this back up so lots of great stuff in here yeah I love this view um if you ever want to know more about the features you can actually click on those tiles so for example that copy and term indentation one is one I worked on and in here you can kind of figure out what is this feature about in this case we just simply made it so that next time you copy and paste some code you don't have to fix indentation manually it's automatically going to be done for you so if you ever want to learn more about a feature that you see there by the way the tiles are selectable and sometimes if you have to enable the feature you'll see an enabled button at the very top that lets you do it really easily um so definitely interact with this page and urinal standpoint I love this feature it seems so simple and yet um can't tell you how many times I've I've messed around with stuff like this so it's it's definitely huge for me at least um so yeah so this is a great you know overview what's going on and then like you said you can you can jump into any of these things another great feature we're gonna look at this one today um with file comparison but you can look at these get more information turn things on it's a it's a great place okay so today we're getting something a little bit different um instead of saying file new project we're going to go to an existing repository and the repository we chose is Orchard CMS or Orchard core and we're going to grab this repository and clone it down so I'm going to copy this we'll talk more about this in a minute once I actually clone it because it's going to take a little bit to clone down but let's copy the URL for cloning but instead of going over to like you know terminal and saying git clone and then open up a solution afterwards you can just say clone Repository paste in your uh your path here I'll give a different path there we go and hit clone and that's going to pull everything down you can do the background but I'm going to do in the foreground so you can see you know just how many megabytes worth of stuff it's downloading there's tons of stuff in this repository but this also gives us kind of a good picture of even the large projects Visual Studio is pretty performance when it comes to you know loading them in which this is just download speed this is my internet um trying to bog down getting 200 plus megabytes of stuff and then extracting it um but also how performant Visual Studio is it loading this stuff up and getting intellisense and telecode and all that stuff running pretty quickly so there's 204 projects in here that's pretty impressive yeah we're always making adjustments and improvements in the performance area so you'll notice with all the different release notes a lot of times you'll see those different performance improvements we just did some improvements in the finding files area because we know that's a really critical function in the editor so we're definitely always making improvements as much as we can so keep those feedback suggestions coming excellent um and you know this is the first place I want to talk about because it's a solution View and the solution view has been pre-limiting at times you know I I've grown up with visual studio so my first Visual Studio was for Visual Basic before I believe um yeah originally before even came around um oops let's go ahead and repin that um but you know I've had it for a while one of the things that has always been kind of a limit is that solution view where there's files in there that aren't really a part of the of the projects but you still want to see them and I love the fact we now have this solution items folder inside here let's see the gulp file package.json and the readme so I can open this up and actually see the readme um and what's in this this package one point go ahead oh go ahead I want to point out that this is not a great view to read the readme this is markdown but it's um not a great view so you can go to preview now and actually see the the produced version of this and read very easily what's what's in here yeah and and my team added support for the markdown um view here and because a lot of folks wanted something where you can preview these options but also being able to have access to the editor features in the editor window so for example if you go Tim to the left there and maybe you want to switch your Visual Studio section from bullets to maybe a list you could use the shift alt select and select the three lines and then you can edit it all together so if you delete that and put the one dot now it's turned into a list on the right there um so just the same editor features you're used to but now you can do it in markdown files as well excellent yeah I like to be able to do things quickly that's kind of the point of this video but also the point of as developers we don't want to spend a ton of time working with the tools we want to get the job done and so be able to be quick on this stuff is really great I'm going to save that we're going to go ahead and contribute that later so um so now we have you know we have our solution open we want to look at you know what's in here and how you find stuff so there's there's some new stuff with find isn't there yes we have a new uh search feature called All in One search that we're really really excited about um you used to have the search you know come up in the at the top um and all your files there but now we have a new view called all-in-one search that you can access using the same shortcuts because we didn't want to you know muscle memory and all we didn't want to mess with that but we you could access it using Ctrl T if you want to search for code and you can just search for what you have and some of my favorite things about this is that you get a preview panel now so for example a lot of times if I have this you know repo and I'm curious about the program.cs file in my repo I searched for that and I like to browse through the file like I just kind of browse through and see which one should I actually be paying attention to because there's a few here and I'm like all right which one should I actually go into and go and uh look at so I I love the ability to prove you fun fact we used to have the preview panel on the right side and then people were like well I want to see more of that horizontal space so we've switched it but you can still toggle it at the top right if you want to try that Tim there you go I like options which one do you prefer so probably a personal I so this would work well but I can't see where it is in program.cs I'm like we've got six or seven of them um that's hard to see so I think for me personally I would probably do the do the bottom search uh or bottom results because I can see the whole path and go okay like this is hard you know it's orchardcore.cms.web versus orchardcore.mvc.web it says it's just a little bit of difference here um but being able to see that and go okay that's what I want and then double click and go right to it is super helpful I love it and we can show you how to enable that because we're gradually rolling it out if you want to enable it then it's not enabled for you you can go to actually let's do all in one search we can use that so instead of code search which is Ctrl T we'll do control Q which is perfect opens up feature search you can search for all in one there we go top one yes and then if you open that up then you'll see it under your preview features and if you scroll down here we go new Visual Studio search experience exactly so you can enable it and restart and then you'll see the new search experience excellent and while you're here under the environment there's preview features there's a lot of other things in here you can check out to see if maybe it fits in your organization to do this or maybe you want to get ahead of the curve and kind of get some of these new features and test them out these are preview features which means they might break but or they might change or they might change um but but they are some there's some pretty awesome stuff and as you can see I think I have most of them checked so um so yeah I I use pretty much all of them just to try them out we we really love the feedback we get when we have things in preview um for example for the compare experience that we're going to show here in a minute we got a lot of great feedback when we were iterating on it and that has been immensely useful so folks if you know we love it when you all try the preview features and give us that feedback so please keep that coming absolutely I do want to kind of give a plug here because you know these things don't just happen because you decide that's what you want it's because you decide that's what we want based upon what we say and so built right into Visual Studio this little icon in the far right hand corner send feedback where you can report a problem or suggest a feature one of the things that I have found is um you know there are times and we're all guilty of this where we kind of grumble and complain you know pick rocks at something because we're irritated about something but until you take that step of actually doing something about it you're just whining you know and so being able to say okay I have a problem let's go ahead and report that because that gives Microsoft the ability you know Dahlia specifically the ability to go in there and look and say oh I can fix that problem or maybe it's a person like a a per computer problem or something like that but report a problem is great but also suggest a feature so if you want something suggest that feature two of the features that uh our team worked on is based on highly voted suggested feature because we that communicates to us that a lot of people are gonna be helped from implementing that feature um so we we love it when we see so much Community engagement and kind of a direction of what the community really wants I think I saw somewhere I'm not sure if it was the um under what's new or if it was it wasn't here um maybe it's in the release notes for 17-7 but they had a list of you know this had so many people upvoting this and this had so many people upvoting it and that's why it's in this update um so yeah they can't do everything you know you're you're not superhuman but you know as much as possible yeah you try um but as much as possible the feedback drives the product so yeah great stuff so while we're navigating this Library there's gonna be things that come up that we just don't know because this is the first time we're in the in this library and that's a pretty common thing to have happen right either you're working a new a new system or a new application or you just get hired at a company and you're trying to figure stuff out so one of the things I discovered in here is if we go to email um email address validator I found this um this email address validator it uses mime kit which I might not be familiar with and it seems pretty simple if we look at this we can probably read okay it's take looking for the at symbol which if you've known anything about email address validation that's pretty much all you can do to validate email addresses say does it have an at symbol otherwise you know sure but um we have some stuff in here that you know might not be something we're familiar with such as email address dot triparts but if you Mouse over this a really cool newer feature is we have right down here GitHub examples and documentation so I just moused over this and it's like hey you want to see what people are doing to make this work and here we go so there's examples of other people doing this in their code and how they implemented this mailbox uh or mailbox address dot triparts that's pretty pretty impressive you're also notice that at the top um you can see all the different overloads so you got the overloads here um and you can try different ones while we're here nice all right so um so while we're in here let's also talk about kind of figuring out stuff that maybe you don't understand and you need more information on like this try parse here we can hit F12 and go to it and this is in mind kit which is not part of this project It's actually an external library but but you know what is it so let's actually go to the very top here and we're in the namespace mind kit and I'm gonna go you know what alt slash I use the keyboard shortcut and we'll say We'll ask copilot which that's looking at the entire class now what does this do yeah that pink on the left kind of gives you a hint of what context it's looking at when you're asking a question so I like to pay attention to that to figure out hey do I want to go maybe further into a method or outside the method um so it's really helpful to you know pay attention to that pink on the left yeah that's definitely helpful for seeing what exactly it's kind of processing and thinking about um so this is a mailbox address which inherits from an internet address it explains more about about how this thing works which is really impressive just to understand what's going on but some really cool stuff down here there's some additional suggestions so it's like okay here's the information you're probably looking for but maybe what's the next step in this process now you can ask anything you want you know um is this a popular library or you know some of that you could ask at that but it's saying hey what other classes inherit from internet address how is this class relate to mine and so many other things and just you know if we select how it's related to mine it's going to talk more about how this relates to mine so really good stuff here to kind of go even deeper and even help coach you on what you might want to know more of next I find that it does really well when it's summarizing a long list of information whether that's code or whatever and then generating something out of it so I often use it to say like what is this thing like concisely or like generate docs because if you think about it it's basically reading everything in the class or everything in the code and summarizing it in a few sentences which is what Doc is and it does really well in that case as well one that the fun thing I saw recently that did was I asked it to explain like explaining like I'm a five-year-old what does this thing do and explain it in Lego terms which is just awesome that it was actually really good explanation and yet broke it down into Super simplistic you know talk like I'm five because sometimes I need that so some really creative stuff you can do with GitHub besides just documentation and break unit tests and all the other stuff they can do for you sorry cool stuff all right so while we're here I kind of want to show off something that came out recently that I have enabled um which I have a question for you we're going to look at talk about the um the different curly brace colorization so you have the yellow one here then the pink one here um can be a little bit more difficult if you are colorblind but we'll get to that in just a minute but this came out in 17.6 I believe now um is this something that gets turned on by default we have to turn this on that's a great question right now it's not enabled by default so you have to enable it but if we're planning on hopefully turning this on by default but let's show folks how to turn it on and off just in case they don't want to see it so if you see that let's go back to the control Q shortcut because I love accessing features from that and if you look for brace colorization my little brace pair colorization perfect there we go yes and if you scroll down it's right there enable brace pair colorization right there cool now that does raise the question though what happens if I'm colorblind I can't see red green or another pair of colors am I just out of luck or no you can actually customize the colors and uh accessibility is a big reason we added the customization feature um so if you go to the font so if you go to search and look at the fonts menu yes fonts and colors I love it search by the way I love it too and then if you scroll down a little bit you'll see brace matching level one two and three because we repeat after three colors so if if you want to teach that go ahead I actually ended up uh getting a lot of comments on our choice of colors uh a lot of people have a lot of opinions about what colors they want to see so you have opinions feel free to adjust this all you want and it'll apply the setting and that's the color that you're gonna see with your brace colorization awesome I like options um so brace causations I really appreciate it I I'm usually deep into something I can't figure out where I'm at and that's um that's really helpful but the other thing that I've got turned on um again we'll talk about if it turn on my default but sticky scroll is another thing that I'm showing off right here um right now I can see even though I'm I'm kind of in this this if statement here I can see that I'm inside of an if statement instead of a set inside of public string address inside of the class inside the namespace so you can kind of see where I'm at in this really long I mean we're this right here let's just go to the end um we're talking 14 1500 lines of of code and yet I can tell in the middle of it kind of where I'm at in this whole structure of things um so that's sticky scroll where it kind of sticks to the top I I want to point uh point out a couple of things here so we hear a lot of people say this is a really important real estate and I don't want sticky scroll to take up so much space so you can actually customize it uh when you enable it to say I just want three lines so if we go back to our feature search or tools options and we go to Sticky and if you go up a bit I'm on sticky scroll and the maximum I'm zoomed into my text here this is one of those things I have been talking to people about and they're working on um but notice it cuts off but right here that's five lines what I've got and I can prefer outer Scopes or interscopes I love that one as well because we recently added it if you don't want the outer scope like the namespace and all the stuff that you already know about at the top and you want the inner scope you can switch that I have it actually on the inner Scopes uh settings and as you are coding like maybe you're in a while loop you can see that you're in a while loop and that is really helpful for me I think I saw that in here somewhere I was I was deep enough it's I probably lost it but but yeah so that would drop off if I have five it's gonna drop off on the sixth one the sixth one would go on and the namespace would go off that's exactly inner and outer is the sixth one doesn't show up in that list we always get namespace through number five so or three or two whatever you want to choose for your your level of indentation but um yeah that that's a okay so let's be honest here um as developers we're supposed to write short methods and say a short classes that are really easy to maintain update and we don't we have four thousand line class files that have you know the everything all in one junk drawer of of stuff and this is really helpful so so yeah this is you know me personally I like this feature um even though I try to violate the put everything in one class um that's really helpful so while we're here um let's talk about you know one of the things I kind of ignore a lot but there's these like different colors on the side what do they mean that's a great question so this is something I recently dug into because we were trying to answer some questions those colors you see on the scroll bar actually means something so on the very far uh left side for example you'll see anything to do with Version Control so if you make a change in this file right now in a file that actually is in Version Control that was in the mind kit yeah um let's go ahead and let's just put a class here um public class or yeah public class Tim because you know gotta make my mark and you can already see it on the right here do you see how there's like a green uh over here yes and it's empty now if you say we'll switch to uh green all the way and it tells you this is a tracked file I've just added something new and now it's deep green if you remove something if you remove maybe the class that's up above it you'll see it show up in red um or blue blue also means changed or modified and then if you save it it'll go deep and that's like Version Control but it not only is the left side means something but also the middle and the right side so on the right side you'll see any errors so if you introduce an error right now you'll see a small little red box that will show up so let's let's undo that and then let's just start putting in some errors down here I'll create a Constructor [Music] um a hard time writing errors intentionally right you know like um how about this try to do a find and replace and do something awful like put in null oh so Ctrl H is the find and replace shortcut by the way and if you do like find yeah email and like put in now let's just break it there's illusion current project current project so you'll notice now you have a red on the right side here but you don't have the change yes and you'll also notice that when you did the find it'll annotate that in the middle of the scroll bar so if you try to find for example um add you'll notice that there's a DOT exactly so any fine matches will show up there um any bookmarks or break points if you add a breakpoint they'll show up there and you can also customize these Colors by the way so if you go to that same menu let's start let's not show it right now but if you go through the same menu of fonts and colors you can customize all the colors so just think about the tip that if you if you always ignore it that's okay but if you're all any if you're curious at all you'll notice that scroll bar will also give you a hint on what you just did excellent now there's other ways of setting up your scroll bar I believe there's a thing called map mode I'm going to talk about that and what we can do with map mode yes so if we go to our favorite control queue now and you switch to search for map mode use scroll map mode yeah and I'll come up with this menu so if you switch the behavior to use the yes mode for vertical scroll bar and click ok and I see a lot of people have using this for very long classes where you'll notice a scroll bar switch so now you see an outline of your class and if you hover over you can see a preview of what you're on if we go back to maybe a longer class so let's go into our triparts again even though we don't control it there's there's a lot of stuff in here and it's really useful when you're navigating and maybe you're writing code at the top of a class and you see something going wrong at the bottom of the class you can use the combination of the annotations to get a hint of okay what's going on over there I still want to write where I'm writing but I want to just get a preview of down below the class at the bottom what's going on there so that's useful for that if you like that kind of Mac mode excellent that can be really helpful so let's talk now we've kind of gone over you know browsing through your stuff and but now we're maybe at a point here I'm already starting to make some changes but I'm kind of a point where I want to add some stuff and you know one of the new features I really like and let's let's close out all the stuff that I've broken um we'll leave that for a senior developer to take care of um but let's just say that I wanted to add something new in this email folder or somewhere else um I really like the new shortcut we have Ctrl shift a I believe yes um to bring up the file new items um I actually did a whole video just on this because of all the different stuff you can do in here but um other thing really helpful for you know if we did something like I don't know um email clients like dot CS but I also want to have the interface for it I want to create it now um you know I can put a comma and say I email client dot CS and then it will add this right to the path it's at so there's our email client and I email client um the really cool thing is this is an internal class email client it says okay you want a DOT CS file right but this one is an internal interface because you started with the convention of capital I so that's that's super awesome to really get quickly into creating new new stuff so that that's a um a nice new feature we've we've added or they've had you've added I'm sure it's not me I keep saying they and we and you know I'm taking full credit for everything that's right in Visual Studio everything is wrong go to report a problem no problem that's that's how I roll you know so love it but yeah um great new feature so and and I love that you opened up the two files and kind of like struggled to see the differences I think that is a great segue to the new compare option so if you want to compare the two files you would select the two yeah right click this is uh one of the highest voted suggestion feature suggestion tickets that we got and it was hey could you just add a way for us to compare two files in solution Explorer and we're like yes that's totally reasonable we should do that yeah so now you can just see it side by side and all you needed to do is hold Ctrl select the two files you want to compare and click on compare selected excellent a file comparison is something that you kind of take for granted but at the same time it's always been like bring a third party tool in or you know and yet we have it for like git we have to have file comparison all the time it's already kind of there but not and so this is a really nice addition but you can't just it's not just you can compare two files you can also right click on one of your files and say compare selected whoops I've got both selected still let's try this again so if I compare this I can right click and say compare with and then find something else on disk now that's totally different but I can compare from a file on disk and find something maybe a different project that's it's close you know one of the things I do a lot is I'll have data access it's pretty close from one project to the next and I can compare from one project to a totally different solution somewhere else on disk and say hey what did I change here they want to bring those changes back to the original so yeah really cool feature love it all right so so yeah that's that's a bunch of features we've covered I think nine features so far plus a couple of bonuses along the way um but one of the ones that kind of gets lost in the kind of shuffle a lot and it's been there for years I think is code cleanup um so let's talk more about code cleanup and you know what is that and how does it work I love that because it's we we keep wanting folks to not have to format files manually um we know it's tedious we notice a lot of work so we keep making improvements to how do you automatically format or how do you automatically clean up your files so there's this small little room that keeps getting overlooked and I I think we need to like have you know a giant little box or kind of have it pop up that allows you to clean up your code so if you hover over there down below so icon right down down here yes you can actually configure code cleanup and you can run code cleanup so the way you can do that is not only can you do it from this broom but you can use the control K control e shortcut so if you click on configure cleanup and you're curious about some of the rules that we apply every time you clean up we'll format the document we'll remove unnecessary Imports all these stuff that you can not have to manually do and you'll get that if you do Ctrl K Ctrl e or click on that broom okay um let's let's just do that first so let's click on the broom and run this I've I've intentionally indented this wrong we have using statements up here or using directives I'm sorry that are you know incorrect or not needed so let's just click on the Broom problem solved I I love that so much and in my own Visual Studio I have it actually run on Save let's do that um so I have found that just coming here and searching super helpful there we go so we can select profile one or profile two and then say check the box run code cleanup profile on save so if we were to back this stuff out of here and then let's just create another property here sure that was that was GitHub cop they just suggested the last name I believe there's a little bit of a a really cool thing but it's also a little bit of a um you're not sure who would give the credit to so just create a visual studio I guess but it's either intellicode or it's GitHub copot and it kind of dovetail on each other and and both do some work there but we now have a change we're going to save this file I'll hit Ctrl s to save this file and cleanup is done so yes so really awesome picture highly recommend turning it on um if if you have your own settings for your repo you can go to your editor config file adjust the settings there um you don't have to stick with the defaults feel free to customize it all you want I've seen different repos use different editor config where the team agrees on which you know indentation and all those stuff they check it in to get and then after they do the code cleanup on save it automatically formats it for you so if you ever find yourself in the future doing any formatting manually think about using Code cleanup and as I brought this up because there's a lot of available fixes in here that you can look through and just add yes you can add this up remove unnecessary casts well that'd be great probably maybe you know so it's up to you if you want to do that or not um the the included fixes by default are kind of the safe ones you know remove unnecessary casts might actually change your code which is pretty fine I mean or it could be kind of scary for you so that's why um these are different options and you can just decide I'll put that in profile two I'll run profile one on Save but I can run profile two and see what changes Again by watching what changes in this right hand side scroll bar with a different color and say okay these are the changes that happened and kind of scroll to them so so really good stuff there and that's again been in visual studio for ever seemingly um it's been a long time um but it's one of those things that gets overlooked because it's just a little icon at the bottom that gets ignored and we keep updating those rules and you know that you see on those different profiles and the different language teams add items in there all the time so definitely check that out excellent so that's been 10 plus things in Visual Studio kind of make you a um a faster developer which is you know there's a lot of stuff baked in here I keep telling people that when you start using visual studio you're using just a little percentage of the overall power of it definitely learn more and more about your editor learn more and more about what it can do because our goal is not to spend time tinkering our goal is to to write good code and focus as much time as possible on doing that and using these tools can really help you speed up your process and make sure that you know you get the job done faster so so yeah thanks for all the all the new updates 17.7 is out now I appreciate the you know the listing the community and and making some of those great changes in it uh we we love hearing from the community and I am so so appreciative that you came on with us and showed these features from your perspective because we love hearing it from our users perspective too like what do you love like what are the things that are making your job more difficult how can we make that better our goal is to really help developers be more and more productive so that they focus on more of the coding and less of the tedious work um so keep that feedback coming we love having it and thank you so much Tim for coming and joining me excellent thanks for having me

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Building Bots Part 1

it's about time we did a toolbox episode on BOTS hi welcome to visual studio toolbox I'm your host Robert green and jo...