Monday 21 October 2024

A Whirlwind Demo of C++20 in Visual Studio with Sy Brand

Hey there! Today I'm going to  give a short demo of the four main C++20 features in Visual Studio. Those are  coroutines, modules, ranges, and, concepts.   So what I've got right now is an implementation of  a generator type. If you're familiar with a Python   generator it's much the same thing. This is based on C++20 coroutines. It's also compatible with ranges and it's using  modules; it's exporting a module called generator.   And then the single type which exports is  called tl::generator. Now what I want to demo   today is I'm going to implement iota, where iota  is a function template which is going to give   you back something which counts up in increments  of one, so if you start with zero then it's going   to give you zero, one, two, three, four, five, six so,  on so forth. Could start at 20 and give you 20, 21,   you get the picture. And I'm going to  implement this using my generator type.  Now I want iota to be exported as a module,  so I'm going to go and create a new item.   One of the options down here now is C++ module interface unit, which has an .ixx   extension. It's going to go ahead and create an  iota.ixx. This will create a new file which is   exporting a module called iota. Now I want a  single function template which I'm going to   export which is going to be called tl::iota.  So I'm going to have namespace tl. export,   because I want to export to this from  the module. It's going to be a template. I want to take anything which is an integral type,   which i can use std::integral for in concepts.  It's going to be going to return a generator   for T. This is where all of the magic for coroutines happens, it's all in the return type.   It's gonna be called iota, and I'm going to take a T or  you can just pass nothing and it will default to   zero. Okay so I've got a few errors here  because I haven't included ranges and I haven't   imported my generator type. You can see if I  hover over here it gives me an error.   So you might think that I want to #include here.   This is actually subtly wrong. Anything underneath  this export module will have module linkage and   we don't want everything in this header file  to have module linkage, we'll get some weird   compiler errors. The way to get around that  is to put it in the global module fragment, which   you do with a single module semicolon, like that.  We're also going to need to include coroutine and we want to import generator. And if we save this.. There we go! IntelliSense just  found std::integral in the ranges header.   And we should hopefully get tl::generator soon  as well. Now if I control click on this import   statement, this is going to go and look for the generator module, and it's taking a   little while because it's having to scan for all  the dependencies and all of the the modules in   the project, the next time that you do this it  will be a lot faster. And if I ran a build first...   But there we go, we got our generator module.  That's handy. For example if I do this again then it goes pretty much instantly because it's  already worked out dependencies and you can   see the intellisense has now found tl::generator.  We're all good. Okay so our implementation of iota.   We're gonna loop infinitely. You could give this  a bound or end, I'm just gonna count up infinitely.   And we're gonna co_yield back n and then increment  it. So all this looks like an infinite loop.   And it is, but this function's not going to hang  when you call it. Whenever it gets to co_yield it's   going to suspend, return back to the caller, and  then this function can then resume later when it's   asked for. So this will stop in the co_yield and  then loop round and then loop around whenever you   ask for a new value. That's what  the tl::generator is going to be doing.   Okay, so we've got modules, we've got our  generator, which is built on coroutines.   We can go and test this out. Okay, so in  our generator test I'm gonna import iota.   We're gonna need ranges, we're gonna need  coroutine again. Note that we do not get   the imports, the hash includes from  here, this is all like firewalled, which is one of the   actually good things about modules. And I'm also  going to do some output so I'll include iostream. Okay, I'll just have a single main function and  we can test our iota like this. for i in tl::iota,   start off at 10. Oops, std::cout i. And a space. Okay, so this will never  stop, right, because tl::iota is gonna   loop around and we'll just get 10 up  to you know when this loops around and   we don't want that. So let's pipe this, like I,  said this is ranges compatible so we can say   std::views::take 10 to take the first 10  items from this range. So now if I go ahead   and compile this. So what this is going to do is  call tl::iota, which will get us back a generator.   It's going to pipe it into views::take and  now whenever we go around in this loop,  something's going to be dereferenced internally  which is going to cause the coroutine   which we defined here to drive forward and give  us a new value, and then take is going to make   sure that we finish once we've got 10. So this is  kind of a nice way to compose things, this is the   the value proposition of ranges, you know, this is  a kind of a silly example, but you can see how you   could compose these things as much as you want, and  also the implementation for iota is way smaller   than anything you would write by hand for ranges  which, would be, you know, a couple hundred lines of   code or something, it's about 15 with all of the  the includes. Okay, so that succeeded, we can go   ahead and run this and hopefully we should see  10 through 19 being printed out to the console. 10 through 19. There we go 10  through 19. Okay now say that we want,   like right now this takes any integral type. Maybe we have something which you know acts like   an integral type um but isn't.  Maybe it wraps some integer.   int_like. It could have other things basically  anything which you can increment and subtract   to take the difference between. So say we have int_like  which has some internal integer, and it has an   operator++ which you can use to increment  it and then we also need operator++,   a post increment operator which you know makes a  copy first and then increments and then returns   temp, and then we want to be able  to take the difference between two.   friend auto operator   minus takes a couple of int_likes and returns the difference. Oops. Just return a.i minus b.i. Okay, so if we compile this right now then  we're expecting to get an error because   iota says it requires something which is an integral  type, like you know, int, or short, or long and we've   given it something which is not an integral  type, so we're expecting a compiler error here.  And this is concepts. You know, we're  constraining this function template-   Oh, we're getting a different error. I must have  class type... Oh, I need to give it int_like here.   Yeah, so we're expecting an error here because  int_like acts like we want, all we really need   is to be able to increment this thing, but it's  not an integral type, so the compiler is going to   give us an error. One other thing to note here  if I look at my output is this is scanning for   module dependencies. This means that the build  system is doing all of the dependency handling   for us, for these modules. We're not going to  have to tell it in which order to build these   modules and things like that, it's going to work it out automatically, which is very nice, and you   can see here in our errors we did get no matching  overload found, because the associated constraints   were not satisfied. So that's what we expect,  that's what concepts gives you: the ability to   constrain functions and for the compiler to  tell you that something went wrong. You didn't   have the right constraints satisfied. We can  fix this by changing this to weakly_incrementable, which basically says you can pre-increment  it, you can post increment it, you can find   out the difference between two values. Slightly  weaker than incrementable, the difference between   the two is weakly_incrementable supports single  pass operations, whereas incrementable allows   you to do multi-pass. So this is going to go ahead  and compile again, and hopefully this will succeed.  And we will print out, because we're starting at  zero then we'll get zero through nine. So again   this is scanning for dependencies. Oh we forgot to return a value here return *this. There. It's one thing I always forget when  doing things like that, returning   this. This is going to go ahead and rebuild,  and one other thing like I mentioned you can   control click on generator here and it will  go to your module, the go to definition will   also work, so if I go ahead and control click on generator then this is going to take me straight to the the implementation  for our generator type. As soon as IntelliSense works  out we're going. There we go. Okay, that succeeded. We can now run this and we should see zero through nine.  There we go, okay, that all worked!   So that was my whirlwind demo of the main  C++20 features inside Visual Studio.   Please do give it a try, let us know if you  find any issues, we'd love to hear your feedback.   We'll be continuing to work on the IDE experience  to make it the best we can, and also please do   check out pure virtual C++ on the 3rd of  May, where we'll be talking a lot more depth about   Modules in particular and also our general C++20 progress, so thanks very much, i'll see you there!

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