Monday 21 October 2024

A Tour of the IFC SDK Tools for a C++ Module Format

hello my name is Cameron de camera and welcome to a tour of the IFC SDK today I'm going to tell you a little bit about the motivation behind the IFC SDK what it currently offers at this point in time and what it can offer in the future let's Dive Right In okay so let's dive into the motivation here but before we do that let's talk a little bit about a brief history of the IFC container format itself the idea of the IFC was first publicly introduced back and Gabby's talk in CPP Con 2015 in this talk Gabby introduced what the icen container is as a format as a on disk format for C++ modules then in CPP con 2019 Gabby elaborated further on what this IFC is in his talk in memory persistent representations of C++ in that talk he introduced the world to the IFC spec repo which contains the specification for the IFC container format and finally in 2023 just last year the visual C++ team blogged about the IFC SDK which complements the IFC spec repo in providing the C++ projection over the IFC specification defined in the IFC spec repo and it's here which is where the focus of this particular talk is going to be all right so let's get back to the core motivation of why we're doing this ifcd thing and there's kind of three leading ideas one is that we observe this Gap in C++ semantics based tooling and what we kind of mean by that is there's there's a lot of tooling that focuses on the data that the parser emits and there's a lot of tooling that focuses on the final binary that is abided once you pass it through the Linker however there's actually a very small subset of tools that focus on the semantics elaboration in between and this is kind kind of where the data of the IFC sits and where um IPR which the IFC is built on also wants to operate so we saw the IFC SDK as an opportunity to help bridge that Gap the other thing we wanted to do was create transparency about the msvc internals so what you see in the IFC SDK is actually code that's running in the msvc compiler to drive all of the modules Machinery behind the scenes and finally we wanted to reduce friction for other compilers to take a dependency on the IFC if we provide this uh SDK for them there's a pretty good chance that we can sort of reduce the amount of work that it takes to adopt it and actually use it in their compiler since all of this stuff is already being used in production today with msvc so so let's finally get into what we're going to cover today which is the IFC SDK itself and it's kind kind of broken up into these five pillars today so the first one is providing a C++ projection of the IFC specification so the data structures that the IFC specification defines uh the the second one is testing currently msvc only a basic terminal printing of an IFC the IFC driver tool and finally the IFC visualizer so let's go into the most obvious one which is providing the C plus plus projection of the IFC specification and to do that let's go ahead and check out the repo build it and then kind of explore what the code has to offer okay so I have a fresh clone of the IFC SDK repo we can kind of check where we're at using get log online right so this is this is a commit that was made Fairly recently so we know that um we're on a recent version of the IFC SDK and we also know from status status that we are also clean okay so let's get building this thing so the first thing that the um build step tells us to do and you can find the build instructions at the root of the IFC SDK repo um called building. MD it tells us to um kind of figure out what our package manager situation is um and one pack it's it's kind of specified as a bring your own package manager situation and the package manager that I like to use is VC package so VC package and because I'm using the um the the built-in version of VC package that comes with visual studio and this is a visual studio command prompt here um I actually have to add my own Baseline and all of this stuff is covered in the building instructions so X Baseline and then we want to add initial Baseline and that's just going to make it so that VC package populates an automatic Baseline for us so now that that's in place we can get to the build step so we just want to cake build or c-b build and then we want to add a preset and this is going to be um test msvc okay that seemed to work so now we can build it so we can use C- build and the config we want to run is release and that's just going to build the thing for us now that we have a build of this thing we can actually go in here and run the test so one thing we could do is we can go to the the build directory itself um and again covered in the instructions is how to run this so we want to run c test- c release and then we want to test test and that passed and if you want to run the test yourself you can do something like IFC test and then release and this is the actual test that's running underneath so you can see that we passed all of the assertions which is a really good sign that we have a good we have a good build of this thing one last little gold nugget that the cmake process provides for us is an actual solution that we could take a look at a visual studio solution so we're still here in the build directory um we can take a look at what we have here and one of these files in here is the IFC SDK solution file so what we can do is we just do start SC SDK solution and that should pull up the IDE for us so now that we have the IDE up and going now um we can kind of go over here to our solution Explorer and take a look at all of the projects that are populated for us and this IFC basic thing is actually the test that we executed earlier so if we take a look at what this thing is doing right um what this file is doing is it reads in an IFC that's produced by by the currently um currently available msbc compiler and it's going to perform some various checks against that IFC versus what's defined in the IFC specification so if you go down here to some of the uh some of the checks you can see that it's validating that hey you know this IFC is actually adhering to the IFC specification that's produced from the compiler itself but the other great thing is that now that we have a full IDE we can actually search for files here so if we go to abstract s graph here this is actually the core file that defines the vast majority of all the data structures for the IFC and um all of these are really kind of just helpers uh to to help populate this particular file and uh this is a really good complement to the IFC itself the IFC specification itself and let's go ahead and pull that up side by side just so we can get an idea of like what we're looking for in this file okay so I have here a copy of the IFC specification and in this specification it's shown that um we're using version 0.43 which is currently with the IFC SDK supports and this this actual specification can be found at the uh IFC spec repo under the Microsoft GitHub Corporation so if we scroll down here um we can check out the table of contents and this has everything that the IFC can produce um but let's go to a very simple example like declarations for example and we can see that here's the table of declarations and here's how everything is sort of laid out in memory um and here are the available declarations that we have to choose for from and in the IFC specification in the IFC SDK itself uh this thing is called deal sort so here is the actual enumeration which represents all of those values that you see in the IFC itself so whenever we whenever we're talking about like let's say enumerator we would expect that to have the value one inside of this sort list so we can see yes its value is one and let's go to something a little bit more complicated like function so function is 0 f which is 15 and we would expect function in here to be 15 which it is and the same is true for anything else here along with the description of what it actually does so this is kind of how uh one might map the IFC SDK to the IFC spec repo and and sort of like validate that way at a high level okay so let's refocus our attention back on the IFC SDK overview so we actually also kind of covered the testing in msvc which which I showed in the build step so let's go back to our overview and refocus our attention on the terminal printing from an IFC so to get started on this let's actually build a small module so we can sort of observe what the printing is going to what we expect the printing to print for us um so I have here a small uh module interface in visual studio all I did was I set the um I set the language standard to C++ latest and what we also want to do is we need to know where the build artifacts are going to go so to do that we want to set the build and run uh verbosity to something like detailed so we can figure out what Rams build is actually going to put everything let's go ahead and get this building so the build succeed now in the output window what we're going to look for here is we're going to look for IFC output and that is the Comm compiler switch that tells us where the IFC is going to go and you can see here that Ms build put it in this directory here for us so let's go ahead and copy that and once we have that copied we can go back to our Command Prompt and here we are back in the IFC uh SDK and we're in our build directory so we're going to go release and IFC printer and then we're going to provide it that directory that Ms build output for us and here you go you can sort of see all of the pieces that Ms that are contained within that IFC and you can see where our struct is here it is it's actually named life like we expected and you can see some of the other various informations that's printed out here and that's that's really just kind of the high level of how you use the IFC printer it's it's a little bit hard to grock um if you're not familiar with the structure of it but we have the visualizer to kind of bridge that gap for us so that might be the next thing we take a look at right so let's actually go ahead and tab over here to the IFC visualizer itself so one thing we can do is we can go back to that directory where Ms build dropped our artifacts into specifically that IFC and we can take that IFC and drop it onto this canvas here and here it is it's serialized in through JavaScript using the IFC specification as the backing to kind of interpret all of the data um so it literally read that IFC on this web page and we can kind of like navigate around here and see here's that question name space that we had from before here's life right here's like the answer um all the stuff that you would expect to see in the IFC in that in that module interface is all present inside of here um and we can do fun things like perform queries against this like what if we wanted to find like question for example like so it narrows it down to just that um we can also narrow it down by type so if we wanted to find only functions for example like there's our one function and there's lots of helpful options like color customization or being able to transpose the graph in case you want to view it um you know kind of in a different way that might be more familiar to you so there's a lot of options here and it gives you a lot of power in Just visually exploring what's available in the IFC itself um and again this is just a web page so it works across all operating systems that support you know your basic JavaScript stuff okay let's go back to our overview so we just finished talking about the the basic terminal printing that the IFC SDK can offer and we also talked about the IFC visualizer which is written in JavaScript and the final tool we're going to take a look at is the IFC driver tool okay so let's go ahead and go back to our man prompt where we were in the IFC SDK and uh to demonstrate the tool we're really just going to be using um that same IFC we generated with visual studio so to invoke the tool we're going to we're going to call IFC itself from the release directory we're going to give it the subcommand version and then provide it with the IFC that we want to get the version of and what that does is that reads and validates the signature of the IFC and tells us what the version is of that specific IFC this is currently the only existing subcommand of this particular tool and eventually it will be extended to include more subc commands as time goes on so this is kind of getting into the future of what the IFC of what we view the IFC SDK going uh the future Direction yeah and I just wanted to say thank you for taking this tour of the IFC SDK with me and we hope that you will go out and uh try out the IFC SDK for yourself and decide if it's the right set of tooling for your compiler and um perhaps it offers the the correct abstractions for your data structures and that we can create an ecosystem together yeah so thank you all bye-bye hello my name is camera to camera and today I'm going to tell you a little bit about h

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hi my name is Glenn Condren I'm a program manager on the team and today we're going to talk about some of the ...