Monday 21 October 2024

Add-in Commands in Office Ribbon (Public preview)

hello my name is pratish Abraham I'm a principal program manager on the Outlook extensibility team in this video I'm going to talk about Outlook add-in commands and show you how easy it is to build them in addition I'll cover new features and capabilities including the new outlook inclin store which is a great way for users to discover and acquire your added first let's do a quick recap on Outlook add-in addin help developer extend Outlook across platforms using standard web Technologies there are two main components to an addin the XML manifest that registers the addin with Outlook and your HTML plus JavaScript code that's running on your web servers addins can communicate with Outlook using a lightweight JavaScript library called office.js one of the key features of Outlook add-ins is that you can write the addin once and it runs everywhere be it desktop outlook on Windows or Mac or the Outlook client that runs on all the major browsers including phone and tablet depending on your scenario your Adin May Target consumer or business users as we support addins in Office 365 on premise exchange and by extending Outlook functionality addins allow users to complete their task quickly and help them be more productive there are three ways developers can extend Outlook today in read compose or contextually notice how the Salesforce addin lets the user lookup CRM information it allows the user to add new leads or opportunities without ever having to leave Outlook Boomerang and compose reminds you when folks have not responded to your email it is a great follow-up scenario add in commands allow developers to create their own buttons directly on the native command surface of office and in Outlook 2016 this is the Outlook ribbon by doing so your addin looks more native and it really stands out to the user add-ins are easily accessible and now your buttons are just a click away we announced add-in commands back in April and we continue to update this model with more capabilities such as the ability to insert a menu as you can see in the Emoji example below it's time to see this in action notice the add-in commands in my Outlook 2016 client I can now launch the Salesforce addin on the ribbon with just one click I can see the CRM information about the people and accounts associated with this email let me switch over to compose no is how Boomerang took advantage of the many functionality I can now choose one of the remind me options and Boomerang updates the infoboard letting me know that this message will return in a week's time it's time to build an addin command now this demonstration uses Yen Yen is a scaffolding tool for modern web apps in this example I will use the Yan office generator that builds all the scaffolding I need to build an Outlook addin command in addition it hosts the add-in right off your Dev box so you can try it out out an Outlook immediately I have a slide in the end with all the links to get started including these yman steps and the GitHub add-in sample that I will use shortly in this demo in the interest of time I ran some of these commands already but I will walk through them the first step lets you install yman the office generator and dependent component called B now this will spew out a bunch of text which I don't show here the Second Step I created a folder called demo add- in commands I then ran the yman office generator I followed all the default uh commands which then generated all the code I needed for the Outlook addin I then went to GitHub and I downloaded the sample called command- demo once I did that I copied all the files and folders from the GitHub sample into my scaffolding folder once I did that I ran gulp server static gulp basically starts the web server this step basically run starts the web server on Local Host 8443 running gulp will generate a self signed certificate you can view the certificate from your browser by navigating to this URL please install and Trust the certificate as all addin must be hosted off an SSL endpoint let's go to the management interface you can go to the management interface and NOA by clicking on the gear icon and clicking on manage addin you can see in manage addins I can install add-ins a couple of ways one is to install from the store the option I'm going to pick is install from file I will browse to the scaffolding folder find my manifest and install it this will upload my manifest to my mabox Outlook will check to see if syntactically everything looks right and if so the addin is installed in my mailbox let's go into Outlook now Outlook gets a notification whenever a user or an admin has installed an addin in my mailbox when it gets that notification Outlook will uh refresh the ribbon as you can see and these commands automatically showed up on my ribbon if I go into my compost uh surface you can see that this sample creates a menu I can choose one of the items in the menu which creates some text and inserts it into the body of the email it also updates the info bar saying that it did so successfully let me resize the ribbon you can see that I didn't have to do any coding to handle uh the scaling of my commands and my buttons and my icons Outlook did all of that for me so how did this all work I will go through the Manifest as this is the most important piece to understand the Manifest provides a declarative way to define ux and describes how your add-in would show on the Outlook ribbon in other words Outlook passes your manifest XML and automatically creates creates all the native ux for your buttons and your menus see how I defined a control here which is of type button on the composed command surface the button has a set of icons and it has an action associated with it the action type is execute function the function name here is ADD default message to body this function is defined in this function file the second control is of type menu as you can see as you know menu has a set of items associated with it the first item also is of type is has an action whose type is execute function the second item in the menu um is of type show task pane what that means is when you click on item number two in this menu it launches this task pain from this URL Below in this manifest you can see all the resource definitions for the names of your buttons over here as well as the URL to your icons and the URLs to your task Pane and function file let's take a quick look at the code see home.js under the app compos folder using office.js I'm able to navigate to the item body object and call the method set selected data async this inserts text at the selected cursor you can see it takes two parameters the text to insert and a ction parameter which lets me specify if I want to insert it as text or HTML since this function uh is an async routine the call back method lets me know if the operation succeeded and if so it writes to that info bar saying the message was inserted successfully so what else is new I'm happy to announce that add-in commands is coming soon to Outlook 2013 you can see that the Evernote addin Works in Outlook 2013 same with the PayPal app and both of these addins work without any code changes both in Outlook 2016 and in 2013 now that we talked about Outlook adding commands in Outlook 2016 and 2013 let's talk about how you can get these add-ins users can now install apps right from inside the Outlook experience we call this feature the incline store our primary goal was to give the store a native Outlook experience and make it super easy for users to install add-ins let's do a quick demo you can see this inclined experience by clicking on the store button on the Outlook ribbon notice how some of the add-ins are already toggled to the on state that's because these add-ins are already installed on my mailbox to install an addin I can simply toggle the aod addin to the on state notice there is search functionality here I can search for any addin in this experience I can click on it to see more details for example I can see the ratings and the reviews and screenshot when I'm done I can close this inclined experience and you can see Outlook has refreshed and install the evode addin on my ribbon add-in commands is already available in Outlook 2016 in January we will release support for add-in commands in Outlook 2013 and the incline store will also be broadly available in Outlook 2016 our plan does not stop here our goal is to take add in commands to overand we also plan to bring the incline store to the other clients stay tuned for more updates here are some resources for you I encourage you to visit Dev you can find the giup example that I use to build this Outlook add in command you should have everything you need to get started thanks for attending this session and I hope you found it useful happy coding folks

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ASP.NET Core 2.2

hi my name is Glenn Condren I'm a program manager on the team and today we're going to talk about some of the ...