Monday 21 October 2024

Adding Images to Comments with Coderush

today on vs toolbox we're gonna do something we've never done in the history of coding before what's that we're gonna take Robert Greene and we're gonna shrink him down and inject him into the source code just like that take a look hi welcome to visual studio tool box I'm your host Robert Greene and joining me today is Mark Miller hey Mark hi Robert welcome back on the show oh thank you gosh it's been a while it has been but I'm so excited to be here we're excited to have you well thank you I explain to the audience who you are and then we'll dive in okay my name is Mark Miller I work for DevExpress I work on the ID tool teams at DevExpress and I've been developing IDE tools for about thirty thirty years well developer tools specifically an IDE tools for about 23 years all right one of which is code rush code rush is one of those today yeah and I asked you to come on the show and show us some cool stuff cuz it's been quite some time and you claimed that you were gonna show me something that was gonna not only knock my socks off but that is impossible to do well it appears impossible to do it is impossible I should say that I always blow the demo I blow the demo by setting expectations so incredibly high at the beginning that there's no way that we can achieve those but I'm super excited about what we're going to show today guys it is when you look at it when you see it working it is arguably impossible it looks impossible to build yet it's not and this is a feature of code rush inside visual studio inside visual studio and it is available it's available now as you watch this sweet so it's available now can't wait all right so on my machine right here I'm just gonna go out here I've got a couple links here I'm in some HTML right here and I've got a link here says I'm saying I'm so excited to be meeting with Robert Greene today of channel 9 now one of the things that we're we're doing here if you'll notice Robert Green is a little bolder and so is channel 9 we have the ability to kind of mark those comments to kind of enhance them and what I want to show you today is is a lot it's about enhancing the documentation of the code that we write ok right and so I've got that let me go over here I'm going to click on on this link right here so Robert I'm going to come up here I'm going to right click on your image and I'm going to choose copy image and I want to do something kind of really cruelly groundbreaking in history-making today I'm gonna make me handsome I'm gonna make you handsome and not only am I gonna make you handsome but we are good you are going to be the first human being ever to be injected into source code that's what we're going to do so I just copied your image right huh and now inside the comment I'm just going to come down here and I'm just gonna hit the paste key like that and now there you are in the code and I'm gonna right-click you and I'm gonna choose crop image and I'm going to just grab right up here drag it down to about right there let me click up that image again and I might resize it let's hold down the shift key so we keep our original aspect ratio and now I've got you right there in the code and now that I've got you there in in the code I can come up and let's just copy that URL to Twitter let's right-click you let's choose link and let's open a URL let's specify that and click OK and now when I come and click on you like that we jump right up and we go right up to the so you could put a screenshot of a mock-up of the UI or something put it in the docs yeah you put it in the code is what you can do in fact let me show you the code on the comments on that yeah I got it let me show you this is this app that we're running right that we run right now so this is an application that I built for my twitch channel okay okay and this is going to be a bot that's going to have a rocket in it that's going to be remotely controlled by our chat the people in chat room so they'll be able to launch they'll be able to launch the bot like this and then fly it around and collect coins for example or maybe they'll be able to drop meteors that'll go down and blow up while I'm coding live in visual studio in JavaScript or C sharp so it's a little bit crazy right but you were talking about you were talking about screenshots right and if you look at my engine right here my let's go back over but if you look at my engine right here you'll notice that in the upper lot that in the the bottom right right here that engine is not quite lined up right so let's just do exactly what you said let's take a screenshot like that okay let's go over to my rocket this is the class that does the does that particular work let's use the visual studio function to go find that draw function let's get out to the draw function let's put a comment right here and let's paste it in okay and let's come in here and let's crop the image like this whoops not quite where I wanted to crop it right there and right there and now let's come in and let's do something called pixel scale and pixel scale is going to zoom in on this and and keeping the pixels in place as you as you as you zoom in is as opposed to having a smooth kind of scale so you can see the individual pixels of each piece in here so we'll do a pixel scale on there and now we can just put the comment move the engine to the left a bit now here's what's cool about this right this is not a comment that's going to stay in the code for the lifetime of the application this is a comment to myself or to another developer later right but it's increased in its visual capacity to communicate right that's what's kind of super cool about this right now let's say you now check this into source code and somebody also happens to have code rush they would see that and if they didn't have code rush what would they see oh okay good question so what would they say if they didn't have code rush there's an option here to turn this off for example I can just turn this off like this I get essentially what looks like markdown right there in the comment right and so there's a reference to engi file that PNG file is part of the solution what's really cool about this in fact is watch this I can take this code and I can cut it copy it move it somewhere else I can take it with other even the method the whole function take the whole draw function right which is pretty big take that come down take it put it in a new place paste it right come back in here let's rien a belay Topa nning this up on a machine with code rush on it and the comment moves with it okay right I can take and move and copy so comments in fact even if I do undo right now images in source code work with undo and redo stack as well right so here on undoing through all those changes I made right and then I can also redo and go backwards as well sweet right copy on the clipboard undo redo plus let's say I do have a developer on my team right that I don't want to that doesn't have code Russian I want to I don't want to leave them out right I can just come here and say see put a little note to them that's a see image in solution or whatever I'm going to see there and then now if I hover over that I'll see that as well if I have code right and if I don't I can still see it and I can still use it and work with it all right so that is that's one of the things that you can do with comments is you can extend the documentation can I show you another example all right okay so now I'm going to go over jump over to plain 3d jjs it's a JavaScript file and I've got a function here called get line intersection this determines the intersection between a line and a flat plane right where is it and if I look at the code at first glance if I'm a new user or if I haven't worked on this function in a while and I come back in it's not immediately obvious how the code works right understanding this code is going to take some effort to figure it out right in part because it uses established formulas in part also because I've got a return null here I've got a return line here and I've got a return point here right there is this comment right here that says hey based on formulas found over here on Wikipedia so let's let's bring that up and oh this is what's going on here no intersection point or line is in the plane those are the three different possibilities so let's copy the image let's come over here to the source code let's come over here put a comment marker right there we're gonna come in here on parallel that's this one on the left so we're gonna crop the image we're just going to take this drag this over here like that and bring that up there a little bit and there's our parallel right take that copy that to the clipboard come down paste it in there let's paste it down one more time and we'll reason we will readjust each of these so here's this one the line I'm gonna go here and crop the image again bring it to the line that's when the line is contained in the plane entirely and let's come down here we're going to crop this image and let's it's the point it's the one right in the middle right so we have the ability to incredibly quick things so cool put images in code modify them as if they're first-class citizens right without hitting without an impacting compiled time editor performance or any other metric you might you know be concerned about and this works with all project types any version of the framework does what does it rely on other than Visual Studio 2017 in code right our understanding languages so right now we're supporting HTML CSS Visual Basic C sharp okay JavaScript typescript and F sharp okay so we're getting the big ones and other ones like Python and other other languages will likely add support for those because it's once what the engine the magic has the hard work is done right supporting a new language is generally not that hard because all we have to do is understand the comments sure I'll show you it can work cool things you can do absolutely you know to have a threshold for cool do you because if I don't want to I don't want to see the show all right excellent yeah excellent so see these Kannada limiters in the beginning I can get rid of those by just putting a back tick at the beginning of them like that and the comments still there but it just kind of cleans things up a little bit and I can also you know I can move this right just by putting spaces in it I can add things before I texted before or after it like that and and it works it also works with debugging too right so when you're stepping through code everything still works the only feature we haven't cracked yet is printing that's the only piece that we haven't cracked and and if there's a lot of enthusiasm for this as I as I think there might be we're likely to figure that out too okay and salt printing for you let me show you a couple other uses of it actually do you have I want to stop because I don't want to barrel all the way through do you have any questions or anything like that no this point okay any questions I have I will let you know okay let me show you another kind of cool thing that you can do I have this is my animation for the meters when we drop the meteors I'm and as you know if you know me I'm a little crazy I've got 63 frames of animation for this rotating medium that's what I do my explosions got something like 200 frames of animation those are all PNG files that do that exploding at the bottom right so I go a little crazy but one of the things that would be very cool to do in the meteor class that's right there I just opened this up in Visual Studio right I just double clicked on my asset out there I hit control a to select all control C to copy and now I'm gonna go into my meteor class and I'm just gonna up at the top here in this comment I'm just gonna paste and then now what I've done is in my meteor class I've got a picture of the class some visual representation it's a sign post right and what's really cool about this is when I'm flipping through files right I'm going from one file to another right and then all the sudden I land on it I immediately get that visual recognition I am I'm on board I with the file I know the file that much faster instead of having to look at the code and recognize right right because you're using a serial process which takes so much more time to recognize instead I instantly see it right so that's kind of a cool thing you can do you can also you can do things like this where I've got here look at this I've got a setting that's not default that which bots oo auth token and right next to it I've just embedded an image at the end of the line I've hidden the comment right so if we come over here and we look at this there's that little the back tick to hide the to hide the comment there's what it really looks like and what's going on let me right click this so you can see this if I right-click this and choose link when I click it it's going to execute a visual studio command project properties so I'm here in the code looking at one of my project properties right this setting it's out here I can click on this like this and it opens it up for me and now I can see it make changes write code code that connects with acid tools or control commands a visual studio in some way you can invoke those commands codes that are related you can get to those other places let me show you something else let me jump over here into Excel and I've got some shortcut here that I need to implement I haven't implemented them yet right right okay I'm just going to select that choose copy I'm gonna come back over here and that's gonna be my main that I need to do look hey there's more key bindings that I need to add right here that's this comment well let's just put that in while I'm working right so I've got the spreadsheet from Visual Studio write anything that's out there with regards to you know any application that copies and supports a copy is an image we can put it in here and even if it's a temporary thing like this is an example what just while I work right it's information in parallel instead of having to switch over to it now you know the spreadsheet come back I've got it right in the code I can work a little faster and it is an image it's not a live link back to bright red sheet right right right more cool you ready for more cool yes all right so you can see why it's a little bit excited about this right so here I'm in this formula over here called distance a point right here and there's a comment says hey it's based on this formula to calculate the shortest distance well the formula is given to me in latex which is essentially a structured way of representing formulas now you can go online right over here there's a link right here in the editor you can go online and type in your equation well you can use these buttons so I'll just paste in what we had there and you can see there it is there I'm gonna make it a little bit bigger so we can see it maybe even bigger than that very large like that there's the formula that's what was happening in the code right there I'm going to right click it copy it to the clipboard come back over here and I'm going to just kind of replace all of this with the formula just like that cool so I can put that formula right out there right one last thing let me switch over into I'm going to switch over into f-sharp now so I'm in F sharp now I'm not an F sharp guy yet I do not I'm not an expert I'm barely barely holding on okay you're learning it right but I do know math and I know mathematic symbols so when I'm in here looking at this code right here this code says it's based on the have her sign formula and if I were to just look at this I'd be like a little bit lost I'll go look it up but if I look at this I see oh I think I see what's happening here now I understand the f-sharp I am getting myself up to speed faster because somebody left a comment here that included the formula and also if I hover over there's a link and if I click on the link it takes me out to the Wikipedia page on it and I can just if I want to augment this I just would take this image for example right click it copy the image come back over here and let's put it right up right up above so we just put a comment here paste it in let's use that symbol to hide those hide the beginning let's Center it on the page okay like that and there we go and that's it very cool so that's it that's like that's like the high speed run through and I'm just like I'm like I would say well I could take go long or you go short you know depending on what we do but I think I have a feeling if I look at the clock it's gonna be like said we're under 20 talk to us a little bit about what it took to make this okay because you were telling me earlier that even that this has been something you've been working on for a very long time yeah I tried this in Visual Studio before there was net and I had only linking and embedding mm-hm where I drop them in but the problem was storage is the problem one of the biggest problems with this always is storage and we might want to take a look at behind the scenes how that magic is happening yeah but but the first what I was doing is I was just encoding the comments into essentially a base64 and putting these giant comments in the code the problem is is that you changed the compile times right you compile times grow as the file size grows right right it's not not a good idea the advantage is it's there and if I give it to you and you edit the file it's it stays in this position mm-hmm right I tried that and and and that's how far I got ultimately I got to a point where I was like you you cannot release it the upside of all of that though is that I could actually at the time in beared actual spreadsheets actual audio files any the object could go in right right now we're just scaling back to be only images now we're saying only images with this with this release and then I tried again when I was in when I was working on code rush for Delphi and and I I kind of got close again but again we ran into the storage problem so I was storing I think externally at the time I had you know a file it there but you run into problems when you're storing externally separate from the file right what happens if somebody like you know is also pasting in images for example that sort of thing how do you resolve all of that so there's never ever any collision right and then how do you have you open up a code file without having to download the external image or if it's stored loped or stored remotely how do you work offline there's all kinds of issues right there there are loads and loads of issues in solving this problem um in fact most of the most of what you've seen most of these examples are really showing you the UI solution to the UI part of the problem mm-hmm right how do we get it so it's it's it's so crazy easy to take it from one place and stick it somewhere else right how do we get it so what it feels like it's really there right I can take this and I can click on it with the mouse right and there it's selected right I can change the size just like I can anywhere else right and there it is there's the resize right there right let me go ahead and I'll restore the original image right there so we can get back to that right so how does it how do we get it to work with cut and copy and undo stack and reduce tack right all of those that's the UI part of the problem right the storage part is trickier but we have a really clever way and this was I was telling you this so we we basically I think about a year ago or half a year ago we were like let's try it again because we had the rich text comments right right up here to notice real time is Boulder right to emphasize it right so we've got that ability right up there we had that going and I was like let's give it another stab and one of my developers sent me essentially a prototype and and then the prototype the file name was curious to me and I'll show it to you right up here so if we look at this file name right up here we look inside this we have to go inside it and there it is there's the file name and I'm like what is this finally miss I didn't go in because we talked about using Goods and and there are even problems with using goods because if you copy an image and then you paste it into several files you're gonna now have multiple copies of that image stored out on disk and we don't want that either we want to have an efficient efficiently stored set of images out on disk in fact if I take if I take this image and right-click and copy it just like that let's go we'll go over here into PowerPoint and I'll just paste it in here I should be able to paste it in there it is right there but it looks like that had transparency so it came in black on there in the background but I think we're probably gonna see the same thing with transparency here but I'll right-click here copy that because that also has transparency Oh looks like that one's okay so maybe it doesn't either it doesn't have transparency or it could be an issue in the face but but the hold on I'm like totally I was so like distracted by that I'm like we're only back image name oh the image name right so if we were to take this like say we're going to take it from here and copy this to the clipboard and then come in and like say okay let's paste it either multiple times in the file or through multiple files in my project right so the first time I paste this in the image name is three two starts with 320 alright next time I paste it in right if we were using goods we would advance it but this is not the second time and it's a bitmap that's on the clipboard I'm not pasting text it's a bitmap right mm-hmm so what's going on here and he says oh I'm using a hash of the image and it was like oh and I started going through all the problems that we were having before with storage and I realized oh hash of the image really is nice because what happens now is when I when I paste that in right the I only get one file that's out there right the other thing that's cool about that is you you go out to that file and you modify it it updates everything and where is that file stored let's look at that so if we come in here and we go into the solution and we right-click and we say open file and file explorer like this we jump up over in here there's a folder inside the solution dot CR okay and inside there is a folder called images and if you take that and you can just upload those contents right there that's what you can do now we're seeing several DS because of what I was doing in the demo prior to this but but they're not all not all of these are used here we go back over to the other one I think you'll see something that looks a little bit cleaner because I cleaned them all out before I started today let's open that up and go to see our images and there are all the images right there and then you can just add these to source control and they go up with with the codes exactly and come down with the count as well yeah and I just it just reminded me of another thing that you can do if you have a code that's not so good like for example right here I've got a lot of hard-coded strings in here right I might be able to I think I have a template in here called scary do I know I don't well I can create one I do have one called nice I think right like that well that's not what I want I might want to have I have another one called P you like that this code stinks right like that and so you can put a message to your fellow developers right to get their attention and get the whole team's attention yeah as you're scrolling through the code right so you can put icons in there and what I just demonstrated there was a code rush template right I'm if I type in a slash nice I created a template that is just going to expand to the image right then it's already part of the project and put it in there very cool I may be the only time this emoji has shown up I'm gonna scroll that off screen so we don't get in trouble this is so awesome alright so to wrap up this is a feature of code rush it available now it is it as it is and people can we'll put a link to it in the show notes people can go check this out as well as figure it out look at all the other things that code Russia does horse I'll put outside just put in some of mine right there you can use it also for branding right I can't you stop right the beginning yeah yeah and it's if you go to DevExpress comm slash Holy Grail huh behind-the-scenes on how all of this is done you know there's nothing really proprietary about it at all we're just saying here's what we are here's what we're doing is what we're building this is the experience very very nice thank you Robert so much cool stuff hope you enjoyed that and we will see you next time on visual studio toolbox [Music]

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ASP.NET Core 2.2

hi my name is Glenn Condren I'm a program manager on the team and today we're going to talk about some of the ...