Monday 21 October 2024

AI After Hours Debugging Unit Tests with GitHub Copilot

Wendy how many developers are you gonna talk to today a million you're watching after hours with the visual studio team and we know from talking to developers that fixing failing unit tests is critical to get the product into production right and that's this feature here okay demo uh yes if you click ask co-pilot on a failed test GitHub co-pilot explains why it thinks a your unit test failed and so we launched that feature we ran some customer studies where we watch developers use the product what did we learn success here is about assisting users in their flow and directing their attention to the code that's really cusing the failure right and I remember from watching developers fixed failing unit tests that they always always debug the test after it fails exactly many people are debuggers first and so we're working to bring co-pilot to every developer those of you who like to launch right into the debugger to make it easier for you so two things that stood out in our customer research around test debuggers is they want to know where to place their break points and they want to help identifying key variables and values during the debug session so with our first iteration co- pilot would explain the failure now it's going to guide you towards a fixed cool so let's this sounds great let's jump into a more detailed demo um and we'll also dig a little deeper into to some of the unique data engineering and data science that went into making this work reliably uh with John afterwards let's go in here and let's choose a test in the context menu for this test we have debug with copilot uh in preview of what's about to happen because sometimes it can be a lot in a very short amount of time we're going to send the stack Trace important symbols and a description of the problem to co-pilot co-pilot's going to send us a debugging plan complete with values that we should inspect in the code at certain break points now once this returns from co-pilot we actually set those break points in the code you'll see uh that we'll actually go ahead and start test debugging automatically we open the documents where the break points have been set and execution will stop on our first break point and at that point we'll see a new feature that we're playing with and that is the displaying of values in the text editor uh in addition we've sent those values back to co-pilot and said tell us if we should keep going or if you found the problem and it says please continue going so we'll click continue the next step through uh similar scenario values are displayed values are sent back and at this point we actually are being told okay here's the issue you you don't really have it coded to increment the thing in the basket so let's go ahead and preview this let's apply it so let's stop this debugging let's go back to the test and let's run it and see if it turns green so that's sort of an optimal experience there's obviously plenty of interactions you can do with the chat at this point awesome so we're here with John and John works on the testing space my introducing yourself yeah absolutely I um yeah I've been working on test infrastructure and visual studio for I don't know five or six years now um currently working on some more of the experimental features with co-pilot gotcha and how did we choose to start with building test resolution uh rather than test Generation Well fixing tests or diagnosing tests is a very interesting area to work in it's especially helpful for folks who um don't necessarily have a wide uh experience with the particular code base that they're looking at fixing or changing the other thing that it really lends itself well to is the fact that it's a very specific context you have a very specific stack Trace to a very specific set of code subset of your repo so it lends itself really well to a co-pilot Diagnostic and So speaking about a stack trace and a test failure um how does this feature work better than just pasting the error message into Google um or onto stack Overflow well some of the really cool things that we're experimenting with and doing in this particular space is is we are digesting the stack frame and walking the uh symbol um tree to actually find important changes to variables and including that information in our discussion with copilot so a lot of this happens behind the scenes it would be just a lot of data to flush into your chat but it happens behind the scenes and we actually uh try to steer copil to a very specific set of code to consider um and it's the you know the more specifics we can give copile the more direction we can give a large language model to to focus on a specific area the more exacting the answers will be rather than all the possibilities that could potentially affect it so I'm hearing a couple things uh using the as copilot feature when your test fails it's not just understanding the multiple causes of why the test may have failed but also helping you prioritize which ones mightly does that sound right yeah I mean what we actually will do is we'll recommend a debugging strategy which will tell you what values to inspect at particular break points uh and not only that we actually go ahead and set the break points and start the debugging session for you and at the time you know this particular feature we're working on when you hit a breako we're actually going ahead and telling co-pilot that um this is the value of this particular expression or of a of a variable or some evaluation that you need to make at this point and asking copile at that point that if these values will actually cause the error we're debugging then recommend a code fix so we're we're trying to step through the whole process typically with just the general guidelines that we'd want to follow as a developer um to solve these problems so it sounds like there's actually a lot going on in the back background um it sounds like you're not only injecting symbol information but changes to the symbols and also variable values and object values as you go through debugging yeah we set up the initial prompt with information that can be very specific to your situation so we do take into account the stack Trace as I mentioned before and the symbols that we can diagnose within the methods of those of that stack Trace but we also do if you have a get repo we actually look at changes that have occurred and if you're diagnosing a specific test failure the idea would be that we can track changes in that repo as relate to the symbols that matter to the failure and come back with an explanation that will hopefully take all those things into consideration that sounds like it saves me a lot of work um of attempting to understand what online guidance is for my error and understanding how that translates to my specific code scenario in codebase but I have to wonder how should I think about the guidance that I'm getting from getup co-pilot if it's interpreting um my situation or my code incorrectly um do we feel that it's is still helpful in that kind of a situation it's absolutely helpful I mean an interesting scenario that that I've had run into before demoing this particular feature is co-pilot can recommend a change that doesn't really agree with the strategy you know so it detects a new exception like an outof index exception or something and recommends code to throw an outof index scenario rather than execute code in some other way and you can using the chat because we've integrated this Deb feature with the chat you can interact with co-pilot at that point and say you know I don't want to throw any exceptions in this test I want to do X and it will rewrite the suggested code change to accommodate your request so it it isn't you know a hard and fast rule it's a it's a dynamic diagnostic where you can control and influence the suggestions that are made as well as you know provide other inputs that you think are important to that process so it sounds like there's a back and forth here where if I as a developer feel like the explanation doesn't isn't quite accurate or if I have follow-up questions about the explanation or if I have follow-up questions about the code um there can be a back and forth where the suggestion or the explanation is refined now that's absolutely true I mean that's generally the case with with this with a large language model is you can redirect um and you can provide additional contacts as you as you respond to the agent so I interpret this to mean that the assistance that's provided gives me as a developer who's debugging a test that's failed a very very strong start yeah it's one of those deals where you know an expert developer who's you know grew this codebase a particular codebase from scratch may not need the basics but definitely just even you know the idea of checking all possible values which if you're getting a null reference if you you know skip over uh checking a particular variable in a particular debugging scenario you might miss a null reference that you know everything's there you could inspect it you could check the watch window Etc but what we're trying to do is ask co-pilot to do all those simple checks for us um and so you the people who can really benefit from a feature like this would be folks who aren't well versed in the code base or or maybe it's their first time looking at it or this is a test they've never ran before and they don't know what it's trying to do I mean we do try to determine the test intent as well as the basic um problem that you've encountered with a failure so we try to put those things together semantically in a way that will drive us to a process that we can use for debugging right so it sounds like it's not just hey we think this is why this test failed but it's also hey let me help gather different information so that you we can help direct your attention to one place um to understand the test failure faster and perhaps more easily um I'm curious um what did in user interviews and watching users debug tests that that um shape this feature to become the way it is because there are many things we could have built to help users the bug test so what did we see and why did we built because of what we saw yeah it's really interesting we did start out with use with the idea that let's let's try to explain a test failure um to the user so the user has the information they need to diagnose and potentially fix a test and in interactions with users and throwing them into scenarios of code that they may or may not well understand what we found is that there were a lot of similar techniques in using the debugger but if the codebase was unfamiliar then the user might not check all the variables that could impact the outcome um and could Overlook things that were the absolute critical issue to check so the idea largely behind this is to kind of make that simpler that the easy things are are there for you all the all the variables you should check we're trying to recommend and actually check them for you saying okay this can't be null it's not null or it is null and that's a problem or this value divided by three is not going to work for you in this situation uh so we're trying to do those uh basically do math do the simple things up front that um you know I wouldn't call it busy work but it's trying to be thorough without uh necessarily having a thorough knowledge yourself of the specific code you're diagnosing right I remember watching the replay of the sessions where developers that we interviewed just missed that one object value that was really causing the test failure and I also remember thinking that developers who tried this feature got a lot less lost um in trying to find the right method um in a file to expect um and trying to find the right line within a method sometimes so really just putting the information there seems to have helped a lot so I'm kind of curious what's left to um in the test the bug space well obviously one of the things that really interests me is that we can get way better at diagnosing tests by creating guidance for co-pilot that is tailored to specific exception types and failures and so building a library of oh if you see this kind of problem I mean the difference between an outof index exception versus a null reference versus you know any other type of exception you might be interested in versus um you know a test failure and assertion where you expect things to be equal all of those things could have very unique guidance that would be quite helpful and make the things more specific so lots more testing lots more users using it and providing feed back and examples that copilot doesn't handle well in the current scenario um we really want to uh further integrate the automation of when you hit a break point um we we do automatically provide values to co-pilot and say okay we've hit your breakpoint this is the values that we have here this is whether or not we believe these values cause the failure that you're currently diagnosing so that automation um that interaction that ability to um automatic you you still control the debugger you still step through but to automatically update the context of your conversation with co-pilot with those values super helpful and so if we can also update the guidance so that we can say well don't stop here again for 50 50 iterations or you know let's let's only stop here if that value is equal to blue or whatever we might choose but create more interactions for the user more Guidance the user can provide in the actual debugging process because debugging in Visual Studio is not a co-pilot thing without this debugging is you know right click here add a condition and so forth we want to get more of that integrated so it sounds like there's two kind of avenues uh we could choose depending on what we see and hear from user which by the way if you've tried the ASCO pilot feature using debuck test uh leave a note in the comments about what's worked well um what we think we could improve on um to give us more of a signal um because more feedback is always better and so it sounds like John we we can improve our prompting and our context package so what we include in context depending on the type of failure to provide a better answer but also um improve the integration between the test Explorer and the bugger to be smarter which I think is really interesting because from customer interviews I've seen U and we know that the use of conditional break points um such as the one you mentioned maybe we don't stop at this breakpoint for another 50 iterations um conditional breakpoints isn't a super widely used feature um and we know that the Diagnostics team is also working on um assisting users with writing conditions um for a conditional breakpoint in C++ so it sounds like there's a lot of activity in this area um so I'm really excited um the other thing I want to touch on is kind of the conversational or the assistance as I step in and manually move the debugging along how should I think about the conversational assistance um should I be using this all the time should I look at the assistance as I go through each breakpoint before before I understand the code um or should I look at the code and the change in object values first how do you think about this well what we've what we've put in place is the ability to hit break points and provide specific values that copilot is already uh deemed to be important to inspect and so we will pop that chat window every time we have values to inspect now those those values are available in your watches or your locals uh anything automatic the debugging uh but anytime debugging is stopped at a breakpoint you can interact with the chat and you can ask an infinite number of questions there's no reason you have to step again before you ask more questions so it's really a very very user controlled environment in the sense that if you hit a point that you find interesting and you want to ask questions related to the code or related to you know data structures or related to what you know whatever is important to you at that particular point you can take the conversation in whatever Direction you want and then if you hit step into or continue debugging again we'll go into your next break point and we'll provide new values and we'll again assess whether or not this current situation indicates what the failure is but the conversation you carry on at those break points is entirely led by the user and can go in a lot of directions depending on the need oh okay so it's not just the reference or report it's actually um a starting point for any conversation I might want to have at a breakpoint to understand the state of the code or the logic better yeah and we've already started work to better integrate with the debugging assistant that's in co-pilot for visual studio because the the thought seems to be that we really want to continue these conversations across disciplines in the sense that a pure debugging scenario isn't really separate from testing debugging so we want to be able to have a seamless movement between those things so yeah I mean there's a lot of stuff that that the user can do at those points I mean you can stop the debugging you can interact with that session after the fact there's all sorts of control the user can do in those scenarios right and this sounds very open-ended and so my understanding is that this is not yet available in the product um but the team is going to spend the next couple of months um learning more about this concept and what users are expecting out of a conversation as they debug a Fai test yeah we're we are daily working on more development and experiments that we hope will make this feature um extremely useful in coming previews um no idea yet at this point you know when we're going to have that in a preview but it won't be long uh from my perspective but um yeah we're definitely looking at actually getting this more refined more spe cfic more helpful um even you know additional tool calling additional interactions that will smooth the flow lots of stuff that we're looking at doing in this area yeah I like how you've mentioned specificity because I remember when we were doing initial testing of get up co-pilots explain feature in visual studio uh we know that the more specific an explanation is um the more trust or the more actionable um the feedback that we're giving a user is from Gib co-pilot right um so can you speak to any general challenges of building and the test in the bug space in Visual Studio well in our case we focused a lot on being brief um we focused a lot on reducing context so that copilot has just the right things to consider um and those are the cases where we get more spefic specific answers and usually better suggestions because you know if the world's your oyster you could suggest anything um you could suggest a new database you could suggest whatever and that's not really the context we're after so debugging tests ends up being extremely well suited for this particular uh implementation um going forward you know we are looking at lots of opportunities for integration with other aspects um we're wanting to do better um integration with the chat itself and providing potentially um user specific tooling requests where you might you know continue debugging even right from your chat window rather than using the normal tool buttons and so forth so we're working on a lot of stuff in that area um challenges you know really I think the biggest challenge ahead of us is going to be developing that idea of the specific debugging scenarios you know understanding not just um this particular test failure in the context of all the code we might have but this this type of failure this this type of exception uh you know when you build when you write a test you have uh assertions of different depending on what framework you use whether you use fluent or nunit or Ms test or xunit you have all different sort of structure your tests but to build up a library of Diagnostics that is more specific to exactly what what we've gleaned from the stack trace or the error message I think there's a lot to be taken into consideration there um those are one of the challenges that faces a lot of our copon development is how much information can you provide in a prompt because we're limited the amount of information that can be you know digested at any given time so test failure fortunately for the most part gives us an opportunity to identify what is most important within what is already a subset of your repo what is already a subset of your functionality because unit tests especially are you know if designed well or small portion of your code base and focus on a specific item to test uh integration tests other types of testing can grow larger than that require more code uh but unit test specifically should if designed well be get lend themselves extremely well to limited context and specific answers and so that's what we're trying to build on it's so interesting to hear that reducing context actually improves the results because we hear about how models are extending their context window which is very helpful in some scenarios but um it's cool to hear that actually in the bugging unit test failure that being more selective with context actually improves the accuracy and precision of the answer yeah um so other than recommending that the developers um who have get up co-pilot and the visual studio extension and unit test other than recommending that they um use co-pilot assistance um and ask co-pilot for help upon a test failure um is there anything you would recommend to developers as um we wait for um this concept to move its way towards something that they can try I think the I mean obviously we're going to be look for as much feedback as we can get when these features roll out in preview uh specifically filing feedback or providing examples that don't give you what is expected or super helpful to us uh in addition to that just uh understanding a wider scope of the approach that people would like to take you know um understanding that people you know debug code in a variety of ways and have different styles that's all good and the hope would be that we can we can build a product that can adapt to you know individuals you know particular preferences in that regard so those are all very helpful feedback um the model itself the language model itself is something that will continue to grow um in the background for us um whether it's GPT 35 or four turbo whatever it ends up happening to be that will continue to grow and we'll continue to look at ways that we can optimize that that particular experience because you know there's a lot of things that go on in these large language models that aren't necessarily pertaining to code and so as we as we narrow down to specifically being able to debug the types of code and the types of tests that we are currently encountering those will be the helpful things um that will make this a better feature in a specific instance gotcha so I'm hearing a couple things I think the one thing that we both really need from users is more feedback and so that's things like report a problem in the top right of Visual Studio that's the thumbs up thumbs down and get up co- palet chat itself um and also perhaps the comment section Below on our YouTube channel um and specific types of feedback could be hey did the explanation make sense was it specific um does what we recommend apply to your workflow or your debugging preference definitely I think the chat still contains the thumbs up thumbs down sort of feedback as well I mean that's sort of useful in the sense that it's a Boolean um but it's getting that legitimate feedback that says here's a scenario that I think could be handled better in a different way um you know communicating experiences is hugely helpful so I I don't really know you know better guidance than that is hard to give because you know we can't we obviously don't have access to everybody's Source we don't have access to every problem that people encounter so getting those specific feedback and and repetitive use that says okay it worked for me in this scenario it doesn't do this well you know obviously our debugging stuff right now has no knowledge of database content so I mean we're not going to be able to debug data changes in your data base so I mean know things like that if that matters to you we need to know I'm not sure what we're going to do about it at the moment but if that matters to you we need to know environment changes are also something that we we don't um particularly know about at the moment so there are lots of things around testing that are very impactful which um we would like to find ways to integrate into this process and understand overall as a user I mean so many times people come to a broken test whether it's broken in CI and they have no idea that wasn't they didn't change the code and so they need to start from somewhere so hopefully as we get more feedback yeah we can we can make changes there that is actually the biggest thing just turn on the feature and use it and tell us you know the scenarios that you like would like to see uh and you know any suggestions we can have in that area gotcha and we'll add the instructions to enable the feature in the Des and perhaps at the end of this video as well so make sure to check the description and if you found uh what John had to share what I had to share and what Wendy had to share today helpful um please hit subscribe um and let us know the one thing that you'll remember after watching this podcast with us today um so that we can tailor our content that comes next thank you for your time thank you

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