Monday 21 October 2024

AI After Hours Feature Search with GitHub Copilot

okay Erin one more time are you sure you can do this you're confident right you know what the menu item is called yes I have a secret weapon okay what's your secret weapon well I am currently searching through menus to see which one has the Vibes I'm looking for yeah not good Aron the secret weapon you no no no no welcome to after hours with the visual studio team and today we're going to show upcoming improvements to feature search in Visual Studio it takes your search query and uses GitHub co-pilot to elaborate on instructions help you find settings and more because we as developers all know the visual studio is quite powerful and sometimes you just forget what a menu item is called uh new capabilities get added to new versions and there's always maybe a better way uh to complete a task in visual studio right well with this being feature search which is already an empty text box sometimes text boxes that you don't know how to use or aren't giving the results you're looking for can be a little bit intimidating yeah absolutely like do I talk to it in full sentences do I type keywords like I usually do of control q and expect co-pilot to make sense of it like do I go straight to the AI to help me find what I'm looking for in Visual Studio um how is this better than feature search itself these are all things I need to figure out all good question so let's explore the experience and the engineering behind the upcoming improvements we're making to feature search in Visual Studio I'm Leah and I'm a product manager for search in Visual Studio I'm Ain a product manager working on get a co-pilot in visual studio and I'm Sandy I'm a developer who works on search in Visual Studio here I am in Visual Studio I'm going to go ahead and hit the search button up here that's going to bring up feature search which can also be summon with control Q this has been around for a while you may be familiar with it you can type something like I want to see all of my breakpoints so you type the breakpoint window and there it is hit enter there your break points wonderful uh but we know that sometimes users don't know the name of the thing that they're looking for especially newer users they might bring up feature search and they might type something like uh I want to change my short Cuts so let's edit shortcuts but the responses that come back aren't really what the user is looking for it's a bunch of you know commands shortcuts that exists under the edit menu so we're going to try this new button that has shown up under their search we're going to click ask co-pilot and that same query that the user types is being sent to co-pilot chat and co-pilot chat is going to respond and give actually a pretty accurate response about exactly where to go go to tools options find the keyboard section of the options dialogue it's described quite thoroughly knows about the assign button uh it even offers follow-up questions so actually a really useful way to ask questions without having to leave the IDE um you know these are nuanced questions um another similar sort of scenario would be maybe you've come from you know net core and you're used to doing stuff on the command line and you don't actually know how to do a nougat ReStore in the IDE maybe it's one of these things you could click it and explore or you could go ahead and you could just ask co-pilot same thing send it straight to the chat wait a little bit and co-pilot's going to respond and let us know that you can just right click on the solution and that there's a restore n packages option uh it also tells you other ways that you can achieve the same functionality even talks about using the package Manor console if that's sort of a way that you like to develop historically co-pilots you know mostly known about kind of long-established features in Visual Studio but you know we're adding things all the time and so you know we've updated co-pilot to be able to understand about newer features coming into the IDE so for example if you are a um uh user who has you've seen on blogs or on Twitter or something about rainbow colored parentheses seems really cool so you come into the chat or you come into the feature ser search and you type rainbow pns and there's nothing useful here that's because you don't know what it's actually called again you ask co-pilot send the question to chat wait for its response and all of a sudden it says yeah yeah you can totally turn on Rainbow parenthesis but in Visual Studio we call that brace bear colorization says go to tools options go to General under the editor and Bam enable brace bear colorization so that is um co-pilot chat integrated with feature search hope you enjoy it so I know that when I watch any demo as a developer I have to wonder how do I know that this AI works well for my situation or that it can be trusted to provide answers that aren't going to confuse me more uh so I'm curious um what have we done to the future search in visual studio with get up co-pilot that's different from a web search and different from other AIS yeah definitely one thing that's uh different from online search engines is that with online search engines there's a much broader scope of things that it's looking at so if you're trying to search for something that's a feature in Visual Studio it's really easy to come across results that are actually about Visual Studio code instead because it's the similar naming scheme and there's even confusions with people online who don't know the difference between the two products so the answers that you get from places like stock overflow or elsewhere might not be entirely accurate and there's also a lot of out ofd information online which we don't have in the model as much because we're able to provide it with upto-date information about what are the features that are currently available in the version of Visual Studio that you're currently using yeah and because of that uh additional knowledge it knows more about the newer features that the other models and other uh AI models doesn't know about because it's trained on much older data and doesn't have that direct access to the information that we have I thought it was really interesting that you've mentioned up to-date and specific information that you've added to the ask co-pilot feature in visual studio uh because I can relate to out-of-date information and settings or feature names changing so could you talk about exactly what it is we've added um to bring this upto-date awareness to get up Co pallet yeah well I think a lot of Visual Studio users are are pretty used to being able to uh navigate to settings uh commands new features what's new all those sorts of things uh using the control Q feature search that we've had for a long time um and so what's going on here is we've got an integration between that existing feature search uh and co-pilot chat where if you are in control q and you're not finding what you're looking for now you've got a button to take you to co-pilot chat to have a more nuanced discussion and then on the chat side uh we're able to pull in all of that stuff that Visual Studio already knows about itself uh and make that context available instead of um you know as Leah mentioned when you're talking to chat GPT or another uh AI it's trained on older data because training is an expensive thing usually the models are fairly out of date so you might get really great information for things that have been in Visual Studio forever but you might not be able to get good answers about the latest and greatest and so that's where bringing in the information from feature search helps you better find Niche features new features uh things like that and um yeah you get a little more um uh you get a more carefully crafted sort of EXP experience um that's really tailored to what a visual studio user is probably asking about whether they're starting in the search or in the chat V so it sounds to me like we've done some rag like retrieval augmented generation where we added an awareness of keywords of settings and features from feature search um and also other resources like what's new information that someone might have written for a new release is that right right um you know it's a we're starting with uh settings and commands and uh some other sources uh what's new is coming down the pipe and we also have aspirations to bring in other uh sources using what you mentioned retrieval augmented generation where you you bring in uh known good information into uh the AI and so it's able to give more accurate responses uh for a really specific scenario in our case asking about visual studio um so yeah I see and when I often look up instructions for something on the web I notice that I have to first understand it and then figure out where to click in the editor um or how to do something myself because they may say go do a new get restore and I have to figure out hey what does this mean how do I do that um and so could you tell me more about how this feature um helps me spend less time translating something that I've understood and actually making something happen in visual studio um sure well the idea is that you know even if you don't know the name that Visual Studio uses for some feature um one thing that an AI is really great at is understanding what you're trying to say and so having that um pipeline from you know your your brain uh to what does a feature kind of look like in an IDE and the AI understands that to bringing in the specific uh terms for things in visual studio uh we're able to provide nice accurate instructions you know even if you don't really know uh how the right way to describe what you're looking for as long as you get close uh having an AI helps you get a little bit closer instead of spending you know 20 minutes on Google searches and still not quite finding exactly what it is you're looking for right and these link outs of these settings we we link out to the actual setting right so if you tell me to change a setting there should be a link for me that will take me to that setting yeah that's the idea um you know when we detect that you know something in the in the response from the AI is is a setting that we know about we provide a link so that you can get directly there without necessarily have to follow step one two three four five although sometimes it's nice to see those explicit steps if you're trying to understand uh how to teach uh the feature that you're uh looking for right and so Switching gears a little bit from the data science work to the experience itself um from what we're seeing today in preview what do you think is left for room for improvement that we want to build or work on in the future yeah there's a lot of ways to look about it so there's the basic feature search experience that we've already had in the product so there is definitely room for us to improve to make sure that it's covering the right scenarios there make sure it's handling differently formatted queries correctly and that's like without AI even in the picture but on the side with the work that we've been doing with AI there's definitely more opportunities like we discussed before to bring in more context from different sources to make sure that the answers we're providing is accurate and it provides the right details but at the same time we don't want to provide too much information to overwhelm the model or confuse it or bias it in a certain way so there needs to be some work done to make sure that we're picking the right context to send over to them model and provide correct responses from that and on the that note there's also um more ux work that we need to finish up with the flow that we've been working on because there's some things that aren't uh exactly smooth with the experience so we wanted to work on with the uh the links that it provides the way that it works the responses we want to make sure that it's actually providing helpful information there and actionable information that the user can figure out what to do with and it's not just providing things that they don't know how to act on yeah I I mean that sounds great because we would want feature search to work well within without co-pilot and it sounds like any improvements that we make to that will also improve co-pilot and you know speaking with the team that's building a feature that helps you um resolve any unit test failures they they also spoke about you know being really selective with your contacts so you can provide a good precise answer for our listeners if you haven't already tried it the default shortcut for using feature search is control Q um so do give that a try um is there any specific feedback or kinds of feedback that we're looking for from our customers um as they try feature search and feature search with get up co-pilot that can help us build a better feature yeah so uh the accuracy of results is definitely one thing that we're continuing to figure out how to measure and figuring out ways to improve with a feature search on its own that is available in the product for everyone to try out but the integration with co-pilot is still an internal only feature because we're trying to iron out some of the details with the user experience and make sure we're providing uh results that are high enough quality that we're ready to share to external users so uh one way to I guess test the accuracy the AI is to try asking the chat directly if it's able to figure out things but that wouldn't have the context that we're bringing into search I'm not really sure what else we can answer with this question gotcha so in the meantime give control q a try see if it's able to provide a result for something that you're looking for and if you're not leave us a comment below or use the report a problem feature in the top right of Visual Studio so that we can keep track of scenarios that aren't working well for you um and that's also one way um to make sure that we have a direct line of communication with you as a user thing that we'll do is that if you subscribe um or if you take a look at the description in this video uh once we do have um what we demoed available for you to try we will have the instructions in the description um so Switching gears a little bit to the overall search space it's great that we've got AI to improve feature search but what about code search I know that sometimes when I'm hopping between different solutions and projects that I'm not always familiar enough with a codebase to know what keywords to use uh with the existing code search and control T um but also find um and Def find and replace experiences um so can we speak to perhaps any thing that we're thinking about with L natural language code search yeah definitely for our team specifically since we own a lot of those search features like the uh code search experience and find and files we're sort of actively thinking about ways that AI might be able to fit in and help users find the answers that they're looking for without having to do a normal keyword search because there are some scenarios that are better form as a natural language query or are sort of too complex to figure out a keyword search or even a regular expression query to find the answers that you need so we definitely want to look into that space in the future and explore what technology is available to help provide those answers and figure out the right user experience for it as well because we don't want to interfere with the existing scenarios that people have grown really accustomed to with finded files and the existing code search so we need to um sort of ideate do some more investigation work on our end to figure out what's the right way to bring in these sorts of AI powered experiences without to taking away from the existing keyword searches today gotcha so it sounds like the keyword searches are very well loved and that we are thinking about natural language code search but if we do it we have to make sure that um it doesn't disrupt the current experience while feeling in the user's flow right and what about some of the other experiences outside of control T um what's happening there Sandy yeah so I mean there are other places where natural language search is becoming a part of the visual studio experience so for example in in co-pilot chat you can you know make a direct reference to your solution uh and this works uh across languages um the context from your solution is kind of brought in when you make a query uh to co-pilot and so you're able to ask a question like like uh where's the codee that processes uh customer invoices um and you know that might that code might have an obscure name and you're not sure how to find it in control T because you're new to the codebase but by asking a a contextual question like that and by bringing in that reference to the solution uh the AI is often able to help and and not tell you not only like where it is but to give you a nice description of how this code works and what are the methods and other types that are involved right and even though when we think about code navigation we have find all implementations I feel like there's still a gap where hey I'd like to find all my synchronous methods because I'd like to refactor them to be asyn or maybe I'd like to find all asynchronous methods that don't take a cancellation token or maybe something as simple as hey where are the various authentication handlers because I want to understand the different flows of authentication token in my code base that we have started releasing internally and we're going to be asking people to dog fotage soon to help us uh build that to uh quality and make sure we're getting it to a point where it is actually ready for users to start consuming and providing feedback to as as you know we still need to do a lot of work to make sure that the model is providing accurate responses that it's utilizing the context that we're providing correctly and that the user experience for um handling responses is smooth and seamless as well so that users are actually able to act on it and not AR aren't only provided with a response that they don't know what to do with right I feel like one of my frustrations with using search engines or other forms of AI is some when it gives you an answer that's actually inaccurate you burn Cycles trying to figure out whether you are wrong or right um but in the meantime since this uses feature search would it be valuable for users to provide feedback on feature search scenario so control Q uh that doesn't give them the answers or settings that they're looking for yeah definitely we're actively working on building test cases and exploring different scenarios to make sure that the work that we are doing is actually impactful and is actually solving real customer problems so any feedback you can provide about what scenarios aren't cover today in the ID or scenarios that you would like to see covered would be really helpful for helping us determine what to do next

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