Monday 21 October 2024

AI After Hours Profiling with GitHub Copilot

hey you're watching after hours with the visual studio team and I'm really excited about this episode because when I'm trying to improve the runtime and memory performance of my code base there's always been this really big gap between understanding the profiling results and actually improving my code uh I'm Aaron I'm a product manager for get up copilot in visual studio and we're joined by herada hi I am har I'm a product manager at visual Studios profiling team and Nick and I'm Nick kinsky I'm the dev lead for the visual studio profiler yes so today for this podcast we will be going deep dive into engineering behind the GitHub copilot features in profiling and then before that we will have a quick demo for you to set the stage so here I am in Visual Studio 2022 and the entry to AI helping in your profiling is actually the same as before this should feel really familiar because it's the the bugger it's the profiler that you know and love but wait what's this we see that there's no top insights um because previously we showed a version of this feature where you had to have a top insight for co-pilot to help you but I'm seeing now that even without a top Insight that we're able to provide assistance so R what does ask co-pilot do here yeah so this uh this is a new option which our users will have this is a Asko pilot button where users can when when user click it and co-pilot will actually use the information from the profiling um insights so they will use the top functions the hot part and other information provided they uh the copilot will also go look into the source code and then we'll generate some generic suggestions based on all these details which will help optimize your code these is more like a human readable format for your insights human readable format insights sorry yeah and then once you get to this point uh we take those suggestions from co-pilot and then we generate those top insights like you would normally see on um traces that trigger one of these top insights and then from here it gives you a very actionable issue that uh it tells you that uh what the issue is it tells you a potential description of the issue and then from there you can go the normal ask co-pilot route where you can either jump into the source code or you can just hit ask co-pilot at which case it'll take you over to the source code and then we'll ask co-pilot based on this source code based on this performance data how would you go about optimizing this method to resolve this specific issue gotcha so this is so we've extended what we offered before because now we can use AI based understanding of the overall um profiling result exactly exactly and it's almost as if you have uh what you can imagine a co-pilot performance expert with you that's actually looking at the data and trying to help guide you through to specific regions of your um application to help you optimize and get the most amount of benefit with the time that you invest here I feel like whenever I use an AI tool I always wonder how much it actually knows about my code and my scenario so we'll have to get into that more in a bit but I'm also seeing a new analyze method with co-pilot button on this call tree so it sounds like hey even if you know I don't ask for a top ins sight or there's no top Insight I can kind of Click through my call tree and ask for an analysis of my method to better understand how it works kind of explaining the code which we know is a really popular featuring co-pilot in general but also that adds the performance data that we have here right exactly and this is great if you're let's say you're working on a feature and you've gone and you've done your duty due diligence to actually go and profile your application after you've added your feature um your new feature might not show up in the top functions or in the hot path but you still might be interested in while I'm here and I'm authoring this code what sort of optimizations can I do in it well you can go and you can find your function in the call tree you can dig into it and then once you find your function you can then turn around and ask co-pilot okay we have this performance data we have this function how do I go about and optimize this even further and from there it can guide you on further optimizations you can do so before it was just hey the profiler already has a top Insight you can ask it to explain what's happening and help you make it actionable but now it's hey you can always have co-pilot generate top insights based on the performance profiling results and even if your a method or function interested in is not in the hot path you can still go through the call tree and ask for an analysis and recommendations for that exactly exactly so diving a little deeper into how this AI that we built by combining Visual Studio awareness of your program State and your profiling results with get up Copilot how does this work better than a web search and chat GPT yeah it's a great question so a lot of the web searches with chat GPT you can almost think of this as like a code review where it's looking at your code and it's trying to oide best practices to go ahead and try and optimize your code whereas what we're doing here is we can do that same review but we also have all of this performance information that we've captured so we can funnel that into the llm and we can give it so much more uh Rich context in state and we can really drive it towards these are the lines in the method that are the most expensive please Focus your optimizations here so that we're going to get the most amount of impact for the optimization that we're doing so other AIS aren't aware of this line by line performance or the um or should I say the CPU or memory usage of each line of code and with the web search it's always hey there was this message and I still have to translate what someone wrote on say stack Overflow or YouTube about this message and figure out how that applies to my code exactly exactly and it not that those sorts of optimizations are bad like we all know that repeatedly concatenating strings in a method is probably going to be expensive we should use a string Builder but now that we have the actual performance information we we know this is where you're spending the most amount of time and if we're going to focus our optimizations this is where you should focus it and then we can fill that context over to the llm as well so that when it's doing its optimizations we can really dial it down into where it's going to have the most amount of impact so when you talk about context and the context package that we as Visual Studio are sending get up co-pilot what are what did we find helpful to add to the context package so probably the most helpful part is the source code concatenated with all of the performance information so that we could really tell uh the llm you know at line 37 there is a substring please Focus your investigation on that as that is what's taking 25% of the CPU in this function and then it knows to optimize specifically that instead of potentially like a link query that's earlier that maybe that isn't what's actually impacting the time in that method gotcha and speaking with other teams we know that in some scenarios that providing too much context sometimes leads to a worse result um have you had to make any decisions about context to exclude yeah it's another great question great point is uh we tried to explore kind of the callers and the Coles who's calling into my method and then who in My Method am I calling and can we fill in the source code there as well so that we could try and give it even more context as we started kind of expanding this we found that we were just supplying so much state that it was trying to micro optimize across different methods and it really wasn't having a very um it wasn't returning a good set of results for the optimization so we've really tried to focus it down into how do I specifically optimize this one method now it is interesting to see like in the future could we get better with the callers and call E because then you can almost think we're not just optimizing a method but we could start making larger architectural um changes to your code uh but right now we just haven't been as successful with that and that's why we've really tried to focus it in and narrow it in on this one method gotcha so zooming out a little bit uh what point should I think about using ask co-pilot in the profiler do we know from user studies and other customer research um that developers prefer to use this feature at this point in their flow so right now we're noticing that it's really quick to kind of just ask co-pilot you know based on what you're seeing what do you suggest and it it's gotten to the point where we're almost considering just enabling this by default we automatically ask co-pilot because it gives good suggestions and then if you're not interested in the suggestions you don't have to follow them anymore you can keep going with your performance investigation like you were but by following some of these suggestions you might actually learn a little bit more about uh writing performant code in the language that it is that you're optimizing gotcha so it sounds like really as soon as your recommendation and what we know from customer studies is as soon as you run your profiler if you've got GI up co-pilot installed in this feature enabled that you should really try using it to more quickly help you get a good understanding of um the performance of your scenario yeah totally I think as mentioned in the start uh this is kind of your personal performance expert gotcha and so what's left to build can I use this today so this is going to be shipping in our uh 1711 exper uh release uh and so you you should already see the um ask co-pilot for the specific insights that the uh profiler highlights and then this more ask co-pilot to generate insights will be coming in 17711 uh and so you'll be able to start using that gotcha so we've talked about you know room for improvement with our analysis for callers and col e where else do we think there's room for improvement today this is still like a new experience right like I think we will get to know more firstand experience as you guys tried out and then have uh like a real real feedback from our customers and um that's what I was going to try to say if that's okay I see so so it's sounds like there's really an ask that for anyone who's trying AI features with ghetto co-pilot in profiling that any feedback about scenarios that worked really well or didn't work very well would be really helpful yes give it a try uh AI is new for everyone so we all are trying to learn here and we all are trying to see how we can make it better for and useful for everyone so yeah give it a try see and provide us the honest feedback you have right and the way we think how do you think about success here when as an outsider to this feature team I feel like success is giving is reducing the amount of time it takes for a developer to feel comfortable with the performance of their code or maybe it's the time between running your profiler and actually improving your code like how do how do you two think about this I think that those are both good measures of success my measure of success has always been how can I democratize profiling for everyone I want to really Empower any developer that's in Visual Studio to run the performance profiler to get some insights about the code that it is that they're profiling and then be able to make a positive change and improve the performance uh a lot of times we we have these kind of performance experts who are on the team who have been here forever and they know all the various tips and tricks and things to do um and performance profiling has been kind of gated Behind These experts I would love to see it where more customers are running the profiler they're starting to see some of this data and they're using co-pilot to help them learn about performance investigations and learn about other areas that they can improve the performance and so you can almost imagine a new developer on a team can take the tool they can run a performance analysis on their code base ideally they can have a quick turnaround time with co-pilot and see oh hey I can add this I can make a change here I should save hopefully five or 10 percent and then have that impact on that team soon any comments s uh like what is success to you I would say I would add to what Nick mentioned uh if uh if a new developer is able to use a profiler without any assistance you know not not even without any assistant it's super easy for them to learn from co-pilot and then use those tools and even improve the performance and overall health of their application by certain percentage I would say that's success for me as a product manager gotcha so improving performance more developers using profiling and feeling comfortable with profiling and learning from profiling sounds like pretty awesome Vision yeah okay let's see and so when we think about profiling what can you tell me a little bit about what the team's thinking about next yeah I I think one of the biggest things that the team is looking forward to in the future is this idea of being able to Benchmark various uh components of your product and then be able to uh run performance analysis on those benchmarks and then ensure that once you make those performance improvements you don't necessarily regress them in the future we've seen lots of users kind of Leverage unit tests in this way uh they have unit tests we have our profile unit test scenario they can improve the performance and then then it they have a nice small reproducible Benchmark that they can optimize and measure repeatedly and gain that performance now we want to see how do we take and deliver a similar scenario as well as then put that in place as an artifact so that users can protect that performance that they've gained and not lose that in the future to various changes in the product that's pretty exciting so looking forward to any progress on in the benchmarking space looking forward to customer feedback as we roll out profiling insights where users can click ask co-pilot for insights on their overall profile or or on a method yeah cool thanks for your time cool thank you

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