Monday 21 October 2024

An Introduction to GraphQL in NET Core

Oh perfect yes whoo perfect can't you know what if we push enough buttons and something will happen right all right now take it away let's talk about graph QL and data core excellent I'd like to basically talk about graph quality in sort of an introduction of it in dotnet core most of the talks I've seen around the internet mostly focus on this around sort of the dot no dqo system I thought it'd be good to talk about it from a sort of a a dotnet perspective so we're going to talk about today we're going to talk about sort of the basics of graph QL in terms of the introduction to why we want to use it and how it kind of works and then we'll talk about how to sort of build up within a dotnet core ecosystem and using sort of the hot chocolate graphical library so let's get into it my name is Nigel Sampson I work at a company called push Bay here in New Zealand and we're using graphical across the number of our micro services and applications my github handle and Twitter handle there so if I don't get a chance to answer your questions later on hit me up on Twitter so does graph dwell it's a specification originally written by Facebook really quick can you close you a little box over Skype on the upper right-hand side done excellent so as I said a specification for querying data from the service Facebook originally wrote this internally and initiated as an open source they also shared a implementation in JavaScript of that specification and since then it's been picked up by the open source community and there's a number of libraries almost almost every language that support graph QL we've got probably two major libraries are likely to see one is hot chocolate and the other one there's one called a graphical dotnet so what's really interesting my graph QL is that it supports a set of strongly typed schema with a curable API so this means that you can actually look at the schema of a service you're gonna know what that are you're gonna get back from it you know what fields it has and what sort of types you expect from it and the graphical server actually enforces that type specification so you're not going to have a problem where the or the docks say one thing in the service actually returns something else in terms of databases or storage graphical spec has absolutely nothing to do with it you can store your data in anything it's a database the graph database relational database flat files or even hard coded or even delegate them out to risk calls in other ways so let's get into it it's an actual demo so the tall I've got in front of me here is one called insomnia what this is is basically a normal sort of request at all much like postman where you can use it to send requests to a server I'm using it because it's got some excellent graphic Yass support so for this scenario we're going to talk about this idea of you know a blog most of us understand that domain what a lot of blog in terms of posts authors comments images etc so for our normal front page scenario we're going to want to click get the collection of posts we're going to get the date the title the author important thing is we don't want things like say the HTML content of their post for the front page scenario so on the left here is the the graphic your query so this is what we end up hosting to our server in orders up here we're actually just sending this to a single end point to /ql and we post this query and on the back here on the right hand side as the results we get so as you can see at the top we're marking this as a query and we're going to query from the posts field on top of the posts in point and that's gonna return a collection of posts and from each post we're gonna ask for the ID the title other fields the image which in the URL for that image the author and their name it's you notice on the right hand side here the data that we get back is in the same shape or structure as the fields on the left so we can send this we get back the data nice and easily what some really important here is that we're we're deliberately querying for the fields we want the specification for graphic or has no way to say get me all the fields all the equivalent of slick star and that's really important from her from a huge point of view and we'll get into reasons why in a minute so another scenario for a slightly more advanced query the users clicked on a post and we want to actually I get the details for that post and shove it in a page so again it's a query and recurring from the post fields now rather than posts and this post takes an argument called ID and what we're doing here is called a variable so at the top here we've declared a post ID variable of type ID and here we're using that variable let's slip the post we're asking for the title of author and name again but this time we're asking for the HTML and the comments on that post down here in the bottom insomnia is where we're actually providing the value for that variable the post ID so why we want to use this idea of variables is that what that means is that query up the top here can be static it won't change in terms of usage we can have this this query then stored in some sort of resource document file whatever that becomes constant and it's only the variables that need to change this means we're not trying to build up our query via strings how only think like that which could be susceptible to some sort of injection problem again image this time were actually providing an argument for the size and we can go from here comments we can invoke a list of comments and here we can see the again the data on the right returns the shape of the data on the Left which is excellent so why a formally sort of introduction point in graph to our why is it why is any of this a good thing well from an application point of view we're only ever getting back the data that we care about for any given scenario we're not getting extra data and we're not we're able to get all the data we care about within a single request so most times when people talk about graph QL and the problem it solves they talk about it in this idea of under selection and over selection if we imagine a post like this trying to do this via a sort of a deep very denormalized wrist request we might end up doing a number of requests wanting to get the post content I want to get the comments on the post want to get the the details of the author of the post etc this is this idea of sort of under selection that a single request can't get us all the data we care about so we have to wish a multiple requests to multiple resources to get our data conversely in the first scenario if we were getting all the posts and that posts in point in a normal restaurant was actually returning HTML which I was promptly discarding this is this idea of over selection that I'm getting more but data back on the response that I actually care about for my scenario you know that may not seem like much but when you're building things like mobile applications this means you're consuming bandwidth you're consuming someone's data care poor battery life we're doing a lot more work on on the wire than you need to so this is one of the main benefits in terms of applications is being able to get all the data you need for a given scenario in a single request and making sure you only put the data on the wire that you really care about for your application for not probability point of view this is also really good this idea that you don't have this notion of select star means that applications are neither going to query for the key they care about and let's say we wanted to remove a field off a post for instance we could market its deprecated put out an API notice to say hey we want to remove this field and you can actually monitor via your logs which applications which queries are still querying for that field and you can make a considered if it to migrate those applications across to use in a different field or whatever you're doing for your migration strategy here and then again once you've got no logs or people using that field you can kind of remove it safely knowing that you're not going to cause breaking changes with an application so as I said before the graph QL is a strongly typed system and so most graphical implementations have a way for you to pull the schemer in some way so this is called the SDL or the schema definition language it's part of the Facebook Graph QR spec we'll go into some detail about it in a moment but this is essentially that at the more human readable version of the schema we can see here types authors comments etc and we'll go into some more detail and oner they're sick and really interesting thing is or growth cool in points implement an introspection schema so this lets me actually inspect the schema itself I can say give me all that in this career it's giving me all the types the name of that type the fields on that type in their names and so if we go down here we can see things like post hopes there's an author and comments in HTML and so on this is essentially a really good way for software tools to to get access to that schema and they can do it all sorts of number of things with it one in use case is generating typescript so typescript can use these introspection schemas to essentially generate strong types types and your client side in thoughts like insomnia here provide intelligence of other things and what's doing under the covers essentially is that insomnia is using this introspection API making a request to your graphic your schema to pull back all the information it needs in order to better provide intellisense and last but not least we have our mutations mutations are a way for you to modify state photograph ql they're clearly marked at the top it's been a mutation different than a query and ultimately though that the only thing that is actually the mutation is that top-level thing that in this case it's submit post the rest of this queries and she's a query on the result of that submit post which is obviously the post itself again we're using a variable here in this case a complex variable of type submit post input and I've got their properties for that and put down here and all the result of that mutation on this side cool there is a third thing that queries mutations just now but there is subscriptions but it's probably out of the scope of a 25 minute 101 talk so the graphical schema as I've said has a stronger type schema like this the other thing it also consists of is a resolver so the resolver is what happens when each of these fields is queried so when you're implementing a graphic your service you're basically declaring a schema and attaching resolvers to that schema but first let's take a little bit more of an in-depth dive into what these schema looks like so here you can see we've got things like types really simple types like author and these are just sort of what we call object types all types have fields these fields can be of type scalars su scalars are things like ID string boolean and the like or they can be more complex objects so if we look at something like a post it has an author which references back to the author type you can also if you want create your own custom scale as if needs to be we have enough support as well you notice there's a lot of exclamation marks through the schema so what that is is that um most graph you're now the graphical spec has the the notion of null ability so if we have an exclamation mark here it means that this property cannot be null so an author must always have an ID it must also always have a name if it's no exclamation mark it means that it may not so it might it might be no in this case a post has a knowledge tml it might not have HTML in the moment we also have this notion of lists so in here we have a don't go this one post of comments and the square brackets indicate that this is a list so a post obviously is a list of comments and it kind of gets a bit confusing with these double exclamation marks what this essentially means is that the comments field on the post can't be null and the values within that list can't be null so it's a non null list of comments or sorry a non null list of non null comments which is a little confusing but it doesn't matter too much excuse me the last thing is the input type so the input type is essentially the complex types that we've only posting to our mutations or posting to more complex queries and that defines separately than sort of your regular types because they've got slightly more restrictive rules and what you can do with them and last but not least we have as a receiver declaration and this defines our top level query in our top level mutation right so let's jump in to see how we can build some of this stuff so I've got a normal sort of dotnet core web the blank web app that have kind of added a lot to so we're going to be calling using EF core and talking to a local Postgres database running out of docker for our data but ultimately the data source is I hope you'll see is kind of irrelevant for this so what I've done is referenced a hot chocolate asp net core and then obviously a few other libraries for some fake data some markdown rendering and again EF core in order to talk to Postgres so that's all we're going to need to reference the first thing we're going to do is set up our endpoints so in a configuration we're going to create two different endpoints here the first using graphic quality to do post and setting up the actual service itself we're going to post our queries to I've just got that out / graphic UL and I've got this here use graft HTML it's schema which is essentially set up a second endpoint where I can get to a request to get that STL which is this thing here so I want to set that up because I think it's quite easy quite good for developers to call that a look at this schema so that's all the setup we need now we need to kind of start defining our schema and our resolvers so let's take a look at a really simple one first what you're gonna see is a pretty common pattern of things like a type in this case author so this is our my EF core model within our obviously an ID and a name and we're gonna see a matching typist we've got an author class up here and we're gonna see an author type down here so this is how we're using code to define the the author type with an ax graphic yo schema jumping back of it there's actually two ways we can define this schema and graphic you are the first is are what's called schema first and if you watch a lot of dotnet a sort of node ecosystem graphic or talks they to do what's called schema first see this is where you define your schema using using the SDL define a define it basically is one big string that's your schema and then we're gonna you bind resolve this to that which we'll get into in a minute what this works and it's pretty actually really good for demos but it gets pretty unwieldy as the as the schema gets larger and larger and so one of the other approaches you can do is code first it's a code first is what we should kind of showing here this is using c-sharp to define the schema of our graph QR library and you can mix and match the approaches but you tend to find ya all in on one or the other one of the other benefits for me in terms of code first it means that some of these types can be shared between different micro-services in different ways especially when we get down to sort of custom scalars right so we've got this author an author type here so again author is my normal EF dto my entity and also type is the declaration or definition of that author within a schema now hot chocolates got some real good capabilities around this idea of sort of inferring this schema so if I didn't do anything and I didn't create this class at all or for hot chocolate could still run for a lot it would probably still get out and further be a type called author it's gonna have a property called ID and a property called name but what it might get not quite right for me is I want the in my schema I want the type of the ID to be ID not int and I want the string to be non malleable so this is why I've created this author type here and I've defined for the field ID it's a non null type of ID type and again you see the sort of type suffix happening here and for the field name it's a non null type of string so this lender is actually really important it's gonna do it's doing two things right now why does it's telling hot chocolate what the name of this field is it's inferring it from this expression ID and name respectively and the second thing is this is actually what the resolver so this is the bit of code that gets executed when this field is requested so when someone asks for the author ID it's this land they get executed which pulls the ax from the ID property on the author and returns that integer or string in the case of name so let's move on to a pretty um but more complex scenario so let's look at the top level query we're actually getting our post and posts from the database so here we've got a query class it's got two methods get posts and get post and you'll see it's basically just using the DB context to pull from that data what's interesting is more of the arguments to this so we're actually doing this what's called a service level and a method level injection to the method for the DB context and I've marked this up with an attribute from hot chocolate to basically say this is a service I want you to inject this using dependency injection the reason I'm getting injecting this if the method level rather than the constructor level is because DB context is a sort of scoped dependency I want one a new one per request it's why I don't want to do constructor level injection at this point if I had some sort of singleton dependencies then I might declare this constructors but in this case I want them to be scope dependencies so I'm gonna inject at the method level you'll also notice for the get post that we have an ID and it's automatically going to be injected from that argument on that field back of here this value will automatically be injected into them if they call for us so again because we have our query class we have a query type describing this within the schema again we have get posts so this is the same this is the method to call when this field is recalled and hot chocolates smart enough to get removed to get interned get posts into this posts and again this is we said this is a non null list of non null posts and again forget post we're saying that is going to be an argument called ID and it's a non null ID so we're just doing a bit more of sort of tweaking that inference that hot-chocolate can do so this has been more pretty standard stuff we basically just sort of mapping things that already exist and tweaking them on the way for let's look at a more interesting example so we have our post type and we're gonna be doing a number of extra things to this again so we're doing some extra things I've got a helper method here to tweak some of that syntax to get rid of the non null ID stuff but ultimately this is the same thing I'm tweaking the ability for ID and name I don't want the author ID that's on a post to be in my graphic well I want an actual fully strongly typed author so I told in this case author ID ignore it don't put it in the schema and this is the really interesting one here it's HTML so on my post in my database I don't store the HTML I'm destroying the sort of edited markdown but I would want to return the HTML as part of my schema so I'm cutting a new field here and you thought that exists in the schema but not in the database called HTML it's a string and I'm attaching a resolver to it so this is what I want to call when someone requests the HTML and it's simply taking the parent post getting the markdown coming into HTML so now we have this sort of in computer on the fly and only when requested we and we don't repeating this pattern for another rubber things as well so here we're adding a resolved comments said Court resolved comments we're going to name a comments and it's going to return a list of comments if we go down here again we have a method we're doing service level injection to inject the DB context we're going to ask for the parent post at the same time so hot chocolates going to inject both for those and I can go to the database and retrieve the comments so this is where I'm in sort of attaching more complex types to my my post and I'm getting some good sort of strong structure to a lot of my graph QL this calm more complex scenario here for resolve author is using a data loader I don't want to get into too much of the implementation of this right now probably a bit much for a half hour talk but ultimately using data loaders is a way to prevent sort of n plus one problems with in graphic UL so if you have this idea that I doing a query that's gonna put multiple posts from the database and those posts are asking for author I don't want to have a hundred and one course the database to get a hundred authors out so a data loader is way to solve this but sort of the implementation of this I don't think really we've got time for after that let's quickly look at mutations they're pretty much the same thing we have a method here called submit post again taking a DB context and that strongly typed that input we've defined in this case it's submit post input so it's just you know what want an author ID he's entitled markdown and we're my create a new post saving at the database and returning it up here you can see I need a clock from another time and so this is where every time I construct a level injection of that so this is a custom of a common pattern you'll see you'll see things like mutation mutation type post a post type this code first sort of approach code sorry yeah code first approach in order to define our schema from there we just need to register it so I got going back to startup code where do we now work here so we're doing a couple of things we're calling the ED like a de l'eau de registro which you don't need to go into right now but ultimately the important part here is at graphic where we using a schema builder and we're registering that query type and the mutation type we've defined is the top-level queries and mutations and I've got a custom scalar here which we can a little bit of time to go into which is essentially a new class to represent offset take time set another time and it's a way to kind of it's using extended ISO to render them down as strings this means we can have sort of the idea strongly-typed off set date time within our schema going back to our startup you'll notice here we're not registering things like the post type or the author type and when we we get that basically by the fact that query type talks about posts and post type if we go back to that talks about comments and authors and lists and images so we don't need to go through and be meticulous about making sure we've registered everything because ultimately as long as everything is reachable through the other types then we only need to register post level things once we've done that we create our schema and give it back to graph QL and we're done so we had this notion of a schema we've defined G's in c-sharp and we have this idea that we're attaching resolvers or methods to each one of these fields to call now some of these resolvers are complex if they go into databases to do work or file systems or whatever and a lot of these resolvers can be pretty small right a lot of the merges go into properties to get values or they do in some in memory computation for read her computed fields in effect if you try and start up a service in hot chocolate that doesn't where a field doesn't have a resolver this would be an error every field needs to have a resolver essentially you know to know to know what happens when it's called so that's it we've now got a sort of out of the box EF core to Postgres database happening we've got graphic you all saw at the top of that in a pretty strongly typed away taking mutations as well as doing queries so jumping back that's gonna give you a couple of links the first is for hot chocolate itself it's great library I'd highly recommend you go check it out and the second is the github repo that will contain all the source code from this talk so is it put more in it and I've gone over today so never ever play around have a look and see what it see what you like is this it'll be around on Twitter for questions but I think we've got some time now as well I can so the the constructor injection or actually all of its provided by hot chocolate but the notion of sort of attributing a service the resolver level injection with service like this is a thing from hot chocolate itself the the reason why you want to do this is a sailor's because of scope dependencies but ultimately it's hot chocolate that's using the DI container to construct or to sort of create these these classes for you and ultimately it's the thing that's gonna be responsible for working out where where these injection points come from and so on

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