Monday 21 October 2024

Application Insights The Tool You Never Knew You Needed

so we're gonna be talk about application insights today my name is Isaac Levin I'm an application development manager at Microsoft and what I do for my job is I work with customers so I work with customers to better the developer experience so one of the things that I like to talk about with my customers is how we can do better as it pertains to getting data from our applications to help us fix issues iterate faster and bring value to our customers so I have a website it's listed and I also have a Twitter and github if you'd like to follow me there I would greatly appreciate it so I'm gonna say this word a lot over the course of this talk so the word telemetry so what is the definition of the word telemetry so the Wikipedia / Webster you know definition is telemetry is a collection of measurements or other data at remote or inaccessible points and their automatic transmission to receiving equipment from monitoring that is a very long definition but how Isum s it for applications is all the data that our application creates that's not immediately related to things that the user sees on the screen so we know what we say that what kind of questions do we consider when we can think about telemetry and how we can do better by our customers I'm not gonna drain these obviously but you know one of the things that I like to see from a customer's perspective is how we can report on how our application functions and some of this data to provide insights that are going to better the business so you know we're here to talk about app insight so maybe we should talk about what is app insights so app insights in its purest form it's a REST API so it's a REST API that's hosted in Azure that allows you to collect telemetry related to your applications so it's a REST API and the data is stored behind the scenes in a no sequel data store so you send your JSON data from your application to the REST API it goes through a process to aggregate the data and make it available in that data store and obviously from a dotnet perspective since read Netcom you know is an existing SDK owned by Microsoft for application sites both for the web I believe that there's one for the desktop it's create was created by Orrin Novotny and for every other application that uses app that wants to use application sites there's either an SDK forward or you could create one yourself so when we talk about telemetry what kind of telemetry we were referring to so out-of-the-box application sites collects all of the telemetry that you see here so request response information third-party calls such as sequel or HTTP page views for browser-based applications and everything that you see here one thing to call out is wealth is really exciting about the release of dotnet core is that application insights now collects event counter data so for instance like garbage collection and more intricate performance data around dotnet core applications so that's available as of dotnet core 3 oh and one of the great things about application side since it's a no sequel solution you can basically use or pass any data that you like in tap insights and be able to report on it so you know think about you know domain data that you could use to be able to report on in some capacity I like to show this slide when I talk about application insights because it's really valuable think about what application is it at a holistic level way up top right so on the left hand side you have your web pages and your services and then all of your dependencies right web pages of client apps that would be like your static site or a front-end only app like a spa and web service obviously is any you know back-end type of service that's use and then dependencies or all the things I mentioned here mostly sequel and HTTP so all that data that gets sent into app insights and it gets massaged in a way that allows you to report on in a bunch of different capacities so you can build power bi reports or you can look at the data in Visual Studio and you also there's an arrest API that's available for application size they can you can get the raw data out and do with it whatever you like so the first thing you're probably thinking is okay this sounds interesting you know I imagine it costs a lot well what if I told you that the cost for applications that are actually in it scale are pretty pretty inexpensive right so you get five gigabytes per customer per month so what that means is that putting data into app insights and taking data out of app insight so you get five gigabytes of flattened jacent per month and if you need additional storage it's two dollars and thirty cents per gigabyte per month one thing to call out about the data retention as well is that application insights just recently changed the data retention so let's now configure a role in the portal so you have the ability to change how long you want that data to be stored for so we're moving on how do we actually get application insights turned on in our applications so for developer you most more than likely the easiest way for us to do it is inside a visual studio you have other ways to do it especially if you're in the IT pro world you can install an extension on Azure app service or add your VM especially and if you have an application that's hosted on Prem you can still take you can still leverage application insights by using a status monitoring tool which instruments you know a nice application i as web server so when you configure it through Visual Studio all you have to do is right-click on your CS proj go to add add application insights telemetry it'll come up with a UI or wizard that looks like this right so it asks you to specify what your as your subscription is and what you want the resource to be but one thing to call out at the bottom is that you can just add the SDK to try local only so what that allows you to do is play around with that application insights and see if you actually are going to get the value out of it that you know is warranted by sliding it up in Azure so what that I'll do is it'll just add the SDK and the wiring for it and then in the situation where you do want to deploy to the cloud you would just kind of follow this you want this wizard again and create the resource inside of the azure portal so once you click register it goes through a couple of things that in core world it's going to add some new get packages obviously and it's going to add a line to your startup so yes and we'll see what that looks like in a second but when you're all done it's going to give you a No percent and three green bars meaning that you're ready to go so I think this is a good time to actually show how easy it is to turn on application insights so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna go into my Windows terminal and what I'm going to do is I'm just going to create a new dotnet project so if I go dotnet new web app which is going to create a razor pages application I'm gonna call it no insights and then I'm going to specify the output folder as no insights so what that's going to do is that's going to scaffold out a razor page application and dotnet core 3 oh and I I should probably type a bit not as fast so Dada new web app note no insights so again this is gonna scaffold out razor page for us and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to hop in here and I'm going to open it up in visual studio and then I'm going to instrument app insights on this application so if I go inside here and you know one of the cool things I like using it the visual studio terminal I'm not a visual studio command line or PowerShell is I can actually just point it dev NV which is the executable that runs Visual Studio at my CS proj so I don't have to then hop out of my command line and go into Windows Explorer to find that particular file so what this is going to do is it's gonna load up Visual Studio for me and visually is not responding but it's it's back now so as you can see here this is just a really really basic application if I go into my dependencies there's nothing really fancy in here so there's some analyzers and some frameworks and we'll wait for this to be restored and available in Visual Studio and if you look inside of my startup all I do is all in my configure services I just had razor pages and then some static files right so once I actually want to light up application insights I just right click on it right click on the CS proj well maybe right-clicks not gonna work right now but if you right-click on the CS progeny you go down to ad and then you can actually specify ad application insights and then go through the process of setting up that wizard so it seems like Visual Studio is hanging so one of the things that I can do is I have a similar version of this talk actually available on YouTube that you can take a look at as well for whatever reason Visual Studio is just having a hard time and I don't want to have everybody look at Visual Studio lagging or whatever so we're gonna just move on to kind of how we can consume our application data using application science so what do I do with this data so you know one of the things that we have the ability to do in a pin sites is take a look at some of the rich reporting that exists inside of the azure portal so it this dashboard that you see here this is a one button click from your app insights resource so once you click that button it'll generate a dashboard for you that's going to give you a lot of really valuable information so you also have the ability to see application map which is a holistic at a high level all the dependencies and services instances that you have for your application running you also have the ability to look at profile information so in the situation where you have a low performant call you can take a look and see line by line execution by execution what's taking all the time to run and you know that gives you a ton of insight into ok where can I clean up this application code flow to be a bit more performant one thing that's great as well about looking at a pin size data in the azure portal is you have the ability to create these visualizations using metric Explorer so these are you can build them either using kql instead of log analytics which is the querying language for application insights data or you can just do it in a WYSIWYG sort of fashion also since application insights it does do some things behind the scenes once you send the data into it the data that you see it does take you know it can take a couple of minutes to get in there but if you need to see what's going on your application in real time you have live metric stream which is over the wider viewing of the telemetry that's being passed into your app insights resource and obviously in the world of reporting you know we have the ability to export our application insights telemetry into power bi and do all sorts of things with it this is just a default user report that's built out for you when you connect application insights to it so you have the ability to see some demographic information like where the users are coming from as well as what operating systems that are using I was going to show pulling this up individuals pulling up applications I did in Visual Studio one of the things that you can do is while you're debugging locally you can actually see all of the data that's being passed into the app insights resource at runtime while you're collecting all this and be able to see some of the details and operations that are flying around and then finally you know I mentioned one of the things that there is a file a data retention the application size doesn't hold on to your data forever so if you do value having long term storage of your application telemetry you have the ability to use what's called continuous export which frankly what it does is it exports the data into an azure blob storage container and from there you're able to do whatever you like with it for as long as you like so I think now we've took we took a look at how you light up an application that's kind of like a dotnet new what I want to show is a more baked solution so I have an application here which is a angular 8 application that uses the dotnet core 3 Web API back-end so as you can see here this is just a tour of Heroes and some of the heroes here some of the folks that were familiar with in comp so if I take a look here I can fly around them but one thing that I see is that whenever I do a search I get an exception and I don't know why however if I wanted to just look at this at application insights I can fly over to live metrics stream right here and what this will do is this will actually pull up the over the wire viewing of what's going on with my application and I can actually jump around here and you'll see some of the things on the left-hand side start to light up so you'll see that there's dependencies information going on there's incoming requests and there's I can see the CPU utilization for my app service and the community member but one thing is well that's really valuable is I can actually see sample Channel Emma tree over the wire so if I do a search here for Scott for a Miss type name and it'll show oh there's a request that returned to 500 and I can see that exception here if I drill into this exception it says that it's an argument out of range and if I scroll it gives me line numbers right so that's really really valuable so in taking a look at some of the ways that we can help triage issues in production you know that's really really valuable and what's the data is actually in app insights I can click investigate in application map and it'll show at a holistic level all the things that are going on right so I have one central instance it's hitting a sequel database I really have some availability tests that are checking the application if I drill on the sequel side here I can take a look and do an investigation of some of the performance for some of these calls so the average duration for my sequel calls is actually very good at seventy-seven point one but if it was milliseconds but if that was too slow I can have the ability to drill in and then look at sample data for these particular sequel calls so if I click on one of these end-to-end transactions I can actually see the sequel query that gets executed on my database behind the scenes so obviously this is just a select but if you had a more complex database database call it would be all in there and that's one of the really valuable things that you can do with app insights is you can see kind of the end to end transaction so let's take a look at a particular example here so if I go into this back into that app insight resource and if I look at my failures I can see all the failures that have happened over a particular x time slice so as you can see here I have two types of exceptions a file not found in argument out of range I saw earlier when I looked at a live stream that I was getting some argument out of range exceptions when I do a search and what I can do is I can click on the operations and then view one of these particular end-to-end transaction details and I'll tell me what's going on so if I minimize all of this it'll see that it made a call and then there's an exception before you know it will hit the database and click on that it gives me a bunch of information about the exception which i think is really valuable but if I scroll away to the bottom I got a call stack and you know since I'm doing a lot of this all these I'm using async to do a lot of this some of the sometimes the call stack can be confusing to read so if I click just my code it'll actually show the code right so line 53 and my hero service in line 31 in my heroes controller so it gives me the ability to get a ton of value for when I'm triaging application issues in production and finally one of the great things about application insights that you can take view of is you can look at all this data great in tools but sometimes people just want to see the data so if I click on view and logs I can take any of these things top exception types for instance and view them in log analytics directly so like I said earlier log analytics is the storing mechanism for all application size data as well as all as your monitor data which application insights is a part of so as you can see here it's gonna load up a query and then it's gonna show me that particular data let me just maximize this and scroll all the way over all right so as you can see here I have 139 argument out of range in 24 files that's really really valuable but let's say for instance the business comes to me for with a particular request and they say hey Isaac I really want to get a slice over the last day where our users are from and I could easily say okay well I know that all requests are stored and maybe I want to summarize that account of all the unique clients or countries by that client or country so right and then they say and I can run this and then it gives me a table in the last 24 hours so 23,000 folks from the United States but also looks like we have people from Brazil and the Netherlands and Singapore viewing our application and they say well this is a data table I really don't like that way rather prefer is that rather prefer a chart and then you provided in this chart and they say well this is a bar chart and I drill are stacked column I'd really don't that you know in the past when we've been building reports for customers this process of just building reports takes a long time but they say I want to donut and then one-click and you have a donut for them so just think of how quickly you were able to provide that request to your user and they say well I don't really want to go to this particular page to see this report and you say okay that's fine I can just export it to power bi or if you want to look at the data yourself I can export to CSV for you so again we're talking about adding tools to our tool belt that are gonna make things more successful one thing is well like like I mentioned earlier with especially with dotnet cores you can collect extra performance data so I want to show you what that looks like so if I look at just the performance counters table or collection I'm sorry it's gonna show me all sorts of information right so I have exceptions thrown per second I have private bytes and system run time but then as you see here I have information about garbage collection so in the situation where your application isn't handling memory very well you can take a look and see what are the GC count values in particular situations what the thread pool count is and this gives you the ability to get even deeper into why our application isn't performing the way you want so that's how some of them what quick ways that we can take a look at telemetry in our application to be more successful so moving on to the final part of this talk one of the things that I think the application has a ton of value in is per you know thick our triaging production issues so I showed some of the cool things that you can do there but there's additional tools that exist inside of app insights and visuals to do enterprise that gives you even more tools to be successful so how many times have we been in a situation where somebody comes to our desert says there's an issue in production I don't care what you're doing fix it now right so what are the first things that we think of that can cause production issues right so I think of the primary things is there's change to the environment there's some data that's causing issues with code and you have scaling issues but really anything else can cause issues in production and when we look to actually try to fix these things what are some of the things that we actually do we can copy some form of production data to a local environment to test you know in some situations that's just not scalable especially for large applications you know in some in other scenarios we have the ability to look at a production staging environment which maybe has more telemetry turned on or we can actually you know spin up an environment to actually look at things a bit better we can read logs if we really don't like our lives we can read IAS logs and DB logs and what-have-you and then you know at the end of the day sometimes it's just really really valuable to see what's going on live so a lot of people will do something like this right they'll attach a debugger to production and there's a ton of reasons as to why you don't want to do that the biggest one is that if anybody wants to use your site they can't anymore so I'm gonna say that's not a good idea right we don't want to be in a position where we're affecting the experience of our users to fix an issue right we want to be able to create an environment where we can outside of the scope of that production application get more information and one of the ways that you can do that is using snapshot debugger so snapshot debugger like I said it's a tool inside of Visual Studio Enterprise that allows you to connect to a point in time exception for your application that's lit up with a pin sites so that doesn't mean that it's only an add your only feature so you can have a VM hosted on Prem and still take advantage of snapshot debugger so let's snap shot debugger actually look like so you have the when you go in through the azure portal you have the ability to look at the call stack as well as some of the local variables that existed for a particular point in time of the exception and one of the things that's important to call out here is you can actually download that snapshot so what I want to do is I want to show you what that looks like because I think it's really really awesome so if I open up whoops clicked on the wrong thing so if I go to one of these failures right one of these failures we saw earlier I'm going to drill into that and when we reset our intent transaction details for an exception we can take a look and there's a little button here that says open debug snapshot so what I can do is I can click on that and what's going to do is it's going to initialize a gateway and it's actually going to start to process what's going on so what actually is snapshot debugger so snapshot debugger is a process that runs side by side with your application and what it's doing is it's basically collecting information while your application is running and then it's taking the PD B's that are deployed to your production server and it's massaging them into a way that you can take a look at the exception so as you can see here on the left hand side I have a call stack and I'm gonna click into right here so it looks like I did a search for Scott and it threw an argument out of range exception so that's really really valuable but maybe the exception is a bit more complex one of the things that I have the ability to do is I can actually download that snapshot if I click download snapshot it's gonna start to download a file so that download can take some time so what I did is I actually downloaded one herb from earlier today about 45 minutes ago when you open up that file which add I accession file you get this very interesting message I always that you know think it's kind of cute that you know we get a warning that you know we got something from us a source intercept source and that source just happened to be a sure in this case you open up this file in Visual Studio and what it's going to do is it's going to give you a mini dump summary and what that mini dump summary is is it's a collection of all the data related to this exception so as you can see there's modules here there's times when the exception occurred so the OS and the CLR version and I have this ability to click debug with managed only and what that's gonna do is it's going to load all the symbols that exist for this particular exception and it's going to actually spin up an experience similar to when you're breaking an application in production and one thing the call-out here is that the actual exception was thrown inside of throw Hobart CS which is part of system core Lib that might be not be valuable to a lot of folks but I have the ability to look at the call stack and I see my heroes there and I see an exception was thrown on line 53 of this particular class and was this exception actually doing so it looks like I pass in a name a string and then I make a query from a database and then I tried to get the the fourth item in that array what could possibly go wrong when you're trying to access the specific number of array that array might not have that particular instance so you get an argument out of range exception so this is obviously a silly example but I just want to show the thing that you have so you have the ability to use tooltip and as you can see the name is Bill if I take a look at the heroes I have tooltip here I also have watch an immediate window so I can actually pull up watch and type in name and it's a bill and then if obviously I can go into the immediate window as well and type in name and that's gonna give me bill so again really really simple scenario but it just shows you just the power of what snapshot debugger can do so we have about five minutes left so I want to take some time for questions so if you have you know if you want to take a look at some of the samples or additional documentation for this applet for this talk you know I'm using the URL list so shout out to Burke and sessile for putting that together I use it all the time so if you click on that particular URL or not click on it but if you go to that particular URL it's it'll take you it'll give you a handful of links so you know access to the github repository to see the tour of Heroes demo as well as some really valuable documentation on Doc's on Microsoft calm about snapshot debugger and application insights so we have about five minutes left like I said so let's take some questions perfect hey I say thank you so much Shane you got any questions we had a we had one question that came up sooner but looks like I got answered and I'll just let you speak to it real quick and the initial an't question was is it only for web apps I think we we kind of know the answer no it's not just for web apps but if you want to kind of expand on maybe some of the capabilities of the SDK that's out there for other types of apps other than web apps yeah so so one in particular so there is an SDK for WinForms so that that was built by the community and what that gives you is it gives you additional telemetry tracking for when you switch views in an in a win form right so that's one example you know there's is well one thing to call out is that even though we talked about dotnet a lot here any programming language can take advantage of a pin sites and there's SDKs that exist just for dotnet but for Java nodejs PHP and a lot of the SDKs are either owned by Microsoft or owned by major community members one good question that came up too is can I use a snapshot the bugger in docker yes you can so you have the ability to connect to I believe you it's and I believe that the AKS is in preview currently but you should be able to connect to docker applications even hosted in Linux school and I think your URL URL list that you had up there does that have some links to the docs about finding out more about snapshot and websites and all that it sure does okay and one last question I think we might have some time for here is how can i migrate normal logging to a pin size is it just a matter of using the SDK and things that are in the docs yeah so that so there's some documentation around that so if you're using like a pretty well-known library like an log or log Fernet or serial log so there are actually adapters that exist which will basically log all of the N log data into a pin sites as well so it's not a matter of you having to rewrite your login mechanism from scratch you can just append on to that by adding it into a pin sites and then obviously if you want to extend app insights you have the ability to do so with you know code and dotnet so you can write like track events and track exceptions and all that sort of thing to get all the telemetry you want I can add something to you know so I said I'm not sure if you know this but we're actually using a pin sites on comp website so I would hope so cuz it's awesome yes it's awesome so we used it because for it tonight talk about might whoa originally was written dotnet and dotnet framework with nbc5 and so forth so we migrated it down at court - - and in case we wanted to figure out what's the performance are we missing anything so by using app insights we were able to figure out where we had missing files because we can actually see the 404 so we were doing we can look at our browser performance JavaScript performance so it was great for us to kind of fine-tune it and go as we like so it's a great tool especially for like migration or just to figure out what's going on your app and and really all we did is we deployed it to an azure app service when the left-hand side and said app insights emailed and that was it and the magic happened yeah exactly so then that's one of the great things about app in sites is that lighting it up is really easy so even if you don't have an application that's hosted in Azure it's pretty easy on Prem as well so there's a UI based instrumentation tool without code and there's also a PowerShell driven one as well so you don't need the code to actually turn on tap insights which is great yeah I know and that's some people in the chat I was as you were talking about while also bringing about Google Analytics sounds like you used Google Analytics app insights and like for us we're using both yeah why not yeah for us analytics is great to figure out how many people they're at where they're coming from and it's a nice quick little dashboard overview but it provides some information not all information that we care about how the act website is performing like we were able to see CPU a good example of this when the Kino started the CPU was getting hotter hotter and hotter and hotter we were 75 80 % CPU and a fairly large app service instance and we were able to get those details thanks to app insights yeah that's awesome sweet all right we're right on time so we're gonna get finished here so thank you so much I said we got syed here talking about vicious vicious to do for mac so we're gonna flip here a little bit and we'll be right back

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hi my name is Glenn Condren I'm a program manager on the team and today we're going to talk about some of the ...