Monday 21 October 2024

Architecting NET Microservices in a Docker Ecosystem

all right everybody how's it going down Netcom 2019 we got Hamidah here to taco talk to us about micro service that net micro services and docker take it away Hamidah hello hello everybody hello my name is hameed are very I am Microsoft MVP in developer technologies and today I will present a session about architecting mile marker services in dotnet car and using the Kuroko system so I will share my screen to start not shown up yet up there it is so during this session we learned how to work with the microservice architecture pattern and docker containers using car 3 platform to build the distributed system we will start by talking about the transition from monolithic architecture to an architecture that consists out of small and independent services that you can scale and dependently on your difference software cycle from development tests to production environments and before talking about micro services we need to understand the difference between traditional application approach and micro services application approach any application is built as a collection of services and can be the development tested version and deployed and skillitz for monolithic application scales is done by cloning the app on multiple server here which pieces server we means VM several machines but for micro services scale is done by deploying each server and dependently with multiple instance across servers or VN we will start by presented monolithic up a predication approach based it on a live application here we have the presentation value that presents for us do all user interface it can be web mobile or desktop application the service flier is responsible for handling HTTP requests and they're responding with in either HTML or John or XML for with api's for example the business logic is here with the treatment though we can say the processor of our application the database access layer is the data access object responsible for access to the database despite having illogical modular architecture the application inspect packages and deployed as a monolith monolithic application arm all of single complete package having all the related needed components and service encapsulated on one package but for micro services the idea it's really some it can't set to sleep to split your application into a set of smaller enter connected services instead of building a single monolithic application and each maker servicer is a small application that has that has its own eggs egg on architecture consisting of business logic along with various adapter so microservices can expose or Esper for example for the case of api air pc or massage basic api and most services consume and he is provided by other services and micro servers are deployed and dependently with their own database their service saw the underline here as you can see we have many technologies and many patterns but if you won't use micro service we have mam more and more patterns like bounded context that we know before I use it like domain driven design secure ace and domain even the main events mediator we have many many patterns that we still can use a few micro services and we have many technologies today we will present docker containers for example and we talked a little bit about Orchestrator developer consider micro service as architecture style that promotes the development of complex applications as a suite of small services based on business capability and multiple and diffident subsystem in the form of anonymous services and the following pictures show the micro services architectural style here we can find the various components that we can find in a micro service architecture for example we start from the clients that communicate with API get way that is sure that serve as a client and ponds or we've talked about that after and we have the identity provider that managed the identity information it's related about authentication within a distributed network and the API gateway is communicated our services here we have poor for example services and we we find service discovery management's that static continent it's like page and CDN here I will talk about the importance of API gateway in micro services it's sit between the client and services it act as a reverse proxy routing requests from the client to the services it may also perform various cross-cutting tasks such as authentication we find SSL offloading SSL termination rate limiting etc if you don't deploy gateway the client must send request directly to the front end services it creates two coupling between the client and the back ends and the client needs to know how do individual services are decomposed that makes it harder to maintain the client and also harder to refactor the services now we need to deploy our services we consider that we created a each service so we build our our micro service architecture and to do that we will use for example docker container so what's local doaker its technology that allow the creation and use of container and local developer and this is admin to so easy deploy that application is sandbox to run on the host operating system to start our demo we need to have a Windows 10 professional and enterprise because we can't understand the docker desktop for windows in Windows 10 home we need Visual Studio 2019 but 2017 it support docker and docker for a desktop for Windows and docker tools now we will try to start creating a speed net car 3 solution but before we will try to architecture I will go now to the demo here I have an old solution created from four years ago this old solution I base it on on Web API create by with API the old the old way of with API as you can see here we have the service line it includes many controllers I had many controls to manage my application here and we have the business part here it's divided by application and domain we have the oppressed actually this is the database it's a layered application and I live the web parts it's it's a web angularjs inside in dc4 it's all the application as I said and I would like to react at a to do micro service architecture here and to start here I created a blank project here it's a blank project and ready created some Web API for my AP is but we will do that again now so here in Visual Studio 2013 I have a blank solution and I will add a project here and we'll choose is P dot net web application for example for me I choose here I have configuration service user accounts I go back to the old one I will choose for example here contacts API I would like that this the control will be separate services as API sorry say here contacts service for example and here create and here we have any speed net car 3 but already launched it from today's we will use this and here as you can see in advance its parts we we are requested to to say enabled docker support here requires dhoka dhoka the desktop here i have the application the docker application desktop as you can see here it's docker is already running and here we can choose between Windows and Linux for me I will keep windows because I am in I'm in Windows container here but if we change near pullings we need to switch to a Linux container in docker desktop here I will choose API API and we click on create here and here as you can see our docker file is already created and if you want to check yeah absolutely so we have on what we need to lunch token and here we can launch docker here you click on docker to be able to see to to deploy my web api on docker might will be in my machine locally in doha desktop so here the rate around okay but because it's not there we need to do to say that so do set up projects to be primarily one so first it was on the web but here we can launch docker and again so we were waiting just to see so when you try to check out the image in docker waiting to hear we can comment line we say docker images and here we have our complexes the our image this is the image on docker and we can create more than one image for the same web api basis it's really important than one of advantage of docker containers and micro-services and we can do the same thing for whip-it for for the presentation layer for example if you want to create if you want to create for example here I want to create empty see your project and we can do the same thing here and you can say for example here this is webparts microservice for example create and we can choose NV severe and we check naval check naval doctor support but you can't create and you can have the same thing here the for docker file will be created we set it as start projects and we can mash it on docker it will be a web application but we know T if we check again token image we will find this project yes this one and we try to check here so we go back to our presentation here so in previous movie movie are we started from an old application that include many many layers many services to in a service layer and we created a new solution blank solution and we added four we are able to add more and then API and the web application and this is one to start my our micro services and we deploy this in a local but in a we need to deploy this in within the clouds and in Asia we talked about cloud we talked about eager containers in angel here we have the alpha services that we know to deploy many many application the service fabric is it's an important container and Orchestrator to kubernetes - it's another Orchestrator and container and we have a container instance and back in our case we will try to use the registry container registry in asia to deploy it's easy from from the vision so we go back to our application just to show you how we can do that so start from here we can choose web or any web api application here we choose publish and as you can see here we find all all publish target but that we can use it we have the opt services the container registry the containers s3 is dedicated to deploy our images to push them into Asia and we can create a new one here from from visual studio it will be created in our reporter or we can select from exist think a jerk on the container if we already have the containing created in Asia portal we can add it and we can use the docker in the curve it's dedicated it's an open source litigated to docker or we can use a custom server that configure it in in the hostel so here we click create we create our profile and we give Venice prefix because here you it creates a name and our subscription we define research group and we click and on three days for here so it's deploying step it takes few times because it's deploying into Asia to create our container container resistant include or company that you need it can be grouped using your research group here and it's here when we leave to publish it will be published in our portal importer of leisure and we can after go through see ICD pipeline or create up services if it's it's a web application to show it or if we include throughout the program for IP I to display our API what you have so you go back to our our invitation here sorry we talked when we talk about contains docker we need to talk about Orchestrator in Asia or here for example here we have two known Orchestrator in Asia but the youth is different so if we use the kubernetes with the with docker or service public you need to know to choose it depend from your micro service it's really based on container only or it's based on plain process state of services and you find the mullennix and the windows it's the same it's not a problem and as now here are Cuba natives it's open source for automation deployment scaling and operating of application and we can we can pay in a jeweler for VMs in cluster and you key to create to have this place pay-as-you-go here and it's is container after structure and the same for syllabus fabrics so this session was an overview about micro services with docker micro services allow to in to evolve deploy and scale part of application and dependently but we can't use this architecture for small application because it's dedicated to distributed the software challenge and a challenge and the for scalable and long-term evolving application thank you if you have any questions please and you can send your questions to my Twitter and you can found more detailed at the source code in my kit about this this example and other example hey I mean thank you so much we've been looking on the chat and we don't see any questions so well thank you for sharing your Twitter so again if anybody has any questions go ahead and use Twitter to ask Amita those questions the github repo is right there so we can share that thank you so much that's great and thank you so much for taking the time to share your knowledge and your experience with us we really appreciate that it's you know people like you is what makes our community strong and it makes us better all right so or yet awesome so all right everybody we are going to be going into our next speaker and let me check that here we have Santosh talking about cosmos DB for so we'll get that going here we'll be right back

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