Wednesday 23 October 2024

Azure App Configuration - Making Centralized Configuration Easy

so my name is Jimmy Campbell I am a developer on Azure app configuration team I'm excited to be here today to talk about our service and also to celebrate net core 3.0 I've been a dotnet core developer since beta 8 and definitely a lot of change since then and I think that a drive configuration is a great tool for a Donette core developer to add to their arsenal whether they're developing modern global cloud applications micro services or maybe just sticking in a DevOps pipeline whatever configuration is all across the stack so a centralized configuration service really makes a lot of sense so what ended up happening was we saw a lot of problems with configuration the way applications are moving today so some examples of some of these problems might be how do I centralized application a centralized configuration when I'm running on an agile function I'm also running on kubernetes I'm running on some VMs that I own and I kind of need to share settings between them or maybe something like I'm running apps in North America and I'm running in them in Europe I need to share settings but I also need them slightly nuanced because the application just needs to behave differently in North America or Europe to more advanced use cases like wherever I'm getting my configuration from how do I dynamically update it during runtime and so configuration is a very fundamental piece and there are some common problems we saw people trying to develop their own solutions that comes with a cost we also saw things like people try to use things that weren't necessarily meant for configuration and then they would eventually get to a point where they got stuck because the solution they were using just wasn't designed for that so it really made sense to make this service a drop configuration which is then in preview now since April I've yes April and we got on this and now it exists so a centralized configuration service core developers specifically we offer things like a configuration provider simple similar to the JSON file provider and dotnet core things we have a STK a configuration client where you can write read settings but I think first of all what I should do is get started saying what is a Drac configuration it's a natural resource what happens when I create it what do I actually get when I start using it and so what kind of do like I getting started right now so I'm going to go into my command line and get started with a draft configuration from the CLI dotnet core has a pretty good CLI and we're all developers here so I think we can kind of enjoy the automation opportunities that come with the CLI so I'll go ahead and get started creating my first Azure app configuration so I'm using the add your CLI now as denoted by a Z and then app config is our command group and I'm going to create an azure app configuration dotnet Contin demo my resource group is going to be Jimmy C a config when I already have configured and I'm going to have a location of central us so what am I getting when I create as your app configuration so it's an azure resource and I'm going to get a place where I can store settings settings in our model are stored as key value pairs so you may have a message which is hello world or something like that just a simple key value and that's really what we stored the foundation we do offer metadata on top of that so you're storing your settings and they're available to you through a web endpoint so if you look on the configure 8 that app configuration instance that I just created my endpoint that has been allocated to me is https dotnet conf demo that AC config die oh so now I have a REST API listening on this endpoint that was allocated just for me where I can start creating settings in a central manner start consuming them and all my applications my dev anything that really speaks the rest API can start writing and reading settings from this app configuration instance and of course the CLI is one of the things that can do this we can go ahead and create our first setting here now that I just booted this up easy app config kv-4 key value set I want to set a key value so the name of my store is dotnet comp demo I have a key online create color pretty typical setting name and a value of blue all right so now we just use the CLI the azure CLI to create a app configuration instance and create our first setting alright this kind of shows some of the automation with the service so you can kind of run these things in a script or whatnot but now we're going to go into the portal and we can show the UI for this thing and we can kind of get the best of both worlds so I'm going to go into the portal here then they refresh the page we're going to see this dotnet comp demo now everything I've done in the CLI can be done through the portal and also the things that I do in the portal can be done through the CLI we look for feature parity across both and so if I wanted to create my app configuration through the portal I could have created it to create a resource and I create settings through configuration Explorer alright so here we see the setting that I created color and then blue simple sea key value pair to represent a setting and then we see some metadata on top of it label last modified content type the one I actually do want to mention before we get too deep here is is label so key value are definitely important because you need those to have a setting but label is something important to our service because it can be used when you're querying settings and it gives you a way to add a new dimension to your configuration for example I may have an application that runs a premium and a standard SKU and I might want the color to be green and standard and I might want it to be red and premium or something like that and so I can kind of model this with label it's not just a metadata it's not just like a tag that when you get it it's actually used in queries so when you query configuration you can say give me all the settings for the standard label or give me all the settings for the premium label so this is kind of what I talked about before where I have nuanced configuration maybe like a West US or North America and Europe stuff like that so label is something important for our service layer so now we have the ability to create settings we know what it kind of means to have an app configuration instance how I can create settings for it I want to go a little bit further into the portal here before we leave it just kind of get the the coverage we see some other things down here and operations such as feature manager feature manager is a value on top of just simple configuration I could probably go into that into another time but we also have some configuration utilities down here we are storing configuration and where a configuration service so it makes sense for us to have utilities like for example I need to restore my configuration to what it was yesterday because it worked yesterday but doesn't work now you can do that through the restore tab so you can select a day of what my what I want my configuration will look like for example on September 11th I didn't have any keys so it's saying hey do you want to delete these keys I can compare settings I can compare across app configuration stores I can compare across labels so like I said I have a premium and a standard app I want to compare these things I can see o of red and green and I can also do import and export import and export is really valuable it's actually my favorite thing because especially when you're bootstrapping app configuration from a dotnet core developer point of view you probably have app settings dot JSON something along those lines and we support the ability to comment from a configuration file import settings we also allow export of settings to a JSON file and this can also be done through the CLI that's that feature parity I talked about all right so that is kind of the background for app configuration the portal CLI interacting with it and now that we know how the settings are represented and how we can kind of get started it makes sense to move into a dotnet core app that's actually utilizing this and so before I do that let me go ahead and use to another app move to another app configuration that I already allocated this one doesn't have any settings yet but I'm gonna show the import I talked about from a configuration file I'm going to import some settings app config web demo Jason I'll actually show that file it's just like appsettings JSON file if you will and I imported it into my configuration store and now you can see I have all these settings here they all start with web demo : that's kind of a prefixing practice I may have multiple apps configuration set stored in my single app configuration and one way to separate them is by namespacing them so all these are from my web demo app and they all start with web demo and now I have these settings here I can start consuming them in a dotnet core application so let's move into an core 3 application that I have this is a ASP nightcore 3 razor pages application it's doing very little actually the main point to get out of this app is that it's pulling the configuration from app configuration and the way we're doing that is we're binding our configuration to a model called settings and you can see there's kind of a one-to-one mapping here refresh rate languages these these all map to settings here and we're binding them to that model and we're using those properties in our razor view so essentially we have like a one-page app pulling configuration and just using those settings to show what we're seeing on the webpage the very simple way to demo the configuration now the typical practice and dotnet core for configuration is to use a configuration provider dotnet core comes with a few very common ones like JSON file configuration provider environment variable configuration provider command line etc we offer a configuration provider it's the azure app configuration configuration provider and so that is what's going to be showing right now on my program CS on top of the one on top of the environment variable and JSON file providers that come by default and default builder I'm wiring up as your app configuration so it's these lines right here this API add a drop configuration is exposed by the nougat package right here Microsoft Azure app configuration asp net core so i just need to add a reference to this to my asp net core project and that i can go ahead and start using this API okay so I go in I call a - your app configuration and then I need to do a little bit of configuring to actually set up the app to pull the settings from my app configuration instance the most important thing is I need to connect now what I'm doing right here is called connect with managed identity this is a feature that we utilize on Azure platforms that are running applications that support managed identity these identities can be assigned to these agile platforms in this case I'm running an app service so I assigned an identity to my app service and I granted that identity access to my app configuration instance so I can actually go into my app configuration instance and I can look at the role assignments and I say oh I granted access to my app service and so using this flow allows me to short-circuit the other way of connecting that I'm going to get to it allows me to like I can short-circuit connection string basically and I can take advantage of the fact I'm running an app service I'm running on dotnet core up there but if you don't want to do that that's perfectly fine you can just use connect and you pass a connection string the connection string comes from our portal or our CLI you can list it there and then you would just provide it in to bootstrap your app but since I am running this app for the demo in app services I can utilize this way of connecting and one of the great things about this is I don't need any configuration to bootstrap my configuration because as you can see I'm not using a connection string all I'm doing is specifying the end point of my app configuration instance ok moving on to some other options used in this we have a little bit of filtering here this use is just specifying a key filter because I mentioned that I kind of wanted to segment my applications and in this case I have them all name space by web demo : all right and so I'm selecting only those then finally we have this configure refresh and this links back to what I talked about before where we have a notion of wanting to dynamically update configuration during the runtime of our application because some application designs depend on this behavior and so before I go into configure refresh I actually want to talk about where the Refresh is triggered and so I'm going to go into program or startup CS and we see this use Azure app configuration this is the only other place where any a track configuration code is found in the application and what this does is it wires up a middleware inside of your asp net core app that uses requests to actually trigger a refresh of the configuration if you are using our configuration provider previously you may have been aware that we were using a polling model before and now we switch to a middleware model and the reason for this is that when you're polling for configuration especially in a micro service world you end up maybe just using a little bit of unnecessary resources if you're doing that continuously even if the application is dormant with a middleware based approach we can be smart about when we want to refresh our configuration if you have 10 apps maybe not all of them always getting requests your load balancing or something like that only the ones that are getting requests need to really be triggering configuration refreshes when the other ones start getting requests then it makes sense for them to start triggering refresh as well and so that's what this does right here request based refreshes now we can go back to we're actually configuring the Refresh because we know that refreshes are being triggered but what actually hat what does it mean to trigger a refresh and that's what we're configuring right here essentially what we're saying is what do we want to keep up-to-date what's setting so we want to refresh every setting maybe one or two settings that are really important that need to be dynamically updated during the app that's what's configured right here in this case I'm watching a setting called web demo Sentinel and not only am i watching that setting I'm specifying something called refresh all which means when that setting changes when I noticed a change in that setting I want to refresh my entire configuration just like I did when the application started up so I want to go back to app configuration and just get everything again that's what's happening right here and so with that that's the full set up of app configuration in my dotnet core app now I can actually see it in action so I have this application right here it's blank right now because I didn't have any settings before but I uploaded some JSON settings and if i refresh the page you'll actually see that I have some configuration form as wrap configure some settings some data that came from the settings it came from my ad hoc configuration came because I uploaded that JSON file but to kind of give a better view of that we can go in and edit some more things right now I show the values for these let's change the background color to green maybe increase the font size just kind of do what we can to make the changes very apparent I also make better message alright so now what actually happens if i refresh the application now nothing is going to change because we're only watching that sentinel value like I mentioned but as soon as I update the Sentinel value I just need to change it I don't really it doesn't matter what I change it to the application can start picking up the changes to all the settings that I updated so we're going to start seeing the change to the green color hi net comp bigger font so this kind of just shows dynamically updating settings during the runtime of the application so to get started all you really need to do pull in the nuga org the new get package Microsoft Azure the app configuration dice B net core that's if you want to build an asp net core app if you're just building a dotnet core app a screen at core is and involved we also have another package called microsoft of extensions that configuration dialog configuration it uses that common configuration provider namespace that one doesn't pull any ASP nets our core stuff into it so if you're just building a console app or maybe a hosted service makes sense to use that it's still going to give you the ability to do refreshes it just doesn't give you the request based refresh middleware but you can refresh the configuration yourself on demand all right so that's the dotnet core seen but for dotnet core developer just developing applications isn't the whole picture there's also you need to build and you need to be able to release your applications so we've been seeing a lot of mention of Azure DevOps for this these kind of needs and we actually have a DevOps build and release task it is on the DevOps marketplace you can go look for agile app configuration and you can add it and right now to your organization or project to start using it and what this does is it utilizes all the settings we put in our app configuration and injects them as variables into our build into our release so I can actually go ahead and create a new build pipeline to kind of show off using this so create a new build pipeline here delete all the steps just to add in a girafft configuration my subscription my configuration instance name so now with this task every setting that's present here is going to be a available to my build pipeline and if I use it in other builds it's going to be available in those build pipelines so I can share my settings across builds now very easily if I'm centralizing them in my app configuration and I can also put my app settings there and so it kind of makes it easy to manage them in one place and have one interface that you're working with for settings one set of tools one see a lot one form of automation and now to demo this I will add in a PowerShell task right here and I'm just gonna echo a setting from Azure app configuration message I don't have that yet but I can create it message hello DevOps cool and now when I run when I save and run this build I don't want to commit to master but I'll save and run this build and then what we'll see is it's going to pull very quickly pull the settings put them in as build variables and then say hello DevOps and we'll kind of have that and like I said what this allows us is we can easily have one interface for managing our settings for the applications we're building we can share these settings across all these builds all these releases just make sure to bring them in through this one build task and then we can kind of keep with the semantics of how we want to add dimensions to our configuration with label things of that nature and I even want to go a little bit deeper into the DevOps and travel ability without configuration I mean configuration is really all across the stack so applications using configuration DevOps is using it and there's even more room to talk about it here because as your DevOps is very easy to interact with the azure CLI you can spin up very quickly as your CLI and line script to start doing something and so this kind of ties in to a scenario where you may have an application and you can't afford to pull settings at the runtime of your application you can't make a HTP request to pool settings you can't talk to the service possibly as a requirement well if you still want to use as your app configuration it's perfectly reasonable to have those settings pulled at Build time or release time package them in app settings JSON file and deploy them with your application so I can go ahead and show kind of what that might look like right here and also show using the address CLI to talk to app configuration so let's hook up an address CLI tasks let's do a [Music] inline script and we're going to use a functionality you saw import on the portal but now let's do an export on the CLI we're going to do export all the settings in our app configuration to a JSON file so that's what we have in this right here app config Cavey export we're saying to a file we give the file path settings the azure app configuration not Jason it's a JSON file the separate word separator we want to use and it can fixed where it comes from finally let me go ahead and publish these artifacts so that we can see them at the end of the build and it demonstrates as I mentioned you want to pull settings during build you don't want to pull them during the runtime your application you want to kind of have that very consistent or it's just a requirement for when you're running your apps so let me run this build and then so this will take just a second for the addressee allied to login that's probably the longest part of using the address CLI and this build but it will produce the Azure diet can app as your app settings that as your app configuration JSON file and if you were doing this in a real scenario you just put that right next your app settings Jason and then BAM you now have dynamic settings but they came from during build time so that's pretty much all I have right now for Azure app configuration centralized configuration management solution we have utilities for managing your configuration a way to share your configuration across all kinds of different platforms DevOps it doesn't matter where in the stack you are Azure app configuration can help out provide the configuration there and I guess real quick I do just want to show the build artifacts of this did say published build artifacts okay well there was supposed to be adjacent there I may be typed something wrong in the build pipeline but I think the idea is there it basically produces the exact same file is this and it would be present and the build artifacts I mustn't this types of thing but yeah that's pretty much it for me all right this has been a pretty amazing Jimmy like look and I'm gonna tell you this because matheus I think I said if I say it wrong I'm so sorry I thought this presentation was going to be about appsettings Jason as your app configuration is amazing it's cool to have this other place to put that stuff and manage it was about I'm saying so Jason kind of find them and then the other one which was interesting which you answered there at the end but I'd love for you to reiterate what's the best way to do a fallback to offline settings you kind of showed this a little bit in your demo why don't you see what method maybe he's gonna tell me how to say his name I'll say Matthew American nice so how do you do a fallback to offline settings that's a good point so there are multiple different considerations when you're talking about fallback to offline settings there's what I just talked about about putting your settings there during build time and release time so you don't have to make a query during runtime so I just demoed that that's exactly how you do it I don't know I'd like I said I probably miss type something in the build pipeline but there would have been a JSON file there that could have been used as absolutely Jason another aspect would be something that we have in our configuration provider which is called a offline file cache which if you're running on the same VM or something and maybe one time when your app is starting out it doesn't have network connection you can use offline file cache in our configuration provider library and it will pull the last retrieved settings they write them to a file encrypt them and it will pull them in case it doesn't have a network connection so kind of two different practices for offline so probably met the first one but the second one is there as well that's right that's cool cuz I thought maybe you just pull it at Bill but then you also have a cache to fall back on as well yes that's cool is as your app configuration recommended for secrets like connection strings another good question all right so as your app configuration is a completely secure way to store any key value encrypting things I mean there's no worries there authentication authorization all however there is another shirt service named kee volt which is more which is better for management or management of secrets they have things like if you're managing things like certificates Auto renewal of certificates or if you have things like connection string they'll expire your connection string and they have very granular access policies so they are the one like the best place to store a secret so there's nothing wrong per se with storing connection string and app configuration but ultimately for secrets that's exactly what key vault was designed for whereas we were designed for just configuration extensive querying mechanisms things of that nature and one of the things that we're actually gonna be coming out was soon is a way to reference key vault secrets in the dotnet core configuration provider so we'll go through the key ball for you in your app it kind of abstract skeeball but your secrets can still live there and that's cool because Nick had the same sort of question what's the difference between this new app config and key vault so keep all this four secrets app config is for how would you finish that sentence yeah key ball is 100% of that designed for secrets as wrap configuration is done designed for configuration there's nothing limiting you from putting anything you want in app configuration but ultimately the like as we have configuration management utilities key vault is going to have secret management utilities the expiration secret rotation or certificate rotation things like that so those are values that we're not gonna be able to give because that's not what we were designed for that's also does this configuration service integrate directly into Azure function so I don't need to manage that config there okay so two things our dotnet core configuration provider is net standard you can use that in app function and pull it right when your app function starts off the second thing is I exported something to a JSON file in the last presentation you can export it to a app service through the CLI or through the portal and so other app other platforms with an azure we want to integrate with to be able to push our stuff there add your function aks you name it on our roadmap is the ability to do this automatically via sync tasks and to just have your configuration live there still manage it centrally in a configuration amazing last question is there an app configuration nougat package for framework so there is yes there is net the one I just mentioned is net standard so you could use it in framework also we do have a configuration builders and you get package the configuration builders was introduced I believe in four seven and it's kind of a net framework way to do configuration well built into the framework there and we do ship something for that so it's a drop configuration specific dotnet framework configuration builder amazing thank you so much assuming we have some feedback coming in on may I say there Mekas jokes that I was asked to read okay the joke's on dotnet Kampf I I told her that they may not work but she was adamant so maybe we should have a talk with her afterwards

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