Wednesday 23 October 2024

Awesome games with .NET, Visual Studio 2019 and Unity 2019

welcome back and today I'm going to be talking about unity my name is christos Matias I am a product marketing manager for unity and mobile and I have really created interesting this product you probably have had a lot of announcements throughout the two days so far so dotnet core Visual Studio and visual studio for Mac so today what I want to show you and why I wanted to pick up this session is because I wanted to showcase that with dotnet you can build some amazing things including games right our agenda for today is very simple I'm going to introduce unity to you just to let you know what it is and what he can build with it and then I'll show you how to get started if you never done get into gaming before like I haven't so it's a great experience to see how you can set up your machine then I will show you why you want to use Visual Studio or visually for Mac to write your games and we'll do that a few demos just to showcase the capabilities and finally we'll talk about why Visual Studio is so well aligned with unity and what makes it such a great product for debugging and writing your games or your 3d real-time applications and hopefully at the end we'll leave you with some learning materials and set you up for the next few sessions of the day so getting started unity of course is a is a the most widely used real-time 3d framework right it started as a gaming team but now they're targeting different industries so the goal there is to give you the tools to create applications for not just games but 3d real-time applications and they're the most widely and known engine and it's built on dotnet so if you are Dalton a developer there's nothing stopping you from writing games starting today and the nice thing about unity is that you don't just have one platform but you have over 25 different platforms whether you want to develop games for xbox whether you want to build solutions for the run on Windows or Mac OS obviously mobile is very big mobile games are fantastic these days and many people monetize on that so if you want to build things for that and that's also their TV OS that the platform is insane so taking your dotnet skills with a unity and our IDs means that you can build almost anything for any platform out there and getting started obviously the first thing that you need to do and you need to be aware of is that ever since twin 2019 point to version of unity things have changed quite a bit on how you install and unity so there are two ways to get started with unity one is you go to the unity website and you download the Installer and then allows you to actually go and get the bits that you need so it's a unity first experience and many developers that know unity will start from there but if you're already a Visual Studio developer there is a way for you to add the unity workload to allow you to get started so we'll we'll see how you do both so if you're inside Visual Studio that you select the game development with unity and that will download the unity dependencies for you and the other way around if you are ready on unity then you can go and add the components that you need so if you aren't on V on Mac OS then it will download the adversity for Mac components if you're on Windows it's clever enough to let you know that you need to download Visual Studio so I already have both the installers here so if you're in visited installer it's just going to modify it kicks off the modification of the latest version that you're using today we're using 16/3 which is the latest and greatest and if I scroll down here you'll find out they have selected a game development with unity if you don't have it selected you add that and we'll bring down all the necessary dependencies so I can close that off and if I go to the unity hub up until this point that didn't exist so you download directly unity and get started but now and they have a unity hub like the views to the Installer and allows you to add multiple versions of unity because certain things may not be working with the latest version of unity especially their component engine and so here you just come to install you add your installation and then from here you can also add modules so in this instance you'll notice that we already have the Unity game development checked in because we went from the Visual Studio workflow first but if you don't have it if you start with unity then that's the way you get started and that's all you need as soon as you do that if we jump back the slides you'll notice that there are certain things both in inside unity and the visual studio installer that show you that everything has been configured correctly so we're ready to go with this ones and what this one is telling here for the external tools is that if you are working with unity and you are on Windows it has already recognized Visual Studio 2019 as present and I've already checked in the editor attaching because one of the big things that you want to do is as you write your code for your games you want to make sure that you can debug the code right and you want to do it in velocity because it's the best editor out there so next we're going to look at why would you want to use Visual Studio or velocity for Mac over say notepad or OneNote or whatever there are if you if you've been developing for a long time with Visual Studio you probably know some of these capabilities but if you're not if you're new to TV studio or if you just focus on unity then I would like to highlight some of the big features here obviously refactoring as big as your code grows you want to be able to quickly jump into the code and change things move them around clear your code and what-have-you so you can always use the mouse and right-click on the line or you can instantiate the command by using ctrl or command dots and you can go straight to definitions I will show these in and then demo very quickly you can navigate the compiled assemblies you can get suggestions for variable names the idea guides you through a lot of a good practices and would try to give you the tools that you need to build good code so if you're creating a method that you want to duplicate for example then we can quickly do that in the code there are a lot of tools there to make you more productive with the scripting in your games Multi cursor mode editing we got global certs and that's very big because if you have a big codebase and as your codebase grows you want to be able to quickly search and find a different components in your code going to enclosing block if you have big blocks of code and finally whether you're working on Visual Studio or video for Mac and you'd like a specific set of bindings then we also give the ability to actually switch the bindings around around so if you're envious to do for Mac there's a setting there tells you I want to use my visual studio key bindings and since I have both machines as well I like to have that consistency across the two IDs so you can do that as well and next one we have Intel akkad some people may already know intelligence and Intel quad is is the next level it's the AI guided intelligence that you get inside your code and it's always context aware as well I will do a demo on how Intel code works and how you can improve your game coding visit of your life sir this is a life-changing experience because up until this point you maybe have been developing in teams or developing in isolation and you always get stuck right yeah there's always the internet but there's nothing as somebody out there that can help you out so using live server you can actually set up a session to sir your existing coding environment with somebody else so there could be somebody sitting three hours away from you watching TV on their on their you know on the surface go and then you call them and say I'm stuck with this solution here in my game I don't know what to do can help me out and you can actually spin up a session inside Visual Studio they could be sitting on the sofa playing with their vision studio code doing some web development they don't need to have the exact same setup you'll be setting your environment so live sir allows you to unblock it allows you to share your environment and find solutions to problems sometimes you can use it for as a learning experience as well so that's really important I will show you how to spin up a live search session if you want to we have built in source control obviously if you're using git and most people these days tend to use git and we do have built in an ID support there we have real-time code analysis that's very important as you write your code you want to have real-time feedback you don't want to have to write your code save it and then build it only to find out that something is not as you like it to be that also includes some of the things that I'll be talking later like rosin analyzers and getting a get feedback about the quality or the errors in your code editor config is very big lots of people talk throughout the conference so far about a tour config and how it ties very well with visual studio or visitor for Mac and for those people that have not used a tour config before it's it's a way to actually define a code how the code should look and behave how you want your variables to be declared how you want your spaces and tabs to be declared in your code if you want to go down the route and because it's a file that is checked into your solution it follows the code everywhere you go so if a new developer joins the team then editor config allows them to pick up the exact same code habits if you want and apply them to their code base as they code a code lence gives you a very quick glance about how your code and has changed over the times and over the years how many seconds you had for a specific method and what have you and then some other capabilities obviously if you're changing across machines if you work at the office and then you come home and you pick up the work you can actually synchronize your settings for the IDs across those devices and across those environments so you can have a consistent Windows layout you can have a very consistent look and feel so if you'd prefer dark themes and that's how it works and then we have custom screen layouts which you can save as well and then take them with you and if you didn't know we're at the support light and dark themes on your ID to make it look and feel as you would like to so next I'm going to jump to a couple of demos and we're going to talk about some of the things I have shown you already so moving back to my code and we'd have talked about refactoring so usually when you are sitting in your ID you can control dot and then we get intelligence and says you know we can remove those usings and you know make sure that you don't have them anymore you can also fix on all document or projects and all solution so if you brave enough you can apply that setting across to the whole solution so let's do the document over here you'll see it says I can preview your changes and then you can apply them we have things like limited to another one you can see here again we have fixes talked about the multicolored editing so if I were to say I add new methods I could do control out dot and then select multiple locations or control shift dot sorry control out select one two that seems to not working okay I move on but we can also do multi line editing so if you're here and you want to change from private to public and go public and automatically applies again we do support multi carry at editing across the files but let me change that back to private we don't want to break our code okay so this one I did talk about a tour config and they just way to showcase these if I jump into my files desktop and I can I already have an editor config they just way to get started I find is if you jump to the Roslin repo on github they have already an ATAR config that is pretty well tweaked so far so as soon as we drop the editor configure there you'll see we have all these different settings and obviously you can also change them to fit your team's needs and that means that if you want to break or if you want to go from a warning to an error then it allows you to go that so you can see here the severity set the suggestion but you can change it to error and then that will cause everybody to actually go and fix their issues but if I go back up I'll pick up something that's very well debated and a heated conversation so I go with tab and save that saving thinking about it there you go so if I switch back to my code you'll notice that right now I have 4 spaces everywhere but if I do ctrl K and ctrl D automatically applies the editor config settings to my code that means that the soon as you you add your ATAR config you can go back and apply those settings to your files which is fantastic that that means that your team can have a consistent code base there so I mean just don't save that one obviously let me just go back and revert that because I'm pretty sure my team will be upset about the tubs space save that and again not applies and I did say I did mention about life sir so you've never used life sir it's available on V video and visit your code and you don't have to have the exact same environment on the target machine the one that you're sailing with but you can go into live sir it's already kicked off a stirring session I don't have any one right now - sir with but if I go into more info you'll not study it says just copy this URL send somebody else and with that they can actually join your session and say exactly what you see here which is fantastic especially if you're in games development you're new and you need support and throughout the your coding session so I'm just gonna stop that life sir in case anybody wants to join and I'll go back to some of the other things I talked so let's see here what else do we have and code lands we're building source control yet let me just show you this one so we source control again it will automatically pick up I was using get locally here so you'll notice that there's a lot of files that have changed throughout my editing you can also use an an exclude circuit ignore to exclude some of the files because obviously you don't want to take in everything and on your source code and like in dark themes with the settings if you didn't know you can create custom settings as well so if you want to have a very specific layout for your games development you won't ignore your debug you want to ignore other things and that are not relevant to you or Windows that are not like to box then you can come here create your session and your your layout and then you can apply it I know where you're these settings do carry with you as soon as you log into business to do with your account so if I were to change the web layout you will ask me whether I want to do that and then it does it there you go it's very different right I want to go back to my default one because I don't like this one I save great one for a guarantee obviously but it's fine so I'll go back to my default layouts go applying this one fantastic anything I want to highlight here and Intel Kota I will show you in a bit and now I will explain why real-time analyzers we have Roslin if you know if you don't know about Rosen you can download and install Rosen analyzers the ID also comes with some default analyzers here as I type it might come back with a suggestion saying you're missing an underscore prefix or you could make this field read-only so straight away it actually tries to make me a better developer by providing some suggestions for my code and rows analyzers are very powerful because they run at real time as you type your code so you don't have to again again save and build before you find out that there are some warnings against your your code right moving on I want to highlight why Visual Studio is so important with with unity and why when you use them together there they said your code on fire right did you become a lot more efficient obviously Intel code now has been designed to work with most of the SES our default projects but our team is working to bring the unity API messages into Intel code which means that we're scanning our code bases out there to make sure that we pick up the best skills for your for your unity games and Intel code goes one step above intelligence because as I said earlier on it's context sensitive it knows exactly where you are and what you're doing it will provide you with the best ideas as you type and Visual Studio does come with superior debugging we have the ability to set up trace points and breakpoints and really dig through the code there have been already sessions that so what vance tips and tricks on how to debug using Visual Studio so I would urge you to go and see these and we also added a unity project Explorer which makes your experience slightly better so if I switch back to my visual studio you'll notice that I don't have it down here but if I search for unity you'll notice it has unity API reference and unity project Explorer so that it gives you a more simplified version or a look and feel of your files and your assets so you don't have to go through the standard solution Explorer so we have an optimized experience for you I thought simply going back to the ID up until this point we only had that ATS so you had to spin up the game and so you spin up the the video studio attached to unity and they had to go back to the unity editor and spin up the game and then set break once here in order to be able to attach but now lo and behold we have attached the unity and play straightaway so you will kick off your a game end to end so if I were to try this one and we can also put a breakpoint over here we'll kick off my awesome game it's not it's not awesome but I did spend an afternoon writing this game so I wanted to prove to myself that as developer I can write something in unity in and not a lot of time so within one afternoon let's say four or five hours I was able to put this thing together so let's see if it's already kicked off the breakpoint is there if I'll go to my game trying to switch now maybe right let me stop that one bring it back to focus I think it's right something something resolutions something okay so that's my game it's a very basic game I created a car and I put some obstacles on the road and what I'm trying to do is circumnavigate around them so I had no knowledge of that I've used some ready-made components so unity makes it very easy to actually create a whole world out of ready-made assets so all you have to do literally is write the experience or the behavior around these objects and how you want them to behave right now and before even starting coding anything this these were just Dom objects sitting on our scene so what I did is I actually add user controls to be able to navigate around the car and then I wanted to to also add the behavior of moving the camera behind the car so it follows the car as it goes through and later in the game or in my talk we're gonna add one behavior which is exploding crates because there's no fun if there's no explosion right so I wanted to make sure that if you toss the crate it just explodes so right now we're here you see it actually has kicked off the game so I can see ya think there you go we can never get around the space it's very basic I showed them to my daughters and we're not very impressed because you know they play xbox and then when I saw them this I was really excited but the excitement not really pan out with them so as you can see I can already control it and the code that I needed to write to make this happen was literally a few lines of code so in this instance we have four lines of code that control the forward and backward and the sideways movements and then one more line of code that actually allows us to control the camera now I did speak about Intel akkad and how it works for us so if I were to do transform here and then do a dot you'll notice that we do have position local scale parent local position and rotation it's the Intel code here it tells us that the code that you might want to use this first because these are the most common ones in the context of the update so maybe you want to pick these ones up rather than try to find through the API as you can see it's a massive API here I have no idea what I'm to do so Intel occurred really helps me focus on the things that really matter and the nice thing about that is that if you go into an if statement then it will actually change the whole experience so let's say if I go down here and say if and then transform and dot you notice that it's changed sadly so it gives us the route which was not there before it also gives us a child object so it looks for like if transform has child objects you might want to do something so intel code hones in into those skill all those parts of the API that do you make sense to you right I did talk about Intel code yes and one more thing about and Teleco right we already have the automatic Intel code which does a lot of things out of the box for us but you can take it one step further by train in Teleco to apply specifically to your codebase so if you search for Intel akkad up here in Turley codes you notice that there's a Intel code model management and what this does is allows you to submit your code to your Intel code engine to create the model that you need to apply to your machine and that makes it very specific to your codebase you can also share that with the rest of the team and that makes everybody more efficient so if you have a large code base with a low of classes that you want to be able to quickly bring to the surface and Intelli code allows you to do that and you also have a custom model for unity to allow you to even be more efficient right by ends up jumping back into our unity the last thing I wanted to do is obviously show you some of the the good things in Visual Studio we do have they're built in out to create C sharp files sader files and in um files directly in the unity project in the Explorer faster project reloading so we want to make sure that as you change your code from unity then the project reloads much faster especially if you are the law of assets we want to have reduced time for debugging so no not many delays the team has really focused on better performance we also want support more unsafe code debugging options and and we have unity specific analyzers and diagnostics inside Visual Studio to make you look better and have better code and finally we're suppressing non-applicable sis or Diagnostics so with that I wanted to go back to our game and just add the explosion because as I said I promised your explosion so we'll see some explosions this time I'm going to go via unity so here you'll notice I have an obstacle and which are actually using to create new lots of obstacles in our game because we have about six of them it does have any behavior or code so what I'm going to do now is add a component and in this instance we're going to add some C sharp files so a new script we'll call it collision detection because it's actually colliding with something collision helper there you go can you script collision helper create an ad so this will add it to our obstacle now because everything else in our code base inherits from that base obstacle all I need to do now is go into our where did that go oh it's still loading right okay still fixing it adding it there you go so the collision helper here now that file is here let's tidy up a little bit we won't have a nice tidy solution and I'm going to jump into my collision helper this will open inside Visual Studio I'm going to delete this ones because I don't need them and I'm going to add my snippet so what we're doing here very basic it took me probably two hours to figure it out for lives of code and there you go what we're doing is we're getting the game object we need to make sure that it's only the vehicle that collides with our without crate right because if everything else collides then we don't really need to know about that then we grab the particle system that actually throws the explosion we make sure that we have a handle on that in fact achieve use the curly brackets that Matt stalked on the first day to check whether it's null or not and then we need to make sure there's no playing right now and then kick off they're destroyed so I'm going to kick off the game now let's save this one and then kick off the game blow something up and then we can move into questions there you go it's going to take a couple of seconds and explosion right that's it four lines of code and you have an explosive crate right last slide for me for today is all about what you can do next so if you are if you are keen on learning what you can do next we just go and download Visual Studio add the unity we recently launched some amazing learning tutorials with unity in collaboration so go there we have more than six hours of learning materials and then we also have a how to build your first game our PM John Miller wrote this one it goes through step by step on how to use versity for mac and build your own tic-tac-toe game so thank you very much thank you very much for joining me today

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