Wednesday 23 October 2024

Beyond Copy + Paste Creating Interactive Documentation

next up we have beyond copy and paste creating interactive documentation with Maria Nagaya thank you so much Mika thanks everyone for staying tuned with Netcom 2019 and thank you for listening to my talk so my name is Maria Nikita I am a senior program manager on the visual team and I want to talk to you today about interactive documentation and how we think about that and how it's important for first-time developers as well as developers who are continuing to grow and build on our platform so let's talk about documentation documentation is how we build trust with our developers it's how we educate people it's how we sell our products and good documentation means that we are as invested in our product as much as you are it's important as we build our documentation from first-time developers to people who are building code every single day that we make sure that their own ramp is as smooth and as effortless as possible so let's talk about documentation today for a few minutes with documentation today it's getting really good but there are still a few assumptions that we continue to make about our customers first is the assumption of knowledge sometimes when content creators are writing documentation they assume that the people coming to our documentation have prior knowledge of the framework and the languages being taught the assumption of tech as a content author myself I sometimes continually find myself thinking of my experience as the only experience I sometimes reference the operating system I'm using I sometimes reference a version of Windows I always assume that someone has as good internet bandwidth as I do so a good example of this is providing links to certain specific downloads as well as screenshots that only reflect a particular operating system and the last one is the assumption of time we are all really guilty of doing that we assume that the people coming to read our content or use our videos or a documentation have more time than they do usually when people are learning things trying new things or testing something they have a limited amount of time whether you're an educator a hobbyist or a seasoned developer you're probably doing this over your lunch time or just before you go to bed or just before you start work so we need to make sure we cater for that so we look at documentation today majority of the documentation looks like this it's static code right and if we think about this from the perspective of a net u developer a brand new first-timer they're often left wondering what does this do so we then go to stack overflow we copy and paste a bunch of code from here and there but then we still up for the challenge especially as first-time developers what template do I use in Visual Studio what libraries would do I need what do all these error messages mean we are telling people that for their first few lines of code there's a huge on-ramp or even just to run a sample for seasoned developers you're probably working really fast and you don't want to copy and paste in a copy and paste code in and out of your codebase you just want to see if this is the best thing for you so we've noticed one thing as we begin to improve our documentation our expectations have changed and we expect more from the people building our content to do more video has done great work in this space and we just launched right now with dotnet videos on how we are investing in videos and how we are making sure that our developers have an interactive experience where they're able to listen pause and rewind but still we're assuming a bit of time on your side but it's really good content so please go and look out look it up another thing is interactive snippets online this has actually become a requirement for languages and frameworks when you can see popular languages like JavaScript and Python allowing people to test api's and syntax right within the browser but we're also seeing it in popularly emerging languages as well such as scholar and go where people are able to interact and test API is right within the browser but puzzle this is just a few pieces of the puzzles right so we have video on one side we also have syntax iteration online however people want to have experiences that Feliz native to the experience they would have in the browser we're seeing this in places like Microsoft learn where people are able to try and test things out which would be similar to what their local experience would be so when they do transition into an offline experience it feels vaguely familiar but then we also have the concept of trying now this is something I constantly do if I want to try out a new NuGet package I will create a throwaway predicate see if it's working I will delete it I will do it again but you're seeing places like MPN with the help of companies like run kids creating these experiences online we should be able to try out on you get packages and see what they're like right within the comfort of our browser and what we're continuing to see here is a narrowing of the divide between documentation and code and the reason why we're seeing this is a landscape is continuously growing we have developers such as people who are watching this show writing blog posts every single day we have hobbyists and the hobbyist field just keeps on growing from makers to web developers mobile developers IOT from social media influencers where they're just constantly learning how to own their own online experience we have data researchers who are using and mining data making these analytical choices to make more informed decisions we have educators both CS educators as well as non-technical educators where we're seeing in primary and secondary schools all around the world where non-technical teachers are given the task to unwrap the next generation to be comfortable in this new world of coding and finally we have our students who want to explore and learn as much as possible and we need to provide those opportunities for them so when we're creating these new experiences around documentation especially at Microsoft there are things that we wanted to make sure that we landed very comfortably with the customers we wanted to make sure that they had up-to-date documentation nice and fresh referencing articles are when were from 2019 versus 2003 we wanted to make it engaging and engaging is not just about making it flashy and cool you want to make the navigation really easy you want someone to land on a documentation page I know where they need to go you also want the steps to be clear and quick and easy so if you got go-to dotnet right now and you go getting started you will see how to get R up and running in ten minutes giving people the moment to feel empowered in ten minutes or less and finally we wanted to create a friction free learning experience we wanted someone to be able to go onto a web page and learn about the language without having to install all the tools or know everything and in 2017 we launched an interactive online experience with a product that I build called Trident net which allows people to experiment and try dotnet the language within the browser so let's talk about more about the Trident net interactive experience and what we offer them we have our initial goals were in 2017 was to have an interactive documentation online bring us up to speed with the other languages that had been providing this for their customers most importantly we wanted it to be login free we wanted to make sure that someone didn't have to install everything on their machine in order to just write console dot write line HelloWorld we wanted you to give that quick win and finally we wanted a fast on-ramp we wanted it so you could edit the code online click run and see the results we wanted you to feel that moment of success but we also noticed that Trident net is growing and those are some of the wonderful things I want to share with you today so when we first began in 2017 we wanted a friction free online experience and we did that with Trident net and you go to dock stopped Microsoft comm you're able to run c-sharp code right within the browser but as we began to notice that there were certain difficulties first of all what happened if someone didn't have good internet access what if somebody wanted to do this locally on their machine how are we creating that experience for you also we wanted to make a cheaper alternative that allowed people to run things easily within their website and luckily in 2018 we also got laser and it allowed us to pivot from running things and containers on Azure container instances to running things on the client side with blazer and only that because we created these experiences will also allow us to create a local experience with try global tall and if you look at my slide right now we have a student in South Africa who calls is one of the most influential things that he's used that allows him to go and share c-sharp experiences with his fellow students so we thank you and we hope that you continue to use us and then we have a special surprise that I think a lot of you didn't expect but we also have dotnet running in notebooks and I'll be sharing that demo with you later today so let's go and see some demos now okay so as I said see Trident Nets started in the browser so if you go to any single sample on the docks of Microsoft comm quickstarts you notice that we have an editor right now you can copy the code over run it and you have the direct results you can also edit it easily right within the browser so you're not restricted by own but what is in the code and you run it again this is all running on blazer it's all running on the client side that allows us to create opportunities where people could possibly add this to their websites as well which we're hoping to enable in the future but I also talked about the offline experience if any of you have ever done a workshop or done a tutorial out there you've probably had to get people to download the tools clone the repo make sure than the right operating system and before you know it it's two-three hours into the workshop and nobody has done anything we wanted to make sure that people could be just successful with a dotnet SDK and the dotnet tribal global tool and get things up and running so I want to give you a quick demo of that so we have this repo it's our samples repo you can go to go to dotnet try slash samples on github and you'll see four clear extra instructions where we'll tell you to install tri global tool which is available and you get today clone this repo then once you have this repo clone I want you to go into the directory and type dotnet try so as someone who prepares for demos ahead of time I did the first three steps ahead of time so I'm gonna great go right into here type dotnet try hit run and what this is going to do using kestrels going to start up my browser and it's going to give me an interactive markdown experience if you look at the top this is an MD file so I'm going to continue into introduction to programming with c-sharp and you'll notice that you have a list of instructions it's like an interactive book let's go ahead and run this code sometimes the first run can take a few seconds but bear with me you have hallo world I can go in change it again and I will put in my name run it again and I see the results this gives people the flexibility to run an experiment within the browser giving you that nice interactive experience so I hope that you'll give it a try for the next workshop that you're a tenth you're doing or if you just want to try give it a just try it out but the big question here is how are we doing this how are we able to have this mix of interactive code c-sharp code with a markdown file so I'm just going to go over to Visual Studio code and show you some of the magic that we're running so I'm just gonna close up the server here so this looks like markdown that you've probably written in the past if you've done anything with a readme file and if you add any sort of language language features within your markdown you usually have to use a flag so you notice that we have something called si si si s which is a c-sharp we are pointing to a specific region right so this is general c-sharp regions called intro we're pointing to a source file and we're pointing to a program dot C as in my app so let's see what this is if I go over to my program dot CS you will notice that I have a couple of regions adored you have a bunch of switch case statement and I have a region called intro so if I edited this and I said hello dot Netcom and I saved this file and let's just go ahead and run this again dotnet tri I go back into my introduction to c-sharp and I've edited it right so there's a seamless difference but another thing that we have to be careful with is that if anyone's written documentation sometimes it gets out of sync like how do we support our backing project as well as what we're putting in the documentation we wanted to make sure that we supported that so let's make some quick edits like how do we verify code so I'm going to go over to this code again and I'm just going to make some clumsy mistakes over here I am going to remove the Senate semicolon save that I am going to change from intros from intro to intros I'm gonna say that again and I want to show you a new addition we added it called dotnet verifying right so what it's saying sorry it's not net try verify okay so this is going through and it's actually checking your markdown and checking your backing project to make sure that everything's going okay and you'll notice that it says hey you're missing some things here you're missing a semicolon and we also haven't found the intros region so we wanted to make sure that before you hit push into github you're able to actually see any issues that might pop up and we're allowed we enable you to do that if you're someone who would prefer to see this in a UI format it's also supported on the server on the UI side as well so I'm just going to click do this do dotnet try it's going to launch the localhost again and if I go over to the introductions it will tell me that the region hasn't been found so on both sides you have this experience where users are easily able to catch what their mistakes are so let's go on some to seeing that if you want to look at this more you can go ahead to our github repo and please give the give it a try so I want to show you a little bit more and other experiences that we've been creating so I showed you the dotnet try global tool and I showed you don't know try running in the browser but I also wanted to show you something that we just did this week and I'm really looking forward to hearing your feedback if you go to our github repo and you do dotnet slash try and you scroll to the bottom which is pretty long you can notice that we have a lot of files in there you'll notice that we have the dotnet try enable bad but we also have launch to binder now binder is a project an open source project where it's able to point to a github repo and take out all the notebook files and run them in the browser so they spin up a nice container and you're able to look at it right within the browser over here I already got this started this is c-sharp notebooks oh sorry let me start that again let's launch binder this is going to take a few minutes because it's configuring a container for us and the beauty of like live demos is that this will happen as the circle spins around but what we wanted to show you here is that we want you to be able to try the dotnet notebook right within the browser we wanted you to play around with it let me make this into c-sharp we're going to go into samples and I have a housing ml sample right here right so let's walk through this experience you can install and you get packages right so this allows you to customize it a Dane you get packages that you'd like I'm going to hit shift enter enter what this is doing is it going to Newgate it's installing those packages for me this will take a few minutes but as we want you to know that if you are using this on your site you can install as many packages as you would like you can use work you can notice that we're using the ml package we're using Auto ml and we're also pulling that the data data frames NuGet package as well but as that's installing let's look through the rest of the code so I can run through it we're able to use our packages in the next cell as it some of you might know notebooks have cell by cell execution we also wanted to make sure that people had graphs being able to plot there so we wanted to make sure that people are able to display graphs scatter plots right within the new get packages was right within the notebook wanted to make sure that we made this feel authentic to people who are coming from the Python notebook space but we also wanted to make sure that our customers who are regularly who a regular dotnet developers but this also felt authentic and natural to them so I'm going to run the next browser maybe it's our next cell shift and turn alright and as you can see we have a nice table that has been delayed we've actually been able to display table of the housing data we can also plot some grass which I think would be the cool thing so let's start looking at some cool stuff all right let's run that again all right so I'm going to go over to duck's samples and housing let's pull in some packages bear with me I am so sorry but this should take a faster time the next time around we've installed our packages we're waiting for just one more which was been successfully installed let's run this the housing data alright so what we wanted people to be able to do is see the graphs and customize these graphs authentic clean and know ok so let's give it a moment and what we should see in a bit is a histogram that shows us H end of all the housing data across California well while we're doing that okay let's do it one more time think the third yes there we go it just needed one more time if you hit it hard enough it will happen so what we can see is that we have a histogram that shows all the data if you're someone coming from the notebook space we also have support so you can zoom in and see these things in more detail we also wanted to make sure that you're able you're able to do more interesting graphs like scatter plots so let's run this give in a moment all right and as you can see we have a scatter plot and you guess which state this is California sorry I don't have a live audience it's California as we can see the pricing is pretty high but let's say I wanted to zoom in a little more I can do this I can zoom in on some of the hot spots what this will do is I will actually cancel out everything else so we want that rich interactive experience that people have come to expect and we're looking forward to your feedback so if you have any questions on how to get started with the dotnet kernel that would come at around ignite time we won't have anything for people to try at the moment however we do have the mind binder experiences available right now so if you go over to our github page and you'll be able to launch it right there from launching launch my browser so we have a couple of minutes for questions I believe when we have a chance and we can give it a go we are ready for questions sake well hopefully you can see us here I brought my brand-new phone that was really awkward well you know the first thing that's kind of cool yeah yes yeah this one right here mica I feel about what you just showed us I think it's awesome have you ever tried have you ever tried tried net you're gonna love this I'm reading upside down it looks like a fairly simple way to learn and write some c-sharp code inside your browser without having to first create a visual Co solution plot plus lots of sample code aims at new learners check it out you have a fan yeah you really do and there's a there's a there's a gif and I'm gonna say gif for all of you out there listening I'm not I will not sage if it's not be nut butter okay of the the guy the Australian guy going like this two thumbs up alright what else do we have over here let's see wish this had been around when I was working on bit frost by frost by frost a few years back looks really impressive for dotnet open-source projects like I'm wondering if this guy's Thor I think you might be okay I think you might be ample time worth hi yeah oh yeah but of course hi for me to you alright here's another one from John great to see the improvements Microsoft has made in language platform documentation I still remember the huge stack of books from C 6.0 that's a long time ago should have included a back brace with the product this is pretty cool I love I love the idea of being able to learn and read as you go I'm personally a fan of notebooks I'm so glad c-sharp is coming to it and the try dotnet stuff is really cool so if you could give people one takeaway from your session what would it be it would be number one can you only be one or can I get two can you you could give as many as you want okay this is your session number one please go and try the dotnet try global tome give it a try make sure using it for your next workshop we're looking forward to hearing how you're doing with it we've had people try it with workshops that are pulling from Azure function so I would love to see more workshops with that also if you want to give it give the binder experience a try let me walk through that experience one more time so people can look at it because I had some technical issues because you know that's the world so let's do that so if you go to our github repo which is dotnet slash trying you scroll down all our code base you'll notice launch my binder right so when you launch my binder what this is doing is that it is spinning up a container for you and you're able to actually start running and writing that code right within the browser so it's pulling in core SDK and all that kind of stuff now for it to even look nice um look at it in the lab format which I just think is always like a nicer way to look at this experience I'm a fan it's really cool I also want to point out we do have f-sharp support I don't know if people saw that exact is Phillips now they live in XNA we do have f-sharp support so if you weren't there you go to Doc's there's an output there is a bug which I can fix right now hit run but this has all the nice F sharp expectations that people will have and my team will continue to work on that fantastic um if you look at the C sharp as well let's go up when look at C sharp you will find two different samples you have one to the housing sample and just to give reference to this housing sample is literally pulled out of a data science book and Eric did a side-by-side and was able to replicate this entire experience right within the browser and we also have a repo one which I should have run to show you how we are actively keeping track on the issues that you're doing and we're actively trying to close them fantastic and then wait for ignite so you can start installing the bits on your machine all right nice we have another question is it possible to integrate try dotnet with doc FX documentation tried out net and doc effects not at the moment now okay okay and I think there's one more isn't this one yeah can I take a subset of the try dotnet code and use it to incorporate c-sharp scripts within existing applications Oh Jeremy good question yes you can just look at our repo and ask us questions and here's another one with another awesome yeah yep Yoda wise when it says so do what you can as there is no try try dotnet dotnet like I love the cool with Jupiter notebooks like that I'm trying to like parse it this is really good stuff okay it says so do what you can as there is no try try dot dotnet the cool with Jupiter notebooks tonic I will I will decipher that I think is a hideout net is cool and we're also excited about the Jupiter notebooks experience are we ready to go to the next yeah we have what's new in F sharp with Philip so Philip now is it Philip or fillers it's like doctor same with a British accent defib

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