Wednesday 23 October 2024

Boosting your Xamarin Development Productivity

all right we have Maddy Maddy Lachey is here and you're gonna show us xamarin so productivity in xamarin I am yes awesome so whenever you are ready great yeah so I'm Maddy Legere I am a program manager on xamarin I work on tooling and most specifically xamarin forms tooling but what I am going to show you today are across your whole development lifecycle a bunch of different ways that you can boost your productivity when making your xamarin forms and xamarin apps so i'm gonna share my screen we're gonna do some slides real quick I only have a few only have like 30 minutes so I have a bunch of things to get through and then we'll do a demo some stuff towards the end give you some links close out my face on top Oh minimize that by okay and then hey present okay this is good channel 9 oh good yeah I'll take that as a yes I haven't heard anything otherwise oh great so well boosting your xamarin development productivity like I said I'm Maddie we're gonna jump right into it if you have not heard of xamarin before xamarin is Microsoft's open source app platform for building apps for any kind of mobile or watch or TV that you can imagine using dotnet so you see sharp you use all the familiar tools and things that you are used to but you also get a hundred percent native access native API access to those platforms so if you're building an iOS app using xamarin iOS and you want to use the latest and greatest features like dark mode and all that you have all the ability and capabilities to do that using c-sharp so you don't have to go into Swift or Objective C ever so the architecture of the xamarin app if you haven't seen this slide before it's basically you have all the projects for your dotnet project where you can share your c-sharp code your android and your iOS and your watch and whatever projects and then you have a whole bunch of shared c-sharp your shared business logic your shared api is using xamarin essentials to do things like turn on your flash and turn on or use the accelerometer and then if you're using xamarin forms you can share all yours Amla UI and then you still have these three iOS Android and and your uwp or a watch or whatever other projects you have in there to drill down to that native code so they're super high performance like I said you get all the native API access that you need so you never have to go into a different language if you don't want to you can do everything that you could do with native mobile using c-sharp so let's jump into what we're gonna talk about today which is ways to boost your productivity when you're using xamarin or xamarin forms so you know Visual Studio for Mac Visual Studio for Windows that was the the big splash earlier this week is we shipped 16.3 on Windows and 8.3 on Mac which both include some great updates for exam and developers and you're productivities as well as like the whole 16.0 and 8.0 so the the 2019 series has been super super focused from the tooling teams and xamarin on making these four steps of your life easier so when you're coding when you're building your app and then deploying that app onto your simulator or your emulator or your device and then you know increasing the speed with which you iterate so whether that's your UI or your actual code or your business logic we want to make all of these steps faster so first and foremost the thing that you do every day as a developer is you're gonna be writing code and things like we wanted to do on both Windows and Mac were increased the speed with which you could write code and the accuracy and the confidence and get rid of as many typos as possible so the one of the things that we brought over was Intelli code support from the entelechy manned visual studio for Windows they were able to make and Teleco work with xamarin forms zamel which was fantastic so if you aren't familiar with Intel akkad it basically you can see these little stars here it predicts what you're gonna type using a huge data set of similar projects so if you're doing uwp or WPF and your c-sharp or in your sam'l it's gonna tell you what it thinks you should type next it'll tell you the properties that most people type with when they open a button tag and likewise with like new tags or new layouts so it works out of the box with xamarin forms amal and we're also working on bringing it over for android xml for xamarin android projects which will hopefully really increase your UI coding speed and it does already work with c-sharp for all your different projects which is fantastic on the Mac side we've done a bunch of different pieces of work to bring together the experience between Visual Studio for Windows so what you expect from your intellisense there and your refactorings and your quick actions and bring those over to Mac and the first thing we did came out and I believe 8.1 and it was a brand new optimized code editor so the brains of it are shared with Windows so what that means is these things like multi caret editing and your quick actions and being able to do things with like right-click for each to link all of that great stuff that the visual studio for Windows team at an editor team did those all came over using the same brains and logic but we also rebuilt the editor surface itself so that it's super fast super native very fluid you get right-to-left tech support you get different language support and you get emoji support all important things and so once we brought over the code and the c-sharp editor we then set our sights on the zamel editor and using the same method so sharing the brains but having this native super fast editor we were able to bring over the sam'l intellisense in engine from windows so now right out of the box with Visual Studio for mac you're gonna get really really rich intellisense with your zamel so auto completion and things like fuzzy matching and substring matching and things that you'd expect from your intellisense on windows all the autocomplete lightbulbs refactorings resource completion namespace completion the list goes on and on so as always you can check those amber and blogs for details on all of these things but these are all in Visual Studio for Mac the code and sam'l editors in the stable today and been there since 8.2 so hopefully you've been using them for a while so another thing that we've been working on separate from the sam'l and c-sharp site is the Android XML experience so there's a lot of stuff going on in this world I highly recommend you go and watch John Douglass's talk from last night he went into depth on a bunch of the improvements that are going on from the Android SDK and tooling worlds so go back and watch that I'm not gonna get too much into it today cuz he did a really good job covering it last night but this is just a sneak peek of some of the great things going on like layout linting and new intellisense and light bulbs and great stuff with the xml world great so you're coding faster than ever you're super accurate your Intel ACOTA is writing all your code for you you don't even have to think anymore makes it super easy the next thing you have to do is build your app and we always always always are looking at ways to make building faster because it's something you have to do every time you want to validate a change you make so if we can save you a couple seconds every day you might be making less cups of coffee while you're waiting for your builds to finish but we're gonna make you a much more productive developer so using one of our reference apps that you can grab on github it's called smarten hotel 360 it's a huge app it has a bunch of dependencies it uses custom controls it's got a really intense UI and lots of pages we use this as a benchmark to test a whole bunch of different improvements we did to our build system specifically for Android because we wanted to target that first and we are excited to share these results from Visual Studio 2019 and these are a couple months back the 16.0 figures but it's continued to get better and better since we shipped visual studio 20 1960 now and 8.0 and April April so you can see here like the times for first builds incremental builds and deploys have gone way down and that hopefully saves you a lot of time every single day so we did a performance challenge with all the different improvements you can make to your Android app and make your builds faster and your deployments faster and all that great stuff so definitely check that out that is also on our blog it's also on the github the I think it's on John Douglas is github and I'm sure he's also talked about it in his talk last night so check that back out so that's building faster which is a huge part of what you do every day and then you build it you hit play in Visual Studio and you have to deploy your code to your device or your emulator your simulator so deploy is actually kind of a two-fold problem because hey you want to deploy things faster and you want to make sure that you can debug as quickly as possible but you also don't want to be giving your end users and your customers a huge app so it's a tricky problem we've been working on solving in a couple different ways one of the first things that we did was called startup tracing and the idea with this is that there are some things we don't need to redo every single time you deploy and we can actually ahead of time compile some of the code in your app not all of it because that makes your app size huge but some of it to give you a much faster startup time so you can see what these stats here with when you do regular äôt so you compile everything ahead of time you save over a second in your startup speed but you also double your app size which is really bad with profiled äôt which we call startup tracing so we looked at the things that we can pay ot for you that aren't gonna make your app huge so it's only a four megabyte increase in this sample app but you still save over a second there with your startup speed so it's much faster and the best part about startup tracing all you have to do is take a checkbox to turn it on so go into your Android build settings enable startup tracing boom done faster and not that much of an increase in your apk so another thing we're doing with deployments and this is more on that size side of things is something called Android app bundles an Android built this functionality in recently it came out a couple months ago and there's a bunch of but a bunch of talk about it but basically the way Android traditionally worked is they downloaded everything you could ever need when it came to languages and screen sizes and all of that and that's why your Android apps were huge but what you can do now is very easily use something called an Android app bundle which will download only what your device needs so if I have specific languages that I use and I have one Rose Ellucian on my device and one type of processor that is the apk that might my phone will download for me and we have support for this now in Visual Studio 16.3 and 8.3 so go ahead try it out and this is also part of that Android size and performance challenge so you can see people's results with that right away as well on this Ameren block alright so let's see how we're doing on time Oh plenty of time good so now you are coding faster than ever you're building faster than ever you're deploying faster and you have smaller apps which is great then you want to iterate on things and something that we know folks tweak the most is you eyes so you're pushing pixels you want to make sure that button is just a little bit bigger something's off center and you have to fix it but waiting for those builds and deploys for just a small like one-line zamel change can be really painful and that is where zamel hot reload for xamarin forms came from and so we announced this back in July as a private preview at xamarin developer summit you can watch that whole announcement on the xamarin Developers YouTube but we are excited that in Visual Studio 16.3 this is built right in there's no setup there's no private preview there's no you know like anything you have to do or sign-in or anything you can go in and I'll show you how to do it and take a check box and you can start using sam'l heart real it for exam room forms so the feature itself is still in preview which means that there are still things that are going to change and there are still things we know we need to work on but we wanted to build it into Visual Studio so you can start using it right away and not have to do anything weird and give us your feedback so we can make it better and push it to be a stable feature as soon as possible so like I said you can get it with 16.3 or 8.3 today I'll show you how to turn it on in just a minute but some of the key points for sam'l hot reload for xamarin forms are that it's just running your app so if you haven't heard of a hot reload before the idea of it is that you deploy your app you change your sam'l or change your UI and in whatever language that is and if you're using something else you hit save and then your app quickly refreshes just the page you're working on and it saves your navigation it saves your view model and you can just see what that change is gonna look like super quick feedback and what we did with our heart reload is we made sure it was really smart it was really resilient it leveraged the amazing tools you have inside a visual studio like your intellisense it works with your custom controls and your third-party libraries and frameworks it works with all the great new xamarin forms features and it works on your Android or iOS emulators simulators and devices so anywhere that you're gonna be deploying or your xamarin apps you're gonna be using sam'l hot reload you can be using sample hot reload so let take a look at how it works so I'm gonna close out of my powerpoint hopefully this work is fine no Skype notifications which means I hope everyone heard me okay I'm gonna open my visual studio and here I am I am in James Monte mag nose monkeys app so there's a couple reasons I like using this app as a demo one is it has a custom controls and a lot of other things but I haven't changed anything except for an updated heads Ameren forms so xamarin Zabel heart reload does requires Ameren forms 4.1 if you want to learn more about why we have a good blog post about like the somewhat of the architecture of it you can go see that on the xamarin blog but if you're not on xamarin forms 4.1 yet it's 4.2 is the stable now you have no excuses go upgrade it's great lots of new features in xamarin forms so i upgraded that and then all I had to do to start using zamel Heart reload is go to visual studio preferences and if you are on Windows I know I'm on Mac you can go to tools options and then xamarin hot reload and Mac it is visual studio preferences projects xamarin hot reload and then click this checkbox enable zoom or not reload so then I'm gonna hit play start debugging I already have my emulator up you can see I'm on iOS 13 so fingers crossed because as I'm sure you all know the update craziness no you never know what breaks but it was working earlier so it's gonna build my project it's gonna start spinning up all my hot reload assemblies and boop-boop take its time nothing in the output okay it's thinking that's successful okay so hot reload is nice enough to tell me that James had his linker on so I can go ahead and it's still gonna launch my app hi reload isn't gonna throw up everywhere but it's not gonna work yet so let's close out of this stop debugging and I'm gonna open my build settings with this little button and James has it on linked frameworks SDKs only so you're gonna set it to don't link right there so definitely I've had some questions about this from the private preview why do I have to try up a linker well first of all you shouldn't have your linker on and your debug builds because it's going to make your build slower and linking is just to make your apk smaller or your app if you're using the iPhone itself like a physical iPhone you want to put in the additional em touch arguments - - interpreter and that tells your iPhone your physical device it's okay for visual studio to spit code back at your device and make it refresh it otherwise Apple doesn't like when you do that but that's how hot reload works it just sends more code to your device so you don't need that for the simulator but make sure that you do set your blinker - don't link and then you update your xamarin forms okay let's try this again hit play boo build successful great so it spins right up and OH encountered a problem what don't do okay let's try this quit that quit that and we'll restart Visual Studio a classic yes yeah so hot reload it like I said it's a preview feature but it has been tested with all the latest bits that we shipped out so your your iOS 13 and Xcode 11 and your Catalina it does work with which is awesome and then we'll just go back into visual studio sometimes you need to do like a good old bit obsolete but this should spin right up for us I don't double check that my linker settings I set those right and I deleted interpreter yep iPhone simulator got my supported architectures taking its time and eyes that make sure my same reformed version is good yep let's do it all over again I mean every bill did you do that all right there we go connecting watching oh no what's going on oh oh all right let's try updating my Zam reforms one more time if you haven't seen the new solution level Mac nougat package manager it's fantastic by the way so I can go to manage NuGet packages for my whole solution now check my xamarin forums late a stable good at package select all my packages make sure we're doing good on time close that out and we'll do a full rebuild after this one and hope that works if not we'll switch to another project and see if that one's working okay rebuild all let it clean let it build do double-check my build settings one last time while we wait this let this happen yo yep yep this is when I would go make a cup of coffee if I was a xamarin developer but I'm sure that I'm getting a bunch of messages right now like clear bit on so let me check that too while we're here reveal and find her oh well let that build and see I play Connect let's go and yay okay great a classic rebuild it does the trick every time and hopefully I don't run too short on time but we still have a few minutes which is good so we are in like I said James's Monkees app which is awesome it shows you a list of monkeys this like I said it was a mohawk reload it's just running your app so literally I can click in and go to my different pages I can pull it down and scroll around just like I would if I was on device I could be using my device and screaming it or not I know it were great so the first thing I can do is I can go ahead and like start switching up my bindings so change location and change name so now this should say Africa and Asia up top and baboon on the bottom which is great but exactly what I wanted and you can see how instantly that refreshes so I can switch it back hit save good to go James has this amazing circle image custom control and it's pulled in through nougat it's right here Oh didn't mean double click that Oh what you don't have focus is something blurry okay I don't know I just heard something but I can change the color of this to blue hit save I can hear you Channel nine hi Jamie so okay yeah so I've gone and I've changed in the border color I'm changing the border thickness my custom controls update right away I can go into like this page so I'll I can click on let's go to this Golden Lion and like I said it does hold your your navigation and your view model so what James did here was he found his view model in the code behind so right here which means that when I hit save and it refreshes my zamel page it's not gonna try and reload my view model every time so if I go into the details page here which is this page I'm on right now I can do things like change the location and the name and change my border color change my border thickness 23 and hit save and all of those things are going to get updated right away on my emulator my simulator right to the side here so that's kind of the basics let's go into a shell app as well so I'm gonna stop debugging that open another visual studio and hopefully this one's in a good mood to do do I have to pin abdu this one as well but we'll see hit play and so if you didn't see David or it now stalk on Monday afternoon or morning Pacific time maybe that is all on demand right now you can go see it on the YouTube and the twitch but he went into depth about all the great things you can do with shell so if you haven't heard of shell before it's basically a way to describe the visual hierarchy of your app in one file so you'll see the the exact same app we were just looking at sort of with the with a browse and a list view but this one also has the about page they're all described as these tabs right here and I want to show in this app some of the other great features you can do with hot reload so one of them is being able to change all your resources so if I wanted to change the color on this about page of this button I'll hit save it's immediately gonna refresh and change that static resource up here which is down all the way down at the bottom of the page and this button now if I wanted to move these resources Wow I'm running my app to my app dogs Amal resource dictionary or merge resource dictionary somewhere I can cut it and hit save now hurry low doesn't know where those resources are anymore so you can see it doesn't crash the app instead it just uses intellisense and that great new zamel editor on mac to tell me that it doesn't know where that static resources anymore and then it just takes out the things it doesn't know what to do with so the sack layout is still there it just took out the background color cuz it doesn't know where to find it so I would go drop these in my app resources hit save because I just edited an app level file it's gonna take me back to the beginning of my navigation state but if I go back into my about page all my resources are back there and I can go ahead and change this to something like fuchsia which I can never spell alright and hit save it's gonna bounce me back to the top navigate right back right there and then I can go ahead and change where this is referencing it from so if I wanted to change my background color to primary - and hit save there we go perfect you can see the intellisense pops away when it realizes that resource is there additionally I can go into my shell and start editing things there as well so if I wanted to change like the actual primary navigation color of my app so let's make this lime this is gonna start being a really ugly app in just a second it pops back to the top because it's an app level file app shell but it's gonna change my color right there so let's change it to black so you can see those tabs a little bit better and then I can go ahead and do something like copy paste this tab a couple times hit save and see them immediately pop up and because shell is handling my navigation for me and because this is using content templates in the data template for about page the navigation already works and this is all just editing my zamel so super easy again it's resilient so let's say that I misspelled the color black because I'm really tired it's just gonna get rid of that color for me it's gonna highlight it and it's gonna tell me it doesn't know what that color is so that's kind of the the nitty gritty getting up and running with hot reload and seeing all the different features it has like I said it's a preview feature so definitely report problems on help report a problem right here or help send feedback or porta power of them on Windows and let us know what other features you want for sure so let's pop back into the sides real quick I only have two more slides one is a bunch of links so I should have linked to all of the amazing already existing exam Rand talks but you can find them all from the page that you're on to watch this right now so do that additionally you can learn more about hot reload in the public preview an aka MSI's amo hot reload you can learn about the docs at Samuel hot reload Docs and that's where you will find all the things I showed you about how to set it up and some of the features you can do with it and then if you want to go check out James's app there's the github right here as well there's one more session on xamarin and dotnet conf it's tonight it's mixed reality with xamarin a geospatial anchors which is an amazing talk it's by sui key so definitely go watch it if you are around at that time and that's it so hopefully we have time for a question or two I know there was some demo issues but love to get your questions and as always feel free to tweet me or email me at value one or one and I can get back to you so let me stop sharing my screen and then we can do some questions hopefully there were a bunch of questions but James answered them all yeah oh wow now if you have any directly from Eddie James and Pearson in the channel answering them as well yeah sorry for the interruption there do you mind closing your screen so we stopped getting the screen section oh is that what's going on yeah I stopped sharing it but it's still showing my face that's all they're weird all right well cool thank you everyone well thank you so much all right Jenna later he's at for Easter night okay yes all right yeah we're going to switch over to Elton and thanks Maddie I

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Building Bots Part 1

it's about time we did a toolbox episode on BOTS hi welcome to visual studio toolbox I'm your host Robert green and jo...