Wednesday 23 October 2024

Breakpoint Groups in Visual Studio

hello everyone I'm Isadora I'm an engineer in the visual studio debugger team at Microsoft and for this demo I'm going to show you what breakpoint groups are and how they can be very useful when you're context switching between different bugs in the same project so for this particular demo what I have here on the right you can see it's a very chaotic city which is authenticity so this is a fort from transport icon which is a very cute and sweet game that I wanted to use for this demo this project as you can see has a lot of files so if I just want to keep track and have a debugging workflow here I'm quickly going insane but before we can go on and say let's just try to understand what this actually does just we can have some context because context is pretty important when you are debugging something so here you have a poses it's picking up people and going back this is like one of my favorites they have this pretty training that's going here and pick you up around and getting back to the city and you also have this Mayo buses that are just delivering mayo and coming back to it so they are all different doing different stuff and one thing that you may have noticed is that through all these different kind of things there are different things that I want to make one of the book so if you look here I already have a set of breakpoints that I picked just for this demo so here I have stuff like order trace and check and you can already have seen here that these are actually a group of breakpoints that point your other ones so it's much quicker if I'm debugging a particular context but let's say that I just want to debug order comments so every time someone has an order I'm going to stop here and then I can just step through and see what's doing oh for example here it's asking this guy this phone call here to go to this particular station and I can see oh this is and then I can just be super confused about it or maybe I can just pick this group idea and say that's his name now and if I hit continue I'm just going to stay here and let's say that I don't want to debug orders anymore and what I actually want to do is I want to debug traits so I can just click this right and it's automatically enable all these other breakpoints and then I can just hit continue and then you can see that I already checked if the train stay in Depot or not but I say I don't actually want to be here I want to be somewhere else so I can just drag this breakpoint around maybe around here before it even has a chance to return and then you can see that I even reverse my train and it's a different thing and it's all part of this breakpoints here and then I can just quickly keep stepping and going through different things and I have all the things that I want evolving trains and I can even do other stuff like let's say they only want to debug trainings when order has been emitted so what I can do here is actually set that I only want this to be hit when this breakpoint for order has also been chosen so you can see that they are all disabled and then I actually have to enable my parent breakpoint and as soon as an order has been updated here right here you can see that all these other breakpoints were just activated so this can also be very useful to have a function that SD cost several hundred thousands of times and just want to enable them in a particular context and similarly I have this other I can do like check orders so like every time someone's updating the order I'm doing something or just when someone is unloading the cargo I can go ahead and see whatever they are doing and yes just so useful when you're sharing like projects with like a huge team or like a huge code base and you just want to keep your debugging workflow saved somewhere and actually persisted and actually being able to jump through different context switches around one of my favorite things that even has support for emojis so you can put Emojis anywhere you want I highly recommend it if you ever want to try something else in your debugging workflow and that's pretty much it so for follow-ups I highly recommend checking out the Twitter handle for vs debugger or the blog post for breakpoint groups you can find much more information about how to create them how to use them or just how to improve your debugging experience in general

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