Wednesday 23 October 2024

Bridge to Kubernetes

>> Don't you wish you could just focus on one micro-service instead of having to drag in the whole set of micro-services, and all of those related dependencies in Kubernetes? Well, it turns out you can. So join me and Nick Greenfield on this episode of Visual Studio Toolbox. [MUSIC] Hey everyone. Welcome to Visual Studio Toolbox. I'm your host, Leslie Richardson. Today, I'm joined by Nick Greenfield, who is a Program Manager on the Bridge to Kubernetes team. Welcome Nick. >> Hey, how's [inaudible] going? Thanks for having me. >> Yeah. Thanks to be here. It's a very smoky day out, but enough about that. The cool thing is that I hear there's this new feature available as part of Kubernetes called Bridge to Kubernetes. Can you tell us a little bit about what that is? >> Sure. Bridge to Kubernetes is an iterative development tool for developers that are authoring micro-service applications that target Kubernetes. It's offered as a client experience in both Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code through extensions that you can pick up in the marketplace. >> So what are some of the existing approaches that are kind of similar to Bridge to Kubernetes that can help address that issue? >> That's a good segue to this next slide that I have here. There's a lot of different tools and methods for solving these kind of challenges where you're working on a single micro-service in the context of a larger application. We've kind of categorized all those different methods and tools into three main buckets. There's the local approach, the remote approach, and then the hybrid approach. So like these columns that I'm showing here. The rows are key characteristics that we've learned are really important to developers when trying to be successful in their day-to-day task of developing their micro-service code. To go through these quickly, and I'll talk about where Bridge to Kubernetes falls into one of these categories. But starting with the local approach, the local approach really revolves around. I'm reading my code locally and I'm satisfying all those external dependencies on my local development machine. Whether I'm using stubs or mocks to fulfill those external dependencies, or if I'm actually running all those external dependencies on my development machine and configuring, and connected to them manually. Or if I'm even using a system like Docker Compose to run those dependencies and containers. Ultimately, what this approach does, is it allows me to work on my dev machine where everything was running on that workstation. This has a lot of great benefits as in everything's local so I get a really speedy developer inner loop experience. But it does lack in that, my dev machine is most likely going to be drastically different to the deployment environment where this code is ultimately going to be running in Kubernetes within Azure. The extreme of the local approach is moving into this remote approach. There's tools that basically allow you to write your code on your local machine. But then when it comes time to debug and test end-to-end, you take those changes and deploy them, and sync them into that deployment environment. So into Kubernetes that might be running in Azure. This plays off the weakness of local approaches that I get that fidelity to a deployed environment. Because I'm testing and debugging where this thing is ultimately going to be running. But now, I have these extra steps in my developer inner loop cycle of having to build and deploy my code. I think, working in the space for a little bit, the biggest learning that we've heard from customers, specific to this approach, is that it does add some extra friction onto a developer's workflow. Because now they have to have these operational concepts of how having to bundle their code, and build an image of their code and deploy that image into Kubernetes. What we've learned is that not all developers are accustomed to those sort of concepts and complexities. >> Yeah. >> The last approach, and this is where Bridge to Kubernetes falls in, is the hybrid approach where it's kind of the best of both worlds. Ultimately with this approach, allows you to do is write your code on your development workstation, but connect to external dependencies that are running in some remote environment. So I'm actually fulfilling all those external dependencies by connecting to my Kubernetes cluster, let's say running in Azure so that I can leverage the whole end-to-end workflow. But the only thing I'm running on my developer workstation is the code that I'm working on. Diving into that approach, this is really where we feel is like the best of both worlds, and we're seeing this resonate with customers quite well. If you're interested, I'll show you an example of how this works given that simple application that we were just talking about. >> Yeah, I do like demos. >> Cool. At a high level, when you are using the Bridge to Kubernetes, like I said, you are only responsible for running the one micro-service on your development workstation. So taking that example that I had earlier, where I have that bikes micro-service open here, which is one of these back-end APIs. The first thing you would do with Bridge to Kubernetes is create a connection to your clusters. In this case, I've created this bridge to my deployment environment. Once this connection has been made, I can actually pick from all the available services running in the cluster, which of these I want to work on locally. In this case, inside the bikes open, I would actually select the bikes micro-service. >> So can I pick multiple micro-services if I wanted to? >> Yeah. >> Or one at a time? >> No, you can pick multiple. So you'd have to have different instances of VS or VS Code open, but this can allow you to redirect multiple outlets. >> Got you. >> When I select, in this case, the bikes micro-service, we're actually putting this re-director in place. So that when I make a request that goes into the front-end of my application running in AKS, it will continue to hit all the services running in my cluster until that bikes service is called. At that point, that request will be routed to my development workstation where the Bridge that I'm running locally from here [inaudible]. >> That's really cool. It's kind of like you finish the jigsaw puzzle, and you're just kind of sticking in the missing piece when she go to run, test, deploy, all that jazz. >> Exactly. >> Nice. >> This is at a high level how Bridge to Kubernetes works. I love to show you an example of our Visual Studio experience, working on this exact application, and how you could go from zero to using Kubernetes on a project that you have of your own. >> Yeah, let's check it out. >> The first thing that I want to show you, is that application running in AKS. Is that bike renting application, where as I mentioned before, you can log in as a customer, and you can have a list of available bikes that you could reserve for a period of time. In this case, I would see the men's cruiser. Looks good. I can rent this bike. Then when I'm done using this bike, I can return this bike. It's returned back to the list of available bikes to rent. Just really simple application, just for demo purposes, right? >> Yeah. >> What I want to do is I actually want to work on one of these services. Since I'm going to show you the VS experience, it's probably appropriate that I show you the reservation engine, which is a micro-service that is written in.NET Core. >> Sounds good. >> Since you're over to VS, I have Visual Studio 2019 open. You'll notice that I have a solution that has one project open, and this is that reservation engine; that micro-service, that's responsible for actually reserving the bike. You'll notice that, over here, this is just the source code for that micro-service. There's no Docker file, there's no Kubernetes configuration, it's just that source code. >> So you don't have to sit through opening up the giant project, contain all the solutions you don't need, except for the one, right? >> Right. So it's just that one micro-service, nothing else. >> Cool. >> Now, since I have this open, and if I go to the VS marketplace and I installed the Bridge to Kubernetes extension, what will happen is I'll have this new launch profile that's available for me to use up in this list of launch profiles that I can select from. When you select the Bridge to Kubernetes launch profile, the very first time you'll be presented with this dialogue that I have open here. What this dialog allows you to do, is define the connection from your development machine to your target AKS cluster, or you can select that service that you want to redirect to your local running version. So just to quickly walk-through what's required here, [inaudible]. A subscription is required, and within that subscription, I have available clusters that I could select from. In this case, it's your Azure Kubernetes clusters. Then I have filter because I have different namespaces within that cluster, so I'm going to select the namespace that's running this application that I want to start debugging. My bicycle application is running in the bike app namespace. Within this namespace, I have a list of all those services that I saw from that diagram earlier. I want to select one of these that I want to redirect my locally running version. As I mentioned, I have the reservation engine open, so I'm going to select the reservation engine here. This next dialog here are the drop-down, basically it's asking me to select a launch profile that we want to clone. This app is a launch profile that I am familiar using with this micro-service. What we'll do is we'll clone this launch profile with some extra configuration that's taken from the Kubernetes cluster. >> Okay. Is that just to make sure that your local content is in sync with the rest of? >> Yeah, so the reason why we clone is we want to tap into how you're familiar with developing. If I'm used to developing this application locally, however that may be or whoever profile that I have set up and configured, we want to allow you to continue using that, except we'll add some additional configuration into that launch profile. That is from the Kubernetes environment that allows you to talk to those other services. It basically continues doing what you were doing before, but we'll throw in some extra configuration for you to use the Bridge to Kubernetes' functionality. >> Neat. >> Yeah. This is actually a really neat feature that we just released, I'm a little excited about. I don't know if you picked up on how we're redirecting traffic to your development machine, but that also become problematic when you're working in a shared environment. If I have other developers that are working in that same namespace on other microservices or the same one that I'm working on. Potentially we'll step on each others toes because their traffic will get sent to my machine environment. We have this isolation mode which allows you to work in isolation where only your requests that are being set will get redirected to your machine. We do that by giving you the special URL, in this case we'll prefix your URL that you're normally using through your application with your username on your machine and then this unique hash here. So that only traffic that's using this URL don't get sent to your local running version or the normal URL that everyone else would be using will continue to run in and hit the service that's running in the cluster. >> That's really cool. Ultimately, there might reach a point of course when you do need to push changes and things so you're still going to have to fix merge conflicts in that context. But as far as running and testing with the Kubernetes Cluster, it's not going to be an issue and you're not going to bump into somebody else who's also trying to access the same cluster at the same time. >> If I was working in a shared namespace you can imagine that if my friend John who was using the same namespace and working on different microservice, he would have his own special URL and I don't have my own special URL so that our traffic isn't conflicting with each other. That only my traffic is getting redirected to my machine and his traffic is getting redirected to his machine. >> Great. If only all traffic was like that. >> At this point I have this configured. Again like I mentioned before this is a onetime configuration that you would set up when getting started to boost your Kubernetes. We persist this you can always go back and change it later. But for this case I'm happy with it, so I will hit "Okay". We'll check to make sure that we can actually isolate that service and we can redirect it to your local running version. So this usually takes us a couple seconds. Cool and that's done that check passed. Now if I want to start working on the service and hit some breakpoints let's do that. I'm going to open up a file here this is the bikehelper.cs and since I'm debugging in the reservation engine microservice, so when you reserve a bike this is the service that will get executed. I can actually put a breakpoint and let's put it in this reserve bike method that seems appropriate for this service here. Then since I'm targeting that Bridge to Kubernetes launch profile I can F5 and what it's doing is going back to that diagram that I showed you before. At this point, it's creating that bridge between my developer workstation in that Kubernetes Cluster. Would you require admin privileges on the client machine to allow that traffic to be sent back and forth. So that is one dependency that developers will have to have when working with Bridge to Kubernetes. At this point what it's doing is it's establishing that connection, it's finding that service in the cluster that I want to redirect to my machine. What it's doing it finds that service is putting that redirector in place and then it's going to make it so that any requests that hit that service will actually get sent to my machine. I just got my UAC prompts so I authorized that. It looks like that connection has been made it's starting my debug session here. As you can see that special URL that I had in that dialogue where my debug session was started it actually launched that URL. So here I am with my application and you can see I have that special URL that was provided to me when I clicked, I want to work in isolation. At this point I can chart a debug at my service and an end-to-end scenario. I'm actually hitting the services that are running in AKS at this point. So this is the front end that we'll call the user microservice here we go. Now that I have a list of bikes to choose from, I can select a bike. Again all of this traffic still happening within the cluster nothing is being redirected to my machine yet. But now when I'm actually going to reserve a bike and it's going to actually send a request to that reservation engine microserver. You'll notice that that request will get sent to my VS instance, you see VS has popped open and I'm stuck at my breakpoint where I can debug, step through the code and however my debugging practices, I'm open to using wherever debugging practices that I'm familiar with. >> Cool. It's essentially skipping over the existing microservice that's up in the cluster and just redirecting to your local machine? >> Exactly. This is right so I can iterate on my code, I can make changes, I can debug maybe potential issues. Then again the only thing here that I want to call out that for me is the most exciting thing about this feature is that I'm only running that one microservice I don't have all these other services I'm leveraging them from running in that Kubernetes environment. Again, no Docker files, no [inaudible] Kubernetes Artifacts. I'm running this natively on my machine. >> Yeah, that's so cool. Even locally sometimes when trying to look at a huge project but you only need a chunk of it. It's just like I'm spending all this time debugging this other issue that's not even my responsibility. All these other dependencies. Yeah so that's cool that you don't have to worry about that. >> Yeah. In this point as was a developer I'd step through this code and when I'm have you there I can hit "Resume" and that requests will get sent back into the cluster to be completed. The really nice thing about this is that if let's say I actually make a change as a configuration change that I would need to restart my debug session. So if I was to exit my debug session here, you'll notice that I'm no longer in that debugging mode, but I have this yellow banner up here this info bar that says, "Hey, your service reservation engine is still being redirected to your machine." Yeah, I can make a configuration change and you know I'm ready to F5 again. What's going to happen is it's actually going to skip that connection that we went to initially because we're already connected. Here I am, my application launches and I can know iterate on my code as I look. >> That's great. It's almost like it got cached someplace and so you need to use again while you are in the same VS session. >> Yeah, that is the Visual Studio experience for Bridge to Kubernetes. >> That's really exciting and I think that could save people a lot of frustration. Based off of that, are there any existing limitations that you want to tell viewers about? >> These limitations, we'll we're working with hard to unblock any limitations. We're working with developers, we're understanding the applications that they're developing and where Bridge to Kubernetes fits and really just understanding the different scenarios that we need to support. I would say the one thing that we get asked constantly and I'm really excited to announce is that people want to use Bridge to Kubernetes on Kubernetes Clusters that are not AKS clusters. So a Minikube Cluster where it's basically running your Kubernetes cluster on your development machine. We are in the process of actually enabling a public preview that would allow you to use Bridge to Kubernetes on any Kubernetes platform. So it's a really exciting announcement that will happen in a very near future. >> That is really cool. Speaking of previews, how can people access this tool. Is it available yet? >> Yeah, so we recently just went GA so that's really exciting. >> Congratulations. >> Thank you. There's some quick starts under the VS code documentation under that developed with Kubernetes and we also have some getting started material under the Visual Studio container tools documentation. I will absolutely provide us some information on how did we started with those. >> That is fantastic. You already mentioned that you're working to you expand Bridge to Kubernetes functionality out to all Kubernetes platform. So what else is next for Kubernetes? >> Again, it's really understanding what the scenarios that different development teams had to use. Actually one limitation that potentially when people are watching this video will no longer be a limitation, is only targeting the Linux containers in Kubernetes. We've heard that there are a lot of development teams that are in this hybrid scenario where they're running Windows containers as well as Linux container. We want to make sure that we cater our tools to all different situations. We're really working through having this ability where we target any of these containers. >> That is very exciting. Well, thanks for sharing that, that is a really cool tool that I think can help a lot of people out. I really like that you can just segment the microservice that you need and don't have to worry about anything else seriously. >> Focus on the business logic that Microsoft [inaudible] in front of you >> How much time gets wasted just trying to figure out how another chunk that's not really your problem connects to the piece you're working on. So super exciting. >> Yeah. Well thank you. >> Thank you. Yeah, thanks for being here Nick. So go try it out, it's GA now officially. >> Yeah, we want to know what you think so we'll provide some information on how you can get in touch with our team and we want to hear about your experiences with Bridge to Kubernetes. So absolutely reach out. >> Awesome. Until next time happy coding. [MUSIC]

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