Wednesday 23 October 2024

Browser-based Exploratory Testing in Visual Studio Team Services

my name is Charles sterling I'm a senior program manager in the visual studio team and I'm excited that at connect we're releasing a browser-based exploratory testing tool here at Microsoft we've always had great test case management tools inside a visual studio team system today we're actually extending that with an exploratory testing tool so you can integrate that in your development environment this tool makes it easy for you to annotate and validate the should the value that you're shipping in your product backlog items makes it very very easy for you to file bugs it's simple to get started it's simple to acquire it works in your environments whether they are Mac Linux or Windows and also works across your devices again working with Android iPad iPhone and Windows Phone it's resilient so if you happen to crash your browser in one of these instances while you're doing the exploratory testing when you bring it back up we're gonna remember where you were and be able to let you continue on from there so what is in this brand new tool this tool is going to let you capture notes making sure that you're actually delivering the value as you think it is or actually just notes about what you want to do going forward we make it easy for you to capture screenshots and annotate those screenshots now whether or not you do the annotation in our tool or your own tool is up to you as I mentioned earlier it's very simple the file bugs and these are fairly rich bugs we actually collect information about the environment in which the bug was filed all of this had occurred in a timeline so if you actually span different pbis well actually put that in a single time list so you can actually see where that occurred and as I mentioned it enables you to actually test it across your mobile device so I'd love to show this to you as a demo we have got great test tools for formal testing and test case management if you haven't looked at them please do but this is about exploratory testing and making it integral to the dress the development cycle I wanted to show you how you access it to make it very easy to acquire you can download the exploratory testing tool from the new marketplace so if you haven't taken a look at it please do if for no other reason just to get the new exploratory testing I said make it integral to your development environment or a development process what am I talking about you can see I'm actually looking at my backlog right here and I've actually working with Cory Fowler we said that we're going to add categories to that sample and we've done that and I'll actually want to go ahead and create a exploratory test for it so I'm gonna go ahead open up the parts of limited sample and click on that exploratory test tool and right off the bat it's asking me which visual studio team service should I be using so I type in parts Unlimited I think I fumbled finger.this so let's see if we can fix this and right off the bat it knows about my projects that I'm actually working on and I've been doing this with Cory Fowler so I'm gonna go ahead and reference the quarry team now in looking at it looks awesome the team's done an amazing job but I can see that we've actually got an issue with the price of the red wheel so I'm gonna go ahead and start that session and I'm going to capture a picture of this red wheel and I'm gonna go ahead and draw a pointer to it and say something like real price revealed price is you know if this was actually you know private information I could go ahead and block the you know and and blur that information as well and this is included in a time line so I could capture multiple multiple images and it's all part of that time line you can see the time line is taking me forward in time now I mentioned that I can not only test my Windows environment but I can test my devices so I'm going to go ahead and file a bug for that wheel and I'm gonna go ahead and take a look at it in my device so I'm gonna do both things first thing is I see that my wheel is here and I could probably go ahead and add real text here please update wheel price and price needs updated and if I go back and take a look at that backlog where I was showing you that work I would actually find this bug as part of part of my current sprint go ahead and save that and it's just that easy now let's take a look at this exact same experience but on a physical device working with our friends at perfecto mobile working with our friends at perfecto we make it very very easy for you the developer to take a look at your application running on physical devices so I've entered in the credentials letting me look at the perfecto mobile cloud and you can see that I actually have a bunch of different devices in the cloud that is available to me I'm gonna go ahead and enter in my iPad and the iPad air 2 is what Corey is playing with so let's go ahead and take a look at make sure that we render okay on that device now right off the bat you can see that while we started our exploratory instance and tab 1 or the the tab to our immediate left of this one we are actually going to maintain that state and run it and know what was happening before in that same time line in the second tab that's pretty cool so I can actually span instances and span tabs inside of my browser let's go ahead and start my Safari on this air pad - with oh and it actually remembered from the last time I was looking at this that it remember this page so it looks pretty good I could see right off the bat I do have an issue with the logo it occurs in both places but I do need to file this as a bug as well so let's go ahead and bring up the exploratory testing session and take an image of the logo and I want to make sure and include the device crumbs that way the people who are looking at it know that I was actually in a device while I was capturing this particular bug ooh yes the metadata will be in the bug itself but that will ability have a visual cue of that in the picture itself and as I mentioned I did the annotation earlier in our tool I don't have to do that so I could go ahead and not do the annotation here file that bug copy this out let's see if we can actually highlight that good and like I said I'm kind of old school so I'm gonna go ahead and paste it into my paintbrush so we're going to go ahead and copy image go into paintbrush and I want the new logo we we have a new logo I actually I think I'm in charge of updating it so we're going to go ahead and update logo okay putting all of that back on the clipboard we're going to go back into my exploratory test extension and you can see that I have annotation from other tools so it's not just our tool it's the tool that actually fits your your purposes in your workflow best and this is a logo issue okay now I mentioned the fact that this was resilient so at this point weapons if I crash this application still running and it may not be the the best citizen at this point so let's go ahead and open up task manager and we find our browser is running and I'm going to go ahead and just bring it down so at this point did I lose everything let's find out I'm gonna go ahead and restart my browser and I'm gonna go ahead and reopen the test extension and you'll see right off the bat that not only did I not lose my timeline and actually remembered the bug exactly where I was at so let's go ahead and finish the typing of the title so logo bug and what was that that was a iPad air 2 I believe was actually what well we had problem even though it occurs in all places so at this point the only thing left is to bring up full circle so if I go ahead and let's look at parts unlimited I want to show it back in the development environment all those bugs are actually we're brought back in and we should be able to find those so I'm going to open up my quarry parts I'm gonna go to work and we should be able to see right off the bat of the right off the bat in our my backlog a logo bug as my last one so right there logo logo bug in air pad to bringing exploratory testing all the way into your development cycle making it fit for your devices your operating systems and your workflows as you saw we had a great demo I know I actually had a lot of fun showing it to you I just want to recap what you saw we were able to capture screenshots we were able to annotate those screenshots both in the tool that we're delivering and actually in my case paintbrush we're able to capture those notes as we walk through it we filed a couple bugs too I think and also we put all of this in a timeline and it actually spanned a couple of my different PBIS and we were able to do the exact same work across different devices showing you how the resiliency even though we had a crash in that case I was able to remember exactly where we were and continue on going forward my name is Charles sterling I hope you have a great time to connect

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Building Bots Part 1

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