Wednesday 23 October 2024

Browser Mechanics for ASP NET Developers

hey Jack John good to see you how are you right we're doing one yep let me bring it properly caffeinated yes haha one second my speak is seem to be hold on they're coming out in the wrong place why is it always the audio settings on these things never remain the default there we go now it's working hey guys sounds you sound good can you share your screen I sure can one sec for just a little bit the guy and we have screen sharing can you will see that yes there we go - fantastic and I let me just move that out of the way the screen is Jimmy there we go alright well welcome everybody who's watching who's watching Donna come wherever you are and well good morning from the UK my name is Benjamin haloth I'm an ASP insider and an independent consultant and today I'm going to be discussing browser Mechanics for developers now normally this is a longer talk that I give at various meetups and conferences regarding non dotnet tools for measuring website and web app performance and in fact Jeff's being kind enough to host me on his twitch stream before to discuss various of these tools so we're gonna dive straight in to some specifics and we're going to discuss firstly what web performance really is which I think can be grouped into about three different distinct buckets which are the HTTP request itself how frequently they are and what sort of size they are things like network latency and then we also have how long it takes the server to render something whether that's a JSON API endpoint or whether it's HTML or CSS and the browser load and pain how long it takes for your web browser be there on a tablet or a mobile to be able to draw what's on what's you know what's being delivered and be able to present a working app or site to your user so there are a number of different tools that exist within this space and we'll get straight into how we going measure performance on the front end we have we're going to briefly touch on a project called lighthouse in google crime and a great host service initially started by Google but now an open-source project it's called webpagetest and on the server side we're going to discuss jmeter and mini profiler in the sphere so without further ado let's get right to it I am gonna jump straight into an old project that I've got now this is a website I used to look after called Verbier comm it got taken offline last year it runs on Umbraco it runs using old web forms technology and it really hasn't been optimized for mobile at all and I'd like to use this as a great example of what lighthouse can do now if we use f12 dev tools we'll find all the usual bits of elements console let me just maximize us elements console sources Network and over the last few months and years there's this new tab that showed up which is called audits and this is Google Chrome's project lighthouse this will run a number of different tests on your site or your app you can choose whether you want performance progressive web app best practices accessibility and SEO you can also apply throttling so if your users if you're expecting your users to be working on three or four G networks you can actually simulate a network slow down to then see what your users are experiencing out in the wild you can also choose between desktop or mobile emulation and what we're gonna do here is we're gonna run this test now and I'm just going to move this over to the side so you can see what it looks like and as you can see it's now actually using a mobile render to then try and load the page and then gather some metrics about it so and interestingly all the tools that I'm going to demonstrate well the majority of them with the exception of mini profiler can also be run in an automated environment because performance testing is nice but at the same time automated performance testing alongside your core unit testing and integration testing should be something that you should be considering as part of your application build so we'll notice that this scores a 40 out of a hundred which isn't particularly good but it does give us some places to actually improve on things so for example we have let's see stove serves static assets with an efficient cache policy so these are items that are being served up be they pictures ESS or JavaScript and basically they're not being served with an expiry header or a cache control header what this means is that your browser doesn't understand it does not understand that it should be trying to hold on to these resources between page navigations and as a result it's gonna try and load them every single time and that's going to just increase more and more bandwidth being used for example this 340 kilobyte CSS file is going to be loaded on every single separate page load as you navigate around the site so that's a pretty big overhead that we're looking at there we've also got some other bits like removing uh new CSS turns out we can actually save 328 kilobytes there's a large amount that can actually be removed from that CSS file and let's see eliminate render blocking resources so this will be a lot of CSS that needs to be modified to avoid interfering with the paint of the page what else do we have let's see reduce the JavaScript execution time now because we're using things like jQuery and in fact I think this website's a really great example of something done badly it's got both jQuery and a legacy UI library called mootools in there and both of those are creating UI overheads too which shouldn't necessarily be there so and then it will also give you a list of things that have passed as well so properly sized images minute minify CSS and JavaScript and so on and so forth now this is built into Chrome but can also be run as I mentioned as part of a CIN CD pipeline and it's something I highly recommend so that's lighthouse the next thing we're going to look at is we're looking at web page test and if we quickly just nip back here this is web page test it's a free online hosted service as I mentioned it was originally started by Google and what it allows you to do is put in a URL and then it allows you to choose a location from where you want to test including lots of different profile so you can choose Android desktop and iOS you can choose Chrome Firefox age and ie 11 you can choose different locations in fact if you want to target users in a specific location you can notice that there are end points all around the world so Africa Middle East Asia Oceania let's just go with London UK and let's with that one and this is a website I used to work on for the formula e motorsport championship so we're now gonna run start test oh and now you want to do the capture verify there we go and let's run this so what this will be doing is this will be running three separate instances of a test and then it will be measuring all sorts of performance issues such as large images using a CDN minification all the things that lighthouse individually tests for but there's a great feature that's part of webpagetest which is something that a lot of sites and projects don't necessarily think about and that is the actual bandwidth cost to the user and this is a very very important metric which we'll come to in just a second because the average webpage are over the last few years has just grown and grown and ballooned in size we're now looking at the average site now constitutes I think it's 3 megabytes of code and that's JavaScript and CSS and assets and that is larger than the original doom game on floppy disk in fact Jeff and I coined the expression how many dooms is a webpage how heavy is it in a number of Doom's in terms of bandwidth size so as this goes now we get the waterfall breakdown here which is the same as you get in dev tools when you're looking at the network operations it tells you what's blocking what's not how long this is taking and yeah first view in 6.9 seconds that's particularly slow and we just wait for this to finish running through and let's see what that second view looks like oh that does not look like it's improved much either 6.91 and hopefully we should get our third result coming through just now now I picked this site as a particular example because the foreman area championship it's a motorsport championship it's designed to be serving up big images you know very high resolution fast pace action images for media press and fans so here we go yes if you look at the actual cut sort of breakdown in terms of bytes 70% of the entire home page is just image and that's 2 Meg now the feature I want to talk about is I mentioned the cost here we go and this opens a little project called what does my site cost and this is a great feature because this actually demonstrates how your site costs to an average consumer on a data plan in various different countries around the world so for example on a postpaid plan in Canada that page would potentially cost 40 cents to a user and that's pretty expensive if you haven't got a good caching policy within three or four pages you've already racked up a Starbucks coffee so this is a fantastic feature and webpagetest again also has a node wrapper around it so you can again integrate it with your CI CD testing and we'll come to that a little later on but this is an important metric that a lot of people do not consider when they're building their sites is the actual cost of the consumer especially if you look at places like sub-saharan Africa and the Indian subcontinent you'll find that 75% of mobile users are still only on 2 or 3 G data plans and as a result they may not necessarily have the sort of data plan that you or I do in the Western world so if you are looking to target those sorts of audiences tools like this really put a fresh perspective on what that performance and what what those sort of that byte overhead is actually costing your consumers for using your website and it's an important one to bear in mind it just offers a fresh perspective as to how much it's really costing you in terms of development in terms of potential user traction if you're losing out to users because your site is quite literally too expensive for them to access I believe youtube I hope did an experiment with an app called YouTube Lite and they noticed that once it had been deployed they noticed that the average load times had gone up now the reason was is not that the service had gotten slower but that people who previously couldn't access the service were now prepared to wait a few extra seconds waiting for their videos to load with it with lower quality advertising and that's a very important thing the response the average response time may have gone up but the number of users they got increased exponentially so this is an important thing to take away from this all right so we've covered sort of some front-end tools here and you know discussed things like minifying or CSS and some basics like header management cache control and the actual overall cost to your users what about on the server side well first thing we're going to talk about is another little tool that I have where I wait called Jamie - now jmeter is a project from the Apache Software Foundation it's mainly used as a load testing tool but it has so many versatile uses it's quite remarkable at what it can achieve so we're going to quickly pop this open alright so what we do is we set up a test plan and this is basically stored as an XML file and what we can do is set up here there's a number of threads or users so we can simulate anything from 10 to 100 even potentially speaking we could simulate a hundred thousand users what's great is that this - these plot this test plan does not just have to run on a single machine or a single server you can effectively set up slave agents to run tests so you can run a test let's say you want to run a hundred users on each machine you could set up ten virtual machines in the cloud and suddenly you've got a thousand users each looping over a single request a hundred times that gives you a million requests to your website with some very very low overheads and what you can do is simply set up an HTTP request and we've got the name of our website in here in the path we want to test interestingly the number of tests that we can actually conduct is quite substantial and if you look there is a samplers here we go so the common ones HTTP requests you also have FTP requests JDBC requests LDAP requests SMTP and TCP samplers if you really want to go down to low-level traffic and test your infrastructure the amount of information that jmeter will allow you to connect collect from all across your infrastructure whether it's API endpoints whether it's testing that your load balancers are correctly spinning up extra instances in the cloud whether your services are correctly serving even the right byte code you can test just about everything you want using jmeter i've yet to meet an example where jmeter could not do a successful it could not successfully monitor some sort of web traffic it's very very low level very powerful and completely open-source and extensible so it also allows you things like conditional controllers so you can go if or loop or while or a 4-inch there's lots and lots of different ways you can run very very customizing very extensive testing so we'll just quickly have a quick look at the graph result and we'll just quickly run this here and let's have a look to start with no pauses and over here in the top right we can see that the number of running thread is a hundred and we start to get some graph results in and we can now start to see how quickly the responses are coming back from that Forman area websites so we've got the average and median and the deviation and that seems to be doing pretty good in terms of performance that seems to be doing very well the average response time is about two seconds given the amount of traffic that we're generating that's quite impressive we'll just go ahead and terminate that and then we will kill this because that normally ends up with a thread lock now Jamie tis fantastically powerful and you can save this file as an XML file as you can seen by the file extension up here it's a JMX it's a custom XML file that you can include within most of your CI TD setups and in fact most common cloud providers have some sort of jmeter agent set up so you can have a master server that runs the report and coordinates with these slaves and it sends the test runner over to the slave and then the slave will run your test accordingly so as I say if you want to be able to successfully test that your app can handle a million two million five million people when they're set period you can do that and more importantly it's not just limited to web pages you've got every single option for every single HTTP verb within the request so you can test API endpoints you can test maybe you want to test that your API can handle you know a hundred thousand inserts let's say you're expecting a rush of signups if your new startup you can go ahead and extensively test that so that gives you je Mena and lastly we're going to quickly go over to mini profiler now many profiles are fantastic - all built by the guys over at Stack Overflow and you can see it in action over here on the Left what it does is yet some CSS and JavaScript if you're running in debug mode and it will then tell you view by view in MVC view which how long those views are taking to actually request and it will do that for every single request that's been run over time so these are all individual requests and it's telling me how long each one Terk and then it will also tell me how long the entire overall page took as well so if I reload this now this will probably take a while cuz I suspect the app pool has just fallen asleep ah there we go and suddenly that's a lot slower here we go and we can start to see even things like duplicate queries we can start looking at query execution time there's a lot here that we can look at now this is a site based on Umbraco which is why a lot of this I kind of don't look at in too much detail because a lot of the duplicate queries have good indexing on them but if you're building your own custom site with your own custom things like entity framework there's also support for things like raven DB and various other providers but yeah this is one of my favorite tools for diagnosing if there's any problems within a site this tells you where it's taking certain milliseconds to render certain partials or certain views and then you can go in into Visual Studio and take a look in some extensive detail as to what might be causing those slowdowns there is another tool like what a given honorable mention to here which is called glimpse no glimpse provide to you a bit like Elmer does for logging it provides me the dashboard unfortunately doesn't appear to be updated in the last couple of years it does have a node.js plugin it does have an plug-in I'm not sure if that means it's just stale from lack of lack of contributions from the community but I'm not sure if it's still out there so if if anyone doesn't anything about plans please leave something in the comments that would be great now I mentioned about you know how do we measure all these things and so we've got loads of different metrics from lighthouse from webpagetest and from jmeter and from mini profiler so I will cursorily go over a few bits and pieces which are some easy things which should just be straightforward to do to improve your overall website in that performance so firstly make your requests as small and as infrequent as possible used like cookie free demands move your stuff over to blob and CDN storage it's cheaper than a coffee per month gzip and deflate static resources if you can it will save you probably between 20 and 40 percent on your resources if you can gzip or deflate things and in fact as you'll see own CDN supports this out of the box if you want to gzip or deflate dynamic resources there's a couple of security risks involved in that so it's Germany not recommended I also wanna briefly touched upon HTTP 2 which is a brand new extent it's a effectively the upgrade to http 1 and 1.1 it supports single connection but multi casting multiple resources over a single connection now whilst I think that's great as a concept it's only available on later versions of Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10 so on older platforms it's not available and won't be available so it does not necessarily solve everything because you're also having to rely not only does your server have to support delivering content over HTTP 2 but then so does your client and if you're looking at devices that have got older browsers older versions of Android maybe aren't being updated again I refer back to 75% of people still and only being on 2 or 3 G and the chances are they probably got feature phones rather than smart rather than what we expect to be modern smartphones so whilst HTTP 2 is a great step in the right direction you can't necessarily rely on it to solve everything that you need caching on static resources is straightforward you can use e tanks which are generally a hash representation of your file so that if the hash changes your server can then go oh I need to re-request that resource cache control requires a little bit of configuration if you want to use that header private versus public can catch you out especially if you're in an enterprise environment and you're using a proxy in the middle which could accidentally cache things without you knowing about it and the expiry expires headers is one which then falls back on cache control right and reducing asset size this should be a given these days let's have a look so we want to minify your CSS and JavaScript if you're building single page apps my suggestion would be don't lower as you load unless you it will work reliably a good example is using an app let's say on the London metro or the New York metro if you've got Wi-Fi in the station that's great but you've only got it for two minutes if you lazy load your views in then you go through a tunnel there's no Wi-Fi the app ends up being a broken experience using an in-memory cache to boost speed if you need to use a cache to store data in temporary places whether that's Raven T being reduce or memcached use it and send 304 ever possible which is simply a 304 not modified so but again I refer back to the method of etags and I think the latest version of Windows iOS 10 supports this out of the box in terms of server render we've discussed J meter and we've discussed many profiler in terms of isolating potential issues within your load balancing infrastructure your server response times and mini profiler for isolating those instances down within your razor view one of the word of caution based on experience is that using the dynamic keyword whilst it might be popular for handling JSON objects it can cause a massive memory overhead I've worked on projects where a home page has used dynamic to cast content out of a database into what was basically a five page carousel and because it was using coarse to dynamic it was taking roughly three and a half thousand milliseconds just to produce the HTML once we'd remove that replace the dynamic calls with calls to static types the total size for the entire page was reduced to about a hundred and forty two milliseconds which was about in 97 96 percent improvement dynamics can have its uses if you don't know what the contract is for example social media API is but generally speaking they should really be avoided from a performance perspective all right and lastly ongoing monitoring as much as it's great to be able to measure your performance on an ongoing basis and make sure that you have targets that you want to hit as part of your CI NCT you also want to want to have some ongoing monitoring so there are application monitoring tools such as New Relic which I've used on a number of projects and personally quite like you brought us off loop is a fantastic project which builds off post Sharps AOP framework and it's mainly designed more for desktop environments or environments that don't have a o P so non MVC environments but it allows you to log up to the cloud I believe they also have a free tier and of course this wouldn't be done at comp without mentioning as yours own application insights which I believe also has various free tiers as well in terms of automating your performance testing I have discussed lighthouse and webpagetest and J meter and I'll briefly just go over to nudge it to the NPM package repository to show you that lighthouse can actually be run as a node module so if you take a look at the node CLI down here you can install it as a global tool and then run it against one or multiple URLs there's lots of different options for what you want to do in terms of whether you want to save those logs whether you want any particular chrome flags to be run let's see audit audit mode which will process save artifacts you can then put an output path so you can then specify JSON HTML or CSV ampere and I believe most modern CI CD environments support reading the JSON output for this and of course webpage tests as well has an NPM package that wraps it so you can then create a web pair or tomato web page tests from options all around the world whether you want to test in multiple locations depending on what sort of what sort of excuse me what sort of information how frequently you want to run tests for this you do need to request an API linking and generally speaking they will let you use the sort of global service with an API key however if you're performing an extensive number of tests it's recommended that you download web page tests from github yourself and running around private instance to be able to do your own automated testing so a plenty of options you can specify an individual server you can specify an out file as well and different locations sort of connectivity profiles as you see 3G slow 3G 3G fast 4G LTE edge and so on and so on and so forth number of runs you want to run number of late if you wish to label your test lots and different extensive options heads for you to really put your web app on your website through its paces so unfortunately in the words of Jamie Carroll apologies to Matt Damon we ran out of time I do have this in a docker image that's not quite ready yet but if you want to basically follow me on my where do we go if you want to follow me on my github at some point I will make sure that that's released later on today alright that was a quick blast around the various tools of a at the open source arena in terms of what you can do in terms of performance measuring I really hope that was informative for everybody and if you want to find out more as I say follow me on github and follow me on Twitter oh my gosh Benjamin that was great you know we we got a number of comments in the chat room as you're showing the tools hey how does this work with blazer and folks we're following along with you in trying ah with the web assembly stuff so certainly see how things you're saying about JavaScript and CSS yes they definitely apply going forward as we look at web assembly oh absolutely in fact one of the things I've chatted and so Steve Sanderson's working on web assembly and one of the things I haven't had a chance to get into the performance side of webassembly yet but one of the things I have noticed is that there is some issues with things around lazy loading and about selective assembly loading and there's a lack of bundling and stuff in there at the moment and I do I do actually want to try and contribute to that at some point so I'm not a hundred percent how this is I mean as much as those these tools will be relevant for Blaser what I want to do is I want to get into some of the detail to find out when you do actually do a full deployment what sort of build mechanisms can be tied up with this stuff to make sure that your bundles are as small as possible cuz obviously we are going to want to start delivering Blaser applications in the same sort of way and we're going to want to measure that sort of performance as well using tools like lighthouse so so yeah there is something to be said there the answer is I don't know yet how blazar handles that but the answer is I want to find out and if you want to follow me as I say if you want to follow me on Twitter or github I'm fairly certain I'll be digging into what what are those at some point once right under in fantastic samples I love the real-world application I mean that's that's great thank you no hey no worries I mean you know one of my specialties is basically I've been working for the last I'd say five years or so on high traffic right you know high performance sites going from let's say 10,000 users up to five six seven ten million and it's something that really is missing you know we we have all these fantastic tools to build all these amazing things and then we go wait hang on how do we actually you know get the scaling right and still manage to keep our hardware cost low I mean as much as the cloud is great in terms of our scalability you still need to be able to actually think about what you're you you know the balance between what your budget allows for what you're running along with the budget of your consumers but you know if your consumer is accessing your site on a slow phone and it's fast it'll be fast on a fast phone basically that's that's sort of the rule and that's why I keep I keep somebody knocking around here I keep a really old feature phone that's got like Android 3 on it and I only supports 3G and I keep that around and just go right guys if it works fast on here it'll work fast anywhere else sorry bug well thanks so much Benjamin and I we're so glad you could join us for dotnet con for 2019 it's time for a code party it's time for a code party we'll catch you later Ben fantastic thanks guys real pleasure all right

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