Wednesday 23 October 2024

Build Amazing Cloud Connected Apps With Xamarin, Azure, and App Center

my name is Matt soaked up and I'm a senior cloud advocate here at Microsoft and for the next 30 minutes I'm going to show you how to build a mobile app using xamarin connect it to the cloud with Azure and make it amazing with App Center so let's jump right into it and show you what we're building today so what I have here is you may have seen this app used a couple times yesterday and during the keynote and today it's the pretty weather app and it looks pretty good alright we have the weather condition so we're in Seattle we have the temperature we have the current date but the world doesn't revolve around Seattle right don't tell anybody the bad here but there's more cities involved and so what we're going to do is we're going to make this app fully functional and by that we're going to hit the three little icons in the bottom and then we're going to be able to sign in to Chrome say no thanks and actually be able to sign in to our app so I'm going to enter my email address and my favorite password of all time ABCD one two three four with an exclamation point sign in and what this is going to allow me to do then is save cities that I want to be able to view the weather with hit a plus button and I can now add other cities other than Seattle around enter Honolulu probably has a little bit better weather than Seattle and now I can be able to see the current weather conditions then in Honolulu so what I did is in addition to the current weather conditions added a little magic to be able to sign in and have data follow me around the different locations or different devices so let's see how we did all of that we're going to be using to build all this three things xamarin for the mobile app functions to be our compute in the cloud and then App Center mobile backend as a service that do auth and data which wraps around as repeated C and Azure cosmos DB so first up xamarin so a quick overview of what xamarin is xamarin is microsoft's framework for building performant ios and android apps but it's so much more than that you can build mac OS apps you can be able to watch OS f so you build TV OS apps you could even build apps for Samsung's Tizen operating system so it's much more than just I Oh s and Android apps and how this is done is that you've used the great power of dotnet and c-sharp so we have let's say an iOS UI and Android UI and as G sharp UI for Windows so we're going to build a UI for each one of those out separately we're using c-sharp we're using dotnet we have full access to the platform but we're building those UI separately but we're building an app that one app is still going to perform the same thing although we have to build it for each platform so when we call to that web service when we go get our our weather information it's going to be done the same way so we may as well use a shared C sharp logic way Eclair and that's where the power hammer comes in that we can write our shared logic just once and have it use across multiple platforms that well at the same time but we can do better and that's where xamarin forms pops in so what salmon forms does it gives us an abstraction of the user interface layer so let's say iOS has a button Android has a button and uwp has a button so what we're going to do then is salmon forms gives us an API that lets us program against a button and then forms takes care of emitting a natural native button for us so now we're sharing c-sharp logic for our application logic we have shared logic for a UI logic and we have more and more shared code this is great so that in a nutshell is what Zarin is the next thing I wanted to talk about is the compute layer or Azure functions and so this is a quick diagram of what we're gonna call the cloud native compute or how we're gonna architect our apps so way back in the day we had the claw on-premise architecture and so what that was was essentially that was the old data the computer underneath your desk right where you had every year to take care of everything yourself the machine make sure the operating system was good you had to install all the software yourself but as we moved along we started moving to the cloud so you had infrastructure as a service so you no longer had to take care of the hardware you then you moved a platform as a service so you didn't have to really worry about the operating system and now we're at functions as a service or serverless or are only worried about writing our code and so our answer to that is as your functions where it's events being tied to code and then we have functions and so what are some of the events that we can write that we functions run off of think of having a blob being written to blob storage or something being written to the azure queue so that in itself will actually kick off an azure function and have our code start running the secret sauce though comes in with the bindings and so what a binding means is that we can have something let's say from cosmos dd be bound to an azure function and then like a document can be sent into our function as a variable so the same thing can happen with a Azure storage table or a file it automatically gets sent in or we can write it out as well so this gives us a really powerful mechanisms to write some really cool code with a little bit of lines so scenarios to demonstrate this so let's say we had a timer going off every 15 minutes that's our event the function then kicks off it will then find and maybe clean some invalid data from a table and then we are resulting with a clean table afterwards another event could be a file a CSV file let's say gets added to blob storage we have a function then that takes that in transforms that CSV file into data rows and then from there we can display a power bi chart graphic or our scenario that we're dealing with today is our mobile app it needs a forecast it sends off an HTTP GET request to a function that function then is going to call up to a third-party weather service get the data back and then it's going to massage that data into a version version that the app can deal with send it back down to the app and in the app displays the data so let's see how we can use compute with Azure functions and add that in to our mobile xamarin application so this is what the function looks like it's some call get current conditions and it's running as an HTTP trigger so that means that as soon as a HTTP GET request comes in it's going to trigger off this function and is going to start running and then it has various requests queries that I can get a latitude and the longitude and then it runs through so actually let's kick this off and run it so it's going to compile and I'm going to run this all locally and then as that fires up I'm going to actually call it out through postman through this localhost 7:07 1 and here I have postman sup and I'm going to be passing in a latitude and a longitude of Seattle so I send it off hiren hits so now what I can do here is step through so I get my latitude and longitude out of the query string and then these next ones I'm just pulling out of essentially a config file to get my key and my URL for my third party weather service and so that's another great thing about putting this up in functions instead of having it in my mobile app I can have the key to my weather service not onboard my mobile app where it could be possibly compromised I have it up on functions within the azure cloud and it's safer eventually I could even put that in an azure key ball and really lock it down if I wanted to great so back to the function then all I'm doing here is using this client which happens to be an HTTP client calling getstring async invoking that third-party weather service getting my data back deserializing it and then finally all I'm doing here is putting it into a version that my mobile app would use so I continue that off and down here I just get this a little JSON back and this is all my map app needs to display its data so I've already actually deployed that to assure that particular function and I'm gonna run my mobile app now to actually see it in effect so I'll compile it and run it on the emulator and as it's going all I'm going to do here again is using the HTTP client is called getstring sync and it's just calling out to pretty weather that as your website's net to get its data back so as soon as it fires up still compiling and then we should have it done in just a second here hopefully and then um we'll continue on talking here we go so loads up going to deploy it to these emulator then once that's done it'll go through and the very first thing that's going to do is going to hit this weather service here get the weather info and then it's going to deploy call out to the function loading itself up and then it should come in here and that's what I did call the getstring async and I can see my weather info that came back it's the same thing as before and now it's just been updated with weather from Honolulu so there we go so that's all that's involved with loading up and calling an Azeri function from a mobile app it's just an HTTP GET request involved so that's pretty straightforward as far as it's creating just a back-end a Web API but doing with Azure functions a cloud native way of creating a Web API so now adding the real amazing stuff to functions or to our mobile app and that's with App Center and so what App Center is gonna do is gonna allow us to wrap together Azure ad b2c Active Directory b2c visit the client and also as a cosmos DB and our really nice easy-to-use developer friendly SDK and so the way this works is that a lot of y'all may be already familiar with App Center in the dev ops portion where we had build and tests and distribution so what happened is that with build what you would do is that you would connect to your favorite repo and then as soon as you would push to that repo it would build it would kick off some unit tests and maybe even some UI tests that would run on real devices and as soon as that was done everything would pass it would kick off to the distribution whether it's distributing to the stores or whether it's to some external beta testers and then you would have some Diagnostics I could run so what happened at the app crash maybe you can get full stack traces it could hook into app insights and then you have analytics where you can track how people are using your app that was App Center however there is this now this new features called the mobile backend as a service where there's authentication data and push now what's great about these features is that they interact really well amongst each other and they are super easy to use so first we'll take a peek at what the authentication does and as I mentioned before visual studio apps centers authentication works hand-in-hand with Azure Active Directory b2c so ad b2c itself is I'm gonna say it's a little bit involved in getting set up and also what App Center auth is going to help you do is going to help you ease that process of getting set up and making calls to it so it's focus is on making everything easy for you and so the other way so there's two parts involved in calling and authenticating and signing in your users there's the b2c portion and then there's the actual signing in portion which is done through Microsoft authentication library or M cell now the M cell is all done on device and that's taken care of displaying the webview and actually communicating the b2c and performing the authentication where b2c handles like calling out to Twitter or Facebook or your email to make sure you are who you say you are so you have these two pieces that need to interplay with each other nicely in order to get your sign-in experience App Center makes this whole layout this whole journey way easier this is what it looks like it's just sign in a sink now if you're familiar with what the M style framework was before it's super powerful but it was a lot of ceremony that goes along at Sutton setting it up this is what it looks like now it's super it's nice it's developer friendly and that goes right along with the App Center ethos going along with this I mentioned that right now it's just working with Azure Active Directory b2c but in the future they're implementing something called bring your own identity and so what this means is is that if you're using auth0 or if you're using firebase or if you're using Azure Active Directory already you can just bring those in to App Center and it's gonna work for you so you don't have to be just using b2c you could be using any of those other identity providers bring it in and you'll still be able to work with them behind that beautiful su K that we had then next up is the data portion so what the data gives us here is a nice wrapper around as your cosmos TV so the way is I mentioned before is that auth and data and push work together hand in hand so this is one of the ways that they do so we're logged in with auth and then user a user B and user see whenever they do some data information they get their own private partition within cosmos dB so what I want to store some data I get my user a partition the same with be the same with C but yet we still have some public data and so there's no I don't have to set up as a developer set up a new partition for anybody app centers SDK takes care of that for me now the other thing that we get with the data SDK is the ability to do offline writing if I'm connected it writes to the cloud right away also writes to an a sequel cache on device however if we're not connected just writes to the cache on device and we keep on going it'll write up to the cloud next time we're connected same thing when we're reading always read it's from the online cat or the cache on device if we're connected reads to the cloud and syncs up automatically works you don't have to worry about whether you're online or off the SDK is gonna take care of it for you so some methods here that you have you create your data model new it up and then there's a create method a delete method passing in the IDS of what you want and then the partitions here are the user documents as opposed to public and then there's a list a sink to get them all back a read for a single and then a replace which is like an absurd or an updating well cool things that we have with AB Center is that you can see data metrics from what your cosmos database looks like all within the App Center portal and you can actually go through and view different documents and the best thing at all is that there is a free tier coming along it's not there today but it is coming along soon so it is cosmos DB free tier with App Center and that's pretty really slick so let's jump in to the last demo that we have going walking on sunshine off and data with App Center so first thing I want to do is show you how we would set up the portal the epicenter portal to work with ODS and data so what I would have here is I have open up a App Center application and I have often data here so just by hitting auth it says welcome to auth connect my address subscription and I can go through I'm gonna have my pretty whether it's reading what's already in my Azure subscription user impersonation and then for the policy I have to manually add my user flow which has happens to be this user flow is the how you sign in so it's like which identity providers like if you want to connect to Facebook or if you want to connect to Twitter and then I can just say connect and that's all there is to it now my app is set up to use authentication the same with data all I'm gonna say is I want to use an existing database use my subscription hit next here which database within it user preferences which collection and that's it I would hit done so to show you one that's already set up and ready to go is one of my Android authors already there it's telling them my tenant name my application ID and the data and you can see here I have overview and then my Explorer and you can see I have both Seattle and Honolulu so the next thing what I want to do here is finally go through and show you the methods that I have set up to be able to log in and a save data so I hit the little things below and the sign in right here is just off sign and a sink I have tokens that come back an account ID which is my b2c account ID all within that I can get listing my cities out is just a data list a sink sending in a city info which just happens to be a regular class continue on and then if I when I want to add a new one we'll come through here pick a new city and crash the app so what it would look like if I would pick the new city then is say vsync instrument just says create a sync city info passing in everything I need and then what I would have there is some really really funky stuff but if I go over to my real device I can see if I load up the app it should be able to see Madison Seattle and Honolulu come up now because Madison did not save but that's okay so hopefully it saves here without crashing anything and it comes over so great that's the quick version of adding everything and using App Center with as amra mobile app so in summary we use xamarin for creating a cross-platform mobile application as your functions for our server list back in for a compute and then App Center for a mobile backend as a service data and authentication so please go out and learn more follow these documentation links for xamarin App Center often data and finally the bottom one there is all the code that you can want from this session alright my friend man how you doing today my friend I'm doing well Seth fantastic so here's a question that I always get that I thought I would ask you performance with xamarin versus native is like tell us about that you get 100% native performance with Sam earn as you would if he were writing something in Java or if you're running something with Swift you're gonna get the same native level performance as you would so there is no difference as if anything Sethi write bad code he can get back home yeah he's saying that from experience yeah we work together and so he's seen some of that all right so here's another question those Azure App Center auth work with uh securing with securing a web api being called from a desktop app that's a good question so the center app works with securing a web api calling from a mobile app I haven't tried it from a desktop app but they do support WinForms in the other portion of app centers so I'm not gonna speculate and get that project team or the development team product team into trouble but it's just a JWT token fantastic well there's a lot of good links that he put up there so make sure that you follow those and get some of the code so you can try it out yourself it's pretty amazing now as we go along make sure to remember to participate in the technical treasure hunt it's still going on you're gonna want to watch olive dot Netcom 2019 because the UH net partners are sponsoring a technical treasure hunt there will be fun challenges to solve me to be eligible to win a lot of prizes which is critical so what we're gonna do is we're going to throw to a commercial break and right after that we're gonna have a tour of what's new for zamel tools and saml islands in Visual Studio 2019 with my good friend Demetri Lyle in but this first

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