Wednesday 23 October 2024

Build productive Python web applications with Visual Studio Code, Azure and Azure DevOps

hey everyone welcome to Microsoft Connect my name is Nina Zakharchenko I'm a senior cloud developer advocate at Microsoft focusing on Python and today I'm going to show you how to build productive Python web applications with Visual Studio code Azure and as your DevOps let's get started I've set up a repository that has all the code and the steps that you need to follow along just grab it from the URL get do slash connect appear I'm I've already set up my local development environment I've cloned this repository I've also set up a virtual environment by running Python 3 - M the end and then activating that virtual environment by running source and have been activate if I do a pip freeze we'll see that I've already installed all the packages from requirements txt in this environment let's take a look at this project in Visual Studio code code has an amazing and easy shortcut that lets us open up a whole workspace at once all we need to do is type code dot in the directory we'll see I have all my files here if I look here at the bottom I'll notice something interesting yes code has automatically picked up my Python virtual environment I didn't have to do anything to get this app running locally you're gonna have to set up a few secrets the guidelines for that live in the em-dash sample file here you'll see everything that you need to setup in order to get this pop working in production I've already set up a Postgres database I've run my migrations on it I've loaded in a little bit of fixture data let's make sure that our app runs locally to do that hit ctrl and backtick to open up the python terminal we'll see that V s code automatically activates the virtual environment for us we don't have to do anything to check out our app locally we'll need to run Python manage py run server to bring up the django web server and that's kicking off now let's take a look Oh we'll see we have a local Twitter application have our tweets we can even say a new tweet if we'd like hello connect everything is working as expected now if we run into issues how do we debug our jingo app going back to vs code let's kill our development server for now let's take a look and see what our request looks like by setting a breakpoint tap to the left of the line number two create a red breakpoint dot in the gutter next open the debug panel we'll see that we have no configurations here all we need to do is click add configuration and yes code knows that we have a Python project open it creates a new Python configuration for us super easy if we want to debug our Django what we need to do now is select the Python Django debug configuration and then hit this green button right here as our debugger starts we'll see that the bottom bar has turned orange instead of blue now if we hit our URL again we'll see that the debugger has stopped at the breakpoint we have a few options here we can continue we can step over we can step into or step out but I want to show you one of my favorite features and that's the debug console if we click here to the left of the terminal we'll see this little window pop open and I have a fully featured debug environment here I have autocomplete if I wanted to take a look at the request I can just type that in there I can also interactively work with this object I can click on the arrow here I can take a look at the body any of the content parameters examine anything that I want to about the request I can also take a look at our user Bob and check out any attributes about him I'm going to continue here that's great but what about debugging Django templates our templates can get really complex and hard to navigate thankfully the s code provides that too let's open up our index.html we'll see some template code here all I have to do is click to the left of that and that our debugger breakpoint triggered here I can look at the user in the debug console like I did before I can also setup watched variables here so every time a breakpoint stops these watched variables will populate I don't have to do anything I always want to see what user is coming up on my index view I can set up the user ID or the user in the watch here super-easy it makes debugging Python web applications a complete breeze now we've got everything working locally what if we want to deploy our application to the cloud well thankfully yes code has an answer for that too check out the extensions tab here on the left hand side in order to kick this off you'll need to install a handful of them the Python extension of course along with as your account to sign into your azor account and as your app service to do the deployment once you have these extensions installed you'll see on the left-hand side here a new icon that as your icon if you click into that you'll see your app service subscription all I need to do to set up a new deploy is hit this plus button right here I need to enter a globally unique name and I'm going to select an operating system Linux along with the Python 3 7 runtime see in the corner here that the web app is being created if an resource group isn't found it'll create one along with an app service plan let's just give this a few minutes to run here I have a pre-existing deployment what did I need to do to get this going I needed to configure our application settings so our production environment needs to know how to connect to this database you you can set these application settings straight from vs code here I click here you'll see all the ones that I've set you can even right click on an individual setting and hit edit rename delete it or you can do it from the portal to easily access the portal component of this application all we need to do is right click and hit open in portal and that will pop open the portal for us and open up the specific app service if I'm once my deployment is completed to set up that deployment I would want to right-click and configure the deployment source I would want the deployment source to be local get all I would need to do is right click again and hit deploy to web app that's it just a few clicks and you have an application running let's take a look at my existing app okay right click and hit browse website and it will go straight to that URL for me here we'll see our tweet our application running in the cloud on as your website's net this is great for smaller applications smaller uses maybe you're doing a little bit of work in development or QA what if we wanted to set up a CI NCD pipeline for our application we can do that with Azure DevOps pipelines to set those up go to dev azure calm here I have an existing as your DevOps project with a few pipelines set up I have two individual pipelines one for my continuous integration one for my continuous deployment let's take a look at the continuous integration one if I edit it here we'll see that there's a yamo file path as your - CI - pipeline Dhamma that exists in or git repository we can take a quick look at that here so the siamo file describes everything that we need to do we're going to be using in a bun - image we're going to be using Python 37 we're going to install all of our requirements and then we're going to run our tests and make sure that those paths before continuing onwards with a deploy going back to our pipelines let's take a look at the continuous deployment pipeline this is also configured with another llamo file this one is also in the repository right here the deploy pipeline we're using Ubuntu again Python setting up our Python version and then setting up a few environment variables our deployment URL our deployment username and a deployment password we set those up in the portal going back to our project here opening it in the portal going to our deployment center and grabbing those environment variables from here we're going to grab does get clone URL and then we're also going to make a set of user deployment credentials setting a username and password that were then going to configure in our pipeline another important thing about this pipeline is the triggers here we'll see that we're disabling continuous integration for our deployment pipeline but we're depending on the build completion step of our CI task having set this up once I deploy to master my CI build kicks off if it goes successfully I get a deployment super quick easy and really understandable that's all I have to show you today if you want to learn more about Python as your check out this URL you can also take a look at the Django on visual studio code tutorial or take a look at the demo repo all the steps that you need are right there all laid out and I hope you all have an excellent connect it was great talking TTA bye

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