Wednesday 23 October 2024

Build Time Reflection with C++ in Year 2023 Pure Virtual C++ 2023

so next up Gabriel dostri is going to tell us about build time reflection with C plus plus in the year 2023 hey Gabby welcome thank you for coming once again have you have you been a talk every year so far I think you have yeah I'm I'm happy to uh to do it you know I'm passionate about it and uh and modules then you know anytime okay well I'll take it away okay so um you've you know as you know I've been talking about modules since uh 2015. and back then I've been busy telling everybody oh modules are great modules are truly an opportunity and uh and and that kind of stuff so today um I wanted to briefly uh tell you some of the awesome things that you can do with modules not just because your code looks better but what you can do with let's say left over of modules not real level but build artifact when you when you build your modules the compiler generates a bunch of satellite files information that it uses to process the rest of um of the program and and that build artifact is not just good for the compiler it can actually be good for you and one of the things you can do with it is to have your own reflection um I know that in the C plus plus Community we have been wanting to have a study reflection for for a while now and uh you know in my private take another couple of years or more before we get it but in between now and then what can you do so here I wanted to tell you you can do a lot of stuff um that don't actually need an upgraded compiler so so a reflection you know when a notion of reflection is just the ability of the program to uh examine query uh introspects and and not just that but also manipulates uh its own States and and structures and and behavior based on the questions that it asks itself and that's quite fairly General and some degree uh abstract but when you look at that definition you have the notion of you know introspection which is just really good query not modifying anything at all and and and indeed introspection is is just that part of uh reflection and some people say oh no you know introspection is not reflection but you know um it's usually is easier to implement uh you know we already have that in C plus plus and yeah of course you have it in other languages but in C plus for example you have um uh runtime tab information when you use tap ID on an expression or a type the compiler uh created data structure uh that it embeds in your program and then at the wrong time you can query the type and a bunch of other stuff um it's it it's something that's quite nice and you know allows um expression or something ideas that's quite easy to do as long as it is well supported when it's not well supported that's where you get a bunch of stuff so the general idea of of reflection introspection there are Notions that can be practiced at any stage of the uh development of of a program whether it is uh during pre-processing stage you know that you can use uh the string signification operator from the macro preprocessor to get the string of of a name right and and you can do concatenation so you can actually it builds more and more stuff and um you know in program you can use straight we've been using trades since uh C plus plus 11 you can query states of the of of a type or an expression an object decal type is one of those uh introspection uh operator same is no except wood and expression Ray is an exception for example so those are properties of a fixation and then of course you have runtime Behavior if you perform a dynamic cast for example that's during program execution and and the the compiler is required to generate data that embed your program in executable and and runtime it carries some operations try to find the right uh type that you cast into and and people will tell you well you know reflection is great but it doesn't it's not free it costs it costs stuff like compiler really has to embed something in your program and that can be a gigabytes so sometimes you will say Yeah in fraction is great but I'm not ready to pay the price for the additional uh you know object size increase that okay at runtime um I'm gonna Hannah cassette uh we have been waiting for uh some notion of static reflection for a very long time and some people are tired we have systems deployed that have their own meta protocol if you know the cute uh GUI system framework for example you know that it has the mooc compiler that nanometer objects compiler that look at your program and then generate supporting infrastructure to make sure that your slot and signals are connected and everything is is working uh properly that's just one one example um so if it has been taking that long to do how hard is it really I it's a type you know just associative value how how can that be the um the truth of the matter is that um if we just look at introspection for example runtime introspection um you know we have runtime RTI for example or any exceptions you can think of them as some kind of continuation uh the where you have program points State program point I want to jump back to uh later and then turn that to data that that you manipulate well what I'm doing here that is is it hinders optimizations right the compiler can't reason saying oh this thing exists there I know the structure and I can come back to it otherwise when I come back to it I can right away uh inline it or or move codes around and so forth so a cost and and furthermore uh you know one of the debates in the C plus plus Community is whether you should ever um enable exceptions or uh rcgi at all you know like type IG because well it you know it makes your program bigger yeah so we know we have uh evidence that a poor implementation of these facilities can actually be detrimental to actual adoption and it takes time and efforts to implement these things properly so it's it's non-trivial uh uh you know investment to make um now when we're talking about reflection so remember in introspection is just ability to query observing without changing the the state but reflection you not only doing query but you also want to modify the behavior of the program or generate new stuff based on what what's the well it's enough magnitude at least much more difficult uh you know in terms of deployment implementations and and so forth and once you have a you know reasonably good um reflection system in place it becomes much harder to evolve the um the language because well some of the construct that you knew when the program was compiled they were turn into Data embedded and if later you embedded in your executable if later somehow you you bring in component that was compile in the future or in the past and they do not agree on on on the protocol while you get into real trouble so once you have reflection in there and features or functionalities that are reflected become much harder to to evolve properly uh so that lead to people to say well we don't really want runtime reflection because you know we know it makes the executor much bigger and and it has much of her stuff well we just want static reflection which just means that during compilation um you know the we noticed that compiler already has those information as it's under this structure we just want to be able to um poke a little bit and then ask the compiler to generate a little bit more code but based on what is known at the time of compilation so the revolution problem is probably more reduced but you still have you know substantial work to do on a compiler so we know compiler writers C plus compiler writers we can fit them in a room and then we have millions of C plus programmers so if you can just get a couple of people suffer for they create a good of everybody else so be it so that that's good and having studying reflection you know mitigate you know many of the drawbacks that I mentioned earlier including performance and and space which is part of why uh the the standards committee and and the community as a whole have been pushing for for this for this notion um here to talk about real-time reflection and and and not static reflection and and some people are rightfully say why the hell is this thing that I'm talking about well it is not a new language feature it is not what it is is just um not making no just being you know very responsible with the resources that we have so the idea is that um as we're building the program you know during build time we we generate build artifacts and we would like to be able to augment the program the final program with uh information that we know during build time so we can generate new codes uh that gets compiled and linked with you know the the rest of the the object file that already exists to create the final program so um it's it's really involves real-time code generation and it moves the the burden from a compiler to the programmer so you know if you're interested in reflection one of questions that you should ask yourself is how much of the work that I'm asking compiler writers to do can I take on myself and how much of that can I get the community like you know help develop and and that is what you know this is about now what can you do based on what is known during build time and so the the way if you want to do build time reflection you you have to structure your your build program built uh in certain way you start with already known uh source code uh it could be you know human altered or you know machine generated and then you compile those things and then you let's say for example you have a module interface source file when you compile it you get what we call builds module interface or BMI uh or if you're using msgc we'll say you have an IFC file well that built uh build artifact contains a lot of the semantics information that compiler knows and it is possible for you as a programmer to go and crack open it and then generate new C plus plus source code that you can now get fit into the pipeline of build pipeline to augmented program and you do this iterate this process as long as you need till you don't need to generate more stuff and then when you when you link everything together uh you get a system that is fairly powerful it doesn't give you everything that static reflection will give you but my hypothesis and conjecture is that it gives you nearly about 90 percent of what we have been waiting for so it's a good thing to invest in um the for this to be successful you have to be mindful that because you're generating codes your build system how to support you know automatically generated code you know most of your systems about that and if somehow uh you're still running your own build definition by hand maybe this is the time to reconsider your your choices and see if something else can help you there okay and and another way of looking at build you know time reflection is let's say some form of grain Computing like you when you imagine you're using all these things and and then something was generated authenticity and you're not leaving it good to waste you you're reusing that information the same information at the compiler had before you two can can have that and with modules it it is there anyway like it's not additional work that we are asking the compiler they compile already did that works so we'll just being very responsible with the resources that that we have um so uh now I want to just illustrate the the idea of um uh build time um you know Reflection by using a very very simple simplified example the idea is not so much that I want to trivialize the problem it is to convey the basic of the idea once you get it I trust you that you'll take taking a run away with it and make it as complicated as you are that I trust you with so I'm just going to use a very very simple example so don't discount the example just think it is just a way of doing something it's a template and you can use it and magnify it to instantiating in other situations so the the example that I want to look at is um imagine that you you have a program uh rewriting program that has bunch of types and somehow you need to do a lot of formatting IO for formatting because you're sending data you're doing distributed computation you're sending data or network or you're saving uh you know data on file and and then bringing it back later imagine you're doing game developments and you want to save some save some characteristics of uh characters in a game or skinning and and so forth well how do you do that kind of IU thing automatically so that you don't spend your time you spend your time so you spend your time actually programming a game as opposed to doing work that is best left to machine so um the example I'm going to give you is using of course modules and what is what I use so um for this to to work properly and and and to scale we can't just go uh through the entire program and then generate IU formatting function for every single type that we find in the source file that just doesn't make any sense even I don't even compile and if it does it would just be waste so we need an ability to annotate in this this Source program hey I need something to be done automatically for this type okay so we need the hints whatever it is if you were designing a new programming language you probably need a keyword or something but remember I'm not here to talk about a new language feature I'm here to tell you what you can do with the existing language when I say existing language I'm mostly thinking about C plus plus 20 C plus plus 23 which should be out very soon and and you already have compilers out there supporting Gustav uh 23. so the ability to selectively tell the the tool the system to generate certain code for something will help reduce code blocks um and do we by doing so we also improve efficiency overall efficiency you know that space is time if your binary is Big it's probably going to hit up a lot of uh um space cache lines and and and so forth so uh take this very simple example imagine um I'm dealing with um uh points on the plane a planner geometry and I have a struct points then the usual thing have a coordinates you know X and Y of course I will go and write my own formatting function but it's boring it's boilerplate we want to increase your productivity we we want you to delegate that boring aspect to a tool just Define your abstractions and we'll take care of the rest that's what reflection is is really good at so in the example that I'm showing here like you said earlier we need the way to annotate so here I'm just using an attribute on on the type definition here the struct point to D have this attribute say uh gdr generates outputs so this is just some kind of you know DSL for me to to to to tell the tool to generate uh IU functions for for this type I don't want to write that function I want the tool to write it for me and what will happen when I do that is something like the following the the tool this you know so that helps me use uh real-time reflection will generate a new module source file it will take the uh the inputs module here the plane the geometry and he loses that name and then as basis and then we'll add reflected that output usually when you have [Music] um uh tools it's good if they they can predictively name things right and then the next thing it does all this is generated source code and say Imports to remember with C plus plus 23 now you just see import student then and then you move and do whatever uh you need to do um and you you can use this thing today like impositude works today uh if you download the uh um the msgc compiler and using your Ms build or using cmake it will take care of all of that and then the next thing it does uh they've told us is generate this function operator less than less than it takes an IR stream and point to D and then you know formats the the coordinates of the points in crystallized way and if you look at the code carefully those places are like green text you'll know that the entirely determined by the structure of the uh the class the destruct that that's here the name member and Absol so it is purely mechanical and this is something that a tool should do for you you do not need to do it the fact that the language the based language does not have this facility built in is yeah it's a shame but it's okay we can get the tools take care of those things that you can have here so like you say this is uh this is just a simple example but imagine you do not want a Authority like this you want let's say in uh Json format so you you know you'll have your tool generate the codes you know using Json library or if you want to have a banner representation on disk or you want to sign over to network now all those things the boilerplate that have structures like yeah templates that can be done automatically for you and the only thing that I so this is source code that's generally the tool and I have to make sure that my build system knows that this source file is going to be generated by the tool so that it schedules it's built properly the other thing that I as a programmer need to do is just to write my main you know program that's using this thing so plain geometry that module is something that I ordered that was input into the tool then the tool will generate automatically for me this or a module playing geometry reflected output that now I can just import an Imports to it again and I can just use um the uh the insertion uh if defaulting operator that was automatically generated based on the structure of of the class that that was defined so this is a a concrete example it is simple I agree but what I'm trying to convey here is not how sophisticated it is but how simple things can be okay and and most of you complicated um situations where you want to have static reflection you can structure the code in a way that you can actually use your system by carefully uh putting you know designing interface that so that you can have this cycle that I mentioned earlier how you orchestrate the build so the summary of course the io stream example is simple but it is a temp again it's a template you can use you can generate Json yaml if you're doing gaming game stuff is where you have a lot of Need for reflection stuff because you have types that you define in your source code but they represent stuff that you want to you know associate property is wave and and anyway that is mechanical so you can actually have a tool do these things for you these functions that are doing yeah the the the the output uh function they are automatically generated so they are always up to date with respect to the uh the type definition that is in your program right so you don't have to worry about it and and also if you happen to change the field or something you do not go you don't need to go and enhance 25 places to try to do you change those things the tool can just automatically generate everything for you and you can deploy this today we do not need to wait for another two three or five years you know decades to to get reflection and occur because this is simple enough that it can be taken care of and we can have your own like if if this doesn't work for you you can have your own generator based on the logic and the needs that you have that's the beauty of it you do not need to go and extend to the compiler you just need the compiler to tell you hey while I was building that module this is what I found is that useful to you and say oh yeah great give that to me I know how to use it okay so um all of that is kind of very high level uh description of how the code is is generated when you're using the msvc compiler and you build a module it generates an IFC file what we call builds module interface in you know standard terminology the msgc format that is the FC format is publicly documented as a matter of fact we want the community to really you know use it extend it and however it is specific a couple of years ago I gave a presentation about how you can actually decompose an IFC file and in another talk that's interesting that for you to see is one given by my colleague uh a camera on the camera and the way he he showed you know a a viewer of an FC fire written entirely in JavaScript so it's not even C plus plus right so when it when we say modules are truly an opportunity your tool doesn't need to be written in C plus right it can begin in language yeah you want as long as you can read a binary file okay um the one thing that I the last thing I wanted you to know before I go out is please start using modules today especially with C plus plus 23 where you don't need to remember which header file you need to include this and that no just say inputs to do boom and furthermore it is much faster the build time is improved because the the the the listed module which built once it's reused many many times so the combat doesn't need to re-pass it all the time it is simpler to use SPCA if you're on PCA today I really invite you to start considering using modules and and if named modules are a bit to still be step for you probably start with header unit but really what a game is is not named modules um there there is to be a a GitHub repo that contains all resource code that can use as inspiration that demonstrate what I just talked about and please call it extend it use it any way you you want and uh and give me feedback well what else would you like to see do you want an SDK how what are you going to do with it let me know um and and finally the IFC spec is is there on GitHub as well it you know it's for the community to develop contributes and and and and give feedback um with that said I'm I'm ready to to take questions thank you so much um so we've got a few questions in chat uh we have one from Antonio who says reflection is a fish hard to sell uh why not show some code you showed some code this was from from about halfway through um what arguments do you have on what there is to gain by using reflection what are the use cases for reflection C plus plus oh okay yeah so um not everybody needs reflection but the first thing I have to admit now clear hey not everybody needs reflection um I in the talk I gave the example of uh formatting that's just you know every time you're doing IU many of these types they have a photo certain pattern and they're very repetitive and you can get that automated um if you're doing gaming uh you have types the characters in your game they they tend to have properties values associated with them and you can have that saved on disk and read back automatically again the way you do that is very very structural and best done by tools if you're doing um this really competition these days we talk a lot about AI well AI is very computer intensive and they work when you're doing it work you're going to the best way to do it is you distribute it work so you have to send data over Network how do you get that done properly and and making sure that yours the data you're sending it starts everything is in sync best use you know a reflection to take care of that for you so it's not so much reflection in itself it's a tool to take care of boilerplate so that I can focus on the most creative aspects you know the joyful part of programming thanks and then we've got uh a few questions from milosh she says um do we believe static reflection would allow us to finally get rid of macros or are we cursed with uh hash if defined I'm just going to Source clang for the rest of time well okay so uh modules take care of you know a good chunk of the Democracy sorry if they have that kind of stuff taken care of by module now when we're talking about um compiler specific characteristics like you know certain features are available only on client or gccms you see uh those who will still be there um but when we're talking about code generation one of the things I I don't like macros but I also have to confess I use macros as a way to generate codes like generate sequence of tokens that are compiled by uh by the compiler well my sincere hope is that we will get a good reflection static reflection system that will take care of that huge sword of Need for um uh code generation then what is left is probably unstructured uh code sometimes you just want to include some text it has no structure to it well you still have to use you know macros for that but having something that plays by the language rules that your ID understand your group system understand is much better than having this you know character string manipulator yeah for sure and um of the the reflection repo uh you're going to pitch that live after the talk right yeah so yes yeah cool um another question is uh more theoretical but do we think it would be smart to have a pre-build step that is going to do this generation so that the IDE knows that these things exist yes I I agree yes yeah yeah it you know that's actually a good point um we talk a lot about what Reflections they great but they also add complications to the uh IB um experience where certain functions that you know now available at compile time or invoke that compile time need to be understood by the ID in order to provide um you know better experience yeah absolutely and then another more General one for everyone and a good introduction to compiler development on that one I'd recommend the book um crafting interpreters it's yes absolutely it's about interpreters but like it's mostly like all applicable to compilers as well you can like read that book and then pick up something a little bit more delving deeper into compilation techniques like uh engineering a compiler or modern compiler development in ml or C or Java whichever one you like for for some of the more compilery things but crafting interpreters is just such a a well-written and structured book that I recommend yeah 100 agree and and if anybody you know you know you should take size advice on it like this is great um and if you do it you'll find out that if you're writing an interpreter um and you want to do let's say IU for example because YouTube reads your you'll find out that you need a way to reflect the facilities in the sea headers on the C plus headers in your interpreter and this is another place where actually reflection help you write simply your interpreter that's fantastic second cat of the day here actually her name is lexical analysis cat so Mexico analysis and uh yeah uh anchor asks what compilers does is the question about GCC oh okay my my apologies they the only reason I didn't mention so I think on the last slide I said that uh use modules today you have cmic build system supports um and and they have built system support for msvc and client it comes in box uh for GCC it's not because you know it's more like the necessary support is not there so I didn't want to leave people on on something but you know you should also be mentioned that GCC also has um in support for modules okay and then there's one more on what compilers does gdr generally work with oh so uh the all the examples are built with msvc so the IFC format right now is very specific to admsvc compiler um you know I use my private you know Network private um build to do that so whatever preview is there as of today will will work um I would like to see the community um coalesce around a common format for a module bureau's module interface whether it is IFC or something else doesn't really matter but being able to have these tools work you know cross-platform cross compilers is is fundamental for for us the C plus probability to realize the uh the promise of you know modules being uh during opportunity yeah and I think that answers the next question as well which is could this work be implemented for other compilers like GCC and clang yeah um so the IFC spec is is is public and if someone feels energetic enough to to get a fork and and and generate uh IFC out of it it will work um you if you do that you do not need to change gcc's own internal representation you do not need to do that that's good it's one of work now what you will need to do is just ability to translate the IFC data structures into gccs or tax internal representation I think if I were to do that that's the way I would do it I will not uh sign up for every student right this is your client you're using obviously no no just ability to read all right that's it and then um still got time so another question is could the IFC spec be put in the C plus standard uh probably not C plus 26 or C plus 29. of course I would love that uh but the reality of thing is that from something like the LC you needed to evolve as quickly as possible the way compilers evolve whereas the the standards tend to be on three or six years raw so um if it could just be some kind of de facto stunner I think that will take care of all the Practical needs that we have and then let it evolve as quickly as it can and I would really love to to to see something like that happen great well we are out of questions and almost exactly on time um we stayed on time for the entire thing kind of thing suspicious you're running this thing quite well yeah it's our fourth year we're getting the hang of it so thank you very much Gabby thank you for everyone who has stuck around and watched all the talks uh these will be put online um on the the visual studio YouTube channel so um please keep your eye out for those going live and uh feel free to share them around if you have enjoyed um so thanks very much and hope to see you all next year

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